Chapter 59 part 2 (nsfw)

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Hello everyone and welcome to part two
It has been
Sorry bout that
Again, I felt bad for not updating before so I decided to split the chapter cause it was getting long as it was and I had a good place to split it semi-evenly (this next chapter is going to be a tad bit longer I think, but still)

HAPPY SECOND YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! Technically it's on the 28th so it's a little early but ahhh!!! I've been writing the story for two years now!!!

The actual sex happens in the chapter so-


Please have safe sex when or if you ever have sex, this chapter is not a not guide on how to have sex.
Don't think of this as a guide because it is not.
Thank you.

Today's chapter is pretty spicy
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hope yalls are ready~

No one started to wake up until almost two hours later, and by that point Virgil had also dozed off, his book laying forgotten between his thigh and the arm of the couch. He was woken by the feeling of someone gently carding their fingers through his hair, and massaging his scalp.

He hummed and sleepily blinked his eyes open, before looking down at a smiling Patton, who was still securely tucked into Virgil's lap.

"Hey love," Patton said while Virgil leaned his head into the touch.

"Hey," Virgil mumbled, smiling when Patton moved his hand down to cup his cheek. "Did you have a nice nap?"

"I did," Patton said with a small laugh, "did you?"

Virgil nodded, and turned his face to press a kiss to the palm of Patton's hand, earning another small laugh from his boyfriend.

"The sun is going to start setting soon, should we wake the other two up and get ready for dinner?" Patton said, gently rubbing at one of Virgil's cheekbones with his thumb.

"Nah, let them sleep," Virgil said, "and I can make dinner tonight -I know you're still tired." He added, "you and I can make dinner tomorrow -that recipe we were talking about earlier."

"Oh no, you don't need to cook all by yourself, I can help." Patton said, shaking his head slightly.

"Just because you can doesn't mean you need to," Virgil said, "now go on, go get comfortable over there with them, I'll wake you all up when it's dinner time." He added.

Patton pouted but nodded anyways, "okay, I guess, but if you need anything don't hesitate mister, or I'll-"

"Physically fight me?" Virgil finished for him with a smile, "I know, don't worry." He said.

Patton sighed softly and pressed a kiss to Virgil's cheek before reluctantly getting out of his lap and walking over to where Roman and Logan were still asleep.

Apparently they'd moved in the time Virgil had dozed off, since Roman was now a bit more sat up and propped against the arm of the couch, and Logan had shifted so he was laying on his back but was still tucked against Romans chest. It didn't look uncomfortable, so he wasn't worried about them getting a sore neck or something, but sleeping like that for too long wouldn't be very good for their posture.

Virgil stood up and stretched with a small groan, before making his way over to the kitchen, moving quietly so that he didn't disturb any of them.

The house had been stocked with food just before they'd arrived, so everything was fresh and ready to use, which was good, since that'd taste much better than just things that had been preserved in jars and such.

He quickly, and quietly, went about gathering the dishes he'd need, remembering back to when he still lived with his fa- still lived in the tower, mentally going over the recipe in his head. It felt like he remembered everything, so hopefully this went well.

After getting out all the dishes he then began to gather the ingredients, starting first with the dough. He's need flour, salt, and butter, along with some cold water.

In a large bowl he poured 1 1/4 cups of flour and 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and gave them a quick mix before he moved on to cut up a 1/2 cup of butter in to small slices. He then began to mix the butter with the flour/salt mixture, only stopping when it mixed and turned all crumby.
After that he began to stir in the water, one table spoon at a time, until all the crumbs had come together and formed one large lump of dough, which he quickly put away to save for later, letting it chill for now.

When that was done he quickly cleaned up the dishes he'd used before moved onto the filling. He got a pounds worth of raw chicken breasts, a bundle of vibrant orange, purple, and yellow carrots, peas, more butter, an onion, black pepper, celery seed, already made chicken broth that had been preserved in a large jar, and milk. He already had the flour and salt out as well, so he had those at the ready already.

Virgil quickly turned the oven on, before beginning with the filling.
He took his time cutting the chicken breasts into cubes, after he'd removed the tendons of course. He placed all of the cubes into a large bowl and set them aside for now.

He went and got a different cutting board, since he'd judged used the last one for meat and was now going to chop vegetables, before going over to the sink to wash said vegetables.

