Mother's Day

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"What's wrong with you?" Ellie asked her two team leaders as they collapsed, exhausted, next to each other on the sofa in the common room and stretched their legs.

She had just turned on the news, but now muted the television and turned to the two of them, while Elvis and Arnold also curiously came out of the kitchen to join them.

"One thing is for sure. Next year I'm taking this weekend off," Penny sighed and put an arm over her eyes.

"I'm in," Sam mumbled annoyed and the others looked at each other with a shrug.

"Do you want to enlighten us now?" Ellie asked them curiously.

"Norman tried to cook eggs in his mother's microwave and caused both of them to explode. Mike Flood threw a pancake into the gas flame of his stove and set half of the kitchen on fire. Joe Sparks tried out his new Super Toaster 2000 and ruined the kitchen completely. Charlie Jones wanted to surprise his wife with baked bananas and caused a grease fire..."

"But the bananas were delicious," Sam interrupted Penny and she agreed with him, laughing. "And last but not least, Moose and Tom caused a wildfire when they tried to bake their mothers a cake in a hole in the ground," Sam finished her statement and closed his eyes again. "If the day continues the way it started, then you can be prepared for something. For my part, I'll make three crosses if I'm about to get off work and nothing more will happen until then."

"Add 5 more crosses for me, Sam!" Penny groaned angrily. "Mother's Day should be banned."

"I absolutely agree with you. The day is solely for retailers to increase their profits."

"And create unnecessary work for us."

"That kind of thing always comes from those who don't have children," Elvis chuckled.

"It's probably just envy," Ellie added, making the two of them look up at her skeptically.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Penny objected.

"Oh come on, as if you two wouldn't prefer it if there were a lot of little Sam's and Penny's running around here," Ellie objected and watched as her two team leaders turned bright red and didn't dare look each other in the eye.

"At least then Mother's Day would have a deeper meaning for you and you would enjoy it."

"Maybe it surprises you, Elvis, but I don't care about Mother's Day. I'm going to visit my mother afterwards, like every year," Penny objected, crossing her arms in front of her chest in annoyance.

"And I also bring my mother flowers now and then," Sam added and an awkward silence spread because everyone knew that Sam's mother was already dead, before Sam continued: "It may be that you see it differently again, when children are involved, but it's no excuse for unreasonably ignoring safety."

"That's right. I absolutely agree with Sam," Penny couldn't stop herself from saying out loud.

"You two are really made for each other," Ellie groaned annoyed and turned the sound on the television back on without warning, while the two people being spoken to looked at each other questioningly and a slight blush immediately spread on their cheeks again before Sam cleared his throat embarrassedly.

"Anyway, I for now am calling it a day and keeping my fingers crossed that things will be relatively quiet for you."

"We'll rock the child. Make sure you can enjoy it too," Ellie replied with a wink and while Sam was still standing at the hose, Penny turned away embarrassed and fled towards the locker.

After Ellie started working at the station, it hadn't taken her long to discover the many secret glances that Penny gave Sam when she felt unobserved, and apparently Ellie had discovered this with Sam too, that he did the same to her every now and then and dreamily observed. She didn't even dare hope that it was true - she was too afraid that her hopes would be dashed if he rejected her. The pain would only be much worse.

"Did Ellie really mean what I understood or am I just imagining it?" Sam's voice startled Penny from her thoughts and she turned to him. "Please excuse me, I didn't mean to scare you," he then added worriedly. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, of course. I was just thinking. I could strangle Ellie if she do that," she replied, smiling and opening her locker. Sam followed her example.

"If she does what?"

"To act like Dr. Love herself again." Penny spoke without thinking as she put her things in the locker.

"I knew it," Sam replied enthusiastically, which made Penny look at him skeptically around her locker door. "She didn't mean your children and mine. She meant... ours, right?" he asked now embarrassed and Penny felt it how her cheeks almost began to burn.

"I think so," Penny replied quickly, closing her locker door before grabbing her bag. She just wants to get out of here.

"Is it really envy?" he then asked her quietly and she turned back to him in surprise, not really believing that she had heard correctly.


"I was wondering if she could be right, that maybe we're just jealous of all the other parents and that's why we don't like this day," Sam explained and sat down thoughtfully on the bench behind him. He seemed so preoccupied that Penny didn't want to leave him alone right now and sat down next to him.

"Sam, neither of us has a problem with Mother's Day, just that people are all so careless."

"Yes, that's what I believed before too."

"And now you don't do it anymore?" she asked gently, placing a comforting hand on his.

"I don't know. If I'm being honest, I have to admit that I've always really wanted a family. What about you?"

"Children? I don't even have a partner." Sam looked at her so intently that she took a moment to breathe. "Sure, who doesn't want a family at some point?!"

"How absurd is Ellie's thought to you?"

"Which one do you mean exactly?" she replied with a smile and Sam laughed briefly before turning his hand and intertwining both of their fingers together, but he didn't dare look up at her, keeping his eyes on their hands.

"Well, the one with our children...That we could both start a family."

"Sam, I wouldn't want to start a family just because other people want to see us do it, even if we were the last two people in the world. There's a little more to something like that than this." It took all her self-control to maintain a neutral tone.

"And what if there is a little more? Or rather, a little much more?" he asked hesitantly and dared to look up at her, only to see her looking away embarrassed.

"I would be happy."

"Why?" he then asked gently and put his other hand on her cheek to turn her face to his and sink into her eyes.

"This would be more than I could have hoped for and everything I ever dreamed of," she murmured so quietly that he almost didn't hear her, but it was enough for him.

He approached her carefully and when she didn't shy away, but even closed her eyes expectantly, he placed his lips gently on hers. The kiss was careful and tender, yet enough to make all her emotions go wild in a wonderful way.

"I love you Penny. For a very long time," he murmured quietly as he threatened to sink into her beautiful eyes again.

"I love you too, Sam. More than you can imagine," she replied with a smile and now a happy smile appeared on his face before he pulled her close and showed her all his love with another kiss, which she did exactly so and too gladly replied.

"I think I'll always love Mother's Day in the future, even if people burn down the whole of Pontypandy one day," Sam said breathlessly and Penny sank into his arms, laughing, knowing that she felt the same way .

The End

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