Chapter 3: Four Generals Rhapsody

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Last time Minako updated the rest of the Sailor Senshi on the appearance of the Fangire and Kiva! Another Fangire attacked the concert hall, but was swiftly defeated by the combined effort of Kiva, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Neptune.

Adrian found himself in what appeared to be some type of palace. Ayato looked down at himself only to find that he was in a red dress shirt with grills down the front. Over it he wore a large black coat that stopped just above his feet. The coat had a large collar that was popped up. His shirt was tucked into a pair of black dress pants that were held up by a belt that had a gold buckle. He wore a pair of black boots that would not look out of place on a soldier. His white hair was slicked back, letting his face be on full display. Finally had a gold ring on his left hand that was in the shape of Kiva's crest.
             Adrian walked through the halls of the palace as he felt like he's walked through them hundreds of times before. Eventually he found himself at a pair of doors that looked like they led to a balcony. Adrian gently pushed the doors open as he found a young woman who appeared to only be a year older then himself standing there, looking at the earth. She had short raven hair, and was wearing a beautiful purple dress. The woman turned to face him before a gentle smile spread across her face. Adrian moved on instinct as he walked right up to the woman.
            The woman approached him as well before she spoke. "Would you care to dance?" The woman asked as Adrian wordlessly offered his hand to her. The woman placed her hand in his before they both moved to the center of the balcony. Adrian gently placed his other hand on her waist, while she placed her's on his shoulder. The two started to waltz as the earth hung in the background. As they danced, Adrian noticed a mark appear on the woman's forehead that started to glow purple. "We shall be reunited." The woman said sweetly before the purple light blinded Adrian completely.

In Reality
Ayato shot up from his bed as he looked around before clutching his head. "What in the world was that? Another memory from the Silver Millennium? Who was that girl anyway?" Ayato mumbled to himself as he ran a hand through his white hair. Kivat flew into the room, ready to shout him awake, only to be surprised he was already awake. "Ayato, your up early!" Kivat said as he was still surprised that the teenager had woken up on his own. "Bad dream, it's fine, at least I don't have to wake up to you yelling at me." Ayato mumbled as he climbed out of bed before going over to his wardrobe.
            Ayato threw on a t-shirt that had a picture for a ghost movie on it and a pair of jeans before exiting his bedroom. Ayato let out a yawn, but stopped when he felt a chill run down his spine. "Kivat, do you get the feeling we're being watched?" Ayato asked as he looked over at his bat partner with a serious look in his eyes. "I sensed something late last night, I thought it was merely my imagination." Kivat admitted before Ayato stared to make his way down the stairs while on his guard. While someone breaking into his house was unlikely given its appearance, it wasn't completely out of the realm of possibility.
              Ayato made his way into the living room, where everything was clear and no signs of break in. Ayato was about to go check another room of the house when he spotted four gemstones sitting on the table in the center of the room.

"What the heck? Kivat, did you find these stones?" Ayato asked as he looked over his shoulder at his partner. "I don't have the faintest idea how they could've gotten here Ayato." Kivat admitted as he was just as confused by the gemstones. Ayato was about to reach his hands out towards one of the stones when he got the shiver down his spine once again. Ayato looked up and his eyes widened at what he saw.
            Sitting on the couch and chairs of the living room were the spirits of four men. They all appeared to be in a type of military attire from a long gone era.

