Secretly Heartbroken {Unrequited Logically, Analogical}

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This is a sequel to an earlier one-shot I made titled 'He Will Never Be Satisfied'
Yeah, I actually made a sequel to it. Don't judge me, childs. (And yes, I know that's grammatically incorrect.)

This is also a Human!AU. They all look different from each other and have little things that are similar. Oh, and they aren't related.

Warnings: Angst Angst Angsty Angst (I'mNotSorryActuallyIAm-), mentions of heartbreak, mentions of hiding emotions, crying if that triggers anyone (If there's anymore please tell me)


That's what Patton felt.

He wanted to support his friends, Logan and Virgil at their wedding, that's all.

But little did he know that Roman felt the same as him. The same pain as him, expect that it was his new husband's husband.


Patton had seen Roman leave the party. Patton was....concerned for him, to say the least. After all, Roman did suddenly faint during his toast.

For some weird unknown reason, Patton noticed, Roman was crying during his toast.

Sure, everyone was emotional at weddings. People usually shed a tear or two.

But Roman? He seemed to be on the verge of tears before fainting, but after that he looked like he was sob any minute.

Patton was worried for his friend. So naturally, like the dad friend he is, he went after him to the balcony.

Carefully and quietly, he took a few steps after Roman, making sure he wasn't going to be seen by the prince-like man.

He noticed Roman stop, so Patton stopped as well, quickly hiding just incase he saw him.

Wait, what is Roman doing? Oh no, he's not gonna he? No, he's just getting a better view of the moon, Patton thought to himself, Wait, he's saying something....

"And I know....he'll be happy with you....and I know, he will never be satisfied. I will never be satisfied." Roman said, in almost a whisper. Patton noticed that his head was looking down, and that his face was like a waterfall-flowing down his face with tears.

Patton took a deep breath, put on a fake smile, and took a few steps forward out of his hiding place.

"Roman? Are....are you okay?" Patton softly asked, as he took a few steps closer to Roman.

"Patton? When....why....promise not to tell anyone about this?" Roman said to him, turning to face Patton, who just nodded in response.


"Well what?"

"Why were you out here?"

Roman sighed, and looked away from him. "Look, promise not to tell the lovebirds in there? Or literally anyone else? I don't want to be hated by anyone."

Patton nodded, a little confused and concerned that Roman thought that he would be hated by them.

Soon, Roman told him everything. About his feelings about Virgil, why he never spoke up about it, etc.

After Roman had finished, Patton was....shocked. Was Roman, the man known for being a hopeless romantic, really feeling this way all this time?

After a few minutes of silence, Roman spoke up.
"Well, now that you know, we should go back in-"

"Roman, your not the only one who had to go through this."


Patton took a shaky breath and nervously smiled at Roman. "I....had feelings for Logan. And still do. But not as much as I used to."

Roman lightly put his hand on Patton's shoulder. " like to talk about it?" Which Patton responded to with a nod, before taking a deep breath and starting.

"Okay, well, it all started back when I had that party four years ago...."

"We had known each other for a while now. I had meet Virgil a month before I introduced him to you guys and I thought he'd be a perfect addition to our friend group.

"However, I had no idea he would fall for Logan. And I had no idea that I had already fallen for him. I just thought I really liked him as a friend." Patton gave a short laugh before continuing.

"I was trying to find Virgil so I could introduce him to Logan and then you. Since he seemed like he would get along with Logan better than you would at the time. No offense to you, Roman."

"None taken." Roman replied to him, giving him a shaky smile. He was still a little upset over the wedding and that he never confessed, etc. You all are probably getting bored and I apologize.

Yes, the author/writer just broke the fourth wall. Let's move on from that, shall we?

"Anyways, after I was finished helping Thomas with what he needed help with, I was going to introduce Virgil to Logan. Until I saw you doing it. For a split second I could have sworn you looked unhappy, but I just ignored it.

"But seeing Virgil with Logan? I felt...jealous. Jealous of the looks that Logan gave Virgil. Jealous that he was talking to Virgil with a blush on his face instead of me. Jealous of how stupid he was in love with Virgil." Patton felt tears welling up in his eyes, but he wiped them away and continued.

"I know it was only a few seconds, but it was like I could sense it somehow. I just wanted Logan to love me back. It felt really weird. I've never loved someone as much as I loved Logan.

"As time went on, Logan and I became best friends. As soon as him and Virgil started dating, I kind of had to help him figure out emotions. Since, as you know, he's not very good with emotions and feelings. Luckily my own feelings for him didn't get in the way. It was staring to decrease, but it was still there.

"One day, he needed help planning something really important. He had come over to my house and asked me for my help. Little did I know that when he walked through the door he was planning on proposing to Virgil.

""Patton, I need your advice." Logan said, walking through the door of my apartment, almost slamming the door behind him. I put on a fa-" Patton paused. He was about to say 'put on a fake smile' but he stopped himself before continuing.

"I put on a smile and turned to him.
"Hiya, Logan! What do you need?" I asked him. This wasn't the first time he had asked me for advice. I knew something felt...different this time. He looked stressed. Well, more than he usually did at the time, but I think you get the point. "What would be the best possible way to propose to someone?" Logan asked me.

"At that moment, it just felt like time...stopped all of a sudden. The man I was hopelessly in love with and just starting to get over wanted to marry someone else. But since I wanted him to be happy, I helped him anyways.

"And as you obviously know, that advice and help I gave him helped him and he succeed and, well here we are!" Patton finished with a shaky smile.

He wanted to break down, he wanted to  show he was sad, but he needed to be strong. For Roman. Who's going through heartbreak as well and has it way worse than him. For Virgil. Who just got married for God's sake! And for Logan. Who's gonna be happy with his new husband.

Patton thought he needed to be strong. For all of them.

"Patton, are you alright?" Roman asked  him, which only resulted with him shaking his head 'no.' Over the course of their friendship, it was very easy to see-or, at least have some idea of-what the other is feeling.

Roman gave Patton a tight hug, and rubbed his back.

"Us heartbroken ones need to stick together, right?"


Little did they know that Virgil was watching the pair the entire time.

1238 Words in the story

A/N- Hey! Sorry if this was bad. Life's been hard (hard?)'s been bad (bad?)'s been rough! (kInKy)
Sorry. It was, but I made that joke anyways and I apologize.
Anyways, this isn't related to the Sanders Sides or anything...but it's gay, so please listen.

Okay so I recently started writing a 'Be More Chill' fan fiction called, Helps You To Come Out. It's about an AU (that I created) where instead of the SQUIP being made to make people 'calm and cool and chill', it helps You discoverer your sexuality and/or gender. And also to help you come out. Hence the title.

Anyways, have a nice day/night, boys, girls, and non-binary royals! ❤️

Love (platonically),

Taylor Jamie 💕

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