Forgiving and Forgeting {Platonic Logically}

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This is a part two to my other one shot, 'Kindergarten Boyfriends.' This is the Human AU and they don't look the same. Only some features are similar.

Warning: Mentions of suicide attempt, mention of death, like one curse word, mention of homophobia, mention of break up

"...Okay, the doctors said that he's still alive. He just......broke some bones.
...What? Which ones? I don't know! I'll ask the doctors! .......Yes, I'll tell him you guys said hi. Have a nice day, Mr. and Mrs.Sanders."

Virgil had contacted Mr. and Mrs. Sanders about what Patton had done. Unfortunately, they were currently away on a business trip and wouldn't be back until a couple of months.

Luckily, Patton had his older brother, Thomas, with him at home, so fortunately Patton wouldn't be recovering from his injuries without anyone to help him back at home.

Virgil had walked back into the hospital  room, and sat on a chair near his bed. He sighed. It had been almost an hour since the....incident with Patton, and his parents were constantly calling Virgil ever since he called them after it happened.

Thomas was yet to show up, mainly since he was on a date with some guy and said date was at a theatre not near the hospital. As for Roman and Logan? Who honestly knew at this point.

"Hey, Virge."

Virgil looked up at Patton, both surprised and excited that he was awake.

"Hey Pat. I see your finally awake. You've been out for almost an hour." The relieved teen said with a small, sad smile on his face to his now awake best friend.

"Why did you bring me here?" Patton asked, his face showing a serious expression.

Virgil's smile quickly dropped, showing a frown instead.

"Look, after you jumped I called the ambulance and luckily they were able to save you. Because you matter just like every fricking creature on this beautiful planet called earth." Virgil said, squeezing Patton's hand reassuringly.

"Did you tell my parents about this? Did you tell Thomas? Did you tell Roman and Log-" Patton started to say, before getting interrupted by someone swinging the door open hard enough that it made a sound when it hit the door.

"PATTON MY DEAR FRIEND ARE YOU OKAY?" Roman dramatically said, almost yelling as he practically ran over to Patton and Virgil. He wrapped Patton in a hug and then let go, gripping his shoulders tight and looking Patton in the eyes.

"Never do that again. You are too precious for this world and the world would hate itself if you succeeded." Roman said to him, a little sad. He turned away and sat on one of the other chairs in the room.

"You are literally the biggest sap in the entire universe, Princey." Virgil said, rolling his eyes at their prince-like friend.

"I am not a sap!!" The prince-like teen defended, crossing his arms.

Patton giggled as his two friends bickered. Out of the corner of his eye, Patton saw Logan walking in, over to everyone else in the room, ever so calm.

"Sorry I'm late. Someone abandoned me in the parking lot and just ran straight into the hospital." Logan said, glaring at Roman.

"What? I wanted to see if he was alright! And I had an idea if he was alright!!" Roman said, glaring back at Logan.

"Oh dear god, Princey. Please tell me it isn't a party for-"

"It is a party for being alive!! That your alive!! That I'm alive!! That he's alive!! Oh, and Logan too." Roman said, cutting Virgil off.

"Not a bad idea but maybe we should go talk about it in the hall." Virgil said, standing up before grabbing Roman's arm and walking into the hallway, shutting the door shut on his way out.

"Huh. I wonder why they left. We could have talked about it in here. Oh well." Logan said, taking a seat by Patton.

"Yeah! I have no clue!" Patton said, acting oblivious when in reality, he knows why Virgil made them talk outside.

Oh Virgil, I'm getting back at you later. Or at least once I'm out of here. Patton thought to himself, already planing.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, before Logan spoke up.

"Why did you do try to do it, Patton?" Logan said, in a voice softer and lower than how it usually sounds.

Patton looked up at Logan straight in the eyes, which had a look of concern and a lot more emotion than usual.

"I..Logan...." Patton started to say before stopping himself, and looking down.

Logan sighed. "Look, you don't need to tell me at the mome-"

"Logan, I want to tell you, but....I didn't want you to hate me for it." Patton interrupted Logan, tears starting to fill his (Patton's) eyes.

"Hate you? Why would I hate you?" Logan said, confused and a bit shocked.

Why would he think I would hate him? Was I the reason? No, I can't be. That's illogical. I haven't been a jerk to him lately....have I? Logan internally questioned himself and Patton, concerned for Patton.

Patton took a shaky breath, before looking Logan in the eyes.

"Promise me you won't hate me for this?" Patton asked him, which Logan just replied with shaking his head 'yes.'

Patton soon started explaining why he had jumped, along with what happened before he jumped. What Virgil had said to him, stuff that happened at school, things that happened during the School Sprit Committee, along with other things.

And Logan? He just sat there in awe, letting him speak, having questions but not bothering to interrupt him.

When Patton finished, Logan was....speechless, to say the least.

" Patton-"

"I knew you would hate me." Patton said, his face now covered by his hands, cutting Logan off.

Logan sighed, and continued. "Patton, what I was going to say was, I apologize."

Patton slowly removed his hands from his face, shocked and confused. "What?"

"Look, I was....a halfwit when I was younger. I had no idea what I was doing. You know how I broke up with you back in the first grade? Well, I'm about to tell you why I broke up with you. Back when I told my parents in kindergarten, they where happy for me but they told me it wouldn't last long. When I told them in first grade that we were still together, however, they immediately told me that it was a sin and to break up with you. So that's why I did it." Logan explained, looking down at his lap when he finished.

Both of them were silent for a moment, the room being an almost deafening silence.

"Logan....I..I forgive you." Patton calmly said, making the room not silent anymore.

"Good. Now we can just put this whole thing metaphorically behind us and pretend all that stuff in the past didn't happen and we stay friends." Logan said, sighing out of relief.

"It may take me a while, but I think I can let it go. Friends?" Patton asked, offering him a hand to shake.

"Friends." Logan said with a small smile on his face, shaking Patton's hand.

1161 Words
Ahh I'm sorry if some parts are weird! I didn't really know what to do with some parts so..yeah. Love y'all (platonically)! Stay safe!! ❤️❤️

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