Dang it! Drangon Witch! (Prinxiety) (Part 2)

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Roman woke up on the couch with bandages around his torso. His head ached, his side's burned, he could sit up if he wanted to though.

Patton and Logan were speaking somewhere in the room that Roman couldn't see.

"But that thing could be hurting my son! We need to go!" Patton sounded like he'd been crying.

"I know what that thing could be doing, but we shouldn't rush in there. Roman is the only one that knows his way around the Imagination." Logan retorted.

"We need supplies." Roman spoke up. The others jumped at his sudden voice.

Roman sat up and found them talking in the door way. "It's been any DragonWitch's or villain in the Imaginations dream to capture a Side. Having captured a side they have somewhat control over the Imagination, so it would be unwise to go in there without somethings from the Mind Palace to keep us alive."

Patton and Logan looked at each other, then back to Roman, who had a very serious face rather than his goofy grin. "What will we need?" Patton asked.

"Weapons, we can't trust anyone that offer us weapons in there for the time being. We also need food, obviously," Logan and Patton were about to walk away, so Roman raised his voice. "And recruits."

Patton whirled around. "But, that means that we need to get some dark sides..." "well, there's also" Logan interrupted with "I'm not putting them through that!"

"Patton, we need to get all the help we can get, three sides can't go against an army of DragonWitches and whatever evils they have created." Roman pointed out.

"I'll ask, but if they say no, then it's no." Patton then walked out.


Virgil woke up in a dark room. His back was pressed up against something cold. He felt it through his shirt.

Where the heck is my jacket?

Virgil gets easily cold and his jacket was specially made so he could manage an average body temperature. Without it, everything was so cold.

He stood up, trying to move around as much as he could so he didn't freeze, but he was in a semi-small cylinder glass prison only allowed him little movement.

"H-Hello?" The emo called out to the void. He felt something clasp around his ankles. He looked down to see that he was now chained.

"Aw, look who's finally awake! Did Virgy have a nice dream?" The DragonWitch's voice taunted. Light spread around the room showing off the laboratory that Virgil was in the middle of.

The emo found that him and the DragonWitch weren't the only ones in the room. Two scientists were by the DragonWitch's sides.

"Oh my... I thought you were joking!" One Scientist said in disbelief.

(Yo, I found a mr.Goodbar. Just thought I'd let you guys know.)

"We can actually do test on an actual side!" The other scientists added. Virgil heart sank.

They were actually going to do test on him.

( Now I'm sad. I ate my last mr.Goodbar.)


"The DragonWitch took Virgil?!" Missy screamed when Patton told them what happened. Pranks wasn't pleased.

"And we need help from other sides and Roman told me to ask you two, but-"
"We'll do it."
"He has our brother, we're going to help"

Patton sighed. "Alright." The twins took their missing brother very seriously.

"I couldn't be of assistance." Deceit's voice was heard from behind Patton. Patton jumped a little.

"Really kiddo? Why do you want to help? It's not really like you, no offense." Patton asked when he turned around to look Deceit in the eyes.

"That lovely DragonWitch didn't take my hat." Deceit answered. That's when Patton noticed that the slimy boy was missing his hat.

"Well, alright, but no hurting anyone's feelings." Patton warned.

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