Experiment [LAMP]

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Ship: Lamp-
Requested by:×
F/A/S: Fluff
POV: 3rd

Post-writing Note: I'm sorry! I didn't know how to end ittt forgive meee

Thomas sighed as he summoned his sides, he had been feeling off today, not particularly good or bad, but just weird and oddly tired. He quickly realized what was causing it as none of the sides appeared when they were summoned. "Guys?" Thomas asked to the empty space "Patton? Roman?" He called again with no response.

"What the heck is going on? Logan? Virgil?" He continued, trying to summon them again and again, but to no avail, he sat down on the couch trying to think of what to do, about ten minutes passed before his mind clicked. There is a way for him to get to where they are by going into their rooms, that could be bad though, as he had no idea what they did whenever they weren't around him.

He was sure, however, that if he went into Patton's room he wouldn't be yelled at or anything, just questioned, and if he went to Virgil's room, he honestly has no idea, what would happen so he decided not to risk it, and just took a deep breath, shut his eyes, and thought about his happier feelings and nostalgic memories.

When he opened his eyes once again, he was in the golden hazy room, only.... It was almost pitch black, he could still make out the shapes and outlines of small trinkets and toys from his childhood scattered across the floor, and various picture frames hanging on the wall, but aside from that, he couldn't see much else. "Patton?" He asked as he stood and glanced around the room.

He noticed a very small stream of light coming from a door, which he apparently hadn't noticed before, it was over where Logan normally stood so it wasn't that easy to see when he was there and distracted by other emotional issues previously. He walked over and went through, this brought him to a hallway that almost mirrored the one in his apartment, but it was much longer and had more doors on his left, while on his right was a staircase that most likely lead down into the living room.

The hallway was eerily dark, and quiet. Not as dark as Patton's room had been, but it had very little light, in fact the only light there was, was coming from the room where the staircase led, since the hallway was beginning to give him a creepy feeling, he briskly went down the staircase. He looked at the floor in front of the couch and his eyes widened at the scene in front of him.

The sides were asleep on the floor, and all sort of cuddling together. Virgil was snuggled into Romans chest their legs intertwined, and Roman had his arms wrapped around him, Virgil had one arm wrapped around the Prince's torso, while the other was holding onto Logans hand. Logan was doing the same thing with Patton, only flipped, so that Logans back was flush against Virgils. It was undeniably adorable, but a bit odd for Thomas so... He cleared his throat rather loudly.

This immediately startled the anxious trait awake, he sat up quickly which woke the creative side slightly. Anxiety looked a bit off, the eyeshadow under his eyes was smudged big time, his sleeves were rolled up and he wasn't wearing either of his hoodies. "Oh.. Thomas? What are you- How are you even in here?" Virgil asked, his voice was softer, calmer and quiet, but still had a hint of annoyance in his tone. Roman slowly sat up and shook his head, trying to fully wake up, he was looking a bit off as well, his hair was a mess, and instead of his normal princey get up he was just in a golden T-shirt and red sweat pants.

"I um... I tried to... Like... Summon you guys and... No one came up... So I came looking for you guys..." Thomas explained awkwardly, not being used to Virgil's calmer state, but not really minding it either. Roman sighed, before his eyes widened "Dear Lord! How late did we sleep in?" He asked, Thomas instinctively pulled his phone out of his pocket to check.

But, upon turning on the screen, he noticed that the number that should have made up the clock on the lock screen, were constantly changing, and in random order, not particularly increasing or decreasing, just changing. Virgil chuckled, "Yeah, time here only works on the alarms in our rooms.... Why do you think my clock was messed up?" He said. Thomas paused for a second, as Virgil let go of Logans hand, "Oh, also, Lo, you're hypothesis was correct." He said.

Logan barely moved, only offering a small hum in response, which made Virgil roll his eyes again "Nerd. Wake up!! You were right." He said louder, which made Logan wake up finally, and inturn this made Patton wake up. Thomas just stood there awkwardly as his Morality and Logic woke up, pulling apart from each others embrace. Logan looked puzzled as he glanced over at Thomas.

His glasses were crooked, his hair was also a mess, and his shirt was unbuttoned. The same was true for Patton. "Ah. Thomas. Why have you decided to come join us in the mindscape?" Logan asked after a brief awkward silence had passed. "Because you were right." Virgil repeated. "Yeah, sorry, kiddo, Logan wanted to run an experiment to see if we would wake up naturally with you, without our alarms." Patton explained as he adjusted his glasses.

"Apologies, you weren't horribly effected by our semi-absence were you?" Logic asked, Thomas shook his head "No, not really, I just felt kinda off and tired" he shrugged. "Wait... You didn't tell us that it could have effected him!" Virgil said, returning back to his more alert state. "I didn't believe it could, well not in a dangerous sense, we were still there within Thomas to a degree." The logical trait assured, "okay one more thing" Thomas paused to make sure the four were fully awake, which they were.

"The fanders are going to flip out when I tell them you were all cuddling!!" Thomas almost squealed, Patton giggled as Virgil groaned "Plllleaaaaseee don't..." "Nope! I have too especially since Prinxiety and Logicality are the two most popular ships I see!" Thomas said. Roman laughed a bit as he put his arm around Virgil. "It'll be fine, don't worry about it, Nightmare." Virgil couldn't help but let a small smile show, as he rolled his eyes "Whatever daydream."

"I'm quite alright with it, seeing as how they already... 'Ship' us? Did I use that correctly?" Logan asked, earning another giggle from Patton "Yes, you did!" He said as he laid his head on Logans shoulder, this made the Logical side smile and wrap his arm around the Moral side. Virgil held onto Logans hand which wasn't wrapped around Patton, just in time to hear a camera click.

Virgil looked over at Thomas and glared "Don't you dare." He growled. Thomas smiled and just ran back up to Patton's room and went back into the real world. "DOONNTTTTT" Virgil hissed as he appeared in his normal spot, wearing his hoodie again. "It's just a picture Virgil." Roman said, as he rose up, he was in his normal outfit as well, same for the other two when they rose up.

Virgil sighed... "But... Like.... What if they-" Logan cut him off "About 98% of the Fanders seem to ship you and Roman almost exclusively, there is no reason to worry Virgil..." He said. "No, but that's just it... You said 'exclusively'..." Logan took a second to get what he meant, "ohhhh... You mean us...... Well, that's not...-" Roman sighed "I highly doubt they'll mind, I mean if they watch Thomas' videos enough to ship, they should know that they're all about accepting." He said

Patton nodded, "They'll accept you kiddo, they'll accept all of us!" He said optimistically. "If you really feel that bad about it Virgil, I won't post it, I was just joking." Thomas said. Virgil sighed "I just... Fine... You can post it... I'm just worried... Ya know, like... If people will leave because we are in the relationship we are in, and the shippers who hate that will like, be hateful..."

Logan sighed "Remember what we talked about with the 'What If' questions." Virgil took a breath and smiled slightly at Logan "Don't over worry yourself with the what if questions to a point where it hinders your actions, because the only thing that truly matters is reality, and what will really happen. Most likely, none of the what if questions your mind made up, will actually happen..." He said as if it was said to him over and over to where it was burned into his mind

And it sort of was.

Logan, for once, smiled at Virgil who was quiet for a minute before looking over at Thomas, smiling

"Post it"

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