Chapter Eleven

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He was pissed, to say the least. How could two of his best men be taken down by two teenagers? Granted, they were Ladybug and Chat Noir, it didn't excuse the fact that fourth in command, his nephew, was killed.

That Chat Noir, and pesky Marinette. He could only imagine how bittersweet his revenge would taste. With the girl's Kwami in his possession, she was practically powerless, relying entirely on that model kid. Just the thought of the two teens, staring at each other in horror as they are slowly tortured to death, was enough to make a sickening grin curl at the corners of his lips.

And he had the perfect bait, for the two.

For Marinette, he had her Kwami, which was currently being held against her will with his other bait.

And for Adrien, he had the best bait of all.

"Marc!" His third in command, Antoine, spoke up, as the two walked down the halls, making their way to the room that was holding the live bait.

"Antoine. Any news on the two of them?" The tall Italian man shook his head in response as they continued down the dark hallway. "How can two 17 year olds get off the grid so easily?!" Marc seethed, directing his anger towards his eldest nephew.

"There isn't any news on any of them?! That's impossible! You will go back there and search, is that clear? If you come back empty handed, you don't want to know what will happen. Now get out of here, I don't want to see your face!"

Antoine quickly nodded before breaking off, turning around so he could delay the information to their intel gatherers. Marc growled in frustration as he rubbed his temple in annoyance before stepping in to the room.

"Hello, Marie."

"Marc." The woman spat, dark bags hanging under her emerald green eyes. He tangled and greasy hair hung in her eyes, unable to swipe it away, due to her hands being chained to the wall.

"Now now. That's no way to speak to your lover."


"Are you enjoying your stay? I hope you enjoy the company I've brought you as well." He gestured to the red and black spotted kwami that was currently chained by iron to the opposite wall.

"You can't keep us here! Tikki has done nothing wrong! Do you know how much that iron is hurting her?!"

"Ah yes. Iron burns fairies, doesn't it? It'll only be a little while longer though, my dear. Soon, they will be here, and once they're dead, you will be the next to go. That is, of course, if you decide to not marry me." He leaned down so his putrid breath was fanning her face, making her gag in response and turn away.

"And once I get my hands on those earrings, and that ring, I will become the strongest gang leader there ever was."

"How could you? You were a part of it, you were a part of the team to protect the kwamis and the identities of the miraculouses. How could you turn on us like that? To do the exact same thing we were trying to prevent?"

"My dear, it was you. Why would you leave me for him?" He spat out him as if it were poison to him. The face he held was incorrigible as he glared at the petite woman.

"Because I loved him, I still do. Nothing you can do or say will ever change that." In the corner of her emerald glass like eyes, she saw Tikki wincing in pain.

"That isn't true. I know I can make you love me. Once I get the miraculouses, you won't be able to resist me, my dear." He grabbed her chin with his forefinger and thumb, forcing her to looking him in his dark brown eyes.

He growled in annoyance as the petite woman spit at his face, roughly jerking her chin as he let go to wipe the saliva off his cheek.

"I'll be back mon chéri." He growled, turning his back to her. "That was what he called you, isn't it?"

Marie continued to struggle against the chains as Marc left the room. The jingling and clinking of the linked metal was the only sound in the room, besides Tikki's occasional whimpers of pain. No matter how hard Marie pulled, she just couldn't loosen the chains from the wall. She yanked and pulled, feeling the burn in her arms from being held up for so long, dark bruises forming around her tan skin, on her thin wrists.

After an hour or so, she finally gave up, relaxing her arms in defeat as she sorrowfully stared at Tikki.

"I'm sorry, Tikki." The woman whispered as she stared at the tired Kwami.

"It's okay Marie. I know Marinette. I know she is on her way here."

A silence enveloped the two for a few minutes before Marie spoke again.

"So tell me more about this Marinette."

"Oh you'd love her." Tikki squeaked as the iron burned the skin around her stomach. She took shallow breaths, making sure not to touch it again. "She's may be clumsy, especially when she gets around this boy she has a crush on. But she is a great baker, and an even better fashion designer. She's so passionate about everything she does. Whether it be about being class president, Ladybug, or a fashion designer, she always gives it her best."

Tikki sighed as tears welled in her eyes at the thought of her holder. "She's probably the best Ladybug I've ever had. Confident, smart, beautiful. The way she works with Chat Noir is amazing, you should just see it. They work together as if they were one of the same person. Though, she won't admit that she loves him, because she is so in love with the kind model at her school, everything flows perfectly around the two. I-I... I..."

"It's fine Tikki, you don't have to go on." Tikki was sniffling as hot tears rolled down her cheeks, before plopping onto the iron shackle surrounding her body.

"I miss Marinette so much, Marie. I miss her as much as I miss Plagg."


"They've found them, Marc." The gang leader smirked as he heard his nephew's words, his eyes glinting with a certain danger. "They're back in Paris. Intel thinks they're on their way to Venice."

"Now, that's an interesting turn of events..." He said, before quietly murmuring to himself. "The cat's gonna fall right for my trap."

"Take Lorenzo and Mario with you, and meet them half way."

"Mario and Lorenzo? Marc, they're our weakest ones. I advise-"

"These teens shouldn't be much. You can handle this, can't you?"

"Yes sir."

OOPSIES I DIDNT MEAN TO POST THAT. Anyways, sorry for the long wait but I'm back on a roll.

Until next time, peace!

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