Chapter 4!!!!

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Hello! She here the last rewrite!!! 'Hears weird cheering '.......okay when itachi comes back I'm asking him to look for those cheers.....but! Ash just found out tachi can't come due to being with sauske-cakes!! So today we have


Me-konan from Naruto, that I don't own or anything cause I'm not that brilliant at making a show like that .....that isn't dark humor of course......

Konkani-anyways dinchi has two pictures to show u for this and the next chapter

Me-ah yes! See a friend of mine,who is a fan like u all, ask What dose the rings that Sakura has on your neck look like so! I answer her first I will do sasori ring then Sakura! 

Me-see I got the thing for a red gem stone kind for males and here it's orange red so close enough

Konan- I think it's suits that twit

Me-O.O konan!

Konan-no regrets

Me-next chapter will have rather Sasori or Sakura depends on who free at the time 

Konan-hope u injoy!!

Me-...I'm wondering have u and pain done it in the show?


Me-I said in the show have u and pain have -


A year later

I sat watching them finshed the thing as I turn to mine side seeing haku and zabuza with me'how is this time diffrent why aren't they' I thought "rouge"I said finshing mine thoughts haku look at me"what was that Sakura-San?"I hung mine head"it's just Sakura haku sa-ku-ra "I told him since he kept the San but I told him to drop it but he won't 

"Hey haku go and help the three down there I need to talk to pinky"I shot him a glare as haku nodded going down helping mine team with mine clone"so u ready?kakashi knows I'm going to see but he knows u follow due to what u been pulling here and what I heard back in your village"I stuck mine tounge out "huhuhu looks like he learning eh cow man"I said now he shot me a glare"try to kill me with your glares all u want I seen worst "I wave him off 

When I was younger I did get scared then I saw what konan glare that can kill u with one look was like'shivers' (trust me I I know konan-say sorry for that me-I I was just askin a question waaaa) 

"Anyways ready?"I nodded as I show mine teeth "shark teeth" he pointed out"yah found out before I left my mother was part of the hidden in the mist, here and move in with my father in kohona " I told him and trust me it was a surprise when I saw when I woke up that mine teeth were shark as kasme's"right lets go"I nodded as we dissapper


As I saw from the corner of mine eye that the two dissapper I sigh as I told the remaining team seven and haku to stop"were done today lets go back"I told them they nodded with a yes sensei" hey sauske why did u think Sakura freak out when she realize that we did it for fun again?"Naruto said I listen in'oh?' I thought 

With mine face still in mine book I was reading"what do u mean Naruto?"haku ask him"see we been on team seven for a while now for a year or two and this is our third year today me and Naruto and Sakura thought it be fun to relive our last day of school with the others she agree to it hell she made it funny when she burst into aruka, the teacher we had, room and smirk at him saying on the last day we coming back"sauske said I blink

'He spoke a lot but he is opening since what happen with his family' I thought flipping a page in mine book""really? How she freak out?"he ask curiously "she forgot about it all thinkin it was the first time but after the test she did not like how it went at the end"Naruto said "he true that she crack up then look at us dumb and then walk off but awithout punching a tree of course"haku shook his head as they all laugh 

Then we heard a crackling I close mine book the boys look around"what was that?"Naruto said 

"Careful someone coming"I said as we saw a whip like lighting hitting the ground making sticking crack like a bone broken


As we finshed killing gato I heard something that I thought I didn't have to hear a again"well well well it's not this weird I came to bring u your team so u don't have to kill mine paid day guy but oh well"I slowly turn around and met with the same person that killed Sasori

"Trev of the trave village "I said slowly he look at me"oh u know me how so oh well I do think these things are yours"as he threw kakashi Naruto sauske and haku at our feet zabuza went to them I was frozen"I didn't kill them just made then hurt...a lot that they knock unconscious "I felt angry

"What little girl gonna cry?"he laugh I shook in anger"Sakura there okay!we ne-Sakura?"he look at me seeing me shake"zabuza" he flinch at the cold tone or inner tone the man character up more"get them out of here now"I said he nodded"I'm coming back no excuses "he told me dissappering with them going take a while since he had to make sure there all okay 

"Well well I'm fighting a pink cutie "I look at him he step back now sensing the deadly,killing ora off me"hm a pink cutie u call me that once before haven't u?"I said he gulp hearing the twist in mine and inner voice "oh I'm sorry I'm inner her devil part your going die today!" I chirp as I went full speed at him


As I got landed by five things I open mine eyes to see"what the zabuza?kakashi,haku,Naruto,and sauske?"I said looking at him"u know them?"I nodded"yah someone I know I care about is apart of there the-where Sakura!"I said seeing she wasn't heee"I was about to go back "I grab his shoulder"let's go!"he sweatdrop but did so

"Sakura!"I said seeing her fall to the ground I ran to her and held her the male laughed "'I'm going see him again!' 'U can't kill me I'm the one who will save everyone' pathetic little"zabuza saw how I was going punch him so he did it for me"here take Sakura and her team back"I said mine hair covering mine eyes "aren't u going see her when she wakes?"I brush her hair out of her face"yah but not here... our home well hers in kohona "I said softly"u sure your Sasori of the red sand"I sent him a glare as I summon mine puppet to make sure the dick who hurt mine blossom didn't leave

"Go"I turn around"ma ma I saw u hurt mine wife brat are u prepare to die?"


