Late Night Talk [Platonic!Remile]

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 AU: Human Au
Ship: Platonic!Remile
Prompt: X
Requested by: X
Warnings: Abuse, crying, swearing. Let me know if I missed any!
Summary: Remy comes over to Emile's house late at night, but it isn't for the happiest reason
F/A/H-C: Hurt-Comfort.
POV: 3rd

Side Note: Okay two things, first off, I know what I said about not writing any Emile Picani Ships, but that was before I realized I found content of him with Remy. It was too cute not to write something with it! Then again, this isn't cute :) 

Secondly, I know neither of these characters are sides! But Since I only currently write two (Eh maybe three) ships with Remy and only one of those aren't with a side (It's Remile!) I don't want to dedicate an entire book to one ship so, yeah these are gonna stay here even though they aren't Sanders Sides ships! 

Finally, the moodboard up there is mine! Ask to use it, and credit me if I give you permission to do so!


Emile glanced over at his clock as he heard the doorbell ring. It was almost midnight, who would be over at his house this late? He set his book down on his bedside table and climbed out of bed. Wrapping his light pink robe around himself, he walked over to the door and glanced out the peep-hole, his eyes widening when he saw one of his friends. Remy Novio.

He quickly opened the door, fully able to see what state Remy was in. He was leaning with his arm against the door frame, and it was incredibly obvious that he was trying to act incredibly calm and chill as ever. "Hey, Em, how ya been?" He asked his smile widening, showing just how fake it was. "Rem, what are you doing here? It's almost midnight!" Emile responded not answering the question, as it was obvious Remy wasn't expecting an answer.

"I uh... I... Would you mind if I chilled here for the night? Or at least for a few hours?" Remy asked. It was only then that Emile noticed that he was shaking, his lip was quivering slightly. "Oh my goodness, you're shaking, please come in, what happened?" He said hastily backing up and opening the door to allow Remy to come in. Remy shook his head as he walked in. "Nothing happened, I'm fine Em."

"You wouldn't be shaking if nothing happened." Emile shut the door, guiding Remy to sit on the couch, "Please, I'll make us some tea and we can talk..." Remy sighed, just nodding. Emile went into the kitchen to begin brewing some tea for both of them. He was worried for his friend, it was not very often that Remy broke his suave asshole facade, but when it was broken, it was bad.

He walked back over with two cups of green tea, he handed Remy one cup and took a sip out of his as he sat down next to him. Remy murmured his thanks, before just biting his lip and shaking his head. "Rem... Please...?" Emile set his cup down on the small coffee table in front of them and held onto Remy's wrist, comfortingly. "It's okay, you know I won't judge you, I just, I know you'll feel better if you talk about it."

Remy was quiet for a minute, Emile disliked that he couldn't read his expression. He couldn't see his eyes behind his sunglasses. Eventually, he spoke up, "You wanna know what happened, Emile?" He asked quietly as he set his cup down on the table beside Emile's, "I was a fucking idiot! That's what happened!" He yelled, slamming his fists down on his own thighs before breaking down into sobs, "I just... I let the fucker hit me. Like a dumbass..."

Emile's eyes widened, Remy would not be acting like this if it was just someone he got in a random fight with, it was someone he was close to, someone he obviously trusted. "Zachary...? Did Zachary-" Remy cut him off, "Did he hit me? Yes! He fucking did!" he sobbed, he reached up and took off his sunglasses, revealing a bruised black eye.

"Oh my gosh, Remy, I'm sorry, let me help you-" Remy shook his head, "It's fine it'll go away on its own. This happened a couple of days ago anyway. The only reason I didn't say anything cause... I believed him when he told me it was an accident, that it wouldn't happen again, and that he was sorry." Emile shook his head, "It's not your fault, Remy, lot's of people go through this and-"

Remy again, cut him off, "And I should know better. Cause the bastard- did it again. We were arguing, he was being a dick, so I called him a dick. And he slapped me. Not as bad as last time, but he fucking hit me!" Emile was silent for a moment, thinking, "Remy you need to get away from him, okay? I'll go with you to get your stuff, and I can call Roman or Dee, whatever you need to feel safe."

Remy shook his head, "You don't have to do that. I'll be fine, I'm not gonna let him hit me again." He paused, clearly having more to say, but he was hesitant to say it. "Em... Can I stay here? Just for tonight? I really don't wanna be alone right now." he admitted. Finally giving a reason for why he came to Emile's house and didn't just go to his own.

Emile nodded, "Of course, Remy, why don't we watch some movies? Cheerful ones?" Remy smiled, "Yeah. That'd be nice." he said as he put his sunglasses back on. "Do you have popcorn by any chance?" Emile paused, "Rem, it's not good to eat too much so late..." Remy pouted, "Please? Just while we watch the movie! Not that much." Emile couldn't help but smile back at him, "Okay then, just this once."

Their night continued until about four in the morning, too tired to move to their respective room and guest room, they crashed together on the couch, with a blanket wrapped around them. 

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