Island Of Nightmares

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So, some personal stuff is going on right now... Um and I'm working on a sander sides au series of chapters as it is.

For the time being I'm going to do my take on the Island Of Nightmares prompt.

If you don't know what I'm talking about here it is.

I've seen two people do this prompt for sander sides and both did an amazing job, I'm like fuckin. Blown away.

*Quietly humming 'Blow Us All Away'*

Anyway, I just want to put that I'm not trying to copy anyone, even though it may be similar to other chapters of this prompt or something?? I didn't copy.
I hate people who do that.

And if it turns out that this chapter is something very, very similar to a chapter someone has done prior to mine, enough to where I get called out for supposedly copying.
I will take this chapter down.
So there's that.

Also this may or may not be an excuse for me to work on my description, cause I'm awful at it, I've barely ever written gore or horror so this is new for me to write, but I've read so many creepypastas and horror stories that I have acute paranoia!
So there's that.

Hope you enjoy!
There's no ships in this one, so I'm not doing my little chart thing XD
But um there's a lot of warnings
A. Lot. Of. Gore.
Chirophobia: Fear of Hands
Trypophobia: Fear of holes {Typically in the body}
Slight Sciophobia: Fear of shadows

Post writing note: I'm. So. Proud. Of. This.

Roman, Logan and Patton were taking care of things in their rooms... Patton was playing with a small chiapom puppy in his room that Roman had summoned for him, Roman was doing his make-up, which consisted of a thick, winged eyeliner, bright red lipstick and gold shimmery eyeshadow, while Logan was organizing his pages and pages of facts and information he had, alphabetically.

When a sudden chill shot through the three, running up their spines, and throughout their whole body, making their muscles tense, their hands clench and their eyes go wide. A wave of dread, and intense nervousness grew in their stomachs, to a point where it was just pure pain that resonated through their body along with the original chill.

Patton without realizing​ had squeezed the small dog, which he was hugging to his chest, making it whimper and whine in pain. Roman almost stabbed himself in the eye with the eyeliner pencil due to the jolt... And Logan ended up falling to his knees, hands gripping at the carpeted floor, papers scattered everywhere as small shocks of the chill still ran through him and the others, growing weaker over time.

After the aftershocks faded away, Patton tried to comfort the puppy who wasn't seriously injured just scared, Roman wiped off the make-up that he had messed up and try again, and Logan had to try to get his papers organized quickly before his O.C.D kicked in too much.

Later on that day, Patton brought it up to them "Did, you feel anything? Earlier? Like a really bad chill?" He asked as they were sitting in the mindspace's version of the living room, Virgil mysteriously missing... Roman slowly nodded as remembering the feeling gave him a slight dose of it once again. "Yes.... I did... It felt terrible.."

Logan nodded as well, "Quite peculiar, do you think that Virgil may have experienced this as well?" He asked, setting the mystery novel he was reading down. "Well, wait-Has Virgil come out of his room all day?" Patton asked as he glanced towards the hallway.

"No, I do not believe so..." Roman said "He hasn't bothered me at all." Patton rolled his eyes "Roman, what did we talk about? Don't be so rude to Virgil." "He's not even here, and I'm certain he's fine." Roman said, brushing it off as he usually did with Virgil... Which always irritated Patton, causing Logan to often be the middle man in calming the two down before heated arguments began.

"I think we should go check on him?" Patton asked, "that would be ideal, even if there is nothing wrong, it wouldn't hurt to check on him." Logan said. Roman rolled his eyes "Fine. I guess." After a small glare from Patton was given to Roman, the three stood and walked down the hall where their rooms were.

The halls walls progressively grew more narrow, the wallpaper grew from white to a dark grey as they passed room to room, Pattons, Romans, Logans and finally Virgil's at the end, where the walls were the most narrow and the darkest.

"Virgil, are you alright? You've been in your room all day, Kiddo." Patton asked as he softly knocked on the door only to get no response, he tried again and was met with the same silence...

They began to hear mumblings and whispers, but not from the door to Virgil's room... From the wall beside it.... There were multiple voices, all sounding quiet, soft, and almost childlike, but at the same time pained and straining so hard as if they were trying to shout, but could only manage barely audible whispers...


"Be still..."

"Be quiet...."

"You're going too wake him up!"

"He doesn't want to wake up!"

The chill shot through their bodies again, but this time much worse than before... The pain quickly spread and infested deep within them, making each nerve seemingly swell and ache. The three stumble and fall to the ground in pain, Patton was almost screaming, Roman was trying not too and Logan was just silently letting the pain over take him.