He sliced about a cups worth of carrots, 1/3 cups worth of onion -though it was probably closer to one half since he'd be adding a little extra, and then portioned out a cup of the peas -and no he did not eat a couple... maybe.

He quickly went about grabbing a sauce pan, which he poured the chicken, carrots and peas into, along with just enough water to cover everything. He then moved it onto the stove to boil for a few minutes until cooked, before draining the water and setting the chicken and veggies off to the side. In another sauce pan he began to cook the onions in about 1/3 cup of butter, waiting until they were limp and translucent before beginning to stir in 1/3 cup of flower,  ½ a teaspoon of salt, ¼ teaspoon of black pepper, ¼ teaspoon of celery seed, which he thoughorugjky combined before adding 1 ¾ cups of the chicken broth, and ⅔ cup of milk. He then left that mixture to simmer for a bit, using this time to clean up the dishes he'd used and put any waste into a bucket for compost. He let it simmer until it began to thicken, and when it had he quickly removed it from the stove like he had with the chicken and veggies.

It was a little bit early for it, but he then took the now partially-chilled dough out
And set it onto a clean area of the counter where he'd sprinkled a bit of flour as well. He sectioned the dough into two parts before beginning to roll them out, making sure to not make them too thin though, since he didn't want the crust to be too thin or brittle.

After theyre were even and smooth he got out a pie tin from one of the cupboards -and maybe he should have checked that they even had pie tin's before he began, since it would have been up fortune if there hadn't been any- and carefully laid the first circle of dough inside, fitting it into the edge before cutting the excess off of the rim.

He then got the chicken and veggies from before and poured it into the pie crust, spreading it out even, before getting the sauce he'd made and pouring that on to the chicken and veggies, making sure to get all the onions out of the pot before mixing it a little and calling it good.

He then took the remaining piece of pie crust and laid it across the top of the pie, covering the filling entirely before cutting the excess off and pinching the edges together so that it was fully sealed, finishing it off by cutting a few slits into the crust so the steam could escape while it baked.

He carefully put the chicken pot pie into the hot and ready oven, and set a small hand-timer for 30 minutes.

After that virgil went about cleaning up, starting with the flour on the counter before moving on to the dishes.

He was just finishing up when a pair of hands slid around his waist from behind, making him jump and drop the sponge as he quickly looked over his shoulder.

"You scared me," he said with a small sigh as he turned back to the sink, ignoring Romans chuckle as his boyfriend tightened his grip on his waist.

"Sorry love," Roman said as he hooked his chin over Virgil's shoulder, "couldn't help it."

"You could have warned me," Virgil said with a pout as he quickly finished washing the last sauce pan, which he then set onto the drying rack next to the rest of the dishes, before twisting around in Romans hold so he was facing him.

"But where's the fun in that?" Roman asked with a smirk as he let one of his hands slide down to cup Virgil's ass.

"I don't think it'd have been fun for me to elbow you in the face on accident thinking you were a intruder," Virgil said with a small hum.

"That's fair," Roman said with a wince, "but hey, you didn't, so that's good." He said.

"I suppose that's true," Virgil said, "are the others awake?"

"Nope, My leg was cramping so I managed to get up without waking them up, took a while though," he said, "but I see that you and patton had a bit of fun while Logan and I were napping." He added as he eyes the hickeys on Virgil's skin.

"I suppose we did," Virgil said with a smile, "we decided to have a little bit of fun before taking a nap."

"I can tell," Roman said, "are you willing to have a little bit of fun with me? Or are you tired? Whatever you're making smells delicious by the way."

"I'm more than willing," Virgil said with a smile as he lifted his hands up and looped them around Romans neck, "and thank you, I still have twenty-ish minutes before I need to check on it -is that enough time for you?"

"Whatever you willing to give me is plenty enough," Roman said as he slid his other hand down to grab Virgil's ass as well, "I'm going to pick you up, okay?"

Virgil nodded and tightened his grip around his neck before Roman picked him up, and he quickly wrapped his legs around his boyfriends waist to keep himself up.

Roman moved a few steps to the side and sat Virgil down on a clear spot on the counter, before sliding his hands up under Virgil's shirt to hold his boyfriends waist as he leaned down and began to press kisses to his neck.

