Chapter 4: Bellicoso of the Blue Wolf!

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Last time Ayato encountered the spirits of the Shitennou as they asked him to help them regain their bodies. The Moth Fangire appeared as Kiva, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars did battle with the monster, only for it to retreat.

Ayato didn't know what he could do, the Moth Fangire was still at large and he had zero leads on how to return the Shitennou to their bodies. It didn't help that the Moth Fangire' words had unearthed more memories from his life in the Silver Millennium. A ball held at the Moon Kingdom, the earth generals present, the queen, princess, and the Senshi all present. He was dancing with the girl from his dreams. Then the Moth Fangire appeared and that's where it went fuzzy again. "I need to focus here, the Earth Generals need to get their bodies back." Ayato thought to himself as he continued on his way.
           Ayato was so lost in thought, he did not see a man right in front of him, causing him to bum into them. "I-I-I'm sorry! I-I w-wasn't paying attention!" Ayato said nervously as he bowed to the man he bumped into. The man appeared to be around twenty four years old, had short black hair and serious blue eyes. He had on a form fitting black shirt with a grey trench coat over top of it. He wore black combat pants and matching black combat boots.

"It's fine, I wasn't paying attention myself." The man said in what could only be described as a military like discipline. Ayato sighed in relief as he was glad this didn't get blown out into a heated argument. "Samaru Amachi, sorry for bumping into you." Samaru said as he held his hand out to Ayato. "A-Ayato Takamura. N-Nice to meet you Mr. Amachi." Ayato said as he shook Samaru's hand out of respect.
           "Just Samaru is fine, anyway you should be careful. There are monsters attacking recently." Samaru said before walking past Ayato and continuing on his way. Ayato didn't know why, but he got a sense of familiarity from Samaru that he couldn't quite put his finger on. "I-I should probably continue on my way. The Shitennou's bodies won't find themselves." Ayato mumbled to himself before he continued to walk down the street in search of any signs that could lead him to the Shitennou's bodies. Ayato couldn't help but feel like he should have asked for more information from the Shitennou.

Minako and Ami were both sat at a table as they discussed the recent monster attacks and of course the appearance of Kiva. "I'm telling you Ami, we need to figure out who Kiva is!" Minako said to her studious friend, who looked up from the screen of her laptop. "Minako we can't run around all of Tokyo in search of one individual. Besides, while Kiva doesn't trust us and we don't trust him, he seems to have the same mission as us." Ami said as she tried to reason with the Senshi leader. "I know that, but I don't like this cautious alliance we have with him. Especially if he was a danger to the princess back in the Silver Millennium." Minako said as a serious expression spread across her face.
Ami could respect Minako's concern, as Sailor Venus she was the leader of the Senshi, which meant their princess's safety was her primary concern. "I understand, but I say we continue to observe Kiva further before deciding whether or not he should be considered a threat. We do know that he visited the Moon Kingdom in the Silver Millennium due to the familiarity of his name and Hotaru's recent dreams." Ami said as she had been keeping notes on everything related to Kiva that they have discovered this far. Minako let out an annoyed groan before she got up from her chair.
Minako was planning on heading to the bathroom to regain her composure so she didn't lose her cool on Ami. Her plan was stopped however when she walked face first into someone. "Oh! Sorry!" Minako said as she looked up at the man who gave her a rather terrifying look. He had short black hair, piercing eyes and a general aggressive nature about him.

"It's fine kid, no harm done." The man said in a rather aggressive tone that did not put Minako's mind at ease in the slightest. "A-Again I'm really sorry sir." Minako said nervously as she was intimidated by the man in front of her.
"Mr. Jiro? Your coffee is ready!" The barista at the counter said as the man turned at the call of his name. "I gotta go, stay safe kid." Jiro said as he gently patted Minako on the shoulder before walking over to the counter. Jiro paid for his coffee before leaving the cafe completely. Minako sat back down in her chair with a sigh of relief. "Should we be heading out as well?" Ami asked her blonde friend as she packed away her laptop. "Yeah, can't hangout here all day." Minako said as she Ami gathered their things before paying the bill and taking their leave.

