Chapter 6

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Injoy ! I feel like I should do something.......wait did I put the ring for Sasori? I think I did didn't I?yah I did then what......oh well here's a little sad but good quoit to know!

It's sad and the pictures inside don't help but it's true and don't u dare say it's not!'points a finger at the camera and sighs ' even if it's true why do u think most people make these kinds of books? To make the main person we're writing about sad? No to make them happy! I mean look at naruto! He didn't start out so great but then he married hinata had kids and was the hokage! That's proof!

Also anime taught us all what the meaning of life is not our parents not our friends not from prersonal experience anime taught us how to live threw different sutff and how to act on it with it and how not to act 

That is all oh and I don't own anything if I did trust me things would have been a bit different , naruto' story might have been the same buuuuut who knows!, and like I said in the verrrry beginning injoy!


I lay on the floor seeing it's now morning as I felt fingers play with mine pink locks"I alawys like u with short hair but your locks have grown so much it's weird and different"I smile in content of the voice"well I like to see how your hair was when I first met u"I twist mine body to where I was facing him, his honey brown eyes look at mine green irises "mine little red head"I said as he scrunch up his nose and I kissed it going back to how I was before I moved

"Hey Saku?"I hummed as he play with mine hair"since we got the time to relax-"I kinda cut him off"nah I just not going to mine thing today your here, I have every right to not go "his head peer over me as I saw his amusement threw his eyes"isn't your sensei going to worry for u not coming?" He said smirking a bit I stuck mine tongue out at him "kakashi can handle without me and mine remarks today "I said he laughed, kami I miss that laughed, he lean down and kiss mine noise like I did and I blink scrunching it up seeing how it felt weird 

"Your only 13 right now"he mutter looking at me, mine pink hair in his hand "I'm 14 I have u know and yes for now and I see your in your wooden body"I said knocking on him as u can faintly hear something 

He rolls his eyes"hey the only reason why I'm not getting into mine real body yet and letting u feel mine skin is because I'm waiting for u to turn 18 I mean 16 u look hot" I blush at that

"I didn't know u thought I was hot back then" I said looking away he laughed "haha yes that's why I wanted u so badly then and when we got married"I blush big from his chose of words and hit him with a pillow I got up he remove the pillow and looked at me with cunfusion

"If u want so badly to lay around u can I'm going see the village"he jumped up and stop me hugging mine waist effectively stoping me from moving since he nussle his head in mine neck mine hair in his face, I shook mine head so his face got hit with it ,he blink at this causing me to giggle" fine I'll come along,he mutter kissing mine neck, I shiver from that damn him ,

And walked off to get his shoes

~\_/~ nahahahaha later by itachi! NaHahahahaha

I held Sasori hand as we walk down the village I blink away the memories as Sasori looked at me squeezing mine hand" it's different sweetheart ok? I mean look even ibiki is different u told me your self!"he told me that's right after I calm down from mine mini panic attack we talked about how different the villages were 

"True though u told me that deidei is..."he nodded"he's join but not to worry soon they will come here after meeting u"he said giving me a kiss on the cheek"hey a flower for the lovely blossom?"I blush as I nodded he guide me to a flower shop ('wiggles eye brows') 

In the shop

I watch from the door as he went off and looked for some flower he wanted to get me, why do I feel like I know this flower store?hmmmm nope not ringing any bells oh!i wonder if into shikamaru and choji are doing their training right now ....their ino-shika-cho combo 

"Hello"I turn to see a male leaning on the side besides me , a flirts or not, I gave him a nice smile "hello"I treated back"do u work here?because if u do no wonder the flowers are in bloom" yep this guy a flir-is he flirting with me?? Huuuuuuuuh?"I'm sorry no but the flowers are lovely u should buy some for someone u know"I said smiling a bit 

He touch mine shoulder I got a bit uncomfortable I don't want to use mine strength in the store and I brought nothing with me damnit  I thought as I shift "um sir please get your hand off me I'm waiting for someone"I said as he rub mien shoulder I shiver in disgusted 

"Heh ditch them baby their not worth yo-"suddenly I felt an very very mad and angry ora "excuse me but I do not allow anyone to tarnish mine friend"I blink seeing ino right there I saw Sasori was still looking, good he didn't see for a second I thought it was Saso then the guy would be out right now but sti-wait why Ino here?!

