Chapter Ten

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Sorry for not updating, but I'm back from New Orleans! I should be on schedule now. And sorry in advance for all the jumps in this chapter. It was only way I could get ready for the next one. And it was also the only way I could get an extra long chapter out for you guys.

Adrien groaned as Plagg droned on aimlessly to Marinette about Camembert and how that was his one true love. "Plagg, can we talk about something else? I still have a four hour walk left... I think." Marinette tried to giggle, but it ended in a coughing fit, leaving her breathing more scratchy and shallow than it already was. Plagg's amused face soon twisted into one of concern as he looked at the red faced girl, who had her bangs plastered down on her face by sweat.

The two teens were covered in dirt, scratches, and bruises, but Marinette looked the worst by far. She was shivering, even though she was sweating like she just got back from the gym, and her eyes were sunken and had dark circles under them. Beneath the circles, her cheeks were tinted a dark red.

"Are you sure you don't want to take a break Chat?" Plagg immediately shook his head and answered for Adrien. "We need to get you inside a safe place. Your wound is getting infected. And also, he says there is Camembert for me in the fridge."

"And once you get better, we're heading to Venice."

"Venice? As in, Venice, Italy?!"

"The one and only. I'll explain it to you at the safe house."

And so, for the rest of the way, Marinette slept on Chat's back, with Plagg drowsily sleeping on her shoulder.


"Plagg, you know I'm going to have to be Chat Noir from now on, especially in Venice, right? I can't risk Marinette's safety with my identity and we have no idea when Proietille Velenoso will attack."

"Yeah." Adrien jerked back in surprise, nearly waking Marinette as he stared at Plagg with wide eyes, the look of surprise extremely apparent. "What?!" An offended looking Plagg glared at his holder as they continued their hike. "I can care about people too, you know."

"I know, but I'm just surprised you care about Marinette, of all people. I mean, for two years you used to call her 'That Girl', or 'The Weird One' whenever we talked about her." Adrien shrugged as he continued on. "Since when did you start caring about her?"

"You have no reason to assume that I didn't care about her from the beginning. I didn't call you by your name for an entire year, did I?" Adrien nodded. It was true, Plagg had called him kid every time he spoke to him, until the day Adrien turned 16. Plagg had told him that as a birthday present, he had been graduated from kid, to boy. Then for his 17th birthday he had finally become Adrien. Those were a long two years.

"At least my nickname for her is better than princess." Plagg mocked Adrien as he laid against Marinette's head, using her hair as some twisted blanket.

"Oh? And what's your endearing name of affection for our precious Mari?" Adrien asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Camembert would be the only nickname Plagg would think is better than Princess.

"Kiddo or Ace. Depends."

And, Adrien was wrong.

"Kiddo or Ace? Depends on what?"

"Situation, how I'm feeling, how she's feeling, the list goes on and on." Suddenly Plagg leaned forward. "Speaking of on and on, when will this never ending walk come to an end?! This cat needs his precious Camembert!" Plagg sighed in an over dramatic fashion, before exasperatingly slumping himself back down on to Marinette's hair.

"In a minute." Adrien snarky said as he pointed at a log cabin a few feet away from them, a shit eating grin on as he confidently wore a smug face.

"... Shut up."

Adrien continued to wear his cocky smirk as he opened the creaky wooden door. Instantly, the rustic aroma hit his nose, his sensitive nose, might one add, which caused him to sneeze.

"Ugh, what is the smell? It stinks." Plagg complained. Plagg. You know, that one Kwami who is in love with the taste and scent of Camembert, possibly the worst smelling thing in humanity? Yeah, he complained about the smell of this cabin.

"There's bound to be an air freshener here, right?" Plagg shrugged, causing Adrien's smug look to quickly dissipate into one of despair.

"We can only hope. Well," Plagg yelled, clapping his hands together as he darted off inside the house. "I'm coming for you my love!" Was the screech that trailed behind the black cat as he flew away.

"He's just lucky the electricity and water was already paid for by my allowance a few months ago." Adrien muttered to himself as he walked through the dusty halls.