Parking Garage
Minako and Ami were both on their way back to Minako's car so they could return home for the day. "I feel like there is something else bothering you besides the mystery surrounding Kiva. Care to share?" Ami said as she gave her blonde haired friend a concerned look. Minako flinched when Ami called her out, she was the brains of the Senshi for a reason. "It's the Shitennou's gemstones going missing." Minako admitted in a defeated tone as she knew there was no hiding anything from Ami. Ami gave her friend sympathetic look as she knew what she was going through.
"We're all worried about them Minako, they were our loves in our past lives. It's only natural after all." Ami said as she tried to reassure her fellow Senshi. Minako let out a small giggle at Ami's words. "Yeah, even if one of us is to stubborn to admit it!" Minako said with another giggle as she was referring to a certain fire attributed Senshi. Ami let out a small giggle as well at Minako's statement. The duo's conversation was interrupted however by the sound of someone screaming in fear. Both girls looked at one another before nodding in agreement.
         Both girls pulled out their transformation pens before getting ready. "Venus Planet Power, Make Up!" Minako shouted as she transformed into Sailor Venus. "Mercury Planet Power, Make Up!" Ami shouted as she transformed into Sailor Mercury.

Both Senshi nodded at each other before running towards the screaming. When the duo rounded the corner, they found the Moth Fangire Jupiter and Mars had fought a few days ago sucking the life force out of two men. Venus and Mercury both charged towards the monster before delivering a kick to the monster's chest at the exact same time. The Moth Fangire stumbled backwards, dropping the two men who ran away in fear from the monster and parking garage.
"Damn Senshi! Always interfering! Especially you Venus!" The Moth Fangire growled as she glared at the Blonde Senshi in particular. "I have no idea why your mad at me! We've never met!" Venus snapped as she glared at the Moth Fangire. The Moth Fangire spat explosive dust at the two Senshi as they both rolled away to avoid the explosion. "You stole something that rightfully belonged to me back in the Silver Millennium! The Earth General, Kunzite!" The Moth Fangire growled as Venus and Mercury quickly recovered before facing the monster once again ready to fight it at any cost.
             "Him and I are Soulmates! Don't argue love with someone from planet Venus!" Venus snapped back before she used her love chain to strike the Moth Fangire across the chest three times. Mercury followed up her leader's attack with a jet of water. The Moth Fangire growled in annoyance before retreating up the parking garage. "We can't let her escape!" Mercury said as both she and Venus both chased after the retreating Fangire. Eventually they cornered the Moth Fangire on the roof of the parking garage. The Moth Fangire shattered the glass on her arm, which created her sword before charging at the two Senshi once again.

With Ayato
Ayato still had yet to get any sort of possible lead on where the Shitennou's bodies could possibly be. It of course didn't help that he couldn't ask someone for help without sounding completely insane. "I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle right now." Ayato mumbled to himself as he was starting to lose hope of ever figuring this out. Kivat then flew down from the sky before landing on Ayato's shoulder. "Ayato, you can't lose hope just yet. It might be in our best interest to ask the Shitennou about what happened to them before they were taken by Beryl." Kivat suggested as Ayato let out a thoughtful sigh at the bat's suggestion.
Ayato's conversation was interrupted when a familiar violin tune started to play. "The Moth Fangire! We gotta hurry!" Ayato said as he quickly ducked into an alleyway before Kivat bit down on his hand. The Kivat Belt formed around Ayato's waist before Kivat flew onto it, transforming Ayato into Kiva. Kiva jumped into the air as Machine Kivaa drove down the alleyway. Kiva landed on the motorcycle before taking off down the road towards the parking garage. "She's not getting away this time!" Kiva thought to himself as he accelerated Machine Kivaa so he would arrive on scene sooner.
Kiva arrived at the parking garage as he quickly raced through the floors in order to reach the roof as quickly as possible. Kiva could hear the sounds of battle from the roof, which could only mean one thing. "A few of the Senshi must have been in the area when the Moth Fangire appeared!" Kiva thought to himself as he increased the speed of Machine Kivaa once again. Kiva raced up the ramp leading to the roof as he saw the Moth Fangire choking Mercury with her non-sword wielding hand. Venus looked injured and was struggling to stand at the moment.
Kiva rammed the Moth Fangire with his motorcycle, which sent the monster flying into one of the cars parked on the roof. Mercury was tossed into the air as a result of the surprise attack. Kiva jumped off his motorcycle before catching the Sailor Senshi in his arms and landing on the ground. "Are you alright?" Kiva asked as he gently set Mercury back on her feet. "Yes, thank you for coming, we were struggling to defeat this monster." Mercury said as she and Kiva both turned to face the recovering Moth Fangire. Venus walked up to stand next to them.
"While I hate asking for someone outside of the Senshi to help protect Tokyo, would you lend us your strength?" Venus asked as Kiva gave her a quick nod in response. The Moth Fangire got back on her feet before pointing her sword at the trio. "I will slaughter you and sap you of all your life force!" The Moth Fangire roared before charging at them. Kiva lunged towards the Fangire as well while Venus and Mercury hung back. The Moth Fangire swung her sword at Kiva, but the Kamen Rider blocked the blade with his left arm. Kiva then delivered a punch to the torso with his right hand.
Kiva then delivered a rising kick to the head, that he then followed with an downward kick to the head with the same leg. The Moth Fangire attempted to cut Kiva's head off, but the Kamen Rider quickly dropped down onto his hands to avoid the attack. While still on his hands, Kiva delivered a powerful kick to the Fangire's chest with both his legs. This sent the Moth Fangire stumbling backwards. "Venus Love-Me Chain!" Venus shouted as she shot her chain towards the Moth Fangire.

