chapter 9

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ello everyone i like to say im sooooooooo sorry for not updating sooner!!

sasori- she was a bit busy with her school but she out now right?


sakura-dinchi dont own anything if she did a lot would change and they story plot belongs to her the shipp does not belong to her as well

me- did u have to put the shipping part?


me-okay then! sorry for the writing bte nijas! byeeeee


a month later

i was walking with hina when ino came to me and hina with her eyes harden" is it true?" she said not even saying hi" hello ino" hina said nicely" hello to u and whats true?" i ask tilting mine head" that u and sasori came from another time?" i stiffen' what the? h-how' i look at her she wasnt liying" no" i said trying not give anything out she smile big her last form was gone as we talk and walk then i brought up the thing she ask me

"oh! karin and ami said they heard u ,sasori,and garra planning stuff that from the future or another time and spread the rumor that you guys from the future or something!" she laugh hina shook her head" thats dumb i mean sure she been threw a lot but that dont mean she from some weird time" hina said 'no'

i took a sip of mine tea as they talked more' your wrong, thats the truth...but how we were on the hokage mountain and where in a circle so we would of seen her.....' i thought as i took another sip, i saw sasori and garra and sasori saw me and calm over

i acted like i didnt see them and talk with them" hello girls hello blossom~" saso wrap his arms around me as i smile at the warmth as i lean on him" hello saso, did u and garra get back?" i question they nodded" i took the week off" garra said i hum getting it as saso lifted me i squeek

ino smile big" so sasori how u ask her?" she said pointing to mine ring" oh? now u start to wear it while im out? im hurt love" he said ovsly not "i ask her before we le-" i poke his ear he look at me we bicker with garra walking away till i stop, he notice and his face turn stone" was going on" he ask me " someone told karin and ami that were from the future" garra eyes widen a bit

"who though no one was by us at least 100 meters from the village and only animals were in the forest" garra said" i dont know but ino ask me and i had to lie to tell her that we aren't"

i told them i lean on saso while he still carring me" but still....who figure it out? hidan still havent come back, and last message said that he will be back in a week or so if he can get out without getting marry to these fucking chiks" saso laugh" i know where he is!"

he laugh garra nodded sulking a bit i giggle at this" oh come on garra ur one and only lov is out there!" he turn his eyes" i actully found mine love when u were gone" i sputter" why didn u tell us!" i said sasori kiss mine cheek i went red and quiet

"nice trick" garra commented" only works in public " he said i huff covoing mine face in sasori shoulder" hey why saku hiding?" i heard kas said i roll out of saso arms and jump on fishy back, he caught me of course" where your sword fishy?" i ask him he huff" one stop with that nickname two at home i was seeing if u knew where hinata was at" i wiggle mine eyebrows at his eyes went side ways"she at the tea house with ino, tell ino that sai is looking for her and shell go running" i commented hugging him a bit and jump off landing between saso and panda" see ya!" i said as we walk away i smile

garra poke mine cheek" saso dont get adfence but saku did u know i had a crush on u before i got to know u as a sister way?" he tells me i blink"noooo but i do now!" i said saso sweatdrop" i wonder how u knew i wasnt lieing when i said i love u" i roll mine eyes" of course i thought u were liying but after the first few time i knew u werent " i told him poking his chest mine one eye fash as mine veins show"whats up?"

garra said his sand is lift, sasori flex his finger" someone watching this village hugely i felt a slight glaze on us and check" i said looking above the sky" widly? who has that power??" garra commented" dont know but lets tell tuande" i nod as mine eye went back i blink sasori bruh mine hair out of mine face" there green irsis i fell in lov with" i turn red and hid behind garra he shook his head as his sand lift me and him, i held on to garra" see u there saso" garra tease i blink, when did they have this rivaly?

"oh your on kid" saso said as his chakra string lift hm up, i curl mine fingers and poof there, tusande wondign why i arrived" hello lady tusande!" i said swipping off some sand from mine shoulder

"hello sakura, is there something u need?" i saw some sensei's and kakashi here" oh....did i intrude something?" i heard a sigh " kinda but u normally dont pop in like this unless it deals with sasori or garra or the village" i smile a bit but lost it as i turn stone like in the first year in war

"yes theres a problem with the village" i said her face lost its kindness when she saw this, sasori and garra came in, i notice there a bit tuffle but said nothing

"sakura sasori and garra? your all here"kurmi said as minto nod kushina look worryly" is naruto ok? are the kids ok as well" kishina ask me i nod" for now yes" i said she relax slitly" for now " minto sad i nod" someone is watching this village, i left mine post to check if it the same here" garra said i didnt know his village was also watch, he must of felt it and rub it off

"this is big if they can see the whole village widly then someone powerful is planning" saosri said his face held like when i first met him" i see, how can u tell its widly?" she ask beileve us but wonding as well" cant say, not allowed" we all said everyone stiffen 

