chapter 10

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note the madera fourth ninja war did not happen they were all small wars that cause this with everything though!


i open mine eyes seeing kabuto ooking at me like a snake he is"what the hell?" was mine reply"h look she awakes, hard to get u now"he said a white snake was behind him and i saw anko"what is anko here where the hell am i?" i demanded, he did signs as i see mine skin not white but turning normal

"the fuck?" i said looking at mine self"anko!" i yell trying to go to her but couldnt" no way" i mutter to mine self"oh u relize whats going on?" he smirk"good now" he dreected me to somewhere, fucking hell i got mine soul back to fucking here bitch

holy damn i been spending wayyyyy to much with people who swear

in the battle where most shinobi are

i landed with a punch the dust settle as i saw"ino,choji,shikamaru" they started to tear up"s-sakura?" shikamaru said i look at him"whats going on? what happing?" i ask him feeling i can move freely now" the fourth shinobi war, madera " i nod " i see" was all i said i look around" i feel free now so i can help u fight, i cant die so it be good" i told them looking back, ino has tears in her eyes" ino calm down now" i said"we bury u sak.....after u gone a body show and and a hole was in your chest we though we thought" i blink

then recall that portal that open while fighting with a copy of mine self and it got blasted threw the chest falling in" that was a copy i was fine, i know hard but because u bury that body i was brought back" i told them"did u find find sasori?"choji ask me"he never was dead he was-"i cut by shooting a water style at some white zentsus and getting back up, over there im good at water back here ground and wind so i have three now till i get fourth in the other one or sticking with three who knows

"sakura" shikamaru said i smile at him"glad your doing well shika" i said as i lost mine grin and mine face harden"now after this u tell me where i go for to see mine teacher" i said to them they nodded"u know garra died" ino said after a while

" i know" i said"how?"i pull her down crushing the thing"because, for some reason he ended up where i am" i said doging a kick when a blash went threw me, i rose a brow it felt...weird" u ok sakura?"she ask"yep" i reply shooting back" now ino u can mind talk thiny right?" she nodded" let me talk" i said casting a berrer as we sunk underground a bit"sure"she was im press by this but got to work

'hello' s

'who this?'inos dad

'sakura haruno i got brought back, let me talk to tusande' i bluntly said

at the headquorters

"tusande!" he call a bit shock and upset"what is it?" she said"theres someone u might want to talk to"she can tell how disbileif is in his voice and came up setting her hand on his head or his hand on her head

back to where they are

'who is this?'t

'hi toushu' s

's-sakura?' t

'yah seems like i got brought back, and not at a good time seems like it, i need a way to go over there so u can look in mine mind for information' i said feeling a weird sense in me

'ok we can work on it right away't

'thanks shishu' s

'and sakura?'t


'im glad to hear u again' i smile

'same here'

we cut off i lift backing awayino came close i held a hand up" i-ino mine eyes" i said she gasp"one is fully black!!"she said i bit mine cheek" no w-way "i said"im going to where we normally hand out around here g-got it? come when its ready!" i said running away i hurt some fellows but couldnt help it

i pass someone but couldnt tell who but i know it would be bad if somone follows me

where abuto is

he wasnt happy that his most prize puppet was acting out, he didnt know how to control sakura at all, madera came"whats the problem?"he said seeing kabuto a bit distress"its this puppet i brought back it was working i was controlling her but something is in the way" he gritted his teeth"oh? how parculer who is it?" he questions"sakura haruno"

he grin even though kabuto cant see it"sakura haruno....when u get a good grip send her here" points to the vally"i need her" he vanish as kabuto work on the others to try control them then back to sakura'wonder what he planning' he grin'no matter we win then she mine' he grin wider

back to sakura

i hit the tree as  slid down mine head pounding mine eyes fell like on fire and what ever going on is bullshit

"sakura"i look up seeing sauske, he has one arm verrrry diffrent from when i saw him here"sauske?" i said as he went down he has a rinn"your alive"he tells me"yah brought baaaaa"mine head hurts like fucking hell! god damn!

"whats going on?" he ask me" mine head! it hurts like hell damn!" i held it suddenly his hands went to mine head as he rub it i felt calmer like what ever causing it is stopping for a bit"shh dont talk"i saw his eyes close, a purple tint was coming off his hands....'purple tint is for a way to try and break a bit of a holder or user jusu' i thought i look at him i grab his hands and pull them down, it was ok

"sakura"he said sternly i knew he try to break it conpletely but that wont do no good if he can bring me back again and he knows he can with me"your son was a happy child"mine eyes teared up" i promise to look after him"sauske said i cover mine mouth with mine hand and held back a sob i i thought 

"my baby"i coke out he held me as i cry" mine baby boy!" i cry out holding him ino came and her eyes soften seeing why i was crying, she went down"sakura" i sniff"sauske carry her back"he hned and did, i held on to him,since he had one arm

after we transported i look around i was on mine feet when it stop, when a huuuuge guy who name i dont recall look at me i hid in sauske cape that he had, he rose a brow at me a he hear me say"scary" he sweatdrop

"sakura its ok" mistzukage said genty i poke mine head out i see tusand and ran to her hugging her she hug back"sakura! i miss u"she said holding me i look up resting mine head on her chest and not like she mind u know how many times i did that?

