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Ship: Maybe some platonic Deceitivity later
Requested by:×
F/A/S: Angst
POV: 3rd

Do you guys remember that one chapter I posted? The one where I asked a question that may or may not be for a future oneshot?

This is that oneshot.

I hope you're happy with yourself.

This is gonna need a part two.

"Roman I don't see why you're-"

"Why I'm acting like this?! Why I'm upset? Well of course you don't! You wouldn't! Everyone loves you! Everyone loves you and they hate me!"

Virgil took a minute to process what Roman had said and what he meant, his voice had wavered through the screams. Roman just shook his head and left the room , wiping his eyes as he walked downstairs. "Roman wait-"

"Virgil. It's fine." The prince snapped, his teeth gritted and his red eyes harbored a look that could kill. "It's obviously not, you're not acting all... Bratty like how you are when you normally get like this..." Virgil said as he tried to stand his ground, despite the glare giving him a chill. "None of us hate you..."

"Oh sure, of course..." Roman said rolling his eyes, and forced a laugh. "That's not who I was talking about..." He mumbled. Virgil sighed, deciding to switch topics, because it's obvious the prince was just acting this way for attention, right? "Ro, I don't get what you're meaning about me not getting it... No one hates you, yet what happened for the first few months that I showed up? Don't try to tell me-"

"HA! I knew you were going to bring that up. Yes, we treated you poorly, but we apologized and changed our ways. And it was just us!! IT WAS JUST THE THREE OF US!! NOT THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS-" Roman quickly covered his mouth once he realized what he was shouting, his natural urge to just keep everything in overtaking his thought process.

Virgil's initial thought was now proven wrong, worry only now getting to him... "Roman... What do you mean?" He asked reaching out to place a hand on the Prince's shoulder. Roman moved away, taking his hand away from his mouth. He shook his head, "It's nothing, Virgil.... Just please... Forget it..." He spoke, his voice still a bit shaky.

"You don't actually think I'm going to just forget it, are you? I just want to know what you mean by thousands and thousands.... Roman, no one hates you.." Virgil said quietly. Roman just shook his head, "That's what you see..." He mumbled out barely above a whisper before he turned and continued walking back down the stairs and out towards his own hallway and the imagination.

Virgil sighed and decided to just stop asking him about it, at least for today. Though the question still plagued his mind over what he meant, thousands and thousands? He began to walk back up the stairs to his room, he pulled out his phone and decided to scroll through Tumblr. Where he saw a new trend on the fander blogs going around #FindTheTrueFavorite, according to the blog that originally started it, it was to prove once and for all who the true favorite was and whether or not it would switch between episodes. It was asking for all fander blogs that found it to go post their list of favorites, and ask their followers to reblog it and do the same. Then the blog that started it would tally the results every week. They also had another rule that their ranking could not include Deceit, due to how divided the fandom was on him.

Virgil walked into his room and sat on his bed as he began to scroll through the reblogs, and rankings. The main ranking for the week had yet to be posted, and honestly after viewing the select few and tallying it himself, he didn't want to see the rest.

1) Patton
2) Virgil
3) Logan
4) Roman.

1. Virgil
2. Logan
3. Patton
4. Roman

-smole bean (Patton)
-emo bean (Virgil)
-smart bean (Logan)
-V gay bean (Roman)


2. Virgil
3. Roman
4. Logan

2. Patton
3. Logan
4. Roman

1. Virgil
2. Logan
3. Patton
4. Roman

1. Patton
2. Logan
3. Roman
4. Virgil

1 Virge
2 Ramen
3 Pat
4 Logie


Logan & Roman


1 Virgin
2 Logi
3 Ramen
4 Pattoncake

1. Virgil
2. Patton
3. Logan
4. Roman

1) Virgil
2) Logan
3) Roman
4) Patton

1) Virgil
2) Logan
3) Roman
4) Patton

1) Patton
2) Virgil
3) Logan
4) Roman



Virgil, Roman, Logan then Patton





Roman, really was the least favorite... He wasn't just overreacting.

Virgil sighed, and slowly shook his head. "Jeez.." He got up, and walked out of his room, instead going over to Patton's. He knocked on the door, and Patton happily and quickly opened the door. "Oh! Hey kiddo!" Once he realized Virgil's expression his smile dropped into a worried look. "Is everything okay?" He asked. Virgil slowly shook his head. "Roman's not... He's not really okay, but he's in the imagination or the theater right now, I need to know how to help.." He explained. Patton nodded. "Why don't you tell me what happened, and we can try to figure this out until he gets back, okay?" He asked, opening the door more and letting Virgil inside. Virgil nodded and walked inside.

While Roman was in the mind palace theater, he was singing in an attempt to calm himself down and relax, but he was interrupted mid song by suddenly realizing he had an audience. "Oh." He said as his face dropped into an almost glare, "It's you..." He stated as the house lights came up revealing the snake standing in the row in between the seats.

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