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So the situation has gotten significantly better, we just had a bit of a scare, thank you guys for your support💜
Love ya~


I have two things to ask you guys about, one I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to, but, I'll ask anyway.

If you didn't see my 'Inspiration' chapter which I'm pretty sure a lot of people skipped because it wasn't a chapter, I made my own version of the sides, and asked that, if I wrote little one shots of them in a different book, would anyone read it? Please comment if you would. I'm interested to see if people would actually read it, even though I highly doubt it.

The next thing I have has to do with those times when, I can't really focus enough to write, full stories, because I'm working on detail and wording and I don't want to put out anything that isn't something I'm at least partially proud of... For those times when I can't write well enough, because I'm distracted with personal stuff. I'd still want to write, it's not a thing of I don't want to write or I'm stressed about writing.

I just can't stay focused long enough and end up losing where I was going with the chapter midway through, making it bad. I'd want to write shorter, like... Group chat chapters, of course I'd want them in a separate book because, I like things organized and separated.

But, because I've seen, been reading through, and voted on a lot of Sander Sides group chat books, I have that fear that people will think I'm copying, which I'm not, as I've said before, I despise people who do this... I'd just wanna know that if I did make that book, that people wouldn't think I'm being unoriginal and, a copy cat. So there's that.

Speaking of which, this chapter is inspired by mainly_a_fander and anyone else who has used this idea, I'm going to try to go in a different direction with it however, so again, I'm not copying... I swear.

Requested by:×


Thomas sighed as he held the bottle of anxiety pills in one hand and a glass of water in the other, his anxiety had been incredibly heightened lately, that was probably due to him auditioning in two shows and getting cast in both of them, and accepting both of the roles to be in both. Nice one Thomas.

He highly doubted the pills would harm Virgil, from what he thought, they'd make his job easier, right? Without thinking much about that, he just quickly took the pills, and set the glass down. Knowing that they wouldn't become effective immediately, he decided to distract himself by relaxing and trying to reach 100% completion in a game that had way to many side quests. "Logan!" He called, instantly the logical trait popped up. "Yes, Thomas?" He questioned. "Remind me to start reading through my lines for Dear Evan Hansen, in... About an hour?" he said, even though it sounded more like a question.

Logan rolled his eyes, "First off, I am not an alarm clock. Secondly, in 'about an hour' or in an hour, and Thirdly, should I inform Roman so he can assist you with said lines?" Thomas let out a small laugh, "First off, I know, but I can silence an alarm clock, so you're better at keeping me on track, and yes to the last two."

Logan nodded, "Affirmative, I shall see you at 5:41." He said before sinking out. "For not being an alarm clock, you sound robotic." Thomas mumbled, making Logan rise up quickly, "What was that?" "Nothing."
"Oh, alright." And he sank back down.

The logical trait walked into the hallway in the mind space that held the other traits rooms. Coming to the door that was painted bright red with the princes symbol placed in the center like an incredibly large sticker. He knocked, "Roman, I'm informing you that Thomas will need you at 5:41, to run lines for his professional make-believe sessions, you have.... 57 minutes." He said.

Roman, who was writing up new scripts for the mini videos he posts on instagram, they can't really be called vines anymore, can they? Spoke up, loud enough to be heard from the other side of the door "Alright, thank you Logan." Logan went back to his room to continue his work, that he never seemed to run out of.

About 30 minutes later, Virgil was singing in his room, when he got an incredibly painful headache. He shut off his music and all of his lights and curled up in his bed with the blankets wrapped around him. "O-Ow...." He whimpered quietly. The headache was painful like an extremely sharp knife was being stabbed through his skull over and over.

This horrid experience lasted for the rest of the day, and the others never knew, they really thought that he was just asleep, they couldn't hear him whimpering and hissing in absolute pain. And he was not about to go tell them, that would be showing weakness, and the part of him that still had a hint of darkside, said that, that was the worst thing to do.

The next day, it was the same thing...

Only this time the headache spread down to his chest, he felt dizzy whenever he stood and nauseous whenever he even thought about eating... But again he acted like he was fine and just incredibly tired, to be fair, half of that was true, due to him not being able to sleep, because of the pain.

This routine of Thomas taking pills, waiting till the effects kicked in, then working on his lines with Roman continued for about a month. Each day it got worse and worse for Virgil... He began shaking and sweating constantly, the pain spreading to every part of his body was in a burning, pounding and unbearable pain, going into long, painful and incredibly violent coughing fits, eating absolutely nothing, because he couldn't keep it down, as a result he'd end up vomiting pure stomach acid that burned at his throat... And eventually... Blood...

