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I couldn't think of a cool or unique title sorry.
Requested by: JacieCool123 (Who you should go follow.)
Hope you enjoy it!

This was not supposed to happen.

The sides had all taken a trip to the Thomas's imagination ("Imagination Kingdom," as Roman likes to call it). Thomas wasn't really doing anything productive at the moment, so they had an excuse to visit it anyways. The sides (not including Roman) been meaning to visit it since all the hype Roman has said about it over the years. They all willingly joined Roman, even Virgil.

Well, expect for Logan, of course. He reluctantly joined them into the imagination. He didn't really want to join, mainly because of the illogical of the imagination and the fact that Thomas hasn't done anything productive all day. But after having been told to 'Take a chill pill, nerd.' by Roman and 'Just relax a little!' by Patton, he joined them, still questioning the logic of the imagination.

Things were going well in the imagination. The sides were chatting while walking around in the forest.

Until the dragon witch found them.

"Prince Roman, others. I see you came into the imagination today." The dragon witch said with a glare.

"What do you want?" Roman said, a tad annoyed.

"You shouldn't be here.......
Now you'll have to pay....." The dragon witch replied, with a bit of venom in her tone. Roman started to pull out his sword.

"Okay, let—-" Roman started to say, before the dragon witch sent out a magic beam at all the sides, turning them all into animals.

The dragon witch wickedly laughed in their faces and disappeared.

Patton turned to the others and screamed.
"Patton, why did you just scream? Are there spiders here?" Logan asked, and Patton shook his head.

"No, you guys are animals!" Patton responded and they all gasped. "Well, it's not like your anything different. Your a canis lupus familiaris." Logan said in his usual monotone voice.

"English, please." Virgil said. Logan sighed, and said, "Patton your a dog. A golden retriever, to be exact."

Patton smiled widely as his eyes lit u. Well, as best as a dog can. "Really?!!! Then I shouldn't be talking to you!"
"Why not?" Logan asked him, genuinely curious.

"Your a crow. And a crow's a bird. And birds get chased by puppies and dogs. And I'm a puppy!! Sorry Logan!!" Patton said cheerfully.

"Patton we can still talk to each other. It's not like we're enemies." Logan said in his usual serious and monotone voice, causing Virgil to laugh. "Why are you laughing, kiddo?" Patton asked curiously.

"I-I just......I just can't take Logan seriously now that he's a crow...." Virgil said, soon laughing even more.

"I would not be laughing if I were you." Logan said, which caused Virgil to laugh even more.

"Why not?" Virgil asked with a smirkish smile.

"Because you are a kitten." Logan said, causing Virgil to gasp. "What? Why a kitten? I am nothing like a kitten! I just really hope this is all temporary....." Virgil said, starting to pace back and forth.

"I know it ruins your 'emo vibe,' but you are like a cat. So it would make sense for you to be a cat." Roman said.

Virgil was about to say something, but Roman cut him off.
"And before you say that your nothing like a cat, just the other day I saw you sitting on the counter."

"Well at least you got an eagle. And I don't even want to know why you think you got it." Virgil retaliated.

"Well, I do help Thomas soar and fly after his dreams!" Roman replied dramatically, before speaking again. "Maybe I could fly!" Roman then flew up into the air, and tried to fly.

Which only lasted for a few seconds until he crashed onto the ground. Luckily he landed on a bunch of somehow flowers that were in the grass.

"Oh come on! Why can't I fly?! I'm an eagle! I should be able to fly!" Roman said, angered.

"Well, the most logical thing is that you literally just turned into an eagle. Therefor, you should be unable to fly. Of course, that would mean that I, too, can't fly because I just turned into a crow." Logan explained.

"Aw man. I was really looking forward to Princey barely speaking since he'd be in the sky." Virgil quietly said.

"Now, do any of you have ideas on how to get back to normal so we can assist Thomas later?" Logan asked with a serious look on his face.

