Open House

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"Mum, I'm at work. What can I do for you?"

"Penny, why didn't you tell us your fire station had an open house today?"

"How do you know that?" I felt hot and cold at the same time.

"We read it on the Internet. Pontypandy Planet or something, I think. Since we found the website a few days ago, we've finally been seeing what you're doing all day." Memo to myself: Have a serious word with Sarah and Mandy about informations on their website and cut off my parents' internet connection!" And this Sam you're always talking about is an amazing guy. So good-looking and sexy."

"Mom?!" I didn't have to look in the mirror to know I was blushing. Sam couldn't possibly have heard that and yet I reflexively looked around for him - and promptly met his gaze. I forced a cheerful smile as I tried to follow the eulogies about Sam that my mother was giving me."...I really don't understand why you haven't grabbed him already. You're going to have beautiful children. We're looking forward to getting to know him."

"Mum, you're putting the cart before the horse. It takes two people to do something like this and we're not of the opinion that I have to introduce my parents to him."

"You don't have to. We'll do it ourselves. We'll be there in 10 minutes."

"WHAT?" I asked a little too loudly, which I noticed because everyone within a 20 meter radius turned to me questioningly. I smiled apologetically and disappeared around the corner of the house.

"Penny, you'd think you didn't want us there?!" Oh I hated that tone of voice. Then I always felt guilty.

"Mum, it's not like that. It's just that you're so...lax. Not everyone can handle that, and I've worked hard to earn my status here. I can't risk having my authority questioned because you tell some stories from my childhood or show baby photos around."

"We'll control ourselves, I promise, little one," I heard Dad in the background. "But I finally want to see how my little one works. You don't want to deny that to your old man?" I breathed in resignation.

"Okay, see you soon. I'm looking forward to seeing you."

"Well, trouble in the Morris house?!" I jumped and turned to Sam, who was leaning calmly against the wall behind me and smiling.

"Do you have to sneak up on me like that, Sam?"

"And do you obviously have to distract yourself with probably unnecessary worries?" I raised a skeptical eyebrow and waited for him to explain what he meant. "I wouldn't think badly of you just because I saw some baby pictures of you. I honestly wouldn't mind." He grinned so cheekily that I gave him a quick nudge on the side.

"You don't know my parents. They have no shame when it comes to their children. They are so childish."

"That could be you too. I'm thinking of a certain summer song."

"Oh and which one of us is obsessed to an hot wire game when he's supposed to look after the twins?"

"How do you know that?" he asked me with wide eyes and I had to control myself not to laugh.

"Children's mouth tells the truth," I replied with a shrug and leaned my back against the wall next to him. "There's gotta be a little fun. But they're ten times worse. Sam, no matter what my parents do or say, please do me the favor and don't attach much importance to it. I have a feeling they'll especially have you in mind today."

"Why me?" he asked, genuinely surprised.

"They've seen videos on the children's website and love with you."

"Better they are than Hollywood. Is that why they've never been here before when we had open houses?"

"I never told them. But thanks to the children, they know and should arrive at any time."

"Don't worry so much, Pen. I think they're quite lovely people. They must be if they have a daughter like you." I looked up at him in surprise and immediately saw a slight blush creeping across his cheeks. Was that a hint or just a compliment to comfort me?

"Penny, dear." I turned to see my parents walking up the driveway, my mum excitedly waving a tissue.

"So, off to the fight," I sighed with a smile and Sam smiled encouragingly at me, put a hand on my back and more or less pushed me towards my parents.

"Hey mom, hey dad." I hugged them both before turning to Sam."This is Sam Jones, our team leader. Sam, my mother Eira and my father Owen - retired chief fire fighter."I knew how much importance my father placed on being introduced with his rank, so I didn't miss it as Sam shook hands with them one by one.

"Mr. Morris. It's good to see you again."

"You know each other?" My head began to spin, running through the most impossible scenarios before my father answered.

"I taught Sam a few courses in Cardiff. I see you've really become something. I always knew you would." He patted Sam proudly on the shoulder and I got the impression that Sam had been one of my father's favorite students.

"Owen, why didn't you tell me?" my mother asked indignantly.

