Chapter 5

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Hello everyone! Sorry I just got a break and like promise ! I giving u a chapter with!

Sasori-hello there

Me-he the Puppet one before the one from the sh

Sasori-not true I'm from her book but since she still haven't turn me back to human I'm cold's rude to intrude on someone talkin u know?

Sasori-just show what I got mine sak



Me-isn't it pretty?!

Sasori-dinchi don't own anything all go to who made Naruto she only owns the story line



Me-I take it as a compliment 




As team seven with haiku and zabuza walk back to the hidden in the lead village Sakura couldn't help but notice how silent and calming it was walking or in this case jumping tree to tree but then walking when Naruto don't want to do it anymore

It was to calming for Sakura liking,not that she mind, but she sense that something was off


I kept looking around spreading mien chakra in case someone was around but if their was any their doing a damn good job hiding their chakra "-Kura!"I snap out of it"what is it "I said trying not to snap since I lost consternation "sorry Sakura but um can u get those two to stop?" I saw sauske and Naruto fighting 

I sigh"of course haku" I went over as we still were walking and let out a deadly ora I learn from Saso "sauske Naruto how are u today?"they froze fighting turning to me with scared expression 

"I-I'm good Sakura-chan"Naruto said a bit scared I put on a happier ora"good and sauske?"I ask he nodded"yep everything okay at home as well"I rose a brow but shrug it off"right well I like to visit your house sauske once we get home" he look scared"but but"I look at him"is there a problem?" I ask raising a brow 

Kakashi and zabuza chuckle" um no but u never wanted to meet mine family before or um the uchia household" sauske said a bit scared "Naruto u will come as well "he look at me surprise"sure Sakura-chan um may I ask why?"Naruto ask curiously "because after I talk and meet with sauske family we're going to your house next "he looks scared now

"Sakura don't forget that u and I have that talk"I look at him"no clue what u mean but okay" I said shrugging but then I saw a light I blink 

Rubbing mien eyes seeing it gone I narror mine eyes I saw haiku looking at me cutely I turn around "sorry hak if I was staring "I mutter he shook his head "it's fine!"he said going in front with the other two and talking zabuza went with him as I was with Kakashi

"Sakura is everything okay?"I eye him but sigh 'u know I wonder if u should erase their memories or not

Yah I should they can't know about the letters or what I'm going threw but I will keep some part' I thought getting ready to until I sense it"down!"me and zabuza yell as we hit a sword hit the tree

'Daja vü anyone?' I thought as someone hop on it crap I can't tell who it is because of the face haft being cover in"ha cat man!" I said out loud by accident but didn't cover mien mouth cause right when I said it I started to laugh 

He glare at me"who are u?" Zabuza and kakashi ask"I'm Garth "he said in a deep voice I couldn't help but lau more he glare at me more as the others wondering what the hell am I laughing at so much"omk (oh my kami) u sound like a cat!!" I breath out he suddenly behind me with his sword on mine neck "who are u?"he growl out I smile at him as I let out mien killing ora 'I need a way to get out mine stress well buddy u are the punching bag today' I thought grinning everyone felt min ora and back away slowly he of course didn't get frighten by it trying to be brave

How cute

"Me? Oh I'm Sakura haruno! And today u are mine punching bag!"I said as he laugh like an cat would 

"Me? A punching bag for u? Haha u look so pathetic and weak" it turn silent as the air turn deadly


Sakura hair was over her eyes as her body started to glow a faint blue as she look at him he went back now feeling the most deadly ora he ever felt 

"Hey u think I'm weak huh?" He gulp and pail at the deadly cold tone as kakashi went to calm her down until Sakura stop him"kakashi guys go on ahead I'm going to......punch a thing for a minute would u mind?"sauske and Naruto nodded still deadly pail since they felt this before and got what happen as they all left

"Now then cat man or should I call u a bitch cause today your mine bitch today! haruno style: red sand pettels of dead!"



As we walk back I was humming feeling better I turn in the guy so I didn't kill him....I would of if I didn't snap back from it because of inner "um Sakura "I look at haiku"yah?"I said smiling"um are kakashi and zabuza-San okay?" I look behind me seeing how I was dragging them by the shirt 

And look back at haiku"yah will stop soon okay! Naruto sauske what I say about fighting!!" 


