Chapter three(rewrite

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Hope u injoy~


6 years later

I stare at hina thinking it was a joke"h-hina please tell me your joking right? Y-your joking h-he wouldn't h-he never" I stutter as dei and Neji look at me I look at them with tears in mine eyes "I-it's not true haha yo-you guys a-are pulling a prank on me t-there no way th-that"I took a step back looking at everyone 

I shook mine head left to right tears finally fallen down mine face"this is some joke right? Some twisted sick joke" I said still walking backwards"h-he pro-omise me h-he would n-never l-leav-be me a-alone"I coke out tusande look at me with sad eyes 

"I'm sorry Sakura but 

(I know u Hagen me if I make this a short chapter wouldn't u?) 

Sasori is dead" it was like venom of the deadliest snake bit into me and poison seep into mine skin and every fiber in me just stop and died "no nonononononononononono!"I yell as I ran to saosori side pumping healing charka into mine hands and into him "nonono he not dead! Mine husband mine love of mine life mine everything is not dead! Sasori wouldn't go down without a fight!nonono!he not dead he not dead!" I reacted as I pump more and more healing chakra to get him to open his beautiful brown chocolate eyes I fell in love with 

His smirk that alawys tease me when I made a mistake or he planing to do something, his sweet honey like voice that made mine day bright with remarks and witty come backs 

His cheeks lit up when he blush or get fluster or when I tease him when he dose something wrong 

He cannot be dead!

Come on Saso come on open your eyes Sasori open your damn eyes!saosri please!  SASORI!!" I yell as itachi held me as I cried into his arms clutching him"I-I'm sorry Sakura " tusande said sadly I look at her with mine eyes cover"where the bastered that kill him"I said as she look at me "he at the I&T place getting interagated right now"she said itachi saw mine hand go up and went to reach for me"Sakura no!"he was to late I was already gone from the room

4 months later

I heard a knock on mine door as I tiredly look at it with sarrow' Sasori use to say that he like how people think they aren't home and put a picture of me and him in the door to scare them' I thought lookin up'saso said that if we ever had children that he wanted to name then angle and 

Paris heh he was so funny with weird names and little nicknames ' I ought giving s hallow chuckle at the thought 'I miss u saosri' I thought clutching to his favorite pinkish reddish pillow"Sakura! I think u need to hear this!!" I heard shika Said I haven't talk to him or anyone since saosri funeral"it's about saosri!" I open the door up as he jump back and look at me worry

As I made us go to tusande office

"What is it about saosri now" I said knowing we had to come here I saw everyone that was there that day here "me,itachi, kasme, and pain thought that maybe u would like this jusu we found and perfected it since it wasn't complete "tusande said as there was a single scroll on her table I look at the others as itachi push me toward it gently"go on"he stated gently as I gently grabbing it not knowing what it was and open it

"Is this a a time travel jusu?"I said looking at he"yes see the third was going to make it so that when he step down he can complete it and give it to the right person and set time back straight I know that the war that happen and all of stuff but u can't "I flinch of the mention of the war 

"No I beileve I can't move on with Sasori so why not....take u back where u can see him?" She pointed to the ring on mine necklace I grip it and look at her

"What do I need to do"I said she smile sadly "first go get that notebook u alawys had and make a copy of this jusu so u don't loose it "I nodded and pull it out of mine handle bag and wrote it down quickly "second since I already ask itachi grab the bag this bag will not be twitter but melt into your body that what ever in it up until will know everything and have it "I look at the bag weirdly as I put it on"what's in it?"I ask as I remember tobi or should I say obito eyes were out the rinnsaga and the lone sharingan But I never paid much attention to what happen to th-"are his eyes in here?"I said "don't worry any trace of him is while gone"I sigh in a bit relief 

"Now please do the hand signs and know when u go back it will be diffrent and u npcannot go back it's like u die and came back"I nodded as I hug her all of them and put the necklace that was by the scroll and did the signs













"Time travel jusu! Back timer!!" I yell as the place turn white


Without them ,but one, knowing Sasori, who was alive and regain all his memories back, grab onto Sakura as he and she both dissapper and the only one who saw what really happen was pain


As I open mine eyes I was face with a very pink room'god horri- wait I'm back in time baby!' I shot up seeing I was in mine 12 year old body I saw that it was the day when we got our sensei and I saw the ring Sasori gave me was still on"Sasori don't u worry"I whisper holding the ring in mine palm while it was still on mine neck "I will get u back again "I said 

"Now what to wear?" I thought out loud as I open mine closet I jump back

"Okay no no and no wow "all there were all pink and frilly, that I don't mind dresses or mine old dress I wore when I was older in mine teens, and yuck "okay I think I'm going buy wait!" I stop mine self from jumping out of the window that I recall having a box I kept in store for emergencies and this was dire"when I get home I'm burning all u"I mutter to mine horried of mine closet 

And open the box to ( u guys make it up in your mind) out fit "aw yah"I said I saw that mine shines I wore when I was a adult was in them to I smile big"good" I said as I change and ran out  full speed to class

At the class

I open the door to see no one there"huh it's on-shit wrong room why do I get them mix up?" I said going to aruka's room I open it as I saw hi calling team six names "sorry aruka! I got lost in the path of ninja life 101" I said he rose a brow mutter something then sent me to where hinata sitting 

"H-hi!" She said stuttering a bit I smile at her a bit"hi hinata!" I said she smile at me " say when the next two days over we should hang out I think training and doing weird stuff that girls do be fine right?'p"I said she look shock that I said that but agree quickly 