Note to self, clean up the dust. Adrien sneezed immediately after this thought. He felt Marinette stir against him before she suddenly stilled again. He opened a door that lead to the only bedroom in the entire cabin. Inside was a cheap queen sized mattress set on a rickety metal bed frame.

He gently set Marinette on it as the springs in the mattress creaked under her weight. He moved her sweat covered bangs to the side as he placed the back of his hand against her burning temple. He nearly jumped back as he felt her temperature. He glanced at Marinette in concern, taking note of her red face and her shallow breathing.

Plagg came into the room, but instead of having Camembert in his hands, he had an orange bottle containing small white pills.

"What are those?"

"You remember the pills I made you get from your uncle? Just in case?"


"They were for this. I thought one of you would get an infected wound. This will kill the infection and should help with the fever."

Adrien took the two white pills Plagg handed him. "I can't believe I'm saying this but, good job thinking ahead Plagg."

"Psh, whatever kid."

"And now I'm downgraded back to kid. Damn." Plagg left the room, presumably to get some more Camembert. Adrien walked with him to the kitchen to fill a bowl with cold water. He walked back to Marinette's room and tore a clean piece off of his sweatpants. He dipped it in water before wringing it out and placing it on Marinette's forehead.

"Please be okay, Princess."


Marinette groaned as she sat up, a wet towel slipping off of her temple, plopping on to her lap. She looked around at her unfamiliar surroundings before her gaze landed on her bandaged leg.

Did Chat do this?

"Finally. I was beginning to think that the princess needed a kiss to be awoken." A teasing voice said from the doorway. Her blue eyes were met with his shocking green ones. Chat leaned against the doorframe, his body wrapped in the skin tight leather.

"Take this." He walked forward and placed two small pills in her hand, before he closed her fist. "It'll help your infection and your fever." He sat down next to her, causing the old mattress and bed frame to squeak as it adjusted to the new weight added.

An almost awkward silence wrapped around them, most likely from the unsaid words. It was eating Marinette alive, her gut twisting in ways she couldn't describe.

That kiss... Him touching my, my uh... My boob? Why are they all leaving this kind of effect on me? I never felt like this around Adrien before. Granted, he never kissed me, or touched my chest. Gah! Why is this bothering me so much?! Does Chat feel the same way?

"What's wrong? Your face is all red. Well, redder than usual."

"Can... Can I try something?" Chat had a look of confusion, but nodded nonetheless. He had a gut feeling on what she wanted to try, and no matter what he thought, he couldn't resist himself from trying it as well.

Confirming his suspicions, she cupped her hands on his face before leaning in. Her lips were millimeters away from his when she stopped.

"Are you-" He cut her sentence short as his lips met her hers for a chaste kiss. He tried to prolong the kiss by placing his hand behind her head, cushioning her from the metal bars behind her. He deepened the kiss, his free hand placed under her chin.

She felt a small spark, that was beginning to lead to something great. Like he was lighting a fuse to a firework in her heart. And that firework was ready to explode.

Marinette pulled away before he could get too serious. She leaned back against the metal bars, her eyes hooded as his hands dropped down to her hips. She let her hands fall into her lap as well.

"What did you feel?" Saying that felt weird and embarrassing to Marinette, but she had to ask him. Did he feel the same thing? Or was it just one sided?

"Like the happiest person alive." Chat answered honestly, moving so he was straddling Marinette's hips, his hands placed on either side of her head as his shoulders hunched over. "And what did you feel, princess?"

"As cheesy as it sounds, I felt sparks, fireworks, anything like that." Chat smirked before he dipped his head, meeting her lips once more. But this time, their sweet and quick kiss, changed into one of a fiery passion. He kissed her like there was no tomorrow, with determination and lust.

His hands fell back down to her hips once more  as he begin to pull her down, until she was fully beneath him, lying on the bed. He rested his forearms beside her, holding his body weight so he didn't crush her as he continued their intense kiss. Her hands wound themselves into his blonde hair, gently scraping his scalp near his fake cat ears, earning a groan from him as he gently bit her lip.