"I thought you said this house was empty Nephrite!" The blue spirit with short blonde hair said as he glared at the red spirit with long brown hair. "It never occurred to me that someone would take up residence in a house like this! Honestly Jadeite, would you believe someone would live here?" Nephrite said as he shot a glare at the blue spirit, who returned the look in kind. Ayato remained silent as he was certain none of them realized he could see and hear them.
            "Both of you stop! This was an agreement we came to as a team, that means we're all at fault!" The yellow spirit with long silver hair said in a commanding tone as Jadeite and Nephrite immediately silenced themselves. "There is no cause for concern Kunzite, after all the only people who should be able to see us are the Prince, Princess, and Senshi." The green spirit with blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail said as he attempted to calm his allies down. "It is still wrong to intrude on someone's home Zoisite, whether they are aware of our presence or not." Kunzite as he gave the green spirit a rather stern look.
            "So you four are allies of the Senshi? If I had to guess, those are the robes of the four earth generals." Ayato said as all four spirits turned to look at him in complete shock. "You can see us?!" Jadeite said as Ayato was certain that he would fall out of his seat if he wasn't a spirit. "Yes, my name is Ayato Takamura, I went by the name Adrian during the Silver Millennium however." Ayato explained as all four generals felt a sense of nostalgia when they heard his Silver Millennium name. Kunzite stood up before turning to face Ayato, who wasn't nervous in the slightest as the four were mere spirits.
             "Apologies for our intrusion, we are in desperate need of help." Kunzite said as he bowed in apology as Ayato gave him a confused look. "Why come here? Shouldn't your prince and the moon princess be able to help you?" Ayato said as he was still suspicious of the four generals at the moment. "Our prince and the Senshi are desperately trying to revive us, we do not wish to burden them after all the trouble we caused for them in the past." Kunzite explained as Ayato nodded his head in understanding. Ayato could understand the general's plight, but that didn't mean he would let down his guard yet.
"So what exactly do you need help with?" Ayato asked as he wanted to get to the root of their issue. "We wish to be revived. Our bodies from this time were not completely destroyed, but they are hidden from us." Zoisite explained as Ayato and Kivat looked at one another before turning to look at the generals once again. "So you want us to find your bodies from this time?" Ayato asked for confirmation that he was in fact understanding the generals correctly. Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that he had lived another life a millennia ago he would think this whole thing was complete insanity.
                 Kivat then flew right up to Kunzite with a questioning glare on his face. "While I can understand your wish to return to your prince's side and serve him. What I cannot allow is you putting my young master in danger!" Kivat growled as he glared at the four generals before being grabbed by Ayato. "Sorry about Kivat, he's a bit protective. Our memories haven't fully returned from that time, so we don't know if their were hostilities between us and the Senshi." Ayato explained as the generals all looked down in thought. Nephrite then walked up to Ayato before looking the teen directly in the eyes with seriousness being evident.
             "I understand your concerns, but if you would be willing to help us, I'm sure we could put in a good word for you with the prince and princess." Nephrite said as he hoped to put Ayato and Kivat's minds at ease. Ayato and Kivat looked at one another as they thought over their options. "Alright, we'll help. I can't make any promises that we'll be able to find your bodies." Ayato admitted as the four generals bowed to him. "We are in your debt Ayato Takamura, Kivat." Kunzite said before they stood back up. Ayato and Kivat smiled at each other as they now had another mission besides the Fangire.
              Ayato and Kivat then heard Bloody Rose start playing a familiar tune as both of them tensed up. "Is something wrong?" Jadeite asked as he noticed the duo get nervous. "A Fangire is attacking Tokyo! Kivat, we need to go! Sorry to cut this short, but we need to take care of this!" Ayato said before he and Kivat ran out of the house before Ayato hopped onto Machine Kivaa. Ayato revved the engine before releasing the brake as they took off down the street. "Kivat!" Ayato shouted as Kivat flew next to him. "Alright! Kivat Go!" Kivat said before Ayato caught him with one hand out of the air.
           "Gabu!" Kivat announced before biting down on Ayato's hand that still had a grip on one of the Machine Kivaa's handle bar. Chains wrapped around Ayato's waist forming the Kivat Belt as the stained glass markings appeared on his face.

"Henshin!" Ayato shouted before clipping Kivat onto the Kivat Belt. The armor molded onto Ayato's body before shattering off. Kiva revved the engine as the Machine Kivaa took off down the street towards the city.

"Ayato, the Fangire appears to be at Monarch Hotel." Kivat said as they raced down the street and into the main part of Tokyo. "Isn't a computer company holding a banquet there to celebrate their most recent milestone?" Kiva asked Kivat as he remembered seeing a news article about the company hitting a record breaking milestone. "That means the Fangire will have plenty of targets! We must hurry Ayato!" Kivat said in an urgent tone as Kiva revved the engine again as they shot down the street.

