Dang it! Drangon Witch! (Prinxiety)

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Let's have some fluff and angst start off this book! Also, put requests in the comments.

TW: none.


Roman walked down the hallway, on his way to the kitchen to make a sandwich. That would have happened if he hadn't found Virgil curled up in a corner.

His eyes were closed and head resting on his knees. Roman noticed that his breathing was steady. The prince let out a quiet 'aw' escape his mouth.

He decided to grab a blanket from the common room on his was to the kitchen. Yes, Roman has a crush on Virgil, but he'd always put blankets on top of people that fell asleep out side of their room.

Prince came back to the sleeping Emo with a blanket in one hand and a sandwich in the other. He knelt down and surrounded the Darker Side in the blanket.

Roman was about to take a bite out of his sandwich when he realized that someone had eaten more then half of it. The Royal already knew who the culprits were.

He could her the two snickering behind. "Missy! Pranks! You better make me another sandwich!" Roman raised his voice, not even looking at them.

"Or what? You're going to summon your knights to make a sandwich?" Missy asked while using his sleeve to wipe away the sandwich crumbs on his face. This statement started an argument between the three of them.

Virgil was startled awake with the sudden arguing. It was like watching siblings fighting with your crush to Anxiety. Actually, it was just like that.

"Pranks, Missy, can you just make him another sandwich?" Virgil mumbled, still a little sleepy. The two looked at each other and nodded.

"Yeah, sure thing bro." Pranks said walking to the kitchen with Missy. Prince's mouth hung open.

"Why do they listen to you?" Roman questioned. "They're my brothers, or at least that's what it feels like." Virgil answered, taking the blanket off of himself.

Roman would have questioned him a little longer if Logan hadn't ran out in to the hallway, pulling Patton along with him.

"ROMAN!" Logan yelled, but not in anger, "THERE WAS A LITTLE BIT OF A MISHAP WITH MY STUDY ON THE-"

Before he could finish, there was a blast of fire from behind them.

A DragonWitch.

A DragonWitch in full on rage to be precise. Roman pulled Logan, Patton, and Virgil behind them.

"You honestly thought that that cage would be able to hold me forever, didn't you?" It hissed, swinging its claws are Roman, sending him flying.

"Thinking I wouldn't be mad of you study my kind by studying me 24/7?" It snapped at Logan, also sending him flying into a wall.

"And giving me meals enough to feed a mouse," It growled at Patton, who was trying to hide Virgil behind himself.

The DragonWitch used a spell that caused Patton to be trapped in some sort of bubble. Its gaze fell on to the last side.

The emo was shaking and eyes filled to the prime with fear. He had no idea what was going to happen to Patton, to Pranks, to Missy, to him.

The DragonWitch narrowed its eyes and smirked at the trembling trait. Roman had only just gotten back on when he saw the DragonWitch grab Virgil and raised him up to meet its own eyes.

"What's wrong, boy? Scared?" The DragonWitch cackled. Virgil struggled in its grip.

"L-l-let m-me go!" Virgil kicked harder at its hand. The emo not being able to squirm out of its grasp was amusing to DragonWitch.

"I don't think so, in fact," the DragonWitch glance at Roman, who had helped up Logan and were grabbing some sort of dart. "I think I should do experiments on you."

Roman's eyes widen and immediately did the one thing he could think of that was logical (oooooh, Roman being logical), he took out his sword and charged at the DragonWitch.

The sword hit its tail, cutting it, but to the DragonWitch, that was like a paper cut. "Oh look, Prince Charming is trying to save you! Isn't that sweet of him? Thinking about someone other than himself."

Logan gave a little 'uhhh', catching the DragonWitch's attrition. "Oh, you know what I mean!" It snapped at Logan as it swung its tail at Roman.

Said Prince was slammed into the wall again, this time knocking him unconscious. Virgil want to fight back to check on his friend, but he found it harder and harder to keep his eyes open.

The DragonWitch took this opportunity to disappear.
With Virgil.

Part two, coming soon to a theater near you.

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