"okay what the heck is happening??also i got pull out to bring back to life here at the wrong time" i said to her she knows that wasnt me by how i look now"okay"

and she told me everything that been happening after sauske went back

suddenly a sharp pain hit me i hit the wall"sakura!" she said the old man kage went over me and felt in mine head"she has a trouble link kabuto trying to control her but something blocking it"i close mine eyes

in the world with sasori

i open mine eyes a bit i look around seeing saosri"sakura" he saod softly i feel the pain still"i i cant" i told him"something wrong with it! if she gose back out who knows what will happen i mean she got hurt!" i saw mine side was bandage"water boil" i told him he nodded" edo?" i nod"forth" he wince"damn"he said garra look at me with worry"hey everythings ok here if not then sasori will move your ring to another finer" i nodded knowing i saw it a bit move to mine other finger, he put it back to normal kissing mine head"good luck sweetheart"he said i nod i look at hidan he knew the look

"fucking dont get kill or seal got it?" i nod as i was sent back


as sak eyes close her skin went to the pail white it was as i began to worry a bit more is this right? is sending her back to that world right?"is sakura awake?" tusande said we shook our head" who ever did this isnt funny" ino said sniffing a bit, i know how she feels, kakashi set plants down looking at me

"your her husband" i nod"yes?" i said "why marry sakura at a young age" i got ticked well u almost try to get mine girl to marry u dude and it fail"because if it was up to me i would of wait till the right time but it was spposed to be this way from the start" sak told me why we got marry early or she to young say we were in arrange marrage, im fine with it but i hate she went with that

"what u mean"saugay ask(lol) me"arrage marrage"tusande eyes widen a bit"arrage marrage baa-chan whats that?" narudope ask(saso lol) tusande"where the parents already has someone for u to already be marry"she commented i look back'sak be safe' i thought 

back to where sakura is

i jump down from a hill as madera was with his mask on, ha i already know what u look like dude so fuck off"ah its the pink knouchi" i held a growl as he mess with mine hair, he pull me back by him as he held mine arm roughly"u are staying with me got it?" he growl i didnt have will so i nod turs out after i came back i was leaving after bursting threw the ceiling 

i couldnt stop mine self so when sauske came in front of me i force to wipe his memory of seeing me back, then i went full speed to where this phyco is

"madera!" its naruto!" we got u"and sauske!" ah ah ah i think its more like" i was pull i glare at him a bit" i got u!" he laugh i glare harsher"s-sakura-chan?"naurto said shock and about to tear up sauske eyes widen, again his memory wipe when he help me with mine baby boy

"say hi"he said harshly as i glare back"hi guys, im back but not geez i swear hold me rougher one more time u basred and i will sick them on u" i hiss at him, sauske sweatdrop at what i said 

"or sick these to on me! hahahaha"he laugh i saw naruto in a light yellow cover almost like a blanket and sauske had his shar and rin on with his purple ghost thing around him and snakes, i twitch"yes"i nod as they attack


i fell down and toss his arm off me,ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"sakura"sauske said"ewwwwwwww"he shut me up by poking mine head i blink then furrow mine brows itachi from back where i should be do that to me to piss me off

shisui do that as well....bastereds taught him here fuck"come on"naruto lift me i blink"warm"i bluntly told him while we jump well while they jump, he sweatdrop

"yah karma cloat"i blink"nine tails" i ask he nodded i hum"ohhhhh" three second later

"Whhy the fuck u carrying me in that cloat get or turn that the fuck off!!"

at kohana

tusand was with me along with everyone else, i can tell that i dont look noral but then again it kinda fading but i still look like me"sakura meet your son"tusande said moving mine eyes widen as he was around 12-13 years old, he not a shinobi i can tell that much but i dont care i i get to see mine baby boy

"mom?" he said unsure, he has mine eyes and cheekbones"h-hi sweety y-yes its me mom" i said as i drop holding him close, he held me back crying i cry also


as the edo sakura held her son it was tear jerking then i saw her hair started to go away and knew what that meant"mom im doing great here! everythings ok! i move here a year ago and and i met so many friends your friends as well and and'" he said talking about stuff i knew she knows she has to time left but couldnt help but stare at her only child

"i see im glad for u dear"she said he grin his eyes fill with tears"your your not staying are u?" she shook her head" im sorry i wish i can"she said giving her son a hug again, tenten took her son after saying bye to sakura

they left sakura look at us" my how u all grown"she said she very mature over the time i seen her"sakura we miss u!" hina said as she pat hina head" i miss u to hina" one by one she said few words and goodbyes now it was me and sauske

"hey boys"she said softy she wasnt going to finshed what she going to say or giving us a hug, one or the other"i miss talking to u guys the real u's"she said giving us a hug"we miss u sakura"we both said"dont beat over your selfs what happen ok? i love u both and no matter what"she point to our hearts as she smile as she starts to fade away

"i will be with u no matter what" she mouth something as she went away, i had tears in mine eyes, sauske look away knowing he also had tears

thank u for everything and for taking care of me, i wish i seen u grow up mine boys

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