Chapter 5: Getting Hooked!

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Mandy woke up the next morning at around 9am with the sun shining and bed sheets wet, Mandy sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Mandy: Shit...

Mandy got out the bed and she had such a wet dream last night about her baby daddy, her cum was still on her sheets, she quickly stripped her sheets and throw them into her laundry basket, she's had wet dreams before more frequent then not because it's been a while since she's had physical sex, but then that extra before.

She feels fully satisfied just from that dream alone with Logan and thinking about him doesn't make her horny anymore, maybe she can actually look at him now without her wanting him to bed her over then and there.

Mandy then realised that it's 9 in the morning and she hasn't been woke up by a 4 year old girl yet, that's weird considering she normally gets woke up at around 6 in the morning asking for breakfast, so Mandy changed her underwear throwing her cum soaked panties in the laundry basket for her to clean later and throw her dressing gown on walking out her bedroom.

Rose: ... No, don't do that!

Was all Mandy heard and worried about her daughter she pretty much ran down the hall but stopped as she looked into the joining living room and kitchen to see Logan in the kitchen and Rose sitting on the island stool reaching over for something.

Rose: You can't cook Logan silly.

Rose was laughing and having a fun time with her father and Mandy could see Logan smiling before he pulled her little blue teddy bear out from behind his back.

Logan: Why not? I think Logan looks yummy. Don't you?

Logan asked showing her the bear as she still reached for him with a smile and giggling to her dad, Mandy looked to Logan and just seeing him again made her weak at the knees.

Mandy: He certainly does?

Mandy cursed herself as the lewd thoughts about this man came back to her, apparently the wet dream about him wasn't enough and she needs him for real, Mandy went to kill two birds with one stone while Logan gave Rose her bear back and continued cooking whatever he is cooking for them.

Logan: What would you like with you're pancakes?

Logan asked turning around and looking to what he picked out for the food, he's hoping Mandy won't kill him for using her things but he's making some for her as well.

Logan: What about Blueberries?

Logan asked this time turning back to the brunette girl now holding her bear safely so Logan doesn't put him in the pan.

Rose: I don't like Blueberries.

She responded to her but one thing he remembers from last night is Mandy teaching him about parenting and apparently when she says she doesn't like something nine out of ten times she hasn't actually tried it, except peanuts, she's allergic to peanuts.

Logan: Have you ever tried a Blueberry?

Logan looked to her with a questioning look and she shook her head "No" at least she's an honest kid and doesn't lie, Logan then got an idea thinking back to when his mother got him to try food for the first time.

Logan: Okay, well...

Logan looked in Mandy's fridge and found a small bar of chocolate, sometimes even the fittest of people need sugar so he's not judging, Logan snapped a tiny piece off and turned back to his daughter with a Blueberry in one hand and the piece of chocolate in the other.

Logan: ... Close you're eyes.

She did as she was told and Logan fed her the Blueberry and she ate it, it took a second but she opened her eyes with a smile while eating what she thought was the chocolate but it wasn't.

Rose: I like it.

Logan asked her if she really liked and she nodded while still enjoying it, Logan then held out the piece of chocolate making her realise she likes Blueberries.

Rose: Huh, I like Blueberries!

She cheered with a gasp, Logan put the chocolate back in it's packet and told her she can have some later if she doesn't tell her mother, Rose agreed and they went back to cooking the pancakes, Logan came here earlier in the morning to take her to get pancakes and give Mandy a break but Rose didn't want to leave her mommy behind so they stayed and are having pancakes.

Mandy: What are you two doing?

They both looked to the hallway and saw Mandy walking out clearly after just having a showering wearing only a towel covering herself up...

... Rose obviously didn't mind as she smiled to her mother when she got a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Logan however was more stunned by what he's seeing making his mouth malfunction and Rose answer the question for them.

Rose: Daddy's making us Pancakes.

Mandy walked around the counter and towards Logan seeing him already dressed for the day ahead of them...

... She stood near him smelling his aftershave and he smelled really good but she's mainly standing here so Logan can get a look down her towel and it worked as she saw him take a quick glance.

Mandy: It looks more like Daddy's making a mess.

Mandy looked up to him and he generally looked like a lost kid in a park not knowing where to look, that was until he looked into her eyes but she can tell that he wanted to look down to her slightly still damp chest.

Logan: Well, I thought I'd take her out for Pancakes to give you a break but she didn't want to leave you behind. The plan was to give you breakfast in bed.

Mandy was truthfully surprised to hear that, she's never had breakfast made for her, well not since she moved out her parents house anyway, her ex's would only do it on her birthday or anniversary, her last boyfriend ordered it in but Logan's doing it just so she can sleep a little longer.

Mandy: Aw, aren't you cute...

Mandy hugged him pressing her naked body to his, Logan let out a deep breath not wanting to do anything to offend her, for all he knows is this is just a friendly hug and she's really comfortable around him.

Mandy: ... Thank you.

Mandy pretty much tip toed and kissed his cheek much like she just did for Rose, Logan really didn't expect that and couldn't help the blush on his face, Mandy isn't holding back that she wants him anymore, she needs a man good enough for her and to help her with Rose, who's better then the girls father.

