My Star [Analogical]

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Ship: Analogical
Requested by:×
Warnings: Hints of Anorexia
Summary: Logan gave Virgil a pet name and never understood why, until it was a little too late.
F/A/S: Angst
POV: 3rd


Writing other ships so I don't update all of my ideas before Sympathetic Deceit Week.

Yes, I'm at least partially participating in that, my girlfriend would kill me if I didn't XD

Also I don't know if you guys noticed but I went on a bit of a chapter purge and removed a lot of the ones I didn't like.

Normal text: Present
Italicized: Past


It wasn't Logan's fault, and Virgil knew that...

He had just acted too quickly without thinking it through.

When it happened, there was no screaming or shouting...

Logan acted completely calm and collected, he said it was fine.

But everyone, even Thomas, could notice the change....

The shift from his normal seemingly emotionless state into one of borderline depression...

He began to disregard his own advice, his own knowledge. He stopped eating as much, grew incredibly despondent from the others, only speaking when spoken to, making no effort to start conversations.

Roman and Patton tried to help, but Logan would just say he was fine, that nothing was wrong. He knew it was unhealthy but, he didn't want to brake down...

Him and Virgil didn't speak to one another, and even rarely made any sort of eye-contact. If one was in the living room and the other came in, he'd excuse himself to leave immediately.

Virgil felt so guilty for it...

He didn't want to hurt him...

He shouldn't have...

He just acted too quickly...

And ended what Logan and Virgil had...

It had been so sweet...

"Star? Are you doing alright?" Logan asked, as he ran his fingers through Virgil's hair. Virgil just nodded and rested his head on Logan's chest. This calm cuddling always happened after one of Virgil's panic attacks but this one had been the worst of all.
"Lo..." He whispered quietly, earning a hum from Logan in response.

His voice quivered as he spoke, his words barely audible. "Promise me something...." "What is it?" ".... That.... That you won't get annoyed... And leave me... Because of these... Stupid... panic attacks..." Virgil unconsciously tightened his grip around Logan's midsection. "I promise..." Logan said.

It was just that one day...

Virgil regrets it so much... He regrets not understanding...

Logan has emotions, obviously, but when things get overwhelming for him, he just prefers to be detached from his emotions so he can focus on pure logic and reason.

Looking back, Virgil had known Logan had a rough couple of days...

But he didn't understand why Logan had disconnected from him so much... He thought he had done something wrong...


"Star... I promise you it's fine... I still..." Logan struggled to say those words, the ones he had said to Virgil so often at this point... but this time, Virgil found it hard to believe him...

"You've been so distant, Logan... It's hard to... Believe that you even still, love me... At all."

"I assure you, I do..."

"It doesn't feel like it... It hasn't felt like it... For awhile..."

"I apologize... But... I promise... I... I.." The words caught in his throat.

"You can't even say it..."


"We're done, Lo..."

Logan had not tried to fight it, or beg that they should stay together... So, Virgil thought Logan agreed that the relationship should end...

That wasn't the case, obviously.

Logan just thought that if, this would make Virgil feel better, then it was the best way to go...

But now Virgil felt worse... He felt terrible for it... He wanted Logan back... But... He couldn't find the strength to ask him if they could maybe try again...

After a few months, they began talking again... It was awkward at first but... Then it was almost like nothing bad happened... They would catch themselves almost instinctively cuddling and immediately pull away...

Then... One day... Virgil decided to ask a question...

"Why, did you call me star, anyway?"

"It's simple, I just, combined two of the things I love... Oh, I just remembered... Patton wanted to speak with me." He stated before getting up and walking to Patton's room.

Leaving Virgil there to think...

When it clicked...

Logan didn't say "Loved" With a past tense...

He said "Love" with the present tense...

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