As we got back kakashi and zabuza were awake and haku still askin me questions

"So so Sakura What kind of whip do u normally use if u made it from your chakra nature?" I look at haiku"haku I know u want to know me and about mine team"I said he nodded eyes gleaming "but don't EVER bring up a whip made from chakra again okay? Or mine chakra nature "

I said he nodded mutely"sorry haku it just that I don't like whips or people knowing mine chakra nature cause if someone knows it how else are u going to surprise people!" I said trying to cheer him up and it work cause he went to zabuza and told him to forget what his chakra nature is 

Kakashi went to me"Sakura what did u do?"I gave him a grin he narror his eyes more "I don't know what u mean kakashi"I said waving to him as we reach the door of the hokage building I open it to see Naruto father and mother there I wave"hello lord hokage! Hello mianto(I'm 95% sure I got her name wrong maybe 97%) " 

I said to them they wave back well mianto did the for minto not so much he just sigh at me coming in"by the way mianto u don't mind if me and sauske come over to your house later right?"I ask she nodded as kakashi handed him the report as haku and zabuza left seeing it was completed and left for home 

"Sure! May I ask why saku-chan?"she said I spflashback to the old timeline but shook it off"I like to talk to u and minto about Naruto "Naruto froze same with sauske when they try to leave"me and Naruto going to sauske house first though so if u can see if u and Minot are free"Minot nodded wondering what I want I'm thinking I haven't done this at all in this timeline

"I'm free around 7 if that's okay and sauske your mother wants u to spend the night at our house due to a meeting and she knows u hate them" sauske nodded we all bow as we left I made sure Naruto and sauske by me "bye kakashi!" I said they of course added sensei


We were at the uchia household, and to mine surprise it was very very very......boring

"Hello who u might be??"I knew who that was before he came "ah u must be shushi( I know I got his name wrong >.<) correct I'm Sakura I'm guessing u know Naruto sauske family home?"I ask he nodded tilting his head 

"Yah why u need them and why u holding onto Sauske and Naruto like that?" He ask as they both try to get away"because Naruto and sauske need to be with me as I talk to sauske parents and siblings first then Naruto's....will u watch them when I begin talking with them?"his mood, if possible,brighten up more then the first time I met guy-sensei in the other timeline

"Of course sakura-chan!!" He said as we walk talking as he help Carry Naruto as I carry sauske , because they knew now with a ANBU their not getting away and let the flow go, we reach the place where, I think, sauske and his family live and run into

"Ah! Tachi!!!we just coming to see u!!"shushi said as itachi look at me"why are u holding sauske like that?"he ask me"he try to escape his fate of me talkin to u and your mother and father....may we come in? Shisui is watching Naruto and sauske for me while I talk to u about sauske"he nodded as we came in Naruto and sauske follow shushi as we went to where both the mother and father of the two hairs of the uchia's"who are u"

Is what I'm greeted to wow'well bow and then business ' I thought as I bow"hello I am Sakura haruno a teammate of your son's, the youngest one, I would like to talk to u three about sauske if u don't mind" I said as I sat down itachi did trying to read me sauske mother did as well same with sauske father well more so for the father"I see then let us speak" I turn mine eyes into what 

Kasme and old itachi called 'boss that don't take nothin/motherly who cares to much but will hit their child on the head if they aren't well enough at home or with friends 'mode 

"I would like to talk to u about one thing before the progress I give to u about the team......what is it like here at the house hold for sauske and I'm not takin 'it's going well' or 'everything fine' bull"


I smile at Naruto mother as she close the door and I hop roof to roof to mine house'boy I didn't expect any of that....I got to make diffrent adjustments I also have to get to at least jouin level before I go out to see the new and approve akaski that mine red head said ' I thought as I stop jumping and started to walk the rest of the way

"I still need to meet with the other clan members to get them together and we have a close bond with them all" I list off with mine fingers still counting till I ran into someone I caught what they had "I'm sorry I wasn't lo-" I froze 'shit'

He peer down at me "no no it was mine fault I'm so so sad sorry miss....." he peer off"s-Sakura ha-aruno" I stutter out I Hand him the bag without touching him "well were both at fault of not looking or not paying attention so I'll see u Sakura-chan!!oh and I'm obito!!!"he said smiling big as he went his way to the uchia household I press mine hand on mine chest as I calm mine breathing 'okay Sakura calm down that's not the one from mine own timeline he also not with Madera calm down calm down ' I thought turning around as I fell down in fear 

"Oh are u okay? Wait did mine coz make uncomfortable when he pass threw here did he?" I stood looking at him in fear as he tilt his head"here let me help u"hiS hand went towards me as mine eyes went wider in fear 'nononononono!' I dissapper to mine house I landed on the living room floor holding mine chest in fear 

"Welcome h- Sakura!" I felt warm arms around me I lean in when I heard the voice"s-Sasori your here your here "I kept said over and over as he held me whispering sweet stuff to calm me down

Sasori your here I'm so glad I'm so so so glad

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