The excruciating pain only lasted a few seconds, but to them it felt like hours. Once it subsided, Patton looked up from the floor, with tears falling down his face, he noticed that the wall that was there previously, had now been replaced by a small door.... The door made a small hissing noise as it began to creek open...

Once the door fully opened there was dead, pin-drop silence, except for the sides breathing which seemed quieter than normal as well, all that could be seen inside was just inky blackness, not a single hint of any light or life, gray fog began to slowly seep out from the bottom... Patton stood as suddenly the whispers returned and grew a bit louder, still just as strained as before, but were saying something different now...

"Come inside..."

"It's too late...."

"You woke him up...."

"You shouldn't have screamed so loud"

"He wants to see you....."

He felt like he was being pulled, something was uncontrollably tempting him to go inside, it wasn't a physical pull, but his thoughts began to warp, he wanted to go in, he needs to go in... The others called and yelled at him not to go in, but their voices slowly got quieter as the room took control of them as well... The three, without saying a word, walked in.

They walked in silence for, what felt like, forever... None of them knowing why they were going, but they just needed to keep walking... Until they found themselves on the bridge, and heard a loud noise behind them, one that resembled a heavy door being slammed shut.... The bridge seemed old and rickety, the wood was rotted and looked as if it would give way with the slightest amount of pressure applied... there were no rails or anything, just planks of wood kept up by logs that went far down into a pitch black body of water...

There was a heavy silence... The sound of the waves crashing against the wood was muted and nonexistent... Suddenly coming to, Patton looked around frantically at everything he looked back at the other two who were doing the same... He opened his mouth to speak.... But, nothing came out.... The whispers began to speak again, they were as quiet as before but, they could still be heard clearly.

One of them giggled

"No use here.... He doesn't like too much talking... Why do you think we have to be so quiet?"

"Keep walking.... You'll find him..."

The three looked down at the water as they realized where the whispers were coming from... Down... Down... Deep into the ocean... They could barely be heard... That's why they sounded like they were trying to scream... Now they sounded hushed, calmer, like they grew content once the three entered...

Roman nudged Patton to tell him to get behind him, they had no other option but to go forward, and Roman, the self proclaimed brave one, should lead them... They continued on the bridge, an island slowly coming into view, the surroundings looked as if they were all put in gray scale, they were the only form of color in the whole area... the sky was gray all the trees were pitch black, to where they barely able to make out the outline, and the moons white light that was cast overhead, was becoming slowly covered up by darker gray clouds.

As they grew closer, they heard the whispers begin to speak again, their voices calming, as if they could put anyone into a trance...

"Welcome to the Island of Nightmares"

"Where your dreams come to life..."

"Enjoy your stay..."

"Because you're not leaving...."


The bridge began to wobble and shake, pieces of wooden planks behind them beginning to fall apart and snap in half, the destruction was quickly catching up to them... So they rapidly ran to try to get to safety, or what they thought was safety... The second their feet hit the gray sand, the final piece of the bridge collapsed behind them, Logan barely making it onto the island because of it...

The silence still hung above them, the whispers had stopped, even the sand crunching beneath their feet, had been silenced... This time, they couldn't even hear their own breaths... They had no other choice, they had to keep walking... There was a dirt road that lead down the middle, cutting through the trees and looking as though it was walked quite often... Not a single hint of overgrowth was present on the trail...

They walked again, in dreadful silence amongst themselves... But soon, they began to hear something that sounded like a voice... Humming some kind of melody... It sounded far away, but grew louder as they grew closer to the center of the island... Soon, it was loud enough to make out that the voice was singing the same song, over and over, humming it once, then singing through it...

"Are you...
Are you...
Coming to the tree?
Where they strung up a man
They say who murdered three...
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be...
If we met...
At midnight in the hanging tree..."

The voice was lower, but still clear and calming as the whispers... The three looked at each other with wide eyes as they all realized who the voice belonged too... Virgil... Roman mouthed the name and the others nodded in understanding, silent communication is a blessing in these situations.

At the end of the path, there was a small gate, it was just as brittle as the wood on the bridge, but the more interesting thing is what it lead too, it lead to a circular, light gray, grassy field with a semi-steep hill in the middle, and on the top was a tree... The tree had no leaves, or any underneath it... It was black, the trunk became curled to the right as it grew up from the ground, the branches followed, making the tree be permanently crooked to the side.

