Homophobia and Ice Cream {Logince}

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Creative title, I know. XD
I changed my username, btw. From writergirl2088 to TheyGalaxyPerson. It fits a lot more, don't you think?

This is a human! AU. None of them are related and they all look different from each other.
Warning: homophobia, slight cursing and offensive slurs (or whatever their called)


All they wanted was ice cream.

Fucking ice cream.

But the lady behind them just had to be homophobic, and not to mention rude.

Your probably wondering, 'what in the world are you talking about?'

Well, let's start from the beginning, shall we?


Logan and Roman were walking down in the city. The couple had recently gotten together and were excited to walk in public together.

That wasn't really a big deal itself. I mean, they did have a group of girls shouting "YASS KINGS! YOU GO GAYS!" to them, obviously seeing the two's hands intertwined. That made the couple chuckle. People these days....shipping random people on the street.

After about two minutes, Roman came to a stop, which caused Logan to stop moving himself.

"Roman, why did you-Oh. I see." Logan started to say, before looking to see where the prince like man had stopped them.

He had stopped them at an ice cream shop, advertising it's new "Rainbow Sparkle Ice Cream." It seemed obvious as to why someone as flamboyant and gay as Roman (accidentally typed "Eomam" at first who tf is that-) would want to stop here of all places.

"We're going in." Roman announced, before leading him and Logan into the ice cream shop. Although, Logan would rather just wait outside. He went inside anyways just to make his boyfriend happy, even though Logan never really understood the emotion, anyways.

The shop was suprisngly not as crowded as they expected. Only two men at a table,-one with freckles, the other looking like he never shuts up-a family in a booth, and a guy in a trench coat ordering were there.

As soon as the guy finished and got his ice cream, Logan and Roman walked up to the counter, seeing a guy who they assumed was an emo, based on his bang over his one eye and the eyeshadow under his eyes. Roman wondered why an emo would work at an ice cream shop, but didn't really question it much.

"Welcome. May I tak-"

"I'm sorry, but I think these...these things shouldn't be able to order here." A voice behind Roman and Logan interrupted the cashier, clearly annoyed.

The two turned around, seeing a woman in her mid-twenties with her hands on her hips and a clearly annoyed look on her face. She looked like the type of person that never shuts up. And a homophobe.

"Excuse me, miss, but your just gonna have to wait in line like everyone else." The cashier spoke up in a dull tone. The woman just ignored him, and continued speaking.

"I don't think you two should be here," She gestured towards Logan and Roman, "It's just going to gross out everyone here! My family and I over there are just trying to enjoy a day out and you two come in here holding hands and being fags!"

Oh no. She just used the 'f' word.

And Roman was not having it.

He let go of Logan's hand, and took a few steps forward towards the woman. This woman was not gonna get away with it.

"Look, lady, I don't know who you are, and why you decided to be such a jerk to my boyfriend and I, but I suggest you stop now." Roman said, taking Logan's hand once again and intertwining their fingers.

"Why should I? Just go somewhere else to be fags. I don't need you two disgusting my family over there." The lady said, now crossing her arms after gesturing to the family at the booth. The guy looked...well, he looked like he didn't want to be apart of this at all while the two children were busy with their ice cream.

"Well by that knowledge, couldn't you go somewhere else? It's just ice cream. And based on your family over there, it appears that you already have yours, so there would be no need to be here." Logan added, taking a step forward.

"Well...." She took a few steps forward, and pushed past the Prince-like man and the teacher-like man and stood in front of the counter. "I would like to speak to your manager about these...pests trying to order ice cream."

The cashier smirked and nodded, before yelling towards the back. "Patton! A customer would like to speak with you!"

Soon after, a slightly taller male with glasses and a cardigan around his shoulders arrived at the scene, standing next to the cashier.

"Yes, kitte-I mean, Virgil? Is there a problem?" The taller male, presumably Patton, said to the cashier as he looked at the group with a smile.

"This woman right here has a problem with these two men right here holding hands and being in love. She says it's bothering her family." The cashier, apparently named Virgil, replied, gesturing towards the woman along with Roman and Logan.

Patton sooner turned to the woman and narrowed his eyes. "Listen up here, kiddo, these two can stay in here for as long as they like. I'm not straight myself, and you don't see me being kicked out with my boyfriend over here." He gestured towards Virgil. "Please leave this establishment with your family, and do not ever return. Now."

The lady just stood there stunned for a moment, before walking over to her booth that her family was at, and left with her family.

The manager's bright eyes returned, and had a big smile on his face as he turned to Roman and Logan, both at a loss of words seeing a man who looked like he'd never hurt even a fly just get a lady to get out and faster than the flash himself.

"Sorry about that, sir...s. Is there anything you two need?"

And that was the day the four of them became friends.

Okay so a quick note before I talk about other things.

I was originally going to write something else. But since it would take a long time to write just that one one-shot and I start school next week, and I'm starting my one book, I don't want to be stressed. I hope you all understand. Even though I never said what it was about.

Speaking of my new book, the first chapter will be up either today or tomorrow, since it's getting late. The introduction will be up only for now.

Oh, and if your coming from this book to that book, please comment "GAY." You don't have to, but you can if you want!


LOOK AT THIS! #2 in logically! Wow! Thanks! Also thanks for 2.05k reads! And 100 votes! Wow! Thanks!

-Taylor Jamie 💕

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