Monarch Hotel
Makoto was currently dressed as a waitress as she prepped the food containers for the buffet that was being held. "I still can't believe I let you talk me into this." Makoto turned to see Rei, who was also in waitress attire. "I'm sorry Rei! We were shorthanded! I asked Ami and Minako. Ami's busy with her studies and Minako's filming that new movie." Makoto said in an apologetic tone. Rei sighed, ever since they all turned twenty, everyone had gotten so busy in their normal lives. "It's fine, besides I'm getting paid for this at least!" Rei said as she gave her friend a rather cheeky grin, which Makoto returned.
              The head of the company, a middle aged gentleman stepped up to the microphone before speaking. "I thank you all for coming, and for the phenomenal year of sales and progress we have made! This is a celebration of your hard word!" The Company Head said as everyone clapped. "Now before we begin the festivities, I would like to welcome Miss Saizo to the microphone!" The Company Head said as a woman with her hair pulled back into a bun. She was of medium height and had a rather sharp gaze. All of her coworkers clapped for her as she approached.
             "Thank you all, when I joined this company, I did not expect for my life to improve in so many ways." Miss Saizo said as her coworkers cheered. What most of them didn't notice, were the stained glass patterns that spread across her face. "So I as only on thing of you, my dear coworkers. Allow me to devour your life force!" Miss Saizo said before her body morphed into a monster that looked similar to a moth.

The Moth Fangire grabbed the Company Head by the throat as he started to be come translucent. Eventually his entire body disappeared as the Moth Fangire cracked her neck. The company workers and hotel staff screamed as they attempted to run out of the banquet hall. The Moth Fangire spat powder from its mouth that covered the room before a bunch of mini explosions went off that knocked most of the people to the ground. The Moth Fangire then proceeded towards the collapsed guests while Rei and Makoto ran into a nearby hallway.
            "Looks like this won't be so boring after all." Makoto said as she and Rei pulled out their transformation pens. "Jupiter Planet Power, Make Up!" Makoto shouted as she transformed into Sailor Jupiter. "Mars Planet Power, Make Up!" Rei shouted as she transformed into Sailor Mars.

Jupiter and Mars entered the Banquet Hall to find that the Moth Fangire was sucking the Life Force out of two people. Jupiter shot lightning at one arm while Mars launched fire at the other, forcing the Fangire to drop the two guests and turn to look at the two Sailor Senshi.
"You damn Senshi! You were a thorn in my side back on the Moon Palace, and now your interfering in this time?!" The Moth Fangire growled as she glared at the two Senshi. "Sorry you overgrown bug, but we're here to exterminate you!" Jupiter said before she fired another round of lightning at the Moth Fangire. The Moth Fangire rolled out of the way of the attack before smashing one of the panes on her arm that turned into a sword. The Moth Fangire lunged towards the two Senshi as she swung her sword at them. Mars rolled out of the way of the attack while Jupiter caught the blade with her hands.
              "I am not in the mood for your games!" The Moth Fangire growled before she forced her sword down and slashed Jupiter across the chest with it. As Jupiter stumbled backwards, Mars launched a fireball at the Moth Fangire, who swiftly cut it in half with her sword. The Moth Fangire then spat out more of her dust, which quickly exploded. Jupiter and Mars were sent flying backwards and crashing through the glass windows of the building and outside. "I should slaughter them here and now! Those Senshi have incredibly strong life force, what a treat!" The Moth Fangire cackled to herself before stepping out of the broken window after the two Senshi.

