Job Switching {Moxiety}

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Requested by SincerelyDoReMi who you should go follow.
Hope you enjoy!!


Virgil didn't know what it was, but something felt off.

He slowly opened his eyes, and was surprised at how....bright his room was compared to usual. The lights weren't all.

"Ugh....why do I feel all happy and sunshiny? And why do I want to sing Disney songs all of a sudden?" Virgil groaned, sitting up.

As he took a look around the room, Virgil started to notice a few everything had a bit more of a prince-like and Disney vibe to it. It was almost like this wasn't his-

Virgil stood up and looked in the mirror. To his surprise, he wasn't wearing his own clothes.

His outfit was similar to Roman's usual one, expect for a few different things. The sash was now purple and the rest of his outfit was a sort of black theme and other dark shades.

Virgil quickly messed up the hair and put as much as he could into covering part of his face. Somehow, his makeup was still on his face, and Virgil quickly sighed out of relief, and made his way to the living room, to find....

"Patton? What happened to you?" Virgil said, looking at what appeared to be Patton as he took a seat next to him on the couch.

His usually light blue shirt was now white. And his usually grey cardigan around his shoulders was now light red. Yet he didn't have his glasses, which was odd enough.

"Hm? Oh, you think I'm Patton? Sorry, but it's me Roman. Wait a minute, what happened to you? And who are you? How is this-" Roman, apparently, started to say before Virgil cut him off.

"Princey, it's me Virgil," Virgil said with an annoyed sigh before asking, "Have you seen the other two? I'm surprised they aren't here yet."

"Welll....Logan is probably still sleeping. And Patton is-"

"Oh hey Roman! And hey Roman who kind of looks like my boyfriend! Wait....Virgil is that you? Hi!" Logan said while walking into the room, interrupting Roman. He walked over to the two with a big smile as he sat down next to Virgil.

Logan looked a bit different as well. His usual black button down shirt was instead light blue. His usual tie was now light grey, and his glasses were the same.

"Um, Logan? You aren't....your Patton aren't you?" Virgil questioned, turning to the man on the opposite side of him.

"Yup!" Patton said, planting a kiss on Virgil's cheek before speaking again. "Has Logan come out yet? Not out of the metaphorical closet, that is."

Virgil just shrugged, while Roman shook his head no. Patton was about to speak again before a loud THUD was heard from the hallway.

The three got up and went to see what the noise was. They were surprised at what-more like who-they saw in the hall.

"Stupid floor." Someone similar looking to Virgil, who they assumed was Logan, mumbled as he stood up. Soon taking notice that the other three was there, he looked at them with a bit of shock on his face. "Salutations, Virgil, Roman, and...,Patton. You all are....oddly dressed."

Logan had Virgil's usual outfit, expect that the purple on his outfit was replaced with dark blue. He had no eyeshadow on and was wearing glasses. His hair was pushed back instead of in his face.

"Good morning, Logan!" Patton said, cheerful as ever with a big smile.

"Salutations, Patton. I see you....took my style. And I have apparently appear to have taken Virgil's." Logan calmly said, looking at the other three while adjusting his glasses.

"Yuperdooles," (Is that a word? I guess it is now) Patton cheerfully replied, "And he has Roman's and Roman has mine!"

The four traits were silent for a moment, thoughts filling each of their minds.

Why did this happen? How did this happen? Is Thomas okay? How is he going to react to this?

"Logan do you have an idea on why we are like this right now?" Virgil asked, turning to Logan, who looked like he was freaking out a little.

"No. But I suggest you go ask Thomas. I think he would know one way or another." Logan said, sounding calm.

With that, Virgil sunk out and appeared by Thomas, who was watching something on T.V.

"Oh hey Roman! Woah, what happened to you?" Thomas said, putting down the remote and looking at Virgil with a curious expression.

Virgil sighed. "Look, it's me, Virgil. I woke up like this. The other three, well, they're like this too...." He then started to explain the other three and that they were trying to figure out what was going on.

"We were wondering if you did or thought anything lately." Virgil finished and looked at Thomas.

"Welll, I am having an existential crisis and I am questioning who I am and why I am here so.." Thomas replied, which only led Virgil to sigh and sink out and back into the mind place.

He appeared in their kitchen, where the other three were. Patton finishing cooking breakfast and preparing everyone's plates, while Roman and Logan were at the table discussing the logic of Disney movies and why most of the movies weren't....well, logical.

Virgil went up behind Patton and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Hey, pup." He softly whispered into Patton's ear. Patton smiled and softly kissed Virgil on the lips, before turning to face him.

"Hey, kitty! So how's Thomas doing?" Patton asked with a smile.

"Well he's having an existential  crisis and questioning why he's here so....I guess he's doing well." Virgil replied, and lightly kissed Patton's forehead. Patton giggled and lightly kissed Virgil's nose.

A loud "Ahem" was heard behind them, and the two looked and saw Logan and Roman, who they had forgotten were there.

"So since Thomas is having an existential crisis, I guess it means that we're going to be stuck like this all day." Logan said, one of his hands slightly shaking a bit.

Roman whispered something into Logan's ear, which he only responded by looking at him in the eyes.

"Um, we're going to go for a minute. Or two. Or ten." Roman said, before grabbing Logan's arm and leaving the kitchen. Leaving just Patton and Virgil in the kitchen.

The two sides just stood there for a moment in silence. Until Patton turned to Virgil with a big, goofy grin on his face.

"Wanna go cuddle and watch cartoons in the living room?" Patton asked, which Virgil just nodded.

The two spent the rest of the day in the living room, cuddling and watching cartoons.

1118 Words
Hope this was good! Sorry if some parts were a bit weird. Some parts as I was writing this I wasn't as motivated at the time I wrote said parts.
(Also this is random but I found a bootleg for Dear Evan Hansen and ahhh I'll write about it somewhere else)
Have a nice day/night!

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