Chapter 2

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Jess' POV:

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" A stern female voice yells. I look up from my book to see Charles and Erik standing there with a woman with short brown hair. "Who destroyed the statue?" The woman asks. "It was Alex and JC." Sean says and I send him a glare. 

His shirt catches fire a little and he yelps. I quickly extinguish it. "No, Havok and Scarlet Witch. That's their names now. We were thinking you could be Professor X and you should be Magneto." Raven says, pointing to Charles and Erik. "Where is Jess anyway?" I Erik asks. 

I quickly stand up and close my book. "At least one person is responsible. Exceptional." Erik scoffs, walking away. "I expected more from you." Charles says before him and Moira leave as well. 

Three agents come and lead us to a non destroyed room where we are just sitting and talking when two agents walk by the non shattered window. "Oh, I didn't know the circus was in town. Come on honey let's see some of the..." He trails off and makes a whooshing sound. 

When Angel doesn't budge they turn to Hank. "Come on let's see the foot. Come on Big Foot." They says. Hank stands and closes the curtains. "Don't listen to them. They're just guys being stupid." Raven says. 

"Guys being stupid I can handle, ok I've handled them my whole life, but I'd rather them stare at me with my clothes off than the way these ones stare at me." Angel says. I rub her shoulder in sympathy. "I know." Raven says. Then a thump is heard form outside. 

"What was that?" Darwin asks. "What?" I ask. "I don't know, but something doesn't feel right." He says, walking away from the pinball machine Alex and him are at. He opens the curtains, but there's nothing. We look around before I spot something in the air. 

"What the hell is that?" Darwin asks. Then something is dropped and a CIA agent lands in front of the glass, death from the fall. We all scream in terror. I back up. No, no, no. This can't be happening. Several agents enter the courtyard. 

"Stay back, we're under attack." One says as the teleporter appears behind them. "BEHIND YOU!" We all yell and they shoot at the guy, but he disappears. Reappearing behind one guy and causing him to shoot out the glass. We all scream some more and back away, avoiding injury. 

Out the other window we see a tornado headed straight for us. The teleporter continues to kill people. "Stay here my ass, let's go!" Darwin yells. We follow him from the room. Some soldiers stop us, yelling at us to stay back. 

We finally get past them, but we hit more agents when there's a giant explosion. I push the flames back with wisps of red coming out of my fingertips. Raven grabs my arm and pulls me back towards the room we just came out of. We wait in there. 

The last agent standing gives up our location, but is killed anyway. The teleporter and the human tornado walk in through the broken windows while a man wearing strange helmet comes in through the door. "Where's the telepath?" The man in the helmet asks. 

"Not here." The teleporter says. This is my chance. I get ready to use my powers when the man stops his reach for his helmet. "That girl right there's a telepath. Nice try though. My name is Sebastian Shaw and I am not here to hurt you." Shaw says. "FREEZE!" An agent yells. 

"Azazel." Shaw says. The teleporter teleports behind the man, killing him before reappearing in the room. I glare at the man. I keep my hands ready incase I need to do something. I can't let him hurt anyone else here. 

"My friends, there's a revolution coming, where mankind finds out who we are, what we can do. Each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved, or rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us, then by definition you are against us." He says.

"So, you can stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you. Or you can come with me and live like Kings, and Queens." Shaw says. Angel takes his hand and he leads her away. "Angel?" Raven asks. "Are you kidding me?" Darwin says, extending a hand towards the short girl. 

"Come on. We don't belong here, and that's nothing to be ashamed of." She says. "We have to do something." I say. Alex and Darwin begin shoving each other. "Stop. I'm coming with you." Darwin says. 

'JC, if things go south, use your telekinesis to pull me out of the way.' Darwin sends me through his mind. I nod. He walks towards Shaw and his group. "Excellent, and what is your mutation?" Shaw asks. "I adapt to survive. So I guess I'm coming with you." He says. 

"Sounds good." Shaw says. Darwin takes Angel's and. "Alex." He calls. "Get back." Alex commands. We duck out of the way. Darwin shields Angel and Alex sends his rings at Shaw, but the man absorbs them. Darwin then goes to punch him. 

"Adapt to this." Shaw says, gripping Darwin's face. 'JC!' Darwin calls. I use my telekinesis to pull him to my side. "Farewell." Shaw says before they disappear. "Thanks." Darwin says, but I don't acknowledge what he says. Shaw needs to be stopped before anyone else gets hurt. 

That is obvious. 

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