Outside Monarch Hotel
Jupiter and Mars struggled to get back on their feet as the Moth Fangire stalked towards them. "Now, to finally get rid of you pests!" The Moth Fangire said as she raised her sword, ready to strike. Before the Fangire could attack however, it was hit by the Machine Kivaa, which sent her flying into the air. Kiva skidded to a stop before throwing down the kickstand of his motorcycle and getting off. "Looks like I missed the Banquet. Oh well, the after party seems much more lively." Kiva said in a taunting tone as the Moth Fangire got back on her feet before glaring at him.
             Jupiter and Mars ran up to Kiva before standing side by side with him. "Neptune wasn't kidding when she said you had good timing!" Jupiter said as she slapped Kiva on the back in a good natured manner. "While I hate that we have to, could you please back us up?" Mars asked in a polite tone as she waited for the Kamen Rider to answer. "It would be my pleasure, now let's finish this shall we?" Kiva said before he and Jupiter lunged at the Moth Fangire. The Moth Fangire swung her sword at Kiva, who caught it before Jupiter threw a punch at the Moth Fangire's gut. Jupiter the quickly grabbed the Moth Fangire's arm before holding her in place.
          Mars created a bow and arrow of fire before taking aim at the Moth Fangire. "Mars Flame Sniper!" Mars shouted before firing the arrow at the Moth Fangire.

The Moth Fangire was impacted in the chest as it went limp in Jupiter and Kiva's arms. Kiva and Jupiter then both delivered a kick to the Moth Fangire's chest, sending it rolling across the ground. The Moth Fangire shakily got back on her feet, but Kica and Jupiter was already on top of her already. Kiva then delivered a rising kick that sent the Moth Fangire flying into the air. Jupiter then jumped into the air after the Moth Fangire before clasping her hands together and slamming them down into the Moth Fangire's head.
The Moth Fangire slammed into the ground, creating a crater as Kiva and the two Sailor Senshi approached. "Better finish this while we have an opening!" Kiva said as he pulled out the Wake Up Fuestle. "I-I will not be out done by you again Kiva! I barely escaped the Moon Palace alive!" The Moth Fangire said as Kiva doubled over and dropped to his knees while clutching his head. "Hey, are you alright?!" Mars asked as she saw the Kamen Rider struggling. Memories flashed through Kiva's mind, the Moon Kingdom, a ballroom, the Moth Fangire, and that girl in the purple dress, what did it mean?
The Moth Fangire took Kiva's moment of vulnerability and rushed him. Jupiter saw this as an antenna extended from the band on her hand. "Jupiter Thunder!!" Jupiter shouted as she shot lightning at the Moth Fangire, electrocuting it.

The Moth Fangire's body was smoking as it was barely standing at this point. "Curse you, you damned Senshi! I'll kill you soon enough!" The Moth Fangire growled before spitting out more explosive dust. The dust exploded as Kiva and the Senshi braced themselves for it. Once the smoke cleared it was revealed that the Moth Fangire had disappeared. "Dammit! She got away!" Kiva growled before punching the ground in anger.
Jupiter and Mars helped the Kamen Rider back onto his feet before giving him a worried look. "You okay? You doubled over for a moment there." Jupiter said as she gave him a concerned look. "I'm fine, just a migraine hit me all of a sudden. I better go see if I can find the Moth Fangire before it gets a chance to recover." Kiva said as he shakily walked over to the Machine Kivaa before hopping on and starting the engine. "Wait!" Mars said as she and Jupiter approached the motorcycle. "Yes?" Kiva asked as he wondered what the two could need from him.
"I know that you aren't able to fully trust us, and we really can't say we fully trust you either. That being said, let us help you find that Fangire, it doesn't make sense for you to run around the entire city by yourself." Mars reasoned as she hoped Kiva wouldn't be stubborn about this. "Your right, alert your allies and let them know. Once we find it, I'll make sure to destroy it next time. Until then, I bid both of you adieu." Kiva said before revving the Machine Kivaa's engine and taking off down the street. "You think he'll be alright?" Jupiter asked as she and Mars watched him ride off down the street. One thing was for sure, Mars didn't believe that what caused Kiva to collapse was a migraine at all.

So the spirits of the Shitennou have ended up at Ayato's house and requested his help! The Moth Fangire also attacked a banquet and ended up fighting Sailor Jupiter and Mars, alongside Kiva! Unfortunately she got away using her explosive dust. As always leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments! How will Ayato help the Shitennou find their lost bodies? Where did the Moth Fangire run off to? What was that sudden flash of memories Ayato received? Find out in the next chapter of Sailor Moon: Break the Chain!

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