" I'm sorry ma'am "he left with a sight disposed look and I look at ino"hey ino um I didn't know u were buying flowers"I told her she looked at me"u forgot didn't u?"I tilt mine head then it dawn to me 

"Ooooooh that's why this flower shop looked so familiar ! It's your family shop!"I said realizing it now as ino laughed at mine thoughtless mind 

"U know Sakura u are really an air head sometimes"I put mine hand on mine heart "rude "I said not making it real threat as she lightly punch mine shoulder "anyways why u here?"I lean back as a small smile place on mine lips"I'm waiting for someone to get me"

I look at ino her eyes were widen with hearts in them and her grin was big as I ever seen her with , this one and the other one, as I look at her tiling mine head"o.m.g u found someone u like?!" I straighten up from the tone of her voice from the corner of my eye Sasori also did as well and went by the the counter waiting for ino" um yah?"I said a bit cunfused as he ring the bell she told me to hold and went to ring him up I wonder what flower he got me I thought as he turned to me as ino watch, with her eyes wide and mouth dropped, as Sasori Went up to me and given me a white rose splatter with a bit of pink and red 

" oh wow Sasori this is "I said in awe I know he put paint on the pettels but how he did it was gorgeous, I look at him"sorry for keeping u long, I hope u didn't keep u waiting to u"I took his hand and smile gently "no u didn't ready to go?"I ask gently he nodded opening the door for me and we left

ino(wait for it) 

Oh no (almost ) they don't!(we all know at this point what's going to happen) I'm going follow them! Sakura with a boy?! He looks different but damn! Sakura, the bookworm who is almost jouin and a major bookworm who swore off not going to love anyone anymore after her parents , haruno is with a guy!" Sikamaru u come with me now!"I whisper yell as he went by me looking at me In cunfusion "what's going on ino?" He ask me with a slight yawn 

"Sakura on a date"his eyes widen as he sputter saying I was cunfused or living till I made his head look at Sakura and her date walking along chatting smiling and holding hands

"U were right " he said mouth open"I know right!? Shocking u go tell the others, this is a code pink got it? A code pink" since Sakura wasn't with emotion other than toying with people and teasing we made codes for stuff if he notice something was off 

Red-when she first smile

Green-her first laughed that not with naruto or sauske or making fun of someone when they got insulted by her because it's the truth 

Black-when she cries 

Blue-when she shock 

Etc etc  so anytime any of these codes show up we make sure that we all see it And look a code is happening now

Pink-she on a date with a guy

Well two codes pink and purple 

Purple-with a guy

Pink-on a date

"Shika it's actually punk and purple go go go"I said he ran off , the only time he does anything is when the codes are something he will be energetic for, and I watch them

"Hey u think that sharky different or the same?" I heard Sakura said as her date lean up looking at the sky as they sat down I took a table that's in hearing range but not be able to see me " hm...he not that different when u last u saw him actually but he more like hm....hina in a way like when they tease him so much or when he by someone he thought was cute "he said I tilt mine head 

Hina? Do they mean hinata? I thought "I think they should be together I mean u know why"Sakura said "sak no can hear us here u don't have to be stiff" he said"I don't know there ANBU all over the place.... Sasori I do want to but maybe when we travel to see all the villages ?"Sasori that's his name! Yes!

"Ok ok! Haha your still mine blossom though"he said and gave her a kiss on the cheek she blush 

Aww, she look at him and smile a real one that she been getting to like normal "how it going?"I look to mine side and saw 

Naruto,kiba,shikamaru, Shino, hinata, and sauske "where the others?" I ask shikamaru "they were out on a mission" he reply as they got up few seconds later we follow them "this is big! Like really really big ! Dajabo!"(lord I think I got it right if not tell me what it is!!) Naruto said we shot him a glare he back down from it"why is she with a guy she not like this I mean look"sauske said I focus in on the couple my eyes widen 

Sakura was trying to not make him get anything and blushing like mad! She looks like hinata!stuttering and blushing !!

