Truth and Potions {Prinxiety}

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Warning:There is, like, one swear in this. You are warned.
Requested by PiperFleming  (who you should go follow)
Hope you enjoy it!!

The sides were all in the living room, playing truth or dare. Patton had practically begged for them all to play, and they all joined. Virgil, though he really didn't want to join. Neither did Logan, but he joined a bit more willingly than Virgil.

They played a couple of rounds and were on their third, Logan leaving right when it recently began and he had to leave to go *ahem* do what people use a bathroom for.
Soon, it was time for Roman's turn to dare someone or ask them a question.

"Okay Virgil! Truth or Dare?" Roman asked said side. "Dare. Don't make it easy though, Princey." Virgil replied.
Roman sat in thought for a few seconds, then got an idea.

"I dare you to drink a random potion from Logan's room!" Roman said, a bit amused. A second passed until Virgil stood up, and said "Okay. I guess I will." And walked off to Logan's room, Roman and Patton following behind him.

"Hey kiddo, are you sure Logan's going to be okay with this?" Patton asked Roman. "I'm sure he'd be okay with it." The prince-like trait replied, knowing that Logan would be furious.

The three sides walked into Logan's room, and Roman led Virgil to the shelf of potions Logan had next to his huge shelf of books.

"Okay, close your eyes, grab one of the potions, then drink it. Then leave the room, if the potion doesn't affect your legs or anything like that. I'll be in the hall with Patton." Roman instructed and left the room, joining Patton in the hall.

Virgil walked closer to the shelf and shut his eyes tight. He randomly moved his hand around the shelf until he felt a potion. Virgil took the potion and drank about half of it. He opened his eyes, then walked out of the room, handing the potion to Roman and making eye contact with him.

"Um, Virgil? I know I'm handsome, but your starring at me." Roman said, and Virgil just stared at Roman more, then gave him multiple kisses on his cheeks and walked away like nothing happened, leaving a blushing Roman behind.

"It must be a love potion. I mean, he did make solid eye contact with you after he came out of there." Patton said, soon going after Virgil. Roman just stood there, speechless.

It's a love potion, Roman. He loves you as a friend, unfortunately. Woah, where did that come from?. The potion did this to him, Roman thought and eventually went back to the living room, where Patton and Virgil were on the floor where they were before, chatting.

"Hey gu—MMP!"

Roman started to say, before Virgil cut him off with a kiss. How he got up so quick nobody knows. Virgil pulled away, and began to gently kiss Roman's face all over. Patton giggled at the two as he watched Roman's face slowly get red and more red. Almost darker than his sash.

"I hate to "break the moment," but Roman why are you holding my potion?" Logan had been standing behind the two, a few paces away.

Instead of getting annoyed by Logan or stopping, Virgil continued.
Roman, still a blushing mess, explained what happened. "Well, you see......
I may or may have not dared Virgil to drink a random potion from your shelf in your room."

"Do you two happen to know what potion he took?" Logan questioned.
"Well, we think it's a love potion because.....well...........well just look at how he's doing to Roman right now!" Patton replied, gesturing towards the prince-like side being continuously kissed all over the face by the usually anxious trait.

"Hmm. Roman, can I have the potion for a moment?" Logan said and Roman lightly tossed the potion at Logan, who was now examining the potion.

"Well, since it seems like he only drank half, so that's good...." Logan muttered, loud enough to be heard.
"HOW IS HALF A GOOD THING? Normally I would love a good love potion, but this is just too far! He won't stop kissing me!" Roman asked, a bit angry and also a bit embarrassed. Virgil, who seemed to suddenly stop, gave him a weird look before continuing.

"Well, if he had drank all of it.....well, let's just say that there would be a lot of chaos and mayhem going on right now." Logan started. "
And the potion should be wearing off soon if I did the calculations correctly. So you don't have to worry about this happening to you forever."

"Forever?!?! You mean, this could last forever?!?!" Roman said, before Virgil stopped kissing him, and walked away.

"Ah, not forever. And it seems like the potion has ended. Now, let me ju—" Logan started to say, before Virgil ran to Roman, screaming, "I LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOT!!" and jumping on him then began kissing him on the lips.

Roman fell backwards onto the ground, shocked and unprepared for what his fellow side just did. He wasn't used to something like this coming from Virgil out of all people, well neither were Patton and Logan, but they weren't being attacked with kisses from Virgil.

"I ship it so much." Patton whispered to Logan, who just laughed ("ha.") "I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out what the potion actually is." Logan muttered, trying to keep a straight face (since he's gay. Ha I'm not funny) as he watched the two.

Virgil suddenly stopped and gave Roman a weird look. "Princey? What the hell?" Virgil asked, before standing up with his cheeks blushing light pink. "What's going on? And why was I kissing you?"

"I see my potion for amplified emotions wore off." Logan said, and Roman let out a dramatic gasp.
"Wait......He said that he loved me......and he kept kissing me........" Roman said, and realization suddenly came on to Virgil as he slowly remembered what happened and he began running out of the common room.

Roman ran after him, screaming, "Virgil wait! Come back!!"

Said side ran into his room, slammed his door shut, and collapsed onto his bed.

"Virgil, open up!"
"G-Go away, sir sing a lot! I know your here to tease me!"
"I'm here to do anything but that. Please, just let me in."
Foot steps could be heard from the inside, and a click to open the door could be heard. Roman gasped at what he saw.

Virgil's eyeshadow was a mess, so you could tell he had been crying.

"Sup, Princey. Care to mock me for looking like a mess and for acting how I did after I drank the potion?" Virgil says, in a bit of an annoyed tone.

"We need to talk." Roman said while walking in and shutting the door behind him.

"So you know how you took that amplified emotions potion?" Roman asked. Virgil slowly nodded.

"Well, I'm not sure you remember, but you were being all 'lovey dovey' to me. And I'm going to assume it was because you love me. Is that correct?" This time, Virgil didn't answer. He just froze. Roman took Virgil's hand and squeezed it and continued.

"Look, I don't know if that was a yes or a no, but I just want to let you know that I love you. And if you don't love me back, I completely understand." Roman said softly.

"I-it was a yes...I guess the potion just made me be impulsive and made me attack you with kisses." Virgil said, a tad embarrassed.

"Look Virgil, I know we just confessed to each other but...would you like to be my bo—-" Roman started to say, before getting cut off with a soft but quick kiss from Virgil.

"Yes. Yes I would." Virgil said with a smile.
1304 Words
Hope you enjoyed this! Sorry if some parts were weird or incorrect. This was my first time doing a request.
Have a fabulous day/night!

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