"How was I supposed to know that the Sam Jones who I taught at school is the same one your daughter is always raving about?" I slapped my hand on my forehead in disbelief. I didn't have to take my hand away to know that everyone's eyes in the immediate vicinity were now on us, especially Sam's - I could feel them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Nice to meet you here," Steele objected and also extended his hand to them.

"Norris, old buddy. It's been a long time." My dad patted him on the shoulder. "I couldn't believe it when Penny told me you were still on duty. Can't help it, can you?"

"You know how it is. The young people need our experience."

"Yes, what would the children be without us? Can you set up a jumping cushion by now without burying yourself under it?"

"You can't tell children and parents anything if you don't want it to be announced at the wrong time and in the wrong place," I murmured quietly and heard Sam next to me trying to suppress his laughter. I wanted to bang my head against a wall so I would pass out and not hear anything about it anymore.

Meanwhile, a heated discussion ensued between my dad and Steele, which ended with the two of them going into the backyard to have a jumping pillow building contest.

"I think I'd better keep an eye on them," Arnold called out to me nervously and I nodded gratefully before he followed the two older men. Safe was safe.

"So, Sam, tell me what it's like to work with my daughter," my mother said.

"What can I say? I couldn't ask for a better colleague. Penny's qualifications and achievements surpass those of any of us. You should be very proud of your daughter, Mrs. Morris."

"Don't exaggerate, Sam," I whispered to him quietly, but before he could reply, my mother interrupted him.

"Don't be so formal, Sam. I'm Eira to you. We're almost family." Now even Sam looked at my mother in surprise and I immediately regretted asking myself what was to come next. "Penny has told so much about you, it feels like I've known you forever. And just between us: I've seen the videos on the Internet. The looks you're giving my daughter are really speaking for themselves." She had leaned forward and whispered quietly to Sam, who was now turning bright red, but it was still loud enough for me to could hear it too. I was debating whether I should take out my phone and google these videos or give a sermon to my mother. "I really don't understand you two, why you're so fond of each other instead of buttering the fish. You're so good for each other. "

"Mum!" I admonished her sternly. "Exactly, that's why I never told you anything about our open days."

"There were more?" My mother was visibly shocked and suddenly looked at me so sadly that her disappointment hit me right in the heart.

"Mum, I'm sorry, I..."

"Mrs. Morris, er Eira, I think what Penny was trying to tell you is that she didn't feel ready to show you her place of work. Growing up in the shadow of such a great man as Owen Morris is an honor that she has filled with pride and she doesn't want to make you any less proud." My mother's eyes lit up again and I made a mental note to bake Sam the nut cookies that he loved so much again soon.

"Oh, dear, you couldn't make us prouder than we already are, except with a few grandchildren," she said and hugged me. "Preferably one or the other with red hair or blue eyes?" she whispered to me then into my ear and winked at me, while Sam next to me gave a surprised "Huh?". That was embarrassing! I balled my hands into fists and looked down. I had never wished that the ground would open up beneath me and swallow me - now the time had come.

"Eira, may I show you the station and introduce our colleagues?" asked Sam, who held out his arm invitingly and my mother immediately linked her arm with his.

"Sam, you're so thoughtful. Thank you so much."

"Find a quiet corner and take a deep breath. I'll take care of her," he then whispered to me, smiling.

"You don't seriously think I'll leave you alone with her?" I raised a skeptical eyebrow and he shrugged, leading the way with my mother.

My mother loved Sam's guided tour by the station. And she was completely enchanted by Elvis, who we found upstairs at the stove, because that man could cook and bake so amazingly? After Elvis told her that Sam was also very good at it, she let out an ecstatic 'Oh', but before she could say anything, I put one of Elvis' morsels in her mouth, which Sam acknowledged with a hidden laugh.

Ellie impressed her because she obviously didn't speak up and she didn't want to part with Radar anymore. When she heard that he was living with Sam, my mother thought it was very nice, because I had always wanted a dog in my younger years...Holy Saint Florian, everything she had done today was no longer a wave of the fence post, she waved at least once with the Tower of London.

While we were visiting the station, we also met Charlie, Bronwyn and the twins, which led her to say - how could it be otherwise - what a wonderful family Sam has and that the twins liked me so much had to be a coincidence. Yes, a coincidence of sympathy that existed between people, I thought sarcastically. Who still believed in fate today? Oh, I wish so much that this would exist and that maybe my mother could be a little ...

