Memories or Mistakes? [Analogical and Royality]

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Ship: Platonic Prinxiety
Romantic Analogical and Royality
Requested by:×
F/A/S: Flangst
{Heartwarming flangst-}
POV: 3rd

I'm back,
And I'm okay, I kept rereading y'all's comments and that help me get back into a mindset where I can focus on writing, which is my coping mechanism, without being overly worried and just in a downward spiral.

Honestly thank you guys for saying the things you did, and I'm sorry I didn't respond, like to anything, I just... I didn't know what to say... I did read through all of them, multiple times, and it did help.

So I'm back! Not updating as frequently unless my writers overflow spikes again, which it probably will during the weekend.

Also I may do a Q&A?
But idk if people will ask stuff so let me know!

Hint to the oneshot that will either be after this or after that one, it's a part two, to an incredibly recent oneshot, only this time from the perspective who wasn't mentioned by name, in said oneshot :)

Songs I listened to on repeat while writing: From Now On - The Greatest Showman Soundtrack, and Nightmare- Set It Off {More like a majority of the Cinematics album}

Warning: Idk if I'm proud of this or not.

Roman loved memories, he loved being able to visit the past, just to relive what it was like to be on the stage during periods when Thomas wasn't preforming. The applause of the crowd, the lights so bright they were almost blinding, so hot they almost burned, the endless practices, the bond made with the cast, all of it.

He was able to do this thanks to an area in the mindscape that Patton had control over. It was like an endless and ever growing library filled with memory upon memory, and surprisingly, he kept it organised. While this place held Thomas' memories, it also had several off-shoot like pathways, each of the five pathways were colored.

The one that is the easiest to find, is a deep blue, going down that pathway and looking at the several screens upon the walls you'll quickly realize that, this is the area where Logan's memories, or those at least featuring Logan are kept.

The second one you'd most likely stumble across is painted red, and it's Roman's pathway. Third, painted light blue is Patton's, and the one that is incredibly difficult to find unless you're specifically looking for it, is Virgil's, painted a deep purple.... The 'Fifth pathway' no one besides Patton has seen, the only reason the others know it exists was because of a small slip up Patton made while explaining the areas he had control over.

"Then there are fiv-"

His hand quickly slapped over his mouth. He stood there a moment, not even seemingly trying to move his hand away, until it finally was able to move away.

He cleared his throat and smiled halfheartedly. "Four.... I meant four... Pathways..."

Of course, Roman didn't mind going through Thomas' memories. It was his own memories that he had trouble going through... He didn't used to, he used to love it, going back to all the ideas he gave Thomas, every journey he's made through the imagination, jokes he's managed to come up with on the spot.

Then he realized it...

Him, Logan, Patton and Virgil were just hanging out watching movies, when Patton made a joke. One that got all of then, even Logan, to laugh at least a bit. Roman had glanced over to Virgil, and that's what made it click for him. Virgil was smiling and laughing, with such pure genuineness, one that he hadn't stopped to notice before.

Just a year ago, this would have been an incredibly rare sight. Unheard of, even. Back then, it was rare to see Virgil emote unless it was negative in some way... While on camera it was always some kind of anger or villainess like behavior, off camera, Virgil rarely left his room... And whenever Roman would pass by it, he could hear small whimpering noises and sniffles.

But back then, Roman shrugged it off. In his mind, the dark sides, didn't have the ability to feel upset or really hurt like the light ones did. Looking at it now, this was definitely not the case... Virgil is just like the rest of them. As the others were talking about something he took a moment to excuse himself and go to that part of the mindscape.

He began looking through his old memories again, only this time with a different perspective. His ego and pride beginning to break down with every one he looked through.

What about sunshine over here?

You are an emo nightmare.

Oh deal with it, J-Delightful.

Good old Panic! At the everywhere.

Incredible sulk

Jason toddler

Charlie Frown

Get out of here Anxiety! You stupid Robert Downer Jr!

Ugh, I do not like you

Still don't like you

Getting rid of that is a tall order.

You can conquer this beast.

I don't like you.

What are you doing back here?

Curse you for making me laugh.

Disney movies are the embodiment of goodness and purity, something you would know nothing about!

I'm gonna need you to be real quiet right now.

Is this why Princey spit yogurt at me yesterday?

Especially Anxiety, he is being a real-

I'm to busy brainstorming to think of a harmful nickname!

Well better bring in count woe-laf.

is he though? Check it out. Morality, Logic, Creativity. We three are the most important facets of Thomas' personality. Plus we all contribute a little extra stuff too. We got along just fine without him in the first two Sanders Sides videos.

