chapter 8

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I lost track on what chapter were on soooo I'm doing parts!! Unless it's an Arthur note then nope.......sooo anyways to the book!!!


two weeks later

I blink at everything that has change and last time I was here when me and sasori were talking to pain well the one from the old timeline I thought as I look at yahiko and konan looking at me and sasori I glance at him he smile at me I turn red looking back " a-anyways I think we we shoulder disband th-the akaski an-and have the members go where t-they want to go"I finished what I said since I took a minute after why I was here and all that

 Yahiko look at the woman he love and she nodded he look back at me "okay then will finished the alliance with kohona then u can leave and come here anytime u want"he told me I smile big as saso went to tell the members but I just realized that orochimaru wasn't with them and he never was in the village and wasn't in the chuning exams when I took it with the others 

"Um yahiko-sama, I been wondering um do u know where orochimaru is?"he blink at me then right when saso came in gave him a blank look"u didn't tell her where orochimaru is?" He look cunfused

"Orochimaru? Why would I tell her if I don't even recall?" Konan blink and turn with her hand over her lips, she trying to not laugh I bet ya!

"He the leader of the sound village"we both blink then nodded,bowing, leaving them alone

"Dear you look like the spitting image of when u were 18"  he purr as his arms went around mine waist I smile leaning while we walk"I'm 18 almost 19 dear u know what this means"he smile slipping on the ring on mine finger"we are married already don't see why u don't keep the ring on"he said I can hear a bit of amusement in it as I gasp laughing like no tomorrow 

"Sasori my man leave Sakura alone un!" He stop looking up I saw deidra smiling I wave to him he wave back "hey guysss"I saw kasme coming as well"we want to go to your village cherry u don't mind do ya?" I shook mine head smiling seeing the future going faster then normal , saso narror eyes at kasme"u met someone at her village"he turn purple as I laugh , dei eyes widen

"Oh my god un!! What!!!! Who who un!!" Demi was right but I might know who "well it's a bluentte"i smirk Same with saso as we left he probably saw it as we left

"Well I'm glad he fancy hina"I said were suddenly at the leaf walking in I blink looking at saso as he smirk holding a familiar kuni"why do u have that? That's supposed to be for naruto!"I snatch it back he sulk but hug me tighter I shot a look at him as he laugh I laugh as well as the kuni went to mine hostler

"I was worry that they might have done something to u Sakura" I shiver because he normally don't call me by mine first name "saso"I said in a low tone as I got out of his hug and held his hand swinging it a bit he look at me cunfused "your still like your old self huh? I can tell your out of your puppet body due to u being so warm" he smile at me as I slip on the ring he smile wider"and saso I'm already your wife don't forget that, even if we're not from this time" he smile at me softly as I giggle " true true but! What will tusande say?"I tsk him he smile at me as we kept our hands in lock

"Oh! Have u found hidan yet?"I ask him he shook his head"same with the one that was pain I still couldn't find him I bileve u said his name was nagito right?"I nodded

As he hum ino ran to us stopping seeing saso"oh hi there um wait sasori right?"he nodded a bit startled when she came out of no where, I can't blame him I was as well "well u see well um I need Sakura cause she a girl and well , she going to a girls sleepover so u can't have her back for the night!"ino latch her arm around mine I blink sasori laugh seeing mine face turn to horror

"No makeup!"I said to her she laugh chose not to listen to me "also natural lookin for u because since u are with Sakura ur with the guys so your going to be with them as a guys night out byeeee!!" I wave not able to give him a kiss as he wave bye as well

At ino house the next day

I twitch seeing what I look like the next morning but sigh finishing the food I made for the girls ,

Tenten,timari,hinata,ino,tusande,Karin,ami, and well me I bileve I got everyone in mind because lady tusande assesnt couldn't come so"'yawn' morning saku"I hear hina said I turn smiling at her sightly I grin at her "morning the two bimbos still asleep"she nodded knowing who I meant 

"Yah I don't know why there here"she said in a quiet but normal tone I shrug handing her a plate"because it was raining and those two needed a place to dry off and ended staying for the sleep over "I answer her question as I set the table"be lucky I'm not like an S-class nin cause I don't do this offen"I sniff as she giggle I sat down one by one everyone start to fill in even Karin and ami


"Thank u Sakura!"the girls but Karin and ami said "these are weird what did u make these out of?" Ami ask me looking at the blueberry pancake"it's blueberry there organic I thought everyone want to eat heathy" I said she smile "good I don't want to get fat for naruto-kun!" I grim at the time Karin nodded "sauske-kun is very very hasome don't u think??" She ask me I blink coking on mine food 

"W-what?"I said getting mine voice"nu-uh! Naruto can beat your sauske anytime!" They suddenly started to fight and I got a urge to hit something "Sakura"I turn to Nina as she look at me with pink on her cheeks "I I need some help I I saw this shinobi an-nd we work a-a mission together fo-or a week a-and I was wondering I-if u knew him" I smile thinking of one person"was he tall?"she nodded"blue hair?" She nodded"blue skin with sword on back?" She nodded I smile big 

"That's Kasme! He a good buddy of mine and! Him and three others are coming here to live here"the room went quiet as Nina turn red like a tomato and pass out mine yes widen in shock"hina!" I said going by her trying wake her up suddenly sasori came in with the boys kasme saw me and I flash by him giving him hina"u hurt her I break that sword and your arms" 

