Criminal [Logince]

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AU: Human
Ship: Logince
Requested by:×
F/A/S: Flangst
POV: 3rd
So I have a number of upcoming angsty & fluffy Logince ideas, several fluffy LAMP ideas, a number of angsty songfics around Analogince {Fluffy normal fic ideas too}, some soft Logicality, {an angsty one that was originally gonna be for Prinxiety but I like it for Logicality better}, human au's/Highschool au's, redoing walking at night because it was #TheWorstChapterEver!!!, and just a lot of stuff.

But I honestly have no idea which one I want to write next, so this is where you guys come in!
Vote for which one gets written next! XD Idk if you guys want angst or fluff yet, or what ship you guys want to read, so just comment LAMP, Logince, Logicality or Analogince. Either fluff or angst, and whether or not you want a human au :P

Have you noticed my favorite ship has shifted a bit?

I didn't really use lyrics in this, but you can tell what song it is.

Post: I added a lot of references on accident... Whoops, try to spot them.

Also this wasn't supposed to be so angsty?!! Whoops...


"Do I need to repeat myself?" Logan asked as he continued reading an article online. "YOUR DAD, IS THOMAS SANDERS," Virgil said, still loud as before in shock. "Yes..." Logan said in a tone saying 'go on'

"The chief of police!!!"


"And you're dating Roman Prince..."



"Yes, what do you not understand? You seem to have the facts correct." Logan said, again without glancing away from his laptop. "Does that mean you know where he is?!" Virgil asked, earning a nod from Logan. "Of course."

"Then why don't you turn him in?!?"

"Because that would violate the trust and the relationship we have..."

Virgil shook his head, "Look at me." He said. Logan rolled his eyes and spun around in his chair to do so. "Who are you... And what the hell have you done with Logan Sanders?" He asked. Logan squinted at him confused. "It is still me Virgil..." He said.

"Obviously not!! You're the most logical, rational person I know... And-And you start dating a dangerous criminal?! Is-Is he threatening you, is he planning something? Holding you against your will or something?!?" Virgil asked, trying to pinpoint some kind of reason for his friend's lack of it.

"First off... He's never been accused or convicted of murder in any degree-" Virgil cut Logan off "But a hell of a lot of assault and battery... Hostage situations... There's an APB out for him... He's dangerous. Physically dangerous..." Logan rolled his eyes as Virgil continued

"When you broke up with Patton, you did it for a rational reason... When you decided to leak the physics textbook to everyone, you did it for a rational reason as students shouldn't have to pay for $200 textbooks if we hardly use them, when you-" This time Logan interrupted him, now getting truly upset.

"Well, maybe this time! It isn't rational... It's something else... Something new..." Logan stated. "You've been Mr. I don't have emotions, and I can't feel love or anything for the entire 6 years that we've known each other... What the fuck is this new thing?!" Virgil snapped, now getting incredibly agitated more out of worry.

"This type of... Love... I believe is more... Physical..." Logan mumbled. Virgil shook his head. "This has a billion ways that it could go wrong and only one way that it could go right... I don't wanna see this go horribly wrong." He said with a sigh as he sat down on the bed.

Logan didn't hesitate before speaking "Then don't..." Virgil's eyes went wide as he comprehended what Logan actually said and what he meant.. "If it means... Not talking to you anymore... Fine... Fucking fine... But I'm not letting this just happen..." He said as he tried to hold back tears. "You're going to get hurt, Logan."

"He's actually nice... He isn't malicious in any way towards me..." Logan said. "He's using you!!! He's using you to get information about the investigation on him!!! Don't you get it?!?" "He actually hasn't asked me anything about it... If you think I'm an idiot for going down this possibly dangerous path, so be it... But I am not naive.." Logan said, glaring at Virgil.

Virgil only returned the glare before shaking his head. "You know what?" He stood up from the bed. "Fine. Go get yourself fucking killed... See if I give a shit!" He yelled as he stormed out of the apartment slamming the door shut hard enough to make a few pictures fall off the wall.

Logan just sighed and went back to looking at his laptop, trying not to let it get to him, but of course, it did... And he broke down crying. 6 years of friendship were now probably ruined... He shook his head as he sobbed, cursing at himself for it.

Once the sun had gone down and Logan lay asleep at his desk, the unlocked window cracked open, allowing Roman to come in. He hummed quietly, as he looked at his boyfriend. The tear tracks on his eyes a clear sign of what had happened before he fell asleep.

He sighed, "Oh, Logan... My nerd... I promise... Everything will be alright soon enough..." He spoke, he was aware that Logan was a heavy sleeper so he had nothing to worry about with waking him up.

Roman shut off and plugged in Logan's laptop as he thought about a conversation he and Logan had before. Roman promised to leave behind his life of illegal actions once he had enough money to run away to disappear. Well, he had... Partially lied...

He already had enough money... But just for him...

He wanted Logan to run away with him, he promised to give him the most amazing life, and he truly wanted that for him... But... Logan hasn't decided to run away or not... Roman was running out of time... He had to either leave soon or get caught.

He shouldn't be with Logan, Logan was a good kid... Never in trouble or anything even at school... But... There was just something about him, he couldn't quite describe it... He loved him... He truly did...

Once Roman had finished tidying up the little things Logan should've done before he fell asleep, he placed a kiss on his still sleeping boyfriend's head before turning out the lights and leaving out the window again. Only leaving a little message on a post-it note in red ink.

'We are running out of time my love... I do not wish to pressure you into anything... But soon we will be unable to speak or see one another... I hope whatever was upsetting you earlier gets resolved without me having to... Interfere... I love you, I hopefully will speak to you tomorrow night.

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