Chapter 6: A Heartfelt Message!

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Logan woke up a few hours later and realised where he is, Logan's back in hospital this time with a bandage wrapped around his head, Logan looked to the right side and saw Mandy asleep on an armchair with a blanket over her, he was wondering what the time is that was until he looked out the window on his right to see it was dark out, doing so he also saw Rose sleeping beside him on the bed.

Logan chuckled to her as she hugged her bear into him, he moved the blanket further up her making sure she's warm and comfortable.

Mandy: She missed you...

Logan looked over to Mandy as she was now awake, it's probably not very comfortable on that chair, Mandy smiled to him standing up and walking to him, he expected just another kiss on the head but she put her right hand on the back of his neck and pulled him in pressing her lips to his...

... Logan didn't know what to do to start with but his head is pounding and this is a nice distraction, so he kissed her back not complaining one bit.

Mandy: ... Thank you.

Logan remembered what happened and now knows why his head is hurting but he doesn't deserve thanks, she wouldn't have been in that position if he just told her to stay back and he went to get the ball.

Logan: I don't deserve that, she wouldn't have been their if it weren't for me.

Mandy stopped him from saying that with a tap on his chest, she sat on the edge of the bed while he looked towards Rose while she sighed happily in her sleep.

Mandy: She a kid, she'll get in trouble and get hurt...

She made him look to her as she looked into his eyes holding his cheeks in her slightly cold hands still wearing that outfit she wore to work earlier, it clung to her body perfectly but she'd look good in anything.

Mandy: ... It's you're job to be their to help her and you did that.

Logan smiled to her as she smiled back, Mandy can never thank him enough for what he did today, not many people would jump in front of a speeding car for someone but he did and it's because of that Mandy decided to stop hiding them from the world, Mandy hugged into Logan's side laying on the bed with them taking her phone off the bedside table, Logan watched her get comfy on his right side while Rose still stayed asleep on his left both pretty much lying on the former Naval man.

Logan: What are you doing?

Logan asked her and she looked up to him, she showed him her phone and she's on her Instagram page about to make a post of a picture, the picture is of both him and Rose asleep in this bed, clearly she took the snap not long ago.

Mandy: I'm not hiding anymore.

Logan smiled to her as she was talking about her personal life to the WWE world, well, she's not going to tell them her life story but they don't even know that Rose is her daughter, they think she's a niece or something, some people have theorized that she's her daughter but they didn't have much proof.

Mandy went back to her post while Logan thought about his life for the past 2 days, he's gone from obsessed with trying to find Mandy, to finding her and becoming a father, if he ends up dating Mandy again or not doesn't matter, he's lucky to her her in his life and he knows it.

Mandy: Here...

Logan snapped out his thoughts as she held him her phone again, Logan looked to the post she put under the picture and read it to himself...

MandySacs - "I've been keeping a huge secret for 5 years now and I think it's time you met two people who are close to my heart. 

First is the little princess you thought was my relative and truthfully she is, but she's my Daughter, her names Rose and she's got the heart of Gold, she always makes people smile and always sticks by me when I sad, she also has a brave side which she gets from her father.

Logan Kenway is a real life hero who jumped in front of a car to save our little girl, I've only truthfully known him for a few days, what started off as a one time thing has blossomed into something special, I never thought I'd ever find a man like him but here he is, risky his own health to protect the person I can't live without, we all need a "Logan Kenway" in our lives and I've found mine.

I've proven day in and day out to never give up on you're dreams in and now out the ring, I want it on record that I didn't keep them a secret because I was ashamed or anything, I just wanted to give her a quiet childhood she could enjoy.

Now I'm in the hospital for the second time in too days because Logan kept me safe yesterday and got hurt, now he's saved our daughter and once again got hurt, needless to say he'll need that health insurance 😅

I've never loved some so much more then I do Rose and cared about a non family member as much as I do him, go ahead and find you're "Logan Kenway", it could be you're neighbour who says "Hi" to you every time they see you or it could be a British Navy Sailor, stopping over for a single night then disappears, leaving you thinking it was all a massive dream.

Basically, never give up on you're dreams 🌹💖😘"

... Logan honestly didn't know what to say after reading that, she hasn't posted it yet she clearly wanted Logan's opinion on it and he's never had someone look to him like that, he's always tried to do the right thing and all but he's no hero.

Mandy: ... What do you think?

She asked still lying on his chest as his right arm is wrapped around her stopping her from falling off the bed and holding the phone while his left arm did the same for Rose stopping their daughter from falling off the small bed.

Logan: I think you're over selling me a bit.

Logan chuckled making her smile, Logan jokes in times where he doesn't know what to say and this is certainly one of those times for him, luckily Mandy knew exactly what to say.