"She l-looks like me"hinata said we nodded as we focus on it "this is weird in all many kinds of way " shikamaru said I nodded"just who is this Sasori"I said "Sasori that the boy name?"Shino ask I nodded "Sasori of the red sand "we all look at kiba in shock then I turn to Sakura and Sasori"but he don't look like a S-class criminal "I mutter sadly as we watch them happy and in love

"We have to stop them it must be a trick " shikamaru said we all got up"shikamaru go tell the fith"I said he dissapper as we went there"poor Sakura-chan"I heard Naruto said I couldn't agree more 


I look at Saso as we held hands talking about what to do next"hey maybe we go and do some tricks huh?maybe paint the hokage mountain?" I smile big"yah! Remember when we did that and and it was so funny!"I laughed with him at the memory"but then there was nothing to fear" I look down we stop he look at me lifting mine chin up gently looking at him " Sakura , the person who got the yin seal the third person who got a yin seal , who made the war stop but failed to help me, who done the most amusing and amazing things in the world, got most of the villages to form an alliance and cause the most feared group to disband at the age of 18 to 20 , u are a woman to be feared and loved never forget this "

I cup mine mouth as he hug me i cried in his chest "Sasori thank u "I whisper out I look at him as he smile gently at me"anything for the person I love"we lean in for a kiss when

"Get away from Sakura-chan! Believe it!" I turn around Sasori , forgetting it was Naruto, wrap his arms around mine waist in protective mode looking at them even tusande was here 

"What's going on? Why dose he need to 'get away' from me?"I said utterly cunfused "he trick u Sakura what ever your feeling it's a trick" sauske said , the fury and disbelief I felt in mine body was over limits "saku calm down" saosri whisper in mien ear I turn to him in shock "calm down? Calm down?! No way in heck I will! They think what I'm feeling is a lie when it's not !!"I said in utter shock he raise his hands and chuckle "u still don't recall blossom"he flick mine forehead I sent him a glare that had no heat into it.

"But sasoooo"I wine he chuckle tusande was by us"Sakura mr.saosri"we froze are little 'marriage' fight as the Akaski called it "sorry tusande"we both mutter out she rose a brow at that but said nothing more"t-tusande-sama let me explain "I try to say but Sasori cut me off

"Mis.tusande I will ask u for permission please"she look at Sasori "and that will be?"I can tell she like the other tusande , a mother to me,and that made me happy that she didn't change

"I would like to ask Sakura hand in marriage when she turn 18" mine eyes widen, turned cover her mouth from laughing , and the others said what 

"U see I love her since I first met Sakura, when we first met we were in fact enemies but after a while we fell in love , we see each other when ever we can but Sakura was worry since I wasn't part of a village or this one that u might freak out and said nothing and acted like how she normally did. But I can't wait any longer so I'm asking to the person she sees as a mother witch  is you tusande "he told tusande I stared at him and smile gently

Grabbing his hand as he looked at me and squeezed it "so when and how u to meet?"we froze"eheheheh that's actually a funny story"I said stractching mine head looking to the side Sasori "oh come on sweetheart u have to tell how u broke the door" I look at him that's the second time we sa-ohhhhh I see I thought seeing what he doing

"Well it's not mine fault u took me when I was walking "I huff crossing mine arms"correction u were sleep walking "he said I blink"I was?"I said cunfused "I didn't know I sleep walk"I bluntly said "u do dear and frankly it's hard not to get punch by u " he told me blandly I rub mine head"eheheh im sorry "I said to him he shrug"why I mean I try turn u into a puppet when we first met because, and like I said earlier, u were hot" I blush 

"Saso! Not cool"I said pouting he chuckle "no im allow to embarrass someone I love like how u did "I smirk jumping up and down"what u doing?"he said tilting his head "hm running bye bye"I said he smirk running after me

"Sakuuuu"I pail"crap!" I realize what he wanted to do and hi tail it out of there"nuuuuuuu "I yell everyone look at us weird as we left


As Sakura and saosri left I can actually see her happy since we became a team witch I am glad that is she been going to the therapist for to long now "kakashi-sensei do u think Sakura going be ok?"sauske said to me I nodded"yes if she happy then we should support her but lady tusande did u ever train mine student?"I ask her she shook her head"I only know her threw small talks we had that's all but I'm glad that she thinks of me as her mother"

She reply I can hear the gentleness in her voice meaning she happy"Naruto sauske"they look at me"u still have to do your laps around kouhona"they groan and went with me to do it 

She still getting it for not joining the session

Sakura the next day

I hummed as he pat mine head"I'll be going back to ask pa-yahiko to disband and come here"I nodded as he shift the bag I gave him and he gave me a bore look" u didn't put anything in here to scare anyone right?"I smile at him giving him a peck on the cheek"I love u dear but u know I can't help it"I told him he sigh"I'll make sure to take a picture"I smile in glee as he left I walk to session 

Let's hope everything go okay

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