Virgil hummed and let one of his hands trail up to tangle in Romans hair, while tilting his head to the side to give him better access, his skin tingling from every touch.

Roman hummed softly and moved his mouth down as he continued to kiss and bite at Virgil's skin, and he moved his hand up to begin unbuttoning his shirt.

"How much is too much?" Roman asked as he pulled away for a few seconds.

"I'd prefer if pants stayed on," Virgil said, "we do still have dinner cooking."

"That's true," Roman said with a nod, "can I, um, can I play with your nipples?"

Virgil blushed brightly before shyly nodding, "yeah, you can do that," he said, "I'll be giving you a set of hickeys some time soon in return though."

"I look forward to it," Roman said with a grin, before he finished unbuttoning Virgil's shirt down to his belly button, which is where he stopped, leaving the last few buttons closed as he spread Virgil's shirt open and let it slide off his shoulders slightly.

Roman leaned down and pressed a kiss to Virgil's collarbone, before moving down slightly until he eventually pressed a kiss to one of his nipples, earning a small hum from Virgil.

He took the small nub into his mouth without hesitation, gently rolling his tongue over it and sucking as he let his hands wander again, one of them sliding against the bare skin of Virgil's waist and towards his back, while the other moved up to gently circle his other nipple with the tip of his thumb.

Virgil moaned softly and leaned his head back slightly, his eyes closing. "You really are a tease aren't you." He muttered as he massaged at Romans scalp gently.

Roman laughed softly and nipped at his nipple, earning a quiet gasp, before he went back to just using his tongue and sucking.

He eventually shifted over to the other side -but not before drawing out a string of soft and sweet moans from Virgil- giving his other nipple the same treatment before pulling away. "That's all I think we can get away with for now, don't want to get ourselves too riled up now do we?" He asked with a smirk as he pressed a kiss to Virgil cheek.

"I think we can get away with a few more kisses," Virgil said as he pulled Roman closer, "we still have a few minutes." He added with a smile.

Roman hummed, "I supposed that's true," he said, before Virgil pulled him in for a kiss, tightening the grip that he had on Romans hair.

Roman groaned softly into the kiss and let his arms wrap around Virgil's waist again, pulling him closer as he gently bit Virgil's lower lip.

They soon had to pull apart though, due to Virgil needing to check on dinner.

"Can you go wake up Logan and Patton?" He asked as Roman stepped back and he hopped off the counter, buttoning his shirt back up with flushed cheeks.

"Of course babe, do you need any help in here?" Roman asked.

"Not that I can think of, no -you guys can get out the plates and silverware out if you want," Virgil said, "but I can do that if don't want to though," he added.

"No we can do that, or at least I can," Roman said, "you did all the cooking, it's the least that I, or technically we, can do." He said as he pressed a kiss to Virgil's cheek.

Virgil's cheeks, which had begun to lose their blush, brightened again, and he quickly shooed a laughing Roman out of the kitchen, huffing softly as he went back over to the oven.

Apparently waking Patton and Logan wasn't too difficult, and the three of them soon entered the kitchen, just as Virgil was getting some cider out for them, the pie cooling on the counter.

"Did you guys have a nice nap?" Virgil asked as he set the bottle of apple cider down on the counter.

"Yeah," Patton said with a small yawn as he leaned against Roman, looping his arms around his boyfriends waist, "it smells good in here," he added.

"I'd hope so," Virgil said with a laugh, "dinner is ready, how about you go sit at the table and I can bring the stuff out."

"Uh uh, I already told you I'd help with the plates and silverware mister," Roman said, cocking an eyebrow at Virgil, "you can carry the pie out I guess, but I'm getting the dishes." He insisted.

Virgil sighed but nodded reluctantly, "alright," he said, slipping the pair of olive green oven mitts he'd found before back on, and picking the pie up. "There should be bread rolls in the breadbox on the counter, I'll grab them in a second."

"I can get them," Logan said, gently nudging Virgil towards the dining room.

"And I can get the cups for the cider," Patton said with a bright smile, looking a bit more awake than he had a few moments ago.

Virgil huffed and rolled his eyes playfully as he walked towards the table, "you all suck." He said as he set the pie down on the table.

"And you swallow." Roman said with a snicker as he got the plates and silverware, along with a knife to cut the pie.