He swiped his tongue against her bottom lip, asking for entrance, in which she quickly granted. Her lips were opened by his as their tongues wrestled with each other for dominance, with Marinette moaning in excitement.

Suddenly, Chat's ring began to beep. Chat pulled away in surprise as he furrowed his brows, staring at his ring in confusion.

"That shouldn't be happening?... I'll be right back." He left the room, leaving a flustered and bothered Marinette on the bed.

As soon as the door closed behind him, his transformation wore off and Plagg flew out of his ring with a pissed off look.

"What happened Plagg?"

"What happened?!" Plagg looked at Adrien incredulously. "What happened?! I'm not gonna watch you suck my little Ace's face off! If you are around her as Chat Noir, there will be no face sucking." Plagg commanded, making his point by crossing his arms.

"You will not defile my little Ace." With Plagg's tone of voice, and the stance he was in, made him look like a father laying down all of the rules for his daughter's new boyfriend.

Just then, the thought of Tom, using that stance on Adrien as he scolded him about his precious little daughter and if he hurt one little hair on her head, he'd crush him in to a pulp came to mind.

Tom would never do that. He's too nice... Right?

"Now I'll let you transform, but the second things turn sexual, I'm leaving."


Plagg recharged and let Adrien transform into Chat Noir once more to let Adrien go see his princess.

"What's wrong?"

"Plagg said he doesn't want to see me sucking his little Ace's face off. So as long as I'm Chat Noir around you, anything like that is a no-no."

Marinette's face turned a deep red as he quoted what Plagg had said.

"I thought Plagg said the Ace thing was between me and him only?"

"Not anymore, apparently. I told you I'd tell you the game plan once we got here right?" Marinette nodded, recalling what he told her on their trek in the woods.

"Tomorrow, or the day after that, you and I are heading to Venice."

"Okay, you mentioned that before. But why Venice? Why do we have to leave France?"

"Because Venice is where the headquarters for Proietille Velenoso is at."


"Okay so, this is what's happening." The two teens stood in the dining room as Chat explained what was going to happen.

"We're running out of time. Proietille Velenoso is going to find us soon, so tomorrow we're out of here."

"And how, are we going to get to Venice? I mean, I don't have a passport, and we don't have a ride. And, I'm pretty sure my face is all over Paris, right?"

There was a sliver of hope in her that it was. That her family and friends were all worried about her, and frantically searching until she was found. It was selfish, yes, but she couldn't help it. She felt lonely with the fact that she wasn't around her family or friends, but she still had Chat Noir and Plagg. That was the best thing she could ask for at a time like this.

"Yeah." He felt a twinge of pain in his chest as he saw the depressed look in her eyes.  He knew it wasn't fair to do this to her. But it was the only way he could protect her from them. What he was feeling was selfish, sure, and maybe a little egotistical, by the fact that he felt like he was the only one who could protect her. And protect her he will.

"Leave it to me princess. I will end this, and you will go home to your family and friends. I will do whatever it takes, I promise you that."

"I don't want you to promise me that, kitty." She frowned at his words as she continued. "I want you to promise me that we will go home together. Alive."

"Okay," Chat grinned, placing a hand on her cheek. "I promise you we will go home together, alive."

"Oh, and about our ride..."


"Follow me." He removed his hand from her cheek and instead grabbed her hand, pulling her to the side of the cabin. A black tarp was against the paneling, as Chat pulled it off with a flourish.

"Ta da!"

The tarp revealed a sleek black Yamaha YZF R1.

"Oh my gosh... Chat, how did you get your hands on this?!"

"It's a secret." He winked at her before pulling her in to a hug. "We'll get there faster now with this anyways."

"Do you even know how to drive a motorcycle?"

"Of course. I wouldn't put you on a moving object if I thought it would put you in danger." She laughed and pulled away.

"Plagg's gonna get mad." She said in a sing song voice.

"Yeah..." Chat said with a defeated sigh. "Now let's go to bed. We're leaving first thing in the morning."

The long awaited chapter is now finished! Can't wait for the next one!

Until next time, peace!

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