The chain wrapped around the Moth Fangire, restraining it as the orange energy from the chain continually damaged the monster. Venus retracted her chain as the Fangire dropped to her knees with its whole body smoking from the attacks.
"You...I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU!" The Moth Fangire roared before spitting a cloud of her explosive dust at the trio. The dust exploded, sending Kiva, Venus, and Mercury sprawling across the ground. "I'm going to kill you for taking what was rightfully mine Venus!" The Moth Fangire growled as she stalked towards the downed Sailor Senshi, ready to kill her. Venus tried desperately to get back on her feet, but it was no use. Venus screwed her eyes shut, ready to die. "Die you filthy Venusian!" The Moth Fangire shouted as she swung her sword down towards Venus while Mercury shouted at her to stop it immediately.
             The sword connected and a hiss of pain was heard, but Venus was unharmed. Venus opened her eyes to see Kiva standing in front of her. Smoke was coming off his chest from where the sword connected with his body. Kiva then kicked the Moth Fangire in the chest before lunging at it again. The Moth Fangire struck Kiva across the chest with her sword again before spitting explosive dust at the Kamen Rider. The dust exploded, sending Kiva flying into one of the cars parked on the roof. Kiva groaned in pain as he got back on his feet as he faced the Moth Fangire.
              "Young master, maybe we should call on Jiro's help." Kivat whispered to Kiva as the Moth Fangire slowly approached. Kiva grabbed a blue Fuestle off his belt that looked like a wolf before plugging it into Kivat's mouth. "Garuru Saber!" Kivat announced as a tune was played on the Fuestle.

Castle Doran came out of hiding before flying towards where Kiva was located. Castle Doran fired an object out of its mouth that Kiva caught with his left hand. The statue unfolded into a sword as chains wrapped around his left arm. The chains shattered off his arm to reveal new blue armor.

Chains wrapped around his torso before shattering off to reveal a new silver and blue chest plate. Kivat's eyes turned blue while Kiva's visor went from yellow to a matching blue.

The two Sailor Senshi and the Moth Fangire stared at Kiva after he transformed into a new form. Kiva threw his head back as he let out what could only be described as a feral howl before dropping down so his right hand was on the ground in front of him. The Garuru Saber's blade resting on his shoulders as he focused on the Moth Fangire.
             Without so much as a warning, Kiva jumped into the air before front flipping towards the Moth Fangire. Kiva delivered a slash across the chest to the Moth Fangire, who responded by swinging her sword at the Kamen Rider. Kiva blocked the sword with the Garuru Saber before quickly knocking it out of the Fangire's hand. Kiva then grabbed the Moth Fangire by her arm before unleashing slash after slash across the monster's chest with the Garuru Saber. Kiva then kicked the Moth Fangire in the chest, sending her stumbling backwards.
             The Moth Fangire growled in anger as she glared at Kiva. "I will kill all three of you!" The Moth Fangire roared in rage as she got ready to spit more explosive dust at the trio. "Mercury Aqua Mist!" Mercury shouted as water formed in both her hands before blasting mist that blanketed the roof of the parking garage.