Meanwhile, in the real world......

Thomas had been on the couch, unable to focus. His imagination has been going wild and he's been thinking the weirdest things.

'Maybe I could use some of these ideas for a video.' Thomas thought, and was surprised that neither Logan or Roman showed up.

'Maybe there just busy. Oh well. I'll just watch 'The Office' bloopers instead.' Thomas thought and shrugged, going on YouTube to search for bloopers from 'The Office.'

Back in Imagination Kingdom..........

"I have an idea!!" Roman confidently announced.
"Of course you do." Virgil muttered, rolling his eyes.

"We could all sneak into the dragon witch's lair, and we could attack her somehow and then boom! We're back to normal." Roman suggested, ignoring Virgil's comment.

"I can see the many flaws in your plan, per usual," Logan started, "One, how would you know that she would be in the lair? I mean, you don't even know if she has one in the first place. She might just be wandering around. Second of all-"

"Now Logan, before you get ahead of yourself, do you have a plan yourself?" Patton asked cheerfully.

"No. But if I did it would be better than Roman's." Logan replied, mumbling the last part.

"So let's just go with Princey's idea so we won't be stuck like this forever." Virgil said.

"Then let's go! This is going to be the best adventure ever!" Roman said before soaring up into the air and crashing down onto the ground again.

"Oh come on! I guess I shall have to travel by foot like all of you." Roman groan and started walking (or whatever the equivalent to a bird walking is) and leading the others to the dragon witch's lair.

—-Time skip to them arriving there brought to you by happiness—-

They had finally arrived at the dragon witch's lair. On the way there, they kept getting stopped by random villagers that had wandered into the forest. The mainly got stopped because the wandering villagers, in said villagers words, "wanted to stop and pet the dog and take pictures with the "emo" cat."

"Ugh, if I have to take one more picture I am going to scream." Virgil said with annoyance in his tone.

"Well you won't have to because I'm pretty sure we're here! Right, Roman?" Patton said, soon turning to Roman, who looked at the entrance with determination in his eyes.

"Right. Now let's go DESTROY that dragon witch!!" Roman announced, before sort of flying into the lair, with his fellow sides following behind him.

"YAHHHHH!!!! Wait, where is she?" Roman started to say, before he noticed that the dragon witch wasn't there. The sides looked at each other in confusion, even Logan who had this smirk on his face that said 'I told you so.'

They were about to leave, before the room got covered in black smoke and the dragon witch appeared, laughing evilly.

"It's nice of you to finally show up. All furry or winged." The dragon witch said with a laugh.

"It seems illogical to do this to all of us. In fact, why would you do this?" Logan questioned them.

"Well, I was planning on doing it to the little prince over........oh wait, I can't call him that! He's an eagle, not a prince anymore! Anyways, I was just going to turn him into an animal until I saw that he brought you guys along. So I decided to have a little more fun and turn all of you into animals." The dragon witch replied, switching her gaze between the sides while she was talking.

"So, when will you turn us back?" Roman questioned, and the dragon witch looked at him with a glare.

"Well I was going to turn you all back right now." The dragon witch said, and snapped her fingers, turning them all back into normal. "Now leave!" With that the dragon witch snapped her fingers again, and the sides were outside the door into imagination, all relieved that they were all back to normal.

Meanwhile in the real world.....

I should really ask Roman about all these weird things  I'm imagining. Thomas thought, before summoning said side.

"Greetings! What may I help you with today?" Roman asked.

"Well, I've been imagining all these weird things. Including animals that looked like you and the other sides.....and this woman who was a mix between a dragon and a witch. I figured it had something to do with you since your my hopes and dreams." Thomas asked Roman.

Roman looked puzzled, before soon saying, "Well, this may sound weird but........"  then explained what happened in Thomas's imagination.
1519 Words
Hope you enjoyed it!
Sorry if some parts are fast-paced or confusing.
Have a fabulous day/night!

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