Underneath the tree, was Virgil, he was the only thing in full color, besides the others, making him stand out in contrast to the scene​ around him. He sat with his legs crossed, hands in his lap and head down as if he was asleep... He wasn't wearing his normal jacket and skinny jeans, he was wearing some kind of black cloak that wrapped around him completely and, what looked like... A crown?

Roman cautiously opened the gate, and took a step into the grass....  That was a bad move to make.... The second he did, Virgil lifted his head up as if startled awake, showing the crown off more... It had a purple diamond shaped gem in the  center of the base of it... And three spikes with purple tips protruding from it. Virgil grinned widely... His eyes were a deep purple and glazed over with insanity....

He motioned for them to come closer, and of course, they didn't move. This of course angered Virgil... So he spoke. "Come. Here." His voice was dark and menacing, and since it was the only thing the other sides could hear, it startled them, even Logan flinched back a bit to the sudden noise, but deciding to obey, the three slowly walked forward into the field... Something felt off... The ground wasn't entirely solid, like soil... It was more like mud, but incredibly thicker, oil consistency, and when they looked down, the oil example worked as that's exactly what it looked like.

When they reached the base of the hill, Virgil's grin turned into a devious smirk. "You should have listened to the voices, ya know... You should have been more quiet... Now... You're at their mercy." he chuckled under his breath, still maintaining that grim tone.... Before Roman, Logan, or Patton could try to speak up....

"Get them."

Claw like hands rose up quickly from the oil like substance, completely doused in it, razor sharp fingers grabbed at Romans ankles and burrowed into his skin, and muscle, going so deep that it wrapped around the bone and began moving throughout his body on his skeleton... His cries of pain were muted... Patton was grabbed by his wrists and pulled down so he was on his knees, the claws began to crawl up his arms to his face under his eye... Creating three holes that matched the ones on Romans ankles, as they began to burrow into him the same way they did to Roman, Patton's agonizing, pain filled screams were, again, silenced...

Logan, was grabbed by his stomach and pulled backwards so his back hit the wet ground... The fingers drilling into his stomach creating the same pattern of three holes on each side.... The three struggled and thrashed, but to no avail... The claws were inside them and weren't coming out.

The whispering began again, only it wasn't soft or calming as before... The voices were terrifying... Their child like tone now sounding sinister and Insane.

"You're screaming so loudly..."

"Be quiet..."

"Be still..."

"It'll be over soon...."

"Just let us take you..."

"Become one of us..."

"You'll enjoy it..."

Crimson blood seeped out of the holes in the sides bodies, joining the black substance on the floor, and mixing with it, seemingly only adding to it.. When there's an excess amount of blood... It can turn black.... That's what they were in... Pools of thick, blood, which their blood would join soon enough...

Virgil clicked his tongue a few times as he looked at the three... "You really shouldn't have come here... You should have listened... You poor things... You can't hear each other screaming... But I can... It sounds amazing..." He chuckled again before sighing. "But, it does get boring.... So... Goodbye." He snapped his fingers

The claws that had managed to curl around their bones suddenly began to rip out of their bodies, crushing the bones before they began to rip through the muscle and skin, making it seem like fabric or paper tearing due to the ease...

Roman, Logan and Patton continued to scream and writhe in pain, as they started to pass out, Virgil laughed again "See you soon..."


"Um? Princey? Dad? Lo?" Virgil asked as he shook the three, trying to wake them up, to him, they had passed out in the hallway in front of his room after knocking and asking if he was okay... All three woke up at the same time, screaming their lungs out, making Virgil jump and fall back in his room. Patton began to breakdown sobbing, holding his hand, under his glasses, over his eye, which was in an immense amount of pain.

Logan's breath was rapid as he tried to calm down, he wasn't crying... He just felt like he couldn't breathe, he held his stomach which was in the same amount of pain. Roman was the first one to calm down enough... He looked over at the door where Virgil had stood again... Eyes wide... "What... On... Earth..." He managed to stutter out.

When Patton and Logan finally calmed down, the three looked at Virgil. "I-I.... I don't know... You guys just screamed and passed out...... What... What happened to you? Dad! Your eye what the hell?!" Virgil said as he rushed over to Patton, he moved Patton's hand away and examined him... Three holes had placed themselves underneath his eye... They looked like deep wounds...

"What happened?" Virgil asked again, his mind worrying and unable to think of anything that could have happened, he certainly hadn't done anything he had just been waiting for them to wake up and playing faint Green Day in the background...

Roman opened his mouth to speak but before he did he heard something from behind him...

A faint voice..

A whisper....


"Be quiet..."

"Be still..."

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