I don't see why he's necessary.
If Anxiety's gone, what do we have to lose?

I can't stand that guy

I'm trying hard not to like you right now.

Thomas didn't have any anxiety at all, and I was like "That's not a bad thing" because I'm the dreamer, but the other two were like, we need him or whatever.

Look, it's just.... You're never really fun!

You're like an oatmeal raisin cookie! That's primarily composed of raisins! a raisin oatmeal cookie! No one wants that!

Of course he had realized that how he had acted had most likely been the cause of why Virgil was upset beforehand... But... He didn't realize it was that bad... He came to another realization, once he had looked through most of the memories that contained him and Virgil...

He never apologized....


He had admitted he was wrong, and gave Virgil a reason to come back.... But he's never apologized, Logan's apologized, Patton's never done really anything that warranted an apology. He sighed, he'd been down there for quite awhile, they're probably wondering what's taking so long...

Even if it had been almost a year since Virgil became fully accepted, he still needed to apologize, stuff like that doesn't just go away, and it can't be like that never happened between them. Sure they're friends now, but there's still that hint of... Awkwardness between the two... Maybe this will fix that.

When he got back, he managed to catch the end of a conversation between Virgil and Logan, Patton had apparently already went to sleep, or at least to his room. "Don't stay up too late, Virgil... We just fixed your sleeping schedule." Logan said. "yes sir..." Virgil replied sarcastically, as he rolled his eyes.

"no need for attitude." Logan stated before laughing slightly. Virgil chuckled "G'night, I love you..." He said. "I.... I reciprocate." Logan said hesitantly before letting out an agitated sigh. "Lo, it's okay, we'll work on that." The darker trait reassured. "Goodnight, Virgil.." The logical trait stated, leaving an incredibly sweet and brief kiss on Anxiety's lips before heading up the stairs

Virgil gave a relaxed hum as he laid back down on the couch, scrolling through, presumably Tumblr. Roman walked inside and cleared his throat, gaining his attention. "Oh. Hey, you were gone for awhile." He said as he sat up setting his phone down.

"Um... Yeah, I was...." Roman replied awkwardly. "You're acting strange. what's up?" Virgil asked, his expression turning from confusion to concern. Roman stayed quiet for a few seconds, as his eyes shifted to the side and to the ground, trying to figure out how to word his explanation. Virgil only grew more anxious at his silence, shifting a couple of times uncomfortably.

"Virgil.... I... I'm sorry..." Roman said. Virgil looked even more confused than he had been previously. "For what? If you're apologizing for leaving and being gone so long, then you should be apologizing to Pat, not me." He said. "I need to apologize to him for that yes, but... I mean.... For everything I did.... Previously... How I had treated you and excluded you." Roman explained.

Virgil went wide eyed, trying to tell if there was any sort of lie hidden in his words, but from the way, Roman's bottom lip seemed to quiver, he could tell he wasn't lying... Virgil sighed and looked down, his bangs falling in front of his eyes, keeping them hidden.

"Why now?" He asked, his voice going quiet and almost darker. "I didn't realize I hadn't... And, it took me much longer than it should have to.... Understand that I was, incredibly wrong in my actions... I... Truly am sorry Virgil..." Roman said. Again, in pure sincerity.

Virgil stayed quiet for a moment, his eyes not leaving the floor as he thought, or well.... Pretended to. He chuckled a bit, "Ro..." He said as he looked up, a playful smirk on his face "I forgave you a long time ago... But... Thanks for the apology... I appreciate it."

"Awww!" The two jumped, Roman's hand immediately summoning his sword out of reflex, and turning towards the stairs. There was Patton, in his cat onesie, smiling as he leaned on the railing. "Darling, you startled us." Roman said, making his sword disappear.

"Sorry! I'm just so happy that this finally happened! Because it needed too." Patton giggled. Roman and Virgil traded a glance and a smile. "Now come on, Roman, we need to get to sleep, and Virgil-" "Logan already knows I was gonna stay up later."

"Alright, well then... Goodnight kiddo!" Patton said before heading back up the stairs, Roman followed "goodnight Virgil...." He said. "Night guys." Virgil called after them. While Roman and Patton fell asleep in Patton's room almost immediately, Virgil did stay up for a few more hours, until he passed out on the couch.


"Virgil how late did you stay up last night?" Logan asked. Virgil who had his head in his hand as he was resting it on the table. "Till my phone died..." Logan looked confused for a second before asking "What percent was your phone at before I went to bed?"



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