"Will you be my friend Mister?"

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Herobrine did a lot of damage and killing since he hated the human kind but for odd reasons he couldn't kill Steve but he knew why was because he was really close friends with Steve's ancestor Lionel Stonewall who was more like a brother so seeing the last of the Stonewall bloodline cheered him up and he felt he couldn't let anyone touch or harm Steve like some sort of overprotective father figure and the more he thought about it them more weirded out he became but he shook his head and walks away after collecting human souls and goes to the Nether and puts the souls in soul sand for his end on the deal with the end beast which he will never give Steve too though Herobrine sighs and knows Steve is mortal and could die but hopes he could possibly find a way to make Steve immortal like him so Steve wouldn't die and he wouldn't be alone since the end beast only wants the souls and doesn't care about him so Steve would be a nice companion 'Steve... you dear child... I'll make sure you won't suffer...' Herobrine thought as he goes back to his fortress happy to see Steve sleeping peacefully 'why do I feel happy...?' Herobrine thought as it came to him but he shook it off as another thought came to him 'I'll make sure you'll be immortal like me...' Herobrine's eyes blinked as he got back to the fortress and sees the sunrise and he knew Steve is going to wake up soon and since he cleared a village where Steve came from and a oceanfront town called Diamond Sea that the end beast would be pleased and won't suspect Steve who was a human mortal 'Steve... I'll keep you safe and away from that beast...' Herobrine thought and looked around but he only saw mobs go into hiding due to the sun and sighs entering the fortress and goes to Steve's room and opened it to have himself suddenly hugged by Steve "morning!" Steve shouted happily and Herobrine nods and watched Steve holding a wooden sword "can you teach me Herobrine? I don't want to be a burden on you..." Steve says and Herobrine noticed the change in mood before Steve asked 'your not a burden Steve... and your a bit young to learn...' Herobrine thought as he brings out a book and quill and wrote 'your too young right now but when your old enough I'll teach you' when Steve read that he seemed upset but understood "when I'm older I would be stronger?" Steve askes and Herobrine nods then Steve smiles "I'll get stronger you'll see Herobrine! I won't let you down!" Steve shouted and Herobrine smiles 'you don't have to prove to me anything... but I'll help you... I won't force you to do anything that you don't want to do it...' Herobrine thought and picks Steve up like a father would holding their child and wouldn't mind being Steve's father "Herobrine what do you see me as?" Steve asked and looks at him in the face then shows the book and quill 'I am not sure myself but I am your friend and until we fully know eachother we will stay as friends' Herobrine wrote and Steve nods and seems to understand "yeah that would help us understand eachother" Steve says as Herobrine walks to the dining room and sets Steve down in a chair then summons some food and some water and let's Steve eat up then goes to the library to get a few books but he doesn't want to teach Steve about Notch but he doesn't mind making non religious books for Steve to read and learn from and even teach Steve about animals but when he gets to the library he notices Nigel so he keeps an eye on him then noticed that Nigel was too focused on books that he decides to borrow and then leaves but Herobrine watches him disappear then Herobrine goes back to Steve who seems to have an encounter with a pig who seems to like his company "Herobrine where did this piggie come from?" Steve askes but Herobrine shrugs and picks Steve up then tickles him "H-Herobrine n-no!" Steve shouts out with laughter and Herobrine couldn't help but give a muted chuckle as he decided that he will wait to teach Steve until he's a bit older since he wants Steve to be a happy kid and that means he's got a lot of work he needs to do with the fortress and Steve's room to make them safe 'I guess I'm your father now huh Steve...?' Herobrine thought to himself as he continues to protect and shelter Steve.

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