(Don't) Do It-Part Two {Platonic LAMP/CALM}

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Warning: Some cursing, suicide attempt/mentions, mentions of pills, mentions of alcoholic parent


Roman turned around, and he saw his three friends, Patton, who running towards Roman with tears in his eyes, Logan, who was calmly walking to Roman and for once had genuine concern shown on his face, and Virgil, who just exited the car and was following after the two and was equally concerned for Roman.

Roman was still shocked, mainly on how they had found him and also why they would stop him. He was petrified, still holding the pill bottle in his hand instead of directly near his mouth. Just near his face.

Unfortunately, about ten of the sleeping pills have already gotten into his mouth and all he needed to was swallow and it'd be over.

Soon, the three had gotten over to him. Patton, of course, had wrapped Roman in a tight hug.

"Oh thank goodness we stopped you just in time!!" Patton said, releasing from the hug and went to stand by the other two.

"Wait....Roman, where are the pills?" Logan asked, concerned. When Roman didn't respond, Logan asked him the question again, but annoyed.
"I'll ask again. Where. Are. The. Pills?"

When Roman didn't respond again, Virgil had taken action and had grabbed the pill bottle from Roman's hand.

When he looked at the pill bottle, his face had dropped. Virgil then looked up at Roman and stared directly into his eyes.

"The pills are in your mouth,
aren't they Roman?" Virgil asked him in a serious tone, which Roman only had answered with a nod.

Patton looked at Roman, eyes wide. "Spit them out! Spit them out, goddamn it!" Patton almost screamed at Roman.

Should I? Maybe I shouldn't......No! I should! It's not like anyone sing a requiem for me or anything......
Roman sadly thought inside. And he almost swallowed it as soon as they found him, but stopped himself. He wanted to hear what they had to say.

And even if I don't swallow and spit out the pills, I can still jump off the cliff. Roman thought, actually considering that option for a second. He could just jump now and they couldn't stop him if he jumped.

"Roman, I know what your thinking. 'Oh, even if I spit these out I can still jump! Nobody will stop me! I am Roman, the boy nobody cares about. That's bullshit, and you know it, Roman." Virgil angerly started, staring at Roman in the eyes.

Roman soon grabbed the pill bottle from Virgil's hand and spat the pills back into the pill bottle. He started talking a few steps back, getting closer to the edge and away from his three worried friends.

"Look you matter and you shouldn't do this. People care about you, we care about you. Even if it may not seem like it at times people do and you'll just have to find people who do. Just take a few steps forward and come with us." Logan said, seriousness in his tone and eyes.

Roman looked away from him. He knew he was lieing and so were Patton and Virgil.

"Even in a serious situation like this, you decided to lie. Lügen ist nicht gut für die Seele, Logan. Ich weiß, es ist dir egal. Lass mich hier. Ich verdiene es. Sag meiner Mutter, dass ich sie liebe, obwohl sie zu betrunken wäre, um zuzuhören." Roman replied, turning around and taking a step forward. One step closer to the edge, but not off it yet.

Logan sighed, the other two looking confused, Logan whispered what he said to them, leaving them shocked. Virgil decided to speak up and took a few steps closer to Roman. Not directly by him, but still close.

"Why are you talking like your running out of time? We could have more time to talk. All of us. You may think this is the answer, but it's not. Believe me, I would know. I've tried myself. It's a good thing I backed out and saw that it wasn't. If you could only see that now....oh wait! You can! Because there's still time!!" Virgil said, walking up to Roman and grabbing his shoulder.

"Wow, it seems like you have joined Logan on the train of lies. Neither of you care. I know Patton obviously cares since he cares about everyone. But when you guys do it? Nun, es beweist nur dein Lügen. Jetzt lass mich allein ficken." Roman shot back, elbowing Virgil in the stomach, which caused him to fall back and let go of Roman's shoulder.

"Roman, please. Es ist uns wirklich wichtig. Warum denkst du, wir sind den ganzen Weg gekommen? Ich hätte es ihnen nicht sagen oder konfrontieren können." The logical teen said, hesitantly taking a few steps closer to the upset teen.

Not knowing what his two friends are saying, Patton decides to chime in to the conversation, and to also help Virgil up since he was knocked onto the ground by Roman.

"Please, Roman. I care, Logan cares, even Virgil cares!" Patton said, with tears streaming down his face. He didn't want to see one of his closest friends commit or try to....kill himself.

Patton wouldn't forgive himself if Roman succeeded with his plan. Heck, none of them would. But Patton? He was close to Roman and would feel like  it was his fault.

Roman didn't answer. He just looked at the big, sparkling blue sky in silence.

Maybe I shouldn't do it. Patton just proved they all care. In each of there own ways.Even Mr. Emotionless seems to care. And apparently Emo Nightmare has been through this as well. Maybe he could help me through this....

Roman turned around and walked towards his friends with a smile.

"Oh thank goodness you didn't jump we would all miss you if you did!!" Patton said, wrapping Roman in a tight hug.

Roman, shaking from what had happened since they joined him on the cliff and stopped him, hugged back and signaled for the other two to join.

Logan, surprisingly, joined the hug with a smile. While Virgil, not one who likes physical contact, smirked and joined the hug.

They had saved their friend, and they knew he would do the same for them.

1023 Words
Hope that didn't suck. And sorry if the ending or some other parts are weird. 😅
(Also this isn't related to the one-shot or even the Sanders Sides, but I recently started a new book thingy and I would really appreciate it if someone checked it out. Even if it's only one person or one entry thing that's seen.)

Have a nice day or night
boys, girls, and non-binary royals!!

Edit: Here's a bonus scene that happened before the three arrived.

Roman sighed as he took out a piece of paper and a pen. He had almost forgotten to write the note. Roman started writing and soon, he took a look at the note he wrote and read it out loud....

"Dear anyone who bothers to read this,

Oh who am I kidding. Like anyone would read this. It's not like I matter enough for anyone to read it. Anyways, I have decided to pull the plug. To end this story called my life.

To my mother, if your even reading this at all. I'm surprised you aren't out drinking with random guys who you try to flirt with. This isn't your fault. Well, only a small part of it is.

I know you can't deal with anymore loss since my father's passing back when I was in middle school. And I'm sorry. For everything. I wish you the best. Goodbye.

To my friends, not the popular ones, but my real friends.

Patton, you were always so caring and kind. Yet you hid behind that smile that everyone loves. It's okay to be sad. Remember that. I'm sorry.

Virgil, you were always so unique and, dare I say, even 'edgy.'  Sorry about all the nicknames and teasing. I never really meant it all. I was just jealous that you got to be so unique and never cared what others thought! Remember to stay unique. I'm sorry.

And finally, Logan. I know you we weren't as good as friends as you were with the other two, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for calling you emotionless. I'm sorry for starting all the teasing back in middle school. Denken Sie daran, intelligent zu bleiben. I'm sorry.

Goodbye, cruel cruel world. I know you won't miss me. But I'll be watching from up above.

Roman 'Princey' Prince."

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