He gulp and nodded going to one of the rooms as sasori went by me wrapping arms around mine waist I lean on him"I see what u did there, sak u know she passes out when u make her blush so much" I giggle as he chuckle naruto tilt his head"where hinata-chan? Sakura-chan?" I blink almost said something but didn't " don't want to tell"I stuck mine tounge out at him he did the same sauske hn"hey where your bro sauske?"I ask him he pointed behind the door they came threw"he was washing dishes "he reply then eating a bacon from the plate

"Glad u know how to cook better Sakura"I got a tick mark from that comment but said nothing , though sasori couldn't keep his damn laughter in which cause him groaning in pain and I huffing when dei came in he laugh not saying anything coming , of course I saw neji eye deidra so I went to introduce them"yo Neville!" He glare at me"it's neji Haruno" I psh him smiling"this is deidra, dei this is neji hugua be nice play nice....for a time"I got two glares from two blushing faces as I laugh Garda was by sasori poking him , though I been wornding about Garda since I came back he acting like like " hey Garra may may I talk to u?" I ask sasori look at me but saw the look and nodded garra nodded as we left going to the hokage mountains, due to garra sand

"Garra.....are u are u from"I try to say but right when he smile I knew "panda !!!"I threw mine arms around him as he caught me smiling a bit, sasori fist pump him smiling "hey didn't know u came back"Garra eyes turn to saddness"actually I don't know how I'm here...u see after u left and same with sasori ,since I sent him to the village  but didn't know u left, a war started I died along with a few others "mine eyes widen 

"Another war??! That's that's"he nodded"crazy I know but but it was hard thousands died I also did then suddenly I woke up here in mine 7 year old body going threw time with a different light, a lot change here and when I saw how u acted Sakura I thought I came here and thought-" I cut him off

"We change something in this timeline right?" He nodded "the thing is we didn't it was like this before we came here, someone other then us came back"garra eyes narrowed "who though? I only know u and sasori came back? Maybe hidan"I stop him there

"Won woh woh! Hidan might came back?? No no if he did he would of found us in a weird way " I told him garra nodded "but don't forget he might not be the only one back I mean there is obito and -" I cut him off "madras and obito are here actually Madura actually very very old right now but due to something he was able to live on " I told him

"Then who..." we all thought till sasori pop the answer"maybe it was nagito"we both look at mine husband but I start putting the picture together "I can see it I can see it , he died before u garra and he might of been here before me and saso " I crack mine knuckles "this going be fun! But first orochimaru a problem, Danzo also a problem" garra eyes sharpen"my father as well he needs to go" I blink but couldn't blame him I mean, he try killing his kids for crying out loud before he died! "He acts more like he was when he was control by kabuto but he alive here and more evil he needs to go" I nodded

"I got dibs on kabuto when we see him! He betray me back before I knew sak or anyone so"I nodded I crack mine neck"looks like danzo mine, we need to cut his arm and eye out first we might need that for later and also we kill them at night at a spree that not in the same night got it?" Mine eye shine the rinnsangan as they smirk 

"Good thing u two from the future or your eyes will be blind"i said they laugh as I turn mine one eye off with the rinn

(short for rinnsangan also for sharingan an will be shar And for the bakugon will be baku if I'm missing for what she has then please tell me thanks!!)

"Great now all we need to do is pick when we kill them"I said as a monk come to view "hello but have u seen any temples around here?" That voice"no I'm sorry"garra said tiling his head"good cause I'm not fucking going to any"I smile big "hidan! U big log! U did come back and your a goddamn monk lord!" I said about to hug him but step back laughing a bit he scowl "yah yah I went threw fucking hell"

He mutter his peaceful ora turn to his normal one "kami if u do that down there and talk like u are now I will be impress"I said he smirk"thank u anyways nagito is a fucking problem for us as well magor problem, sak your parents along with your house burned down u live with ibiki for a bit till you turn 16 then u live in the house u and puppet lived in back in the old fucking timeline" I blink in shock as sasori lean in

"How do u know almost everything but never contacted us?" She hustler to us three "because I'm a fucking monk! Do u fucking think a shitty monk that actually a fucking shinobi will have a summon?? No! A shitty monk don't but a ducking nin do!" He huff"and I never knew where u guys were or if Sakura was fucking alive"I nodded seeing why he didn't for me and sasori 

"What about garra" he gave us a blank look and we all ohh seeing the look Garry rub his head"heh I do have a blank look no matter what timeline" I gave him the same blank look he normally use" yah it don't help "he chuckle as sand wrap around hidan as it dissatisfied into a tag"mine summon hope u don't hate snowy" he shiver but shrug"don't fucking hate then just hate the fucking cold"he reply "I have cats their tied to the uchias and there good for moving and keeping secrets and have for a while " I said sasori nodded

"True I have a a scorpion though " he said " I have a hawk " we stare at hidan "what?" He said " I didn't think u have that" we all reply he grumbled profanity but we didn't listen to them

"Anyways here a tag for everyone, also each one will do with information and all that, sasori u go to the villages and scout out any huge places u can pick up anything from bars to hookers, just no playing around"he shot a glare playfully as they laugh

"Garry since your going after your father your assasination will be first so be swift and look like orochimaru did it so it won't be blame on u or act like a rouge did it ether way make sure your not caught " he nodded as we finished the tags "hidan your a traveling monk, use that to go to small villages and all that stuff it will help with your nice ora along with your killing ora , use the tactics everyone knows for gettin information" I told, him he nodded I sigh"and I got danzo so we keep in touch and meet back here in let's say 4-5 months? If we need everyone here send a S.O.S or something to tell us we are needed "

We all nodded "I like to add to make friends on the summons side so they can find nagito, any word on him we go to any leads" I nodded to what garra said "okay will start on Sunday the day on the full moon of the first night"I said slamming mien hand on the head of naruto father 

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