"And this is Arnold McKinley. His technical knowledge is very sophisticated and he is an eager and inquisitive young firefighter," Sam now introduced the last in our series.

"Nice to meet you Ma'm".

"Same. Where are my husband and Station Officer Steele?"

"Um, the two of them are lying under the jump cushions. They expressly didn't want any help."

"Oh, Penny, please help him. You know what your father is like," she said annoyed and then turned to Sam. "He always thinks he can do everything, but he'll never understand this new-fangled stuff."

"We know that very well, Eira."

I shrugged my shoulders and asked Arnold to come with me. My mother would probably only allow herself to be removed from Sam's arm by force, she was so in love with her dream son-in-law.

"Station Officer Steele? Dad? We're deflating now!" I only got muffled sounds from under both pillows that were almost inaudible, so I nodded to Arnold and in less than 2 minutes we had taken the pillows down and started wrapping them together while my dad and Steele helping each other to their feet and fumbling with themselves to fix their hairstyles and clothes.

"Penny, I was almost done and winning."

"But just almost Owen, I was seconds ahead of you." This made my father laugh.

"Norris, you're still a sore loser. In any case, it's impossible to build these newfangled things fast enough."

"Absolutely right, Owen. I praise the good old jumping mat."

"Sir's, I'd like to dispute that. How about a competition?" I immediately turned to Sam, who was now standing behind me, and saw a big grin on his face. "I bet that Penny will set up the jumping cushion alone before you both find 3 more people to tension the jumping mat."

"Sam, I like you," my dad shouted enthusiastically.

"I'd be surprised if not. He's the perfect son-in-law. You're lucky." I had just finished folding the jump cushion, but when Steele said that, I lost my balance and fell on my backside. I was so stunned that I didn't even know what to say. Why was Steele blowing the horn now too?

The next moment Sam grabbed me under the arms and helped me to my feet again.

"If it's any consolation for you: Charlie always tells me that you're the perfect sister-in-law," he whispered in my ear when I stood again and his words made my legs feel just as soft as his warm breath on my cheek."So, ready for a competition with your father?"

I swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and focused on what lay ahead. I actually managed to distract myself from the thought, which was more of a desire, to turn around and kiss Sam.

Sam gave the signal to start and while Steele was still calling Ellie, Arnold and Elvis, I had already unfolded the jumping cushion and pulled on the rope. It was fully inflated and ready for use before the last person had their hand on the jumping mat.

"Oh, that's wonderful. Owen, have you seen: Penny did it all by herself and was even faster than you."

"Is it as good as the old version?"

"Try it, Owen," Steele suggested, pointing to the training tower. My heart sank. Of course the pillow was safe, but you didn't jump out of an 8 meter high tower for fun.

"Then set it up properly."

"Dad! Shouldn't you know best not to have fun with the equipment?"

"Everyone has fun or a competition in their service. Now the student becomes the teacher, would you, Sam?" my father turned to him and he nodded with a smile before he climbed the training tower with my father. I stood next to my mother and took her hand. The two men I love most in my life were standing there and after a short briefing they jumped out of the tower together when Elvis and the others had prepared the jumping cushion and gave Sam an okay. Despite my better judgment, my heart stopped and only continued to beat when they both rolled out of the pillow and sat up laughing.

"A great innovation in the fire service. I would jump every day if I were still on duty. But now I need something to strengthen me."

So we went inside and showed my parents the buffet prepared by Bronwyn and Elvis.

The rest of the day was relatively quiet, my mother had apparently used up all her powder and I was able to enjoy the fact that Sam and my parents seemed to get along so well. It invited you to dream, but what good was all that dreaming if it never came true? It was bad enough that I still had to have a clarifying conversation with Sam. He was my best friend and I knew him well enough to know that he would use my mother's many hints to tease me wherever he could.

"My dears, it was so nice with you, but we have to go. We still have a long drive ahead of us to get home."

"It was nice having you there, Mom."

"Penny, you've always been a bad liar." My father laughed and it infected me.