"this is big then" i nod" lady tusande i cant pin point where the user is at so we need bakugan users to serectly to look at the sky, we dont want the user knowing we know"

i started"we also need sharingan users to be ready to stop any attacks if it is widly this may cause a gen jusu and we ne to de cast it right away" saosri said adding what i said

" after we find how much and how long we need I&T with intellgance to work on how far, who it is will be a matter on who control this much chakra to see two villages" garra finshed 

she nodded as some vanished going to replay the plan" now there another thing" she said as she folded her fingers together i gulp" saso i told u no small wedding" i whisper to him thinking it was because we didnt do the marrage just slip it kis and done with who ever was there since were already marry

" well lets hope she only worry not being invited" he whisper back" thers a rumor that you three are time this true? and u cant tell lies in this room no more with the seal that i ask asuna put on" i move mine eyes to see him by the seal

"what now?" garra ask i shrug" this is higher then us...i was tod not to tell anyone and that goes or u two well sasori more then u garra since u were brought back to life"he shot a look at me i crack a smile but lost it"saso your play cause i got none" he look shock and weirdly at me "for real? mine what about gara he a kazakage!" he said" not yet" he reply i juster" plus your the one said if anything happens u have a plan, well dear?" he had a tick mark" brat" i blink" kid" garra side" pinky"

mine eye twitch "red heads" they both twitch at that" i swear u two are like brothers and i marry one of u" i commented crossing mine arms acting like were not there, the others saw this and acted the same" well sxcuse me that he looks like me then his other two siblings! hey maybe yur mum had me but gave me up" he said poking garra

"right if that were true then it explains why i couldnt stand u" garra said noise up, i sweatdrop

"yep offical you two are red heads" they shot a look at me making me raise mine hands" har har har blossom " sasori said i shrug" well what now, oh i know garra u want come over for dinner?" i ask garra sasori wrap his hand around mine" sure i havent had that beef stew u use to make for us" i grin" im glad u like it! seems like someone like mine beef stew" i look at sasori" hey! i try your first tie beef stew im sorry im not a mushroon fan" he commented" then u could of told me and i would of goten rid of the mushrooms! their just in there for the nutrinans!"

i told him poking him he huff garra smile a bit"cool we got tonight, so whats new? wait wait garra who was that person u like!!!" i said he knew what i meant"um..." he flush a bit looking down i smile big" ohhhhh garra in looooooooove" sasori rose a brow" your acting like ino dear" i blink shaking mine head" sorry sorry anyways garra come onnn u cant hold out on meee" i said he smirks" maybe i can maybe i cant" i took some steps back in shock"oh my, garra so savage" i said saosri and garra sigh at mine dramics" i swear if we went traveling again u get the nickname dark blossom again" i smirk jummping up a bit

"of coursse!" i said smiling a bit" ne ne what say we get some food? i heard that the creeps are good" iask them" u never had a creep here?" garra said as we left" nah stuck with mine normal stuff" we walk out i felt themw atching us"nice way we couldnt tell a lie so we talk about other then what was ask" sasori commented clapping a bit

"got it when i sw sand and chakra strings on u two boys" i said they huff" so who'?"i ask garra" u know this person very we-' i cut him off"its sengestu isnt?" he turn red i smirk" haha knew it..." garra shot a look at me i grin at him"welllllll sangestu actually coming here sincce for an odd reason seeing his friend sauske and i know he might see u~~" i said teasing him he huff still red

when we got out we got creeps and it was fun

later the next day

while walking hidan show up by us oozing positive vides"im done with fucking villages like them" he mutter i blink"mhm"i said"so what now?"i look at garra, hidan knows seeing how he not taking his staff out, since his staff is his weird sword and i change mine weapon and it went back when i took it out and told eveyone about it

"dont know but this is big"garra commented as he fell, it was sangetsu!!!!hahaha "sorry"he said helping garra up, garra couldnt help but nod and satre at his crush~" t-thanks"he reply"welcome!im sangestsu!" he reply with his side smile grin, garra was a bit pink u couldnt tell if u werent watching and ready to tease him

"garra" he said"nice to meet u garra! well i have to go nice meeting u!" he said as he left i helds saso hand when i saw sangestsu looking back, i made sure it look like and is with sasori he was smirking when he turn

"garra your red" sasori bluntly said as garra turn more red, i laugh with everyone mostly hidan then i felt a sharp pain"hey u ok?" sasori ask me i nodded suddenly i was sent back to a wall"sakura!" they yell sasori was the first to reach me i felt drain"s-sa" i try to say but he pick me up but i hit the wall"dont worry sak we can get u to the hospital"i nod as i felt lifted and saw sasori try grab me "s-s-s" i couldnt speak,"sakura!" he yell jumping up suddenly a bright light cover me

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