"Roman!" Patton said, giving his boyfriend a disapproving stare -but his bright red cheeks lessened the overall effect.

Virgil fake gagged and sent Roman a disgusted look, "That's gross, no cider for you." He said, sticking his tongue out at him.

"Aw, babe, you know I was joking." Roman said with a pout as he walked from the kitchen to the dining room.

"Gross, Roman, gross."

"Yes yes, it was a gross joke, but a joke none the less," he said as he set the dishes on the table, "if I give you apology kisses can I have cider?"

"I don't know, you'll need to see what Pat and Logan think about that," Virgil said with a shrug, before quickly hiding his smile when he saw Roman pout at him.

"If I give all of you apology kisses can I have cider?" He asked, looking over at Logan and Patton as the two of them went from the kitchen to the dining room.

"Hmmm, I think I can agree to that," Patton said as he set the cups and bottle of cider down on the table.

"I suppose I can agree to that," Logan said as he put the bread rolls down as well.

Roman smiled and hooked an arm around Patton's waist, gently dragging him close, "I'm sorry for making a gross joke right before we eat," he said as Patton looped his arms around Roman's neck, before pressing his lips to his shorter boyfriends, resisting the urge to smile when Patton hummed and kissed him back.

They pulled apart after a few seconds, and Patton pressed a quick kiss to Romans cheek, "you're forgiven." He said with a small laugh before he playfully pushed Roman towards Virgil.

Roman laughed and turned to smile at Virgil, "I'm sorry, I know you don't swallow that and I know that it was gross," he said as he looped his arms around his boyfriends neck, who in turn placed his hands on Romans waist.

"I guess I can forgive you," Virgil said with a teasing smile, and Roman smiled back before pulling him up into a kiss, tightening his hold around Virgil's neck and shoulders.

He pulled away after a few moments, no longer than the kiss he'd had with Patton, and pressed a few more quick pecks to the corner of Virgil's lips and his cheeks before letting his arms fall down and taking a step away.

"I know I've said this before, but we should make you blush more often -it looks cute," he said teasingly, "but then again, you're always cute." He added, and watched as the blush on Virgil's cheeks darkened.

"Just go kiss Logan before I make you be the one blushing," he said as he crossed his arms and turned away with an embarrassed huff, ignoring Pattons laughter.

Roman snorted before turning to Logan, who cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Should I serenade you? Sweep you off your feet and dip you into a kiss? Do a little dance and then pin you to the wall so I can steal your breath away?" He asked as he took a few steps until he was right in front of Logan, his teasing tone from before still dripping from his words like honey, "see how red I can make your lips?" He added as he reached forward and gently cupped Logan's jaw, letting his fingers trail across his skin before settling into place.

"That would be unnecessary at the current moment," Logan said, his cheeks flushing a rosy pink, "since this is an apology kiss -but I will accept more, ahem, intimate, kisses later."

Roman snorted, "intimate? I guess that's one word for it," he said with a small laugh as he kept his left hand on Logan's jaw while bringing his right up to rest on Logan's waist. "And that can be arranged -I will give you as many intimate kisses as you want later."

He grinned before leaning forwards and pressing a kiss to Logan's lips, humming softly when Logan moved his hand up to tangle his fingers in Romans hair.

Their kiss lasted for several moments, before they pulled away and Roman pressed a few extra kisses to Logan's jawline and neck.

Dinner went by quickly after that, with the four of them sitting down and Virgil serving them each a slice of the still hot chicken pot pie while Logan poured them all a cup of the fizzing cider each.

The meal was eaten rather quickly, all of them quite hungry from the day -but not so quick that they didn't take them time to tease one another, and Virgil at one point found himself flustered as he was smothered in compliments for his cooking, ignoring Romans smirking face as his cheeks flushed brightly and he tried to wave their compliments away.

Roman was also quite adamant that Virgil wasn't the one to clean the dishes when they were done, Logan and Patton quickly agreeing, so Virgil found himself standing off to the side as he watched them clean everything up, feeling a small bit useless -that is until Patton came over and picked him up, setting him on the counter top just like Roman had, "thank you for allowing us to clean up," he said, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Can't I help at least?" Virgil said with a small huff as he crossed his arms.

"Nope, you did all the baking, you don't get to do any of the clean up," Roman said from where he stood washing dishes with Logan.

