So... Hi.

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Uh. Hey.

So it's been about a year since I posted that last update, been a year since I was on wattpad and well...

There is and isn't a good reason for that.

I wanna say, a day or two after I posted that last update, who I was living with kicked me out. And sent me back to my parents house since they felt that I had lied to them about how bad my family life was and since I wasn't being hit I was lying to them.

There was... a lot that happened in that time. I never really got the motivation to write again, even as I got into a new fandom (out of spite-) it took a lot for me to get back into solo writing, so I never re-downloaded wattpad or tumblr as there wasn't a reason for me to post anymore.

My situation has improved a bit and I'm able to be online without hiding it anymore but... that's about all that's gotten better. Unfortunately.

Recently however I got a new laptop that I bought myself and have been getting back into the swing of writing.

I'm not gonna make any false promises here, but I am considering coming back and writing for Sanders Sides as practice for opening up commissions in the coming months.

At the very least I will be posting MHA stories here soon. So I can get back on track with things.

To those of you who have been here with me for these past few years, thank you. I recognize usernames still so even if I don't respond to you I still recognize you.

I am, very very happy that even after not posting for a year I still come back to people enjoying these stories. It makes me more motivated to put out content once I get the chance. Even if its for a different fandom.

I also have been recently testing out a new name. As Logan didn't quite fit me anymore (may also have been ruined by who I was living with at the time-) and while I might change it again here soon. Right now I am going by Asher.

He/Him pronouns still apply!

And again thank you, and I apologize for worrying anyone by ghosting for a year.

This isn't entirely the best "I'm back" statement, it's just me rambling before I need to go to bed before work tonight, but oh well. I feel like that's fitting for me lol

Thank you guys and I will try to post something this week

(Probably not gonna be sanders sides unfortunately-)


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