Chapter 1

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Italics=thoughts, Bold=Other languages

Erik's POV:

"What kind of mutant live here Charles?" I ask the telepath as we drive into Salem Massachusetts. "Oh Erik she's incredible. Absolutely fascinating." Charles says as we pull into the the person's driveway. We walk up the drive and knock on the door.

A woman in her fifties maybe opens the door. "May I help you?" She asks in a thick Russian accent. "Hello Mrs. Maximoff, my name is Charles Xavier and this is my associate Erik Lehnsherr. I would inquire a word with your daughter, Jezalynn." Charles says.

"Why? Did she do something?" The woman asks. "No ma'am, we just need a word with her." Charles says. The woman nods before opening the door wider. "Please, come in. She's in the first door on the right upstairs." She says before walking away.

Following her directions we come to a closed door. Charles knocks. "Jezalynn." The door opens a tiny bit. We step in to see a girl in the room, nowhere near the door. "I know who you are and why you have come." The girl says with an accent like her mothers.

"You must be Jezalynn Maximoff, my name is-" "Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr. As I said, I know who you are and what your business here is." She says, standing up. "A telepath?" I ask. "No. Well yes, but something more." Charles says.

"Around these parts people jokingly call me a witch for how mysterious and reserved I am. How close they are to the actual thing. I know both of you are mutants as well. A metal manipulator and a telepath. Don't try to read my mind, it won't work." She tells Charles, then turns to me.

"And before you ask Erik, I have telepathy, telekinesis, ice manipulation, fire manipulation, weather manipulation, and fear manipulation." She says, stepping into the light. She is extremely beautiful. Her eyes a brilliant blue/green mixture.

"I want to help, but in return I want help controlling my powers." She says. I nod in understanding. "Of course, absolutely. Now if you pack a bag there's a facility that we have for other mutants" Charles says. "Ok, and you can call me either Jess or JC, everyone does."

"Ok Jess, we'll be downstairs explaining everything to your mother." Charles says. I nod and we exit the room.


As Erik and Charles exit my room I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. After all these years I've found others like me. Others who don't fit in with society. Others who know what I've gone through.

Smiling a little to myself little I quickly grab a bag and start packing things I think I'll need. Once I'm done with that I exit my room and walk downstairs where Charles, Erik, and my mama are waiting.

"O, Jezalynn! Bud'te v bezopasnosti, moya doc'. (Oh Jezlynn! Be safe my daughter.)" My mama coos, hugging me tightly to her body. "Konechno, mama, skoro uvidimsya. (Of course mama, I will see you soon.)" I reply, letting go of the only family I have left.

"Are you ready Jess?" Charles asks. I nod. Looking at my mother one more time, I follow the men out of the house. Getting into the car I climb in the back. The drive is silent. After a few hours I fall asleep. I am soon awoke by someone shaking me. "JC, we're here." I hear Erik say.

I get out of the car groggily. I'm in front of a pretty grey looking building. "Come, you must meet the others." Charles says. I nod and follow him into a room where there are other kids my age. A girl with longish blonde hair jumps up from one of the couches and walks happily over to us.

"I'll take her from here boys. Don't worry, she's in great hands." The girl says. I don't want to read anyone's mind. I need to learn how to stay out. If I don't I'll be trapped inside my own head for awhile.

I look back at Erik and Charles and to my surprise it is Erik nods in encouragement for me to step forward. The two men leave the room. "Um, I'm Jezalynn Maximoff, or Jess or JC." I say. "Raven, Charles' adopted sister. And this is Darwin, Angel, Sean, Hank, and Alex. Come sit." She says.

She then leads me to the couch she was previously occupying. "We should have codenames, we're secret agents now, we ought to have codenames. I want to be called Mystique." Raven says. "Damn, I wanted to be call Mystique." Sean says. We all laugh.

"Well tough, I called it." Raven says before blue scale ripple over her body, transforming her into Sean. "Besides, I'm way more mysterious than you." She says before changing back. Everyone claps. "Darwin, what about you?" Raven asks.

"Well Darwin is already a nickname, and you know, it kinda fits. Adapt to survive and all. Check this out." He says, going over to a fish tank. He puts his head in and grows gills, allowing him to breath under water. We all clap. "What about you?" He asks Sean.

"I'm going to be, Banshee." He says. "Why?" I ask. "You might want to cover your ears." He says. He kneels at the back of the table. Then he lets out a high pitched whistle that shatters the window in front of him. We all clap. "Your turn." Sean tells Angel.

"Well Angel is my stage name, and it kinda fits." She says, removing her jacket and showing us tattoo wings that turn into real ones. "You can fly?" Raven asks. "Uh huh. And..." Trailing off she spits acid onto the head of the statue outside. "Hank what about you?" Raven asks.

Hank looks down at the ground. "How about Big Foot?" Alex asks. "Well you know what they say about guys with big feet, and uh, yours are kinda small." Raven says. I smile at this. I have a feeling Raven and I will be very good friends.

"Ok, Alex what is your gift? What can you do?" Darwin asks. "Uh, I can't do it, not in here." He says. "Well can you do it out there?" Darwin asks. With that we all start chanting his name. He finally gets up and we cheer. "Get back when I tell you." He says. He goes to do his thing.

"Get back." He says. We do for a second before peeking again. "Get back!" He calls, louder. We don't move. "Whatever." He says. With that he starts swinging his hips in a circular motion, three red rings appear around him. He sends them flying and one cuts the statue in half.

We all cheer for him when he comes back into the room. "Last but not least, JC, what's your name?" Raven asks me. "Uh, how about the Scarlet Witch." I say, thinking about my powers. "Why a witch?" Raven asks.

"Well, I'm from Russian originally, but when I moved to America, my family moved to Salem Massachusetts. I grew up there and uh, witches are a very popular subject there." I say. "What can you do?" Alec asks me.

"Well, telepathy, telekinesis, fear, fire, ice, and weather manipulation." I say. "Cool, show us." Sean says. Sighing I stand up and walk to edge of the room, right behind where the glass used to be.

Willing my powers into full effect I use them to pick up a piece of statue and toss it into the air before using lightning to destroy it. Everyone claps and cheers. "That was amazing!" Raven says. Smiling at the shapeshifter I sit back down.

A few minutes after that everyone else starts partying. Not caring for what the others were doing I head to a corner of the room with a book and begin reading.

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