"Soulmate" [Roceit]

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AU: ×
Ship: {Hints at Roceit}
Requested by: sort of JeremyWasHeere
Warnings: Blood, swearing and lying to ones self.
Summary: Deceit has a secret that he thought would never need to get revealed. Until the flower bloomed on his wrist... Now with every day that passes he's hoping to keep that secret just a little bit longer.
F/A/S: Angst
POV: 3rd

I know I said I was gonna post something fluffy with the snakeboy
Oops my hand slipped

Also again, this is one of my soulmate Aus all the rules and everything for it are in my soulmate au book. I posed this one Tumblr first for once, and holy shit this got a good amount of notes really fucking quickly. So I'm pretty proud of that.

Onto the angst!!!

This wasn't okay, it wasn't fair, to either of them, and Deceit knew that. He could say nothing however, nothing made this any better. He knew himself, he knew what he was, it took him awhile to figure that out, but he knew it now... And he knew what the stupid flower around his wrist meant. He had a soulmate, for the rest of them, knowing that they had a soulmate would be the best could ever have....

But for him... this was not the case.... He was perfectly happy when his flower had not bloomed, he was content with it. When that flower finally did bloom however, it only made him feel distraught. He's been keeping a lot of secrets from the others, some of them were much more important than the one he was most likely going to have to reveal first.

Deceit had spent a majority of the time in the mindscape exiled into the darker side of the mind, he wasn't exiled immediately, there was no "Dark side of the mind" when it was just him and Patton. When Roman showed up however, he was immediately labeled and banished in the area Roman had created.

It was an empty, lonely area, he was stuck in his own thoughts, Despite being the literal embodiment of Deception and lies, he still had to get better at his skill. The empty space, allowed him to do so, he managed to lie so flawlessly, all from practice of telling himself he was fine.

Because he spent all that time alone, he had never had to worry about getting a soulmate, he was positive that the four sides were all paired up already, and he was fine with that. When he was able to go into the light side of the mind, he did so by impersonating Patton, that stupid flower bloomed on his wrist, making him feel crushed. The crimson red rose that adorned his wrist made it entirely obvious who his soulmate was. That one secret he had thought there was no reason to say, that he thought he could keep a secret forever, was going to have to come out, no pun intended, very soon.

Deceit is Aromantic Asexual.

He tried to think of a way of how that was even possible, an Aro/Ace person with a soulmate, he tried to rationalize it, which obviously wasn't his job, in really any sense of the word, half the time his mind would just think of two ways a situation, conversation or really anything could go, and he couldn't distinguish which way was the truth or which was the lie.

He couldn't go to the rational trait about this, way to feelings-y, and Logan doesn't trust him, none of them really do, except Patton, and Roman is being much nicer to him than he used to be. He knew for what reason Roman was acting like that now...

Roman and Deceit were soulmates...

The most romantic, fanciful trait, and the trait that really would rather not have any sort of romantic interaction at all. How the universe made this happen made his head spin. He sighed as he thought about it, it was incredibly early in the morning, he hadn't slept and everyone else, including Virgil, were still asleep.

The gloves he had worn to hide the flower were now on the table beside him. He looked at the flower as a couple different thoughts ran through his mind, what if he just tried to pull it off of his wrist? If it's gone there's no problem nothing to worry about, Right?


Deceit tried to pull the flower off of his wrist, hissing in pain as vines grow wrapping around his arm, sprouting thorns that pierce into his arm. "I-It's fine... I'm fine..." He lies to himself, holding back tears. He tried to convince himself that this was the truth, that the pain was nothing, but it didn't work, not this time anyway. "I don't-... I don't want a soulmate... I won't love him, I can't..." He tries one more time, pulling as harshly as possible, only making the thorns go deeper into his skin.

He eventually stops and the thorns go away... He holds his head in his hands. "It's fine..." He mutters as he looks down at his arm. The several still bleeding deep holes in his arm taunting him. He just shakes his head and rolls down his sleeve. He puts his gloves back on to hide the flower as much as possible, and sighs. "I will be fine...."

"OW! What on earth?!??!" The shouting of pain from down the hall alerted him that Roman was awake. He glanced back down at his wrist, it didn't hurt him.... Or did it? "Shit..." He muttered. He heard another door open and close. "Kiddo? What's the matter?" Patton, talking to Roman presumably through the door. "Come inside, I'll tell you..." Roman replied before the sound of the door opening and closing sounded.

Deceit rubbed his wrist, as the pain began to bother him again. "I'm not in pain." He said trying to convince himself that this was the truth. For some reason, it wasn't working this time. His irritation and pain were interrupted by a small hissing noise coming from his right. One of his three snakes was awake, his pure black pit viper named Carlyle. Arlo, a white ball python and Blaire, a yellow pit viper, were still asleep in a little cave in the tank. Deceit smiled slightly as he walked over and opened the tank, cautiously reaching his hand in, letting Carlyle slither up his arm and rest on his shoulder as he shut the cage.

At the moment, he felt content. The pain in his wrist, forgotten about, the nerve racking situation regarding the flower hidden under his glove and sleeve, pushed to the back of his mind as he allowed the snake move underneath the collar of his cloak and hide.

"So you're just going to hide under my cloak today?" He asked, receiving a small almost inaudible hiss in return. "Alright then." He chuckled. He heard the others begin to wake up, Patton leaving Roman's room and presumably heading downstairs to cook breakfast. Soon enough he was called down to come eat with them, when he went down, Carlyle poked his head out from underneath the cloaks collar, startling Virgil and Patton. Breakfast went normally, it was nice, a few of them joking around with the others and Deceit not being as left out as normal.

The rest of the day was the same, Carlyle did in fact stay on his shoulder all day, and no one noticed the flower. It was just another day, another day of faking that he was worried about absolutely nothing and keeping up his villainous facade. Just another day in the cycle of the snake...

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