Kissing Your Costar Crush For Cameras (Prinxiety)

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October 14th, 2018

You're making history, Virgil reminded himself as his hands trembled. You're going to be a part of the first kiss between two men in a Disney movie ever. You shouldn't be so nervous, you've been an actor for almost three years now. This isn't your first time kissing someone in front of cameras.

Despite his thoughts being right, he couldn't stop himself from freaking out. His costar happened to be very attractive, and after several months of playing two pining characters for the movie he'd developed a massive crush on him. His hands were still shaking as he tried to remind himself that this wouldn't matter to Roman and that it shouldn't matter to him. A kiss for cameras never means anything. 

He exhaled shakily, trying to calm down. "Hey, you okay, Virge?" his costar asked, pulling him from his thoughts as he approached him. "You look a bit paler than usual, and your hands are shaking. What's up?"

"I'm just... nervous," he answered honestly, looking up at Roman. He worried on his bottom lip, fidgeting with his fingers and resisting the urge to chew his fingernails. "This is a big deal."

"Yeah, it is, but there's nothing to be scared about," the princely man reassured, smiling at him as he placed his hand on his shoulder. "You've nothing to be nervous about okay? It's just me! It's just annoying old Roman!"

He laughed a little at his own words as he headed toward the director, leaving his costar to stare down at his hands. "That's what I'm afraid of," Virgil said quietly as he moved to follow.

The two of them were already in costume and the set was already complete. The scene included a celebration in Roman's character's castle after they defeated the villain together. Virgil played a loner who lived on the edge of the kingdom who raised and trained mystical creatures that were given a bad reputation; he'd often pointed out that he was like the emo, medieval version of Newt Scamander from Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them. His costar played the young prince of the kingdom who was as curious as he was vain. When the prince was sent away on a sabotaged trip to the neighboring kingdom, he's stranded in the middle of the wilderness and presumed dead. As it turned out, the royal advisor had sent him away as a plot to take over, so Virgil's character helped him get back and reclaim the throne, falling in love in the process. Now they were all celebrating in the castle, but Virgil's character felt out of place and headed out to the balcony. The prince character obviously followed him and that's where they have their kiss scene.

"Alright! Places for the balcony scene!" the director called. 

Roman flashed him a smile. "Break a leg," he said before rushing off to his place. He swallowed, resting his elbows on the balcony as he got into character. That wasn't hard to do, considering he and his character were very similar in personality. He gazed out at the green screen he knew would be displaying a gorgeous night sky. "Dante?" 

Virgil jumped a little, looking behind him to see his costar, in character now, approaching him with a hesitant look on his face. "Oh, hey Princey," he replied, remembering his dialogue. "What are you doing out here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing," the prince said as he stood next to him. They were quiet for a moment before Roman laughed a little. "We did it..."

He looked at him and back at the sky. "I guess we did..." he agreed softly. 

There was more silence between them. It was tense and full of silent questions. There were clearly many things that had been left unspoken after the ending of their quest. This was one of those instances where the two had had several romantic interactions with each other, but didn't know what that meant for their relationship.

"So... what are we?" Roman asked, his voice tentative.

Virgil scoffed a little, shaking his head. "Nothing, Princey," he answered, being sure to stay in character. He showed the slight pain on his face as he spoke. "I'll be going back home soon, and you've got a kingdom to run. Crowns to polish, princesses to woo, go, enjoy your party."

"Dante, I-" his costar started to reply, looking hurt. He pulled him to look him in the eye, placing his hands on the sides of his face as he leaned to touch their foreheads together. "I don't want a princess. I want you... I want you."

Chills ran up his spine as he met Roman's eyes; he'd always been blown away by how incredibly his acting was. He swallowed nervously, licking his lips. "O-Okay... so you want me..." he repeated to himself, breathless as he looked into his eyes. The prince nodded a little. "I... want you too, but how-"

"It doesn't matter how, we'll figure it out, I promise," he replied, smiling with hope covering his face. 

Virgil nodded, knowing this was where they had to kiss. Roman led the way, pulling them together the rest of the short distance between them and pressing their lips together passionately. He gasped, kissing back with just as much passion, realizing right this felt. Their lips moved in sync as they moved closer to get more, kissing and kissing and kissing-

"I said cut!"

The princely man let the kiss linger before pulling away, causing him to blink back into reality and back away from him. He cleared his throat, barely hearing the director as he praised it for being perfect and that they could take a break. Virgil excused himself from the room, hurrying away as he tried to play down the pounding of his heart. Once in the break room, he put a hand over his lips, feeling the lingering feeling of Roman's there as his heart rate started to slow. That had felt too real. He didn't pull away when the director yelled cut, he hadn't even heard him over the roaring of the blood in his ears. 

"Virgil?" a voice said from behind him. 

He jumped, turning to see his costar. He took a nervous step back, chewing on his bottom lip. "D-Did... did you mean that?" he stammered, looking at Roman with wide, desperate eyes. "Did that kiss mean anything to you? Anything- anything at all?"

His eyes widened as Virgil looked away, fidgeting and trembling as he paced. The princely man crossed the room pulling him to look at him, similarly to how he'd done it in their scene prior to this. "Yes, Virgil, it did," he murmured reassuring. "I've been wanting to tell you for a while now, but I never knew how to word it. Do you... did it mean something to you?"

"Of course it did," he whispered, exhaling with relief as he leaned into him. Their lips met in a shorter and much softer kiss before they pulled away. Virgil smiled their foreheads touched, perfectly content to stand like this until they were needed for filming again.

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