"Sorry babe, but I have to agree with Roman -no cleaning for you." Patton said, looking far too pleased.

Virgil groaned but didn't bring it up again, although that may be because Patton is an excellent distraction.

The dishes were soon all clean and put away, and Virgil hopped off the counter, "let's head on upstairs now," he said, looping his and Patton's arms together before leading his boyfriend up stairs, Roman and Logan quickly following behind.

"Do you guys want to take a bath before or after Logan and I give you a massage?" Virgil asked as he walked into the bedroom they'd picked earlier and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You just made dinner, we can save the massage for a different night," Patton said as he sat down next to him before flopping onto his back and relaxing into the mattress with a hum.

"I am more than willing to give you a massage tonight, don't worry about me," Virgil said as he moved his hand to gently rub Pattons hip, his shirt having shifted upward to reveal the skin underneath.

"I'd suggest taking a bath first," Logan said, "that will give our food time to digest a bit, will make the two of you clean and ready, and the lotion or oils we use won't get washed off right away."

"Do we have any lotion or oils for massages?" Roman asked, "I know we packed like, a container of lube and all, but I don't think that'll work for a massage..." he said.

"I took it upon myself to pack a few things," Logan said, his cheeks flushing a light red, "so yes, we do have oils and lotions for a massage.

"How thoughtful," Roman teased, "Patty-cake and I will have to return the favor at some point," Roman said, Patton nodding in agreement, "are you two going to bathe with us or are you doing that later?" He asked.

"I'd say later," Virgil said, "we'll take care of you two first, then ourselves," He said, "if thats okay with you," he added, looking over at Logan.

Logan nodded, "that works for me," he said, "you two go get cleaned up, take as much time as you want, there's no rush - in the mean time, Virgil and I will get things ready."

Roman sighed, "fine, but I hope you know the favor will be returned -I don't care if you agree or not it's going to happen." He said, Patton nodding in agreement.

"We'll see about that," Virgil mumbled, ignoring the look roman gave him.

He and Logan eventually managed to shoo the two of them out of the bedroom -after few minutes of light hearted bickering and promises of repayment followed by denials of said repayment- and when they were confident that Patton and Roman had actually begun their bath, they finally began setting things up.

They pulled the covers off of the bed, folding them up and setting them aside before rearranging the pillows a bit, and they set the extra ones of those off to the side as well.

"There's really not much to set up is there," Virgil said as he set the last pillow into the pile of extra blankets and pillows from the bed they had made tucked into the corner. "Just clear off the bed and get the oils and lotions and such."

"We could set out a couple of candles to burn too if you'd like," Logan suggested, "the ones we have should just be simple beeswax ones, so nothing with a strong scent, but they'll give off a calming glow, which would be nice."

"Sure, where are they? I can go get them." Virgil said with a nod. Candles sounded nice -and they'd make things more romantic, which Virgil wasn't against even if it was a little stereotypical.

"They're in a cupboard down stairs next to the bathroom, or at least that's where I think they are," Logan said, "while you're getting them I can go get some towels." He added.

"Alright, be right back." Virgil said before making his way out of the room and down the stairs to find the candles.

They were pretty easy to find, since they were where Logan said they'd be, tucked into a box in the cupboard near the bathroom. He grabbed a couple, not too many though since they'd probably want to save some for later that week, before heading into the kitchen to find some matches so he could light them.
He found a pack in one of the drawers and tucked it into his pocket before heading back upstairs.

Logan was back with the towels already when he got up there, and he'd laid out a couple of them on the bed -which was smart, since they didn't wanted to get the sheets covered in oils and lotion.

"Where should we put them?" Virgil asked as he set the bundle of thick candles he'd got down on the edge of the bed.

"Close enough that we won't forget about them later, but far enough away so that we don't accidentally bump into them -maybe a few on the desks and on the windowsill?" Logan suggested as he set the other towels he'd grabbed in a neat pile on one of the side tables.

"That sounds good," Virgil said with a nod as he grabbed a couple of the candles and walked over to one side of the room, while Logan grabbed the other candles and went of to the other side.

"Is there anything else we should try to get done before they're done?" Virgil asked as he moved to stand near Logan again.

"I don't think so, is there anything you'd like to do before they come back?" Logan asked.

