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When I was a kid I was told that I could be anything I wanted, so I said I wanted to be like those witches from the old stories. I was born in Moscow, Russia but I moved when I was 10 to Salem, Massachusetts. 

The stories of the trials were told since the day I arrived with my family and everyone had them memorized. As I grew older that interest soon faded to the back of my mind. I was told I had to stop living in a fantasy world and that I needed real life goals so I settled for being a dancer. 

I pushed the thought of witches out of my mind and moved to New York where I attended a prestigious dance school. On my twenty first birthday I was out with some friends, most of which were drunk and having a good time. I decided that I needed to go home. 

When I got back to my apartment I went to close my door when a hand went over my mouth. I screamed and kicked, but it was useless. Suddenly the person wass flung from my body. I turned to thank the person who helped me, but when I turned around there was no one there. The intruder ran at me again and I held my arms up in defense, silently willing them away. 

I heard a scream and saw the person on the ground rolling, his body burning. Soon my apartment started to ignite with the fire on the person's body. I screamed, tears flowing from my eyes. 

I ran out of the apartment and soon the whole section of the complex was alight with flames. When the cops came and asked me questions I told them a man broke into my apartment and started the fire. Not that he just suddenly burst into flames. 

I had to move back home for a little while and things just started getting weirder. I'd go from freezing to burning up and vice versa. The weather always acted strange. I always had some kind of sound in my head. The day I figured out I had telepathy was a strange day. 

I was in my favorite coffee shop, drinking my daily coffee and reading a book I had just purchased when I heard someone say, "Who's the girl in the read jacket?" I turned to see who said it, but when I did I saw no one remotely close enough for me to have heard them. 

I rushed out of the coffee house and as soon as I did several voices entered my head. I held my ears and ran home where I knew my family wasn't home. I locked myself in my room and sat in the floor, back to the door and knees to my chest. I cried, asking why I was so different. 

I then thought back to all the day when I ws younger when I wished I was a real witch, with powers and everything, now all I ask is for it to go away. My name is Jezalynn Maximoff, and I am a real Salem Witch.

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