Mandy: Or you under sell yourself.

Mandy made him see the lighter side of everything and nothing is going to take this moment from them, her in his arms and practically having just confessed to him that she loves him more then a friend.

Logan: Thanks Manda.

She smiled to the nickname taking her phone back from him allowing his hand to fall to her hip, part of him wanted to see if earlier on today was just a weird day dream he imagined or if she really was begging him to screw her, obviously the can't know because his head is pounding and their daughter is right here, he just wanted to see if he can move his hand to her ass but chose not too just encase, he really doesn't want to lose these two.

It's strange he lived without them for years, not all happily because he was trying to find Mandy for most of them but now he can't imagine being without either of them.

Mandy: Are you happy for me to post this?

Logan thought about it and he's happy living a quite life, he's happy not being in the public eye but if he wants to be with Mandy, Social attention will come with it so the real question is, "Am I going to let Social Media push me away from this amazing women?" Logan already knew the answer to that and instantly said no to it and smiled to Mandy.

Logan: Go for it...

Mandy was happy to hear that and posted the picture with the heartfelt message instantly gaining attention from her vast followers on her Instagram, Logan hasn't got Social Media so that won't be an issue for him anyway but with a kiss on her temple he gave her another reason to smile.

Logan: ... Anything for you.

Mandy snuggled into him as it was now about 3 in the morning, this is a moment they both needed to truly understand their feelings for each other, it's not just a split mom and dad friendly relationship, it wasn't just a purely sex driven relationship, it was destined for them to meet on that boat that day.

What are the odds of their friends from two completely different circles and work paths meeting and starting to date themselves allowing Logan and Mandy to finally meet after all that time, it was writing in the stars...


Mandy woke up the next morning to the sun once again waking her up, she quickly noticed that she was alone, Mandy shot up from the bed and saw Logan sitting on the chair with Rose on her lap, their on his phone playing games or something.

Mandy: What are you two up to?

She asked sitting up fulling still wearing that tight one piece she wore to NXT last night, she'll change later after she tells Logan the great news about what she did for him.

Logan: Hi.

He smiled to her while they both looked up to her, Rose holding his phone landscape in her hands with her bear sitting on her lap acting like he's watched her play whatever she's doing.

Rose: Mommy, I'm playing Angry Birds.

Mandy chuckled to her energy in the morning while this is the second morning in a row she woke up after being fully rested instead of a hyper 4 year old running around, she could get used to having Logan around, although she needs to find out how he wakes up so early and is able to keep up with her at this time.

Mandy: Really?

She asked mainly to Logan as she nodded and went back to the game, Logan shrugged to Mandy as he still held the smile on his face.

Logan: She'd never heard of it before, She's a complete blank slate watch...

Logan got her attention and she looked up to him with a straight face wondering why he stopped her playing her game.

Logan: ...Milk milk lemonade.

That was all he said before Rose started giggling, like a lot, Mandy chuckled mainly to them just laughing for no reason, she didn't even wonder what the response was on the post she made last night, honestly she didn't care, she just wanted the world to know that she's happy where she is right now, in work and outside, speaking of work.

Mandy: Logan...?

He hummed looking away from the phone watching Rose play the game then up to her still now having moved to sit on the edge of the bed instead of on the bed.

Mandy: ... What are you doing for work?

Logan thought about it and honestly since he left the Navy 2 years ago, he spent most his time trying to find Mandy and when that seemed to be failing he and Anton bought a boat and he changed it to a business taking people scuba diving, Logan has now place in the business but he does own part of the boat.

Logan: Not much, why?

He asked wondering what has brought that on, she is trying to make this seem like she wants him to pay his way for Rose but she doesn't she's got plenty to keep all three of them afloat if she wanted too and she doesn't mind, she just heard Hunter at NXT talking about a job opening that Logan could fill perfectly.

Mandy: Well, the Performance Centre needed a new Trainer and I told my boss about you and you're history of wrestling in the Navy. He wants to meet you.

Logan didn't expect to hear her say that and he never thought about working with the WWE, yeah he watched it as a kid but who didn't right, back then though it was actually good, Hunter's doing a great job brining it back but nothing will compare to the Attitude Era.

Logan: You want me to work with you...?

Logan asked with a smirk as Mandy nodded a little she does have a small agender behind it because that means they can screw each others brains out in the locker room bathroom, something  she's wanted to do for so long but no one else has wanted to go it with her.

Logan: ... You can't get enough of me can you?

Logan once again asked with the smirk still on his face, Logan gave her a wink this time though making her smile biting her bottom lip, she saw him take a gulp, clearly her making that face did something for him but before anything could be said or done, the Doctor came in with the results to Logan's brain scan.

Doctor: Okay, so I have good news and bad news...


(To Be Continued)

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