The other sides only found out, once Thomas summoned them all, for a Sander Sides video... "What do you call a documentary about dogs?-" "A Dog-umentary!" Patton interrupted being the giggly adorable ball he is. A collective groan from the other two sides present sounded, which threw Patton off, he was used to the two sounds of displeasure from them, but one sound was missing... Virgil's little stifled laugh he has...

"Where's Virgil?" Patton asked, everyone's attention immediately being drawn to the empty space on the staircase. "Hmm... Well, Thomas isn't acting like a completely incompetent and aloof moron again, so he's still clearly present... Perhaps this time he's just in his room, wasting his time with pointless eye shadow?" Logan suggested.

"Well, um, I have been taking Anxiety medication so maybe he's just-" Thomas was again interrupted by Patton, but not in a happy way this time "You did what??!??!!" The parental figure yelled in horror, making Thomas jolt back. "W-What? What's the matter? Is that bad for him?" He asked, even though the worry wasn't fully setting in as much as it should be because... Medication. "U-Um! E-E... Logan! Explain... I... I have to check on, Virgil!" Patton said before sinking out

Logan took a deep breath "Thomas, I understand that you didn't mean to, but anxiety medication is used to help decrease overactive anxiety, different medications have different levels of strength, depending on the strength it could be harming Virgil greatly and even make him fade." He spoke quickly. Roman thought for a second "He hadn't been talking to me for awhile... I just thought he got irritated with something I did... Oh dear." He quickly sank down and rushed up to Virgil's room

When he opened the door he saw Patton sobbing and clinging onto Virgil who was passed out, blood dripping from his chin and his body twitching subtly. "H-He j-Just b-blacked out...I-I-I..." Patton tried to speak through sobs, before Logan walked in, after having to explain the situation to a now, very angry at himself, Thomas. He crouched down beside Patton and examined Virgil, placing a hand on the younger traits forehead "He's burning up, Patton, get his jacket off, Roman go down to the kitchen and grab an icepack."

Patton pulled himself together and nodded, Roman also nodded and rushed downstairs, grabbing a frozen solid icepack from the fridge, and wrapping it in a small towel so the contact doesn't make his body go into shock due to sudden temperature change. "His breathing is normal for now, Pulse is slightly slowed. Get him on the bed, place the icepack beneath his head, it makes the cold temperature reach his brain stem more easily." Logan instructed as he continued to analyze the ever changing situation.

After the instructions were completed, and another half-hour passed, Virgil slowly woke up, groaning and whimpering in pain. "D-Dad? Lo-" He was cut off by another violent cough, and by Patton tightly hugging him "Why didn't you tell us?! You scared us all of us!!" he spoke quickly. Virgil shivered for a second, "I-I... I was... I thought I just got... Like.. A normal headache or something... It started like a bad headache..." He said.

Patton pulled away "Well, you've gotta tell us when stuff like this happens! You could have faded!" He said, Virgil scoffed "Don't pretend to be upset about that-" "Virgil!!!! I will fight you!" "Sorry, Self-deprecation is my default." He said. "Well when you're better, we're gonna work on that, so you're better mentally too!" He said putting an optimistic spin on it, like he did everything

Logan sighed "I highly doubt you knew, but, Thomas was taking anxiety pills unaware that it would harm you, he's agreed to stop taking them and get switched to a different medication that will hopefully not have the same effects on you... But, stopping taking it immediately can result in terrible side effects... So, it might bed another week or so before he's fully off of it...." He explained.

Virgil sighed "I... I think I can last a week... I'm sure this is the worst it can get, right?" He asked. "Most likely, though if you start to feel yourself starting to overheat once again, I'd recommend taking an ice bath to try to cool and regulate your body temperature." Logan spoke, "That'll suck though." Virgil mumbled "Well, that's better than you fading!!" Patton says.

"Certainly." Roman chimed in, "You can count on us to assist you the rest of this week, until Thomas is no longer taking the pill, if need be." He said. Virgil gave a small smile "Thanks guys... But... Right now... I just want to fucking sleep..." "Language!" Patton scolded. "Agreed, but rest is optimal for the time being, we will leave and let you get it, goodnight Virgil." Logan said before getting up and leaving

"Adiós my dear emo." Roman said before doing the same, Patton gave Virgil one last hug, and a kiss on the cheek "I'll talk to you when you wake up kiddo!" He said smiling brightly as he shut off the lights in Virgil's room and left.

Virgil smiled, moved into a comfortable position, again curled up in blankets, as the pain finally ebbed away, he closed his eyes and peacefully fell asleep.

But, after that....

He never woke up....

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