"No, honestly Dad. I'm glad you were there. Even if Mum's eagerness will cost me a few more explanations and nerves." I looked at Sam, who was with Ellie trying to free Joe Spark's foot from a bucket he had stepped in.

"You've never lacked courage, my little one. Why now?" I just shrugged. "I hate to see that another man has stolen my little princess's heart, but I'm not so old that I don't realize how serious it is with you two. And today I got the impression that the whole town knows it - but you two obviously don't see it. Maybe that will make it a little easier for you?!"

"Dad, he would never..."

"Ah, ah, ah. What have we taught you?" my mother now intervened sternly.

"Never say never. Anything is possible as long as we take our happiness into our own hands," I sighed resignedly, but smiled and to my surprise, just at that moment, a hand placed on my back. I looked up and saw Sam's face, who was smiling at me like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"A very nice family motto," he said with a smile. "I really hope that you always remember it."

"I may have lost sight of it a bit."

"It seems that way to me too." Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my mother silently asking my father to leave.

"We'll just disappear then." My mother gave Sam a quick hug. "And remember, Penny, we have dinner with us on Sunday in two weeks!"

"Yes, Mom."

"Sam, you remind her, right?"

"Of course, Eira. We'll be there."

"WE!?" My dad let go of Sam's hand and waved with a grin before they turned and left. I looked up in confusion at Sam, who, with his hand in my back, led me into the hall, straight towards the office at the other end. I didn't know what he was up to, but my mind was also spinning too much on the fact that they had invited Sam to dinner. When could this have happened? Why had they done it? And most importantly: what reason had they given Sam?

"Your mother invited me too."


"She didn't give a reason." I breathed a sigh of relief as he closed the door behind us and walked towards me. His smile was so blissful that it warmed my heart. "Do you mind if I come with you?"

"No, of course not. But you don't have to do that if you don't want to. I know how captivating my mother can be. She just runs over you when you're least prepared. Especially after all the...hints that she let go today, would be..."

"Hints?" He raised a questioning eyebrow and looked at me with a mischievous grin. I thought I still had some time, but okay, I guess we'll get this conversation over with right away.

"You know, the thing about the son-in-law, the children, your looks. She makes something up because she would like it that way."

"Well, if that's what you give her."


"Your dad said himself that you have a crush on me." He grinned so arrogantly that everything fell off my face.

"And my mom said about the looks you gave me in the videos. Maybe I should check that out?" I dug my phone out of my pocket to go to the kids' website, but I didn't even get around to turning it on when he put a hand on my arm. I felt the other one on my cheek just a second later and I looked up, only to feel his lips on mine. The surprise was so big that I gasped and he took use of this moment to deepen the kiss. Immediately it was over for me and I sank against him, let myself fall, only thinking about how I wished that this moment would never end. This was everything I ever wanted and it felt more than right. It was just wonderful.

"Wow." Sam rested his forehead against mine as we parted breathlessly, his voice an awed sigh. "None of my dreams live up to reality."

"We don't have to stop as far as I'm concerned," I murmured, smiling and kissing him again.

"I think it's better if you continue this at home." We jumped apart as suddenly as if the ground beneath us had given way and turned to Steele in shock. We both immediately stood at attention out of reflex, but relaxed when we saw Ellie, Arnold and Elvis standing in the doorway behind him, giggling as we both turned bright red. "If I had known that, I would have called your parents much sooner and asked them to come over here, Penny. About time, you two. But don't let that affect your work!" He raised a warning finger and we both just shook our heads - we both just wanted this moment to pass and that we were alone again. "Now go home. You still have a lot of catching up to do!" Steele added with a grin and left.

"Well, the day didn't go that badly," Sam said with a smile.

"The ending was my favorite so far." I grabbed his hand with a smile and he smiled brightly at me. "At least my parents held back from the baby photos."

"Oh, your mother wants to show them to me in two weeks." He laughed out loud when I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance and kissed me on the cheek. "Let's go to my place, we'll be there quickest and we can talk in peace about how we want to make your parents happy."

"Shouldn't we work on making ourselves happy first?"

"I think it's the same thing and we've already started with it." He winked at me and I just shrugged with a smile. He was right and I was never happier than that day - thanks to my parents.

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