"Hey hina if u do t mine me calling u that"I said as he called team 4 (he going backward by the way) "yah?" She said without stuttering since we been talking "I know u like naruto-"she turn bright red"but I think that u have to open your heart out there cause there mind be someone that u really love what dose the saying go? Oh yes there are plenty of fish in the see"

I said smiling she blush looking down but nodded"now don't get me wrong Naruto sweet and I see u having a chance with him"her head shot up at me as I wink at her as Aruka on the last team"but if it don't go your way don't go down go up and try after three times ,mind u, and find someone to take hi off your mind"I said she smile at me giving me a hug when she left"thank u saku"I smile faintly at the memory since she went to lunch I think I'll go burn everything 

I have in that horr-"Sakura!!!!!" I move away as I ended up by sauske since he was walking by when I move while Naruto crash"sorry Naruto but here give me and sauske a big old hug!"I said sauske look at me and glare Naruto scowl but he smile and did it anyways sauske couldn't get out since I grip his 

Shirt and let me tell u he wasn't to happy about that 

"Sakura"I blink at him he huff and walk away


As I sat down sighing in relief "thank the lord that I got that done before lunch was over!"I said I  suspectly I got it done before it hit 12:30 and we got an early lunch break so took me an hour to buy and burn all the clothing 

"Sakura your forehead is so big I could kiss it"I look at saw sauske strange his chakra not the same 

"Um okay then...."I said as he got close I had mien hand on mine new weapon "what do u think of Naruto?"he ask then and like finger snapping i reconize the chakra

 "Hm Naruto? What do I think about Naruto? Hm that's tough well for one I use to think he was annoying and Loud" I said as his face drop yep it was Naruto al right " but as I grew to watch and know him he just a kid who has a dream, a dream that now I want him to get it no matter how painful of heartbreaking it is" I said 'not that it will be' I thought grimy he kept the sauske stone face as he left "bye naru" I said out of his hearing distance "hey sauske when u comin out?" I said as sauske came out" he how u know I was there?" He ask me demanding it I shrug as I walk to the school" who knows maybe I saw u maybe I sense u u may never find out" I said as we went to the classroom where kakashi 

Going pick us up if I recall he was three hours late since we get pick up by-" I am kakashi-sensei meet me on the roof" and he was gone 'oh? I didn't think that the time has change..... hm he a shit-eating-I'm-a-lone-wolf person? Crap I sound like anko' I thought seeing the boys gone I sunshine up by the door and walk in hearing the boys climbing up the stairs and sat down the two boys went besides me 

"Tell your dislikes likes .dreams names hobbies" he said "didn't u read our files?"Naruto ask I look at him weirdly'of course he did this kakashi wouldn't be so stu-' mine thoughts were cut off "no I didn't" I look at him sending him a 'are-u-fuckin-kiddin me' look but he probly took it as 'u-crazy-bro' look with me those two get mix up but with the second one it's much for funny the first one, the one I'm using in kakashi , that has a bland but flavor of stupid look" I'm kakashi hanate I have few likes and many dislikes mine hobbies are reading books and caryuing out the mission mine dream has already happen" I rose a brow at that

'A bit more but different ' I thought  as Naruto and sauske said theirs a bit diffrent but mostly the same

"Lastly the pinkette" I twitch but didn't say nothing "mine names Sakura haruno I have a lot of disklikes and likes mine hobbies well don't have any and mine dream"

Mine let mine eyes show amusement with a glint of mischief " we have to see won't we?"


She was toying with me that wasn't even a answer let alone what I wanted to know she was amused at the fact that I didn't like her answe and the dream who says that?"arrive at the trading grounds tomorrow upat 7 don't be late if you are late u will run 50 laps around kohona do I make mine self clear?" I said the boys chime with a yes sensei as the pinkette stay apwhile they left

"Do I make mine self clear?"I related her eyes show that mischief it had earlier "okay kakashi "she said "its kakashi-sensei to u"she smile bright like a cat "whatever u say kakashi !"she left I notice she has a necklace with a two rings around her neck, that who wore it if a love one die who did she loose to have a rings around her neck?


I put mine own ring on the necklace seeing how it was caught in mine hair when I left since I kinda threw it on the ground upset back in the other timeline but whatever I want to see what diffrent this village is 


As I look around I saw that I was in mine puppet form newly since I feel mine emotions but not fully it there but not at the same time and I feel cold like wood or in winter

"Sasori u in there"I look at kasme as he look at me"what do u want?"I said trying to act like when I was back then but it came out like I was curious of what he wanted oh well

"Were heading off to see to mine new partner "I walk with him"itachi uchia?"I said he look at me cunfused"no deidra iwa  he come of age and he already accepted our request to join looks like we didn't have to fight him" I stop

'Deidira .....wait he was the right age of 15 what age is Saku is?! I got to see her straight away' I thought as I walk with him seeing how he wave me over and seeing orochmaru there

"I thought up until didn't like keep people waiting"orochmaru said I continue to walk'to those I don't like ' I thought 

'Oh saku why did u go back in time' I thought as I held the letter I was going to give her before I saw her turn into white smoke and jump with her

"After we pick deidira up I will be leaving to do a side mission tell leader that I'll be back"I told them"yah yaito (sorry if I split his name wrong!) thinks u need to get out more " I blink "y-yaito?"I said "yah yaito-sama u know leader-sama" kasme said I nodded acting like I get it but I do t at all

'This isn't the akaski I knew' I thought 


'Lie hell this is the kohona I know!' I thought slamming the door to mine room I fell on mine bed


'I miss  u Sakura/Sasori ' they thought 

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