The Moth Fangire looked around frantically for any signs of Kiva and the Sailor Senshi. Suddenly, Venus's Love-Me Chsin shot out of the mist before wrapping around the Moth Fangire. Kiva then rushed out of the mist before unleashing a savage assault on the Fangire with the Garuru Saber. Kiva delivered a rising slash with the Garuru Saber that knocked the Moth Fangire off her feet and sent her sprawling across the ground.
             The Moth Fangire in a desperate attempt to stay alive, sprayed explosive powder in all directions hoping to hit any of her opponents. Kiva back flipped out of the way of the exploding dust before landing on the roof of a parked car. Kiva then aimed the wolf head of the Garuru Saber at the Moth Fangire. Kiva pressed the back of the wolf head as it howled, unleashing powerful sound waves that sent the Moth Fangire sliding across the ground as sparks flew off her body. "Now Kiva! We must finish it!" Kivat said as Kiva readied the Garuru Saber. Kiva placed the blade in Kivat's mouth in preparation.
              "Garuru Bite!" Kivat announced before biting down on the blade of the saber. Blue energy coated the entire blade as a result of this action.

Kiva held the Garuru Saber out in front of him as the sky went dark and the full moon shone in the sky behind him. A part of Kiva's helmet opened up, which he plugged the handle of the Garuru Saber into. Kiva then got into a ready stance as he stared at the Moth Fangire.

Kiva charged towards the Moth Fangire before jumping high into the air so he was right in front of the full moon. Kiva came spinning down towards the Moth Fangire at high speeds. The Garuru Saber's blade delivered a downward slash to the Fangire as her body turned into multicolored stained glass. Kiva turned away from the monster before it shattered and the ghost image of a monstrous blue wolf head appeared.

           Kiva stood back up before removing the Garuru Saber from the mouth of his helmet and facing Venus and Mercury. "Thank you for helping us, that could've got terribly if you hadn't shown up." Mercury said as she gave Kiva an appreciative smile. "It was my pleasure. I should be going, I have important matters to attend to." Kiva said as he walked back over to the Machine Kivaa so he could take his leave. "Hold on a second!" Venus said as she approached the motorcycle that Kiva was currently on. "Yes?" Kiva asked in slight confusion at Venus's suddenly approaching him to talk.
             "Thank you for taking that hit for me. I have one question for you. You've said you don't know if you can trust us, but we don't know if we can trust you either. What exactly is your goal?" Venus asked as she directed a suspicious look at the Kamen Rider. "My memories of the Silver Millennium are a blur, I cannot remember if we were enemies or allies. Just know that my top priority is protecting humanity from the Fangires." Kiva said before he rode out of the parking garage on Machine Kivaa. Venus watched him go with a conflicted look on her face.
"I just cant wrap my head around Kiva, he so mysterious, yet so familiar at the same time." Venus grumbled in annoyance as Mercury chuckled at her fellow Senshi's dilemma. "For now I say we be cautiously optimistic about the whole thing. We should hurry, we have a meeting with the others tonight." Mercury said as Venus nodded before both Senshi started to make their way out of the parking garage as well. Little did any of them know, Samaru had been watching the entire fight from another rooftop. "So you have returned Kiva? I will destroy you and the rest of the Fangire, like I promised I would back in the Silver Millennium." Samaru said before walking off to plan his next move.

So Kiva was able to defeat the Moth Fangire with the help of Sailor Venus and Sailor Mercury! He also used his Garuru Saber form for the first time as well! Although there is another individual from the Silver Millennium who goes by Samaru now and he has it out for Kiva. As always please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments! What awaits Kiva as he tries to find the Shitennou's missing bodies? What Fangire will attack next? What is Samaru planning? Find out in the next chapter of Sailor Moon: Break the Chain!

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