Virgil hummed softly as he looped his arms around Logan's waist, "I think we have some time before those two come back, right? We could have a little fun..." he said with a teasing smile as he let his hands untuck part of Logan's shirt before sliding underneath and against his skin -he could feel the small shiver that went down Logan's spine at the touch.

"I think we'll have plenty of time, yes," Logan agreed as he brought a hand up to tangle in Virgil's hair on the back of his head, pulling slightly and sending tingles across Virgil's scalp.

"Wonderful," Virgil said, before pulling his hands away and carefully but firmly pushing Logan back. The backs of his knees pressed to the edge of the bed and caused him to fall onto his back on the mattress with a small oof.

Virgil didn't waste any time and quickly got on the bed and straddled Logan, a knee on either side of his hips and his hands pressed down on the mattress on either side of Logan's head. "This okay?"

"More than okay," Logan said with a nod before pulling Virgil down into a sweet kiss, which earned him a pleased hum from his boyfriend.


Roman moaned softly as he leaned back heavily on the edge of the tub, his head tilted back and his eyes closed as he squirmed slightly.

Patton simply hummed in response, his mouth occupied due to the special attention he was giving one of Romans nipples, sucking and nipping at the sensitive nub until it turned bright red and slightly swollen just like Romans other nipple -with Patton having already given that nipple the same special attention he was giving the current one.

"Jesus pat, you're such a tease," Roman said, panting softly, his left hand gripping the hair on the back of Pattons head, "getting me all hot and bothered before our boyfriends give us a massage, so mean,"

Patton pulled off the nipple with a soft suction sound, "are you saying you aren't going to get all 'hot and bothered' from the massage itself? With them touching you everywhere and making you feel good?" He teased as he moved one of his hands down to hold Romans thigh, smiling when roman shivered slightly from the touch despite the warm water around them.

"I'd like to avoid it in case they're not in the mood for that -and don't make it sound like it'd just be me, you probably would as well." He added with a small huff, ignoring the way Patton drew shapes and swirls with the tips of his fingers on the sensitive skin of his inner thigh.

"Oh I'm not denying that," Patton said with a small laugh, "do you think the two of them would be up for some fun tonight? I know we didn't plan on it..."

"They might be-" Roman cut himself off with a small gasp as Patton nipped at one of his nipples again. Not hard enough to actually hurt, but hard enough to send sparks of pleasure buzzing across Romans chest. "W-we'd have to ask." He added.

"Yeah I know," Patton said, before pulling away from Roman, ignoring the soft whine from his boyfriend and grabbing the wash cloth. "We should finish up so we can head back over to them."

"Freaking tease."


Virgil pulled away from where he'd just left a fresh constellation of hickeys along Logan's neck and collarbone, panting softly as he looked down at his boyfriend. Logan's cheeks were flushed brightly, his eyes half lifted and slightly hazy as well. Virgil's own lips were a little swollen, and his jaw was kind of sore, but not horribly so. Virgil reached forwards and gently cupped Logan's jaw, smiling as his boyfriend turned his head and pressed a kiss to his palm.

"Aw you guys look so cute!"

Virgil and Logan both turned to look and saw Patton and Roman in the door way, both of them wearing nothing except for a towel around their waists each.

Cheeks now a rosy red, Virgil quickly got off of Logan and allowed him to sit up. "Yeah, the two of you are adorable," Roman chimed in as the two of them walked into the room, "and I'm assuming you're both ready?"

"No, we decided to make out instead, the blankets, pillows, towels, candles, and other stuff moved themselves." Virgil said sarcastically as he cocked an eyebrow at his boyfriend, who was standing in front of him now.

"Well aren't you just a sweet ray of positivity and sunshine," Roman said with a small laugh as he reached forwards and carded his fingers through Virgil's hair, smiling as his boyfriends eyes fluttered closed before he leaned into the touch, "and I meant you two specifically, not the room or the things you prepared." He added as he massaged at his partner's scalp, Virgil leaning heavier into the touch as he did.

"Yeah I guess we're ready, right Logan?" Virgil said, not bothering to open his eyes or lift head head yet, content to bask in the attention.

"Yes, I'm ready if the three of you are," Logan said from his spot on the bed next to Virgil.

Roman reluctantly pulled his hand away, and Virgil got up off the bed with Logan, stretching for a second.

"You two get comfortable on the bed