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I couldn't think of a title, okay!
Also I haven't written something that wasn't angst for a while holy crap-

"Roman? Why have you blindfolded me? And where are you taking me?!"

Roman knew that his boyfriend, Logan, has been stressed lately. So he decided to do something nice for him and take him to the imagination for some stargazing.

But, because he's....well because he's Roman, he didn't want Logan to see where he was taking him. So he decided to blindfold him.

-Ooo a Flashback-

Logan was sitting at his desk in his room, hard at work. He heard the door open but decided to ignore it, thinking that it was Patton just opening his door so he could have more air in his room.

Logan heard footsteps coming from behind him, which led him to quickly turn around in his chair. He instantly saw that it was Roman approaching him, and he had appeared to have something in his hands.

"Roman, what are you-" Logan started to ask, before he soon could not see very clearly.

Logan just assumed that Roman had taken off his glasses as some sort of "prank." But then he felt something covering his eyes, and recognized it as a blind fold.

Logan quickly felt someone grab his hand and felt himself stand up, and being led out of his room.

-Flashback Ended, sponsored by the fourth wall slowly falling apart I mean what I meant dogs-

"Just wait, my dearest nerd. It's not anything bad I swear." Roman said reassuringly, squeezing his hand.

"Roman the last time you said that you dragged me with you to fight the dragon witch. And I am your only "nerd", so it would make no sense on why I am "your dearest nerd."" Logan shot back, rolling his eyes from under the blindfold.

Roman didn't reply, instead entering into...well somewhere. Logan couldn't tell. What he didn't know was that he was actually being led to the imagination. Not for fighting a dragon witch, but for something that's actually romantic.

Logan felt the grip on his hand go away and he heard someone walking away. After that he had heard Roman setting something up and saying a few...colorful choices of words in the process. No, he didn't swear. He said actual names of colors. ("Oh for fuchsia's sake-Get away bird! Shoo! This isn't your picni-oh shoot Logan's right there. Pretend you didn't hear that last part about the picnic, my love!")

Logan chuckled at his boyfriend as he began thinking. That's my boyfriend. The only one I've seen practically screeches at birds for almost ruining a strange thing called "romance."

Logan felt something on his hands and someone taking off the blind fold from his face. His vision was now...fuzzy, to say the least. Logan could see, but not very clearly. Realization soon hit Logan that his glasses were in his hands, so he carefully put them on, and his jaw dropped in awe at what he had saw.

It was a dark night sky that filled with constellations along with normal stars in the sky. The stars were like a light in the darkness in the sky. On the grass had a picnic blanket along with a picnic blanket placed on top of it.

Normally, people wouldn't be like this if their significant other had planned this for them. But for Logan? It was everything.

You see, Logan had always loved the stars and he sometimes snuck off to the imagination without anyone knowing just to view the stars at night.

However, Logan had never told any of the other sides about this and was confused on how Roman could have known about this when he never told him.

Maybe he just...guessed? No, that would be idiotic. But it may be a possibility..no it couldn't be. Maybe-

"Logan, what do you think?" Roman asked him with a smile, interrupting Logan's train of thought.

"I...well..." Logan didn't know what to say. He was completely speechless. He couldn't believe Roman did all this just for him!

So instead of saying anything, he was about to kiss him before giving him a look that pretty much said "May I...?" Which Roman responded with a nod, and the two kissed.

The two soon split, both having a big smile on their face. Or, in Logan's case, just a regular, small smile.

"I love it."

"I love you."

The two then sat down on the picnic blanket and began stargazing. Logan, pointing out the constellations. And Roman just sitting there, listening to every word he said.

After about ten minutes, Logan remembered something.

"Hey, Roman? How did you know I liked stargazing?" Logan asked him, looking at said side.

"Oh, um..." Roman paused, tempted to tell him that it was just a lucky guess or the truth.

-Ooooo Another flashback...-

Roman was walking in imagination one night. He had just finished fighting a dragon witch and was planning on going back to his room. Until he heard something...no, someone.

Roman, being curious, drew his sword and went in the direction of the sound. To his surprise, he saw Logan laying down on the grass, whispering something about the stars.

Eight minutes passed, and he saw Logan get up and sigh. Roman quickly ran out of the imagination, truing not to be seen by Logan or anyone else who might have been in the imagination. Because who knew if anyone else decided to sneak in there.

-Flashback ended-

"It was just a guess." Roman said with a shrug and a smile.

After an hour or so, Logan felt something on his shoulder. He looked down and saw Roman, fast asleep. Logan kissed Roman's forehead and soon drifted off to sleep as well.

Patton totally didn't discover the two in imagination and fanboy.

And he definitely did not show Virgil.

966 Words
Sorry that it was shorter than usual. I've never written Logince before.

A/N: First of all:

AHHH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL! Y'all are amazing! Thank you for 1.16K Reads! I want to do something special but I honestly don't know what....

Also another thing:

#138 in Analogical?!


*screeches in gay*

Thank you all so so so so much!

Love (platonically),

Taylor Jamie ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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