Sakura two days later

I crack mine eye open but close them by the light and groan"hey hey Sakura wake up!"I shot up"Naruto sauske haku kakashi are they okay where zabuza who token out-"I hiss in pain as zabuza let me lay back down "calm down kid the guy dead your team and mine assist are okay "I sigh in relief "they just went out today to gather supplies for the trip back turns out haku want to be in kohona so we're coming back with u instead of living here"I blink 

Then cough I saw he was holding something with-"who gave u that"I said he held the letter"yah someone said to give this to u when your up....I'm not allow to give the name but he said u know who it from"I grab the letter and lean on the wall he went by the door"I'll give u some alone time"he said opening and closing the door I trap the ring of mine and his and press Sasori's on it 

It open 'sa-Sasori seal' I thought as I open the lid

'Sak u really sure u want to read this? I mean yes it's from Sasori but how ' I sniff 'he he may been sent back in time that must been why the time so diffrent he he wanted me and him to live in peace here since since the akaski aren't a threat there traveling ninjas' I told her she sign' okay dear ask but be happy that's the case kay'she wink back going away 

I pull the letter out and unfold it 


As the little bra- I mean boys went to sleep after working with caring everything I saw zabuza leaning against the wall by a crack door"hey what u"he silence me motioning about the door

I sat by him as I heard Sakura talking "okay okay I'm going do it " 'do what?' I thought

As I heard her gasp a little "its it's what we use to talk to each other in in case we can't talk he he knew how to built it then!"she sniff I remember thAt zabuza told me that she had someone close to her heart that he pry out of her

I wonder if this was the Same person

" two letters from-your love. First letter----hello mine dearest blossom, I'm sorry that I'm there right now I know u must be sad when u found out I died" I'm guessing she pause it seeing the male voice didn't continue as I heard her cough I'm guessing from crying 

" but I never really died I lost my memory I was cover in dirt yes that for sertain I know u must been trick saying in dead so, please don't hate them for it they only want to protect u from everything don't do anything reckless or crazy I still want to sUprise u and yes I knew what that bastered did to u and I'm not mad at u for not wanting to hurt a human growing in u, your to innocent to kill something that hasn't had a life yet and that's why I fell in love with u. But u gave him up so when I come back to u witch is when u get this  he will be with me at our house he had letters in case something happen to me or u since u did this already remember?

Mine sweet Saku I know your hurting so so much and I will try to heal it as best I can but because I was dead and now back to life I will ask u again when I see u maybe the same way if u want "

She was crying I couldn't see who the voice from but I knew what he meant for some of it and it piss me off

'Where was he when that happen?!' I thought then look down' I knew her for three years now I didn't even know about this...' I thought glumly 

Then I heard a flicker and the voice appear 

"Second letter-- Sakura it's me again your love I'm back were in diffrent things I can tell I saw u yes... this is how I gave this letter to well zabuza since your team and yourself was hurt and out I'm sorry I'm not there to treat your wounds or anything but....I have something at the house we own in kohona well it's yours and ours if u know what I mean.... I left the group and yes u know what group I told them why and they agree if I show up to say hi once in a while with u and some friends to show I'm not a loner. 

I know your young well younger and I was cunfused why u can explain to me but untill then when u get home lets play our little game hide and seek remember? This time I'm the one hiding hope u can find me love. I love u so so much " she was crying more sobbing I look at zabuza he shrug but pull me to the side silently 

"What should we do?"I ask him as soon we out of ear distant"u go help her pat her on talk to her I handle everything else I mean u had to Handel them a lot longer then normal and that's all boys"I sigh thanking him and left to the door"Sakura?i know your awake "I said coming in"heya kakashi"she said still not saying kakashi-sensei but seeing how she got it from someone she love she I get it then"Sakura the rings on your necklace they were they were when u were older to get married...a arrange marriage but I and him actually fall in love right?"

She look at me with red eyes"no the marriage already happen where mine family had it didn't matter how old u were to married "mine eyes widen"but yes i was kinda not liking it since we were datin for a bit....heh I kept saying no to him when he pop the question but then "she look up I let her lean on me

"He took me on this romantic date nothing like anything we been on and we went on a ocean walk, it was beautiful, then he ask me in his own way not the ways he did it before his own"she wipe a tear that fell from her face"I said yes I no we were happy but then "she got angry I seen her like this once "the man who had u guys .....he was the one I thought killed him"mine eyes widen 

'And she killed him thinking before she got this letter that there was a small hope that he may be alive this just gave her More hope' I thought as she smile unlclentching her hands"I love being with mine team u and the two boys over in the other room, u make me forget there a whole that is empty for a time but whenever I'm in the same house we use to live in together it pained me to see in alive and that feeling comes back and I have to wait till tomorrow till fill it again with false hope that he might be here but this letter these two letters game me hope that he still out there so I'm going  find him no matter what"o patted her head and help her up we walk out seeing the others already waiting 

"Then if u need any help we are here for u"she smile at me not one of her snarky grins cake like grin or smirk a genuine smile"ok kakashi-sensei I will" I smile that sh treat me with respect "but letting u know since u said that that was the only time ima calling u that!" I knew it.....


Well isn't that great!!

Konan-it is

Me-okay I have some news but u won't like it

Konan-she has school testing for the whole next two weeks and studing the next two weekends so she won't be able to update

Me-yes I'm sorry for that but when I come back I will make it so u love it!

Konan-have a good day or night

Me-and please vote or comment below! Dinchi out!

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