Rose: Daddy looks like the Strawberries.

Mandy giggled to the laughing girl as Logan went red from the cheek kiss, he can't lie and say Mandy isn't desirable because she is but she doesn't want him again surely, she's just being friendly right.

Mandy: Why don't you go get dressed Princess.

Rose happily hopped off the stool and took the bear with her into her room leaving Mandy alone with her target, Logan tried to compose himself with the assuming naked NXT Women's Champion but for someone who is trained to handle high pressure situations, he's screwing it up here.

Mandy: Not that I mind but why are you here so early?

Mandy asked just trying to make a conversation not really wanting to get dressed just yet until he realises he can have her when ever he wants, well as long as Rose and others aren't around obviously.

Logan: I uh... I just...

Logan couldn't form words right now and the look Mandy was giving him right now as he couldn't take his eyes off the towel wishing he could swap places with it, wasn't helping his thoughts so he just asked what he needed to ask.

Logan: ... Are you wearing anything under that?

Logan kind of just asked without really thinking because every time he thinks his mind stops working, Mandy however didn't mind him asking and stepped closure to him lifting her left leg up between his brushing her knee over his clothed buldge making him gulp.

Mandy: Wanna find out~

Logan looked down to her leg and watched her slowly move the towel up her leg, Mandy had his hooked all she needs is to reel him in and he's hers, she let him put his hands on her hips as the towel got higher and higher up her leg.

Rose: Ready!

Logan snapped out of it and jumped back away from Mandy as she just stood like nothing happened both watching as Rose came back into the room.

Mandy: Good girl.

Mandy walked around to her and kissed her head walking to her room to get ready for NXT tonight, Logan watched her leave as she swayed her hips a little more then usual giving him a look of her peach hidden by the fabric of the towel, Mandy turned to see him looking and gave him a smile...

... Before heading to her room, Logan sighed trying to focus from what just happened but that made it difficult, luckily he dealt with his horny side this morning in the shower, probably didn't help that it was to thinking about Mandy but it helped till now.

Logan gave Rose the pancakes and she enjoyed them on the dinning table watching TV from the angle she's sat at swinging her legs back and forward under the table while Logan started to clean up the mess he made, it was after he finished cleaning that Mandy came back in dressed and ready to go...

... Logan cursed and praised her for wearing something so tight as she walked over to him with a smile clearly proud of herself for getting his blood boiling.

Mandy: You gonna be okay with her today?

Mandy asked leaning on the kitchen counter opposite him as he wiped down the side making sure to have cleaned every bit of mess up as he made, as soon as he did her turned to her clearly frustrated by her getting him amped up.

Logan: She'll be fine, you gonna help me with this or not?

Logan's not hiding anymore, she's played her hand and she got him hooked, Logan just wants to be able to relax without the thought of her slightly damp body in a towel pressed up against him, Mandy however was very proud of her actions.

Mandy: Easy handsome, I'll help you later~

She whispered to him with a wink, Logan didn't like that answer and wanted it now but he needs to be patient and wait, she'll be his soon and vice versa, Logan leant on the counter with both hands holding him up looking at Mandy like a Lion would a Zebra on the plans of Africa and Mandy loved it.

Mandy: I gotta go Princess...

Mandy took her attention of the sexually frustrated hunk in her kitchen to the daughter they share together, Rose hugged her mom before she was actually excited to spend time with her father for the first time in years.

Mandy: ... Be good for daddy okay?

Rose nodded still enjoying her food and the cartoons while Mandy walked towards Logan with her bag in her hand, she smirked to him blowing him a kiss...

... Before walking towards the door with her car keys in hand.

Mandy: Later handsome~

Once again she winked and left Logan alone leaving him to ponder the thoughts of the teasing from earlier, Logan couldn't do anything about it now though and just decided to focus on his daughter, that will help him right.

Logan: What'd you wanna do today?

He asked her lifting her off the chair once she finished her food and they looked out the window's of the city while Rose thought about it.

Rose: Can we go to the park?

Logan didn't see the problem with that and they got everything they needed to go to the park for a few hours probably...


Logan did what he needed to do and watched as his daughter had a great time at the park with a few of her friends that she made here, Logan met a few other parents who weren't all that happy with him to start with for the fact he left Mandy behind, once he explained to them that as soon as he found out about Rose he stuck around, they lightened up around him.

Logan kept an eye on Rose tough and watched as she went to get a ball from the road, Logan watched her as she looked both ways before going, Logan was proud that Mandy taught her so well and she waited for the coast to clear before she went to get it.

Logan heard a car though from down the road and saw it speeding and spinning out of control...

... Logan got up and ran to her as quick as he could calling her name for her to move, she didn't though frozen in pure fear, Rose stood there with ball in her hand while the other parents and kids watched, Rose only moved though when Logan got to her and lifted her up, he could move out the way though and tucked her in his arms safely before jumping hitting the windscreen of the car and rolled off, Logan hit the road with a thud as Rose was un harmed.

The car however didn't wait behind and took off while Logan didn't open his eyes.

Rose: Daddy? Daddy, wake up.

She begged tapping his chest but Logan didn't wake up, not even when the paramedics came to take him to the local hospital...


(To Be Continued)

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