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Tw: A bit of gore
F/A/S: Flangst
POV: 3rd

It's 3:00 am.
I've been working on this idea non-stop, for two hours..
I have a headache, I'm going to sleep, goodnight.

“Ohgodohgodohgod” Roman mumbled breathlessly, as he sprinted through the scenario he had created. His mind was going just about as fast as his legs were, if not faster, he had messed up, he wasn’t prepared to face this creature, yet he had provoked it anyway. This led to an epic battle which now had him running, in the condition he was in.

Gashes across his chest, not very deep, but deep enough that the amount of blood is at the very least worrying. Scorch marks at the back of his neck from the fire breathed through one of the many heads of the manticore chimera getting just a little too close. His sword had been hit away from him to the point where it was un-retrievable. His only option was to run, the prideful part of him yelled at him for being pathetic, for once his smart-side won and he chose to flee from the cave that he had found the creature in.

The creature, had decided to follow him, his blood leaving an extremely distinct smell for it to follow. So now, the creature was right behind him, Roman’s speed had been hindered by the severity of his injuries. He had the ability to stop the scene, this was his dream-space after all, but at that exact point, he couldn’t seem to find the strength to. He was trying over and over, making his attention become pulled away from his surroundings, in doing so, he tripped over a tree-branch he could’ve easily vaulted over.

 He landed face first in the rocky terrain, the sharp bedrock and gravel roughly hitting the wounds on his chest, and scarring up his face a bit more than it previously had been. He struggled to get up quickly, barely even getting up on his knee before he was stopped as he felt something wrap around his leg tightly and begin to pull him quickly backwards.

He fell back on his chest, he desperately attempted to grab at the ground to pull himself away, only leaving a trail of where his fingers had been in the dirt. He screamed in pain as more rocks and sharper results of people’s littering hit against his open wounds. The creature’s tail tightened around his leg as it threw him up in the air like a ragdoll, and slammed him down with his back on the ground, hard. Suddenly, everything went numb for the Prince, he couldn’t move at all, or scream for anyone to come help him, to stop the scene for him as he now fully lacked the strength too. The creature wasn’t done with him just yet however, as it repeated it’s previous action, over and over.

On the fifth time he hit the ground, Roman began coughing up copious amounts of blood, he had been coughing up blood before, but this time it was more than ever, and he couldn’t sit up so there was less pressure on his chest, obviously, so he just continued coughing. Everything both felt numb and ached uncontrollably, it was numb to the point where he couldn’t move really at all, but the pain was excruciating, he felt his ribs cracking and his heart rate beginning to slow.

The creature stood above him, showing off vicious fangs, before it and the entire scenario disappeared and he was left in a black room, the only light was from the now opened door.  His mind was beginning to shut down, he heard muffled yells of his name, but he couldn't reply, he just felt incredibly tired… exhausted. ‘Maybe… if I just close my eyes for a second..’ he thought, he just needed to rest for a moment. Just a little bit. He almost did shut his eyes entirely, but he was snapped out of it, by the feeling of shaking hands on the side of his face, and an equally shaky voice speaking incoherently. Roman could only make out his and Logan’s names being shouted but nothing else, and without him intending to, he slowly allowed his eyes to slip shut and blacked out.

When he woke up, he was on an incredibly soft and comfortable surface, he was also, in immense pain. He allowed his eyes to open fully and observe the surroundings. He was in his bedroom, on his bed, Logan, Virgil and Patton were all keeping themselves busy by doing something. Logan was sitting at Roman’s desk, reading. Virgil was pacing back and forth, biting on his nails, and shaking. Patton was sitting down in front of the Tv on the floor, telling Virgil to just come sit down and calm down, and that Roman will be alright. Roman smiled slightly at their worry for him before he made an attempt to move. Instantly, a whole different level of pain ran through him, spreading to every part of his body. “Ow!” He hissed, startling the others and bringing the attention to him.

“Roman!!” Virgil shouted as he quickly dashed over to the side of the bed, kneeling down slightly so they could be face to face. “Oh my god!! You scared the hell out of us-” “Virgil, calm down…  But yes, that was really dangerous, Ro…” Patton said as he walked over and did the same as Virgil. Logan just gave a small hum and nod in agreement to Patton and Virgil’s statement. Roman chuckled slightly, the bandages constricting his chest making it difficult for him to fully laugh. “Now you tell me…” He sighed as he tried to sit up. “Ah- no…” Patton quietly spoke, as he pushed Roman back to where he was laying flat on his back, with very minimal force as not to hurt him further. “You’re going to be bedridden for a while, we will be here to take care of you, while you are recovering, and before you ask, Thomas knows not to summon you, he knows what happened, and that he knows you can’t help with videos yet, and he has a plan to go about still posting without having you work and potentially injure yourself once again.” Logan explained.

Roman smiled slightly, “Thank you all… “ He mumbled, as he tried to shift, taking in a sharp breath as more pain assaulted him at the minor movement. “Ow…” He whimpered. “That will happen for at the very least a few more weeks… careful.” Logan said. “We’re really glad you’re okay though Roman.. You really did scare us… You shouldn’t go into those scenes alone..” Patton said with a small concerned smile. “I… again.. I know that now… I could’ve beaten it.. I just had not trained quite enough yet, I thought I had though..” Roman said. Virgil shook his head “You’re not fightin that thing again, it was creepy…” Roman couldn’t help but laugh slightly at that, “Well, of course it was, because it was supposed to be this horrid creature, of course it was creepy..” He sighed, his eyelids growing heavy again. “I’m still, tired…” He mumbled.

“You need to rest, Roman… You’re stable enough to go back to sleep, if you so wish.” Logan suggested. Roman nodded “That… That sounds like a good idea..” He spoke quietly, already beginning to drift off. Patton smiled “Goodnight! One of us will be here when you wake up!” He said, quiet but cheery. “Goodnight, Roman, try not to get injured in your dreams.” Logan spoke, earning a scolding whispered yell of his name from Patton. Both Roman and Virgil chuckled under their breaths, and just as Roman drifted off to sleep, he heard Virgil hesitantly mumble.

“Goodnight, My Prince.”

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