Chapter 7

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Ello ello happy Easter!!!!!



It was Easter and I was waiting for Sasori so we can do what we normally did on today what to know what it was?"sakuraaaa I got the ears and the paint bombs!!!!" Saso said coming in with his ears on and his bunny like outfit 

Make the whole village and any other village in the next week painted with light spring colors like yellow pink and green

"Yosh! Okay we start here today u told the others what to do right?"I said talking about our clones since we made about 100-200 of them and sent them all to any high and mighty villages and the akaski "yep they know once I flare mine chakra up"I smirk big as I saw the sun rise"it's go time!"I yell he nodded I put mine ears on that he got as we walk out the door "hello Sakura" I saw it was ino's dad

"Oh hello inuchi(forgive me I can never spell his name right)" I chirp he look at me then Sasori then the eggs then back at me"got something plan today?"he ask I nodded big"yep! And trust me everyone is invited!" Saso cover his mouth in laughter"okay don't get arrested " and mine reply was

"Wouldn't want to even if I try!" He shook his head as me and mine red head jump to the hokage mountains as I grin"step one! Flare the chakra!"I said he did "step two get ready to fire!" We smile big as our thing was ready to launch "step three ! Fire!!!!" I yell"um Sakura seat u forgot that step three was to say in a loud voice happy Easter" I blink "oh yah "I put the last of mine chakra that I had in mine throat"happy Easter everyone and hope u injoy!" I said real loud I heard Naruto saying something but I dismiss it"okay now step four! Fire in the egg!"he chuckle but ran cutting the strings as they all went flying hitting each building with different color 

"Next! Phase two color the hokage mountain while we still have time!"I said as he toss me a paint brush I felt all the memories from all mine clones one by one and I couldn't help but grin while painting quickly I saw Sasori laughing I was as well 

Guess Garry wasn't to happy that his house was painted pink he yell 'it was supposed to be red!' But we or our clones said it wasn't in the season and yahiko wasn't to please with it seeing me and Sasori throwing at everything and everyone, including him the most, he turn out to look like a bad meets up rainbow!

"Haha okay phase three! Run like the wind to our cabin!" I said he grab me and we made it in few feet from it since I gave him some of mine so we can make it this far"wow so u did built it like it was in the old timeline"I said going by it looking at each thing "yah I did I even cut right there to show that night we got stuck in a snow storm together here"he said I giggle at that, that was our fourth year of being together and he try to make it right but the ring pop out of the case and I ask what it was he wouldn't answer but he did a few weeks later

"Yah I still can't  beileve u were going ask me to marry u here instead on the lake of mirrors"I told him we went inside mask our chakra  and sat down "yep and now the final phase- spend the rest of the day together "I smile at him as we talk and had fun and all that stuff

The next week

"I wonder what the hell gone threw your minds last week!!"one of the Kage's said angry some where some where amused how we pull it off in one short morning and some where just bored with the meeting

While me and Sasori? Laughing like no tomorrow in our minds and on the outside trying to not laugh like it's no tomorrow but it's kinda failing 

"Oh give them a break! They only made things liveier in each village! I mean when the last time someone got everyone?" I turn mine head and the kage of the water village look displeased 

"4 years ago"he reply"and see ho-" the man who was Kage of the little villages was cut off by the said water kage " by her and her team" I stiff a laugh but it came out in giggles Sasori turn to me in amusement and a bit shock"that was u??" He ask, we only been here for a year or two"yah what u expected?" Looks like I was also like this before I came back I code him he nodded

"But anyways it's supriseing that everyone of them came cause of a prank to lighten stuff up"I shrug it's weird right? That each kage from all the villages suddenly have a five kage meeting?? Something going down u go out once we are free to go and see what's going on 

"Ah it is but what can we do but wait" he reply with a shrug I will do that sweetheart but for now we wait u going do the same with your allies? I shrug to him we look at each other suddenly the air got colder 

"That's if saying I don't know what to do right? While we wait" Sasori there's still the matter we haven't talked about 

His eyes narror at me"right but even if u know what to do while we wait the kage's here still need to talk to us, better not dismiss them like normal dear" we are not going talk about that Sakura I love u and all but I will not and cannot talk about it it hurts me as much as u 

I cross mine arms as the air got deadly"but if we talk to them then all we are going to get is blamed Saso I mean what's the point in being here if all we know what is and isn't right?"  Of cause it hurts me but the grave is shallow we may be able to I know I hate using the jusu but it's because the death was sudden we can't allow this to happen, must be the work of someone who came before u or me 

He scoff "true but that don't mean u can blow them off there the Kage's dear u can't just walk in knowing something then walk right out, it's improper" if someone did come before us why did he make the death look like it was because they cross paths?

Saosri and I had a stare contest "um guys?"a voice said , the girl who ran the wind village , we snap our heads towards her she jump, make that everyone but tusande killer bee brother and Garra jump , I sigh" sorry miss hida but we were just talking about stuff that is now and maybe later on" I look at him I know u don't like it but it was just three days ago where going to see if the rumor is true or not about a mask man

He look the other way "Barbra the sand not to hot right?" He ask garra shook his head in a bit cunfusion but talk with the others anyways we are not going to the hidden in the waves to see the grave just to make them come back to life I hand mine hand on the table I made a first and pound the table he turn to me tusande look at me and Sasori

"Is everything okay?"she ask everyone waited for the next reply"tusande is it okay if I went to the hidden in the waves with sasori here for a few days?"his eyes narror as she nodded looking at me then back at Sasori then back at me

"Sure but did something happen we miss?"she ask"I don't know maybe maybe not it depends if your in or out of it" I said he cross his arms"and even if your not in u can still make do with what u know" he said sternly I scowl the girl put a hand on mine shoulder I hiss 

"I'm sorry I just have a bruise there "I said bowing a bit "I'm going outside "I told tusande as I pass Sasori

"We have to go see his grave even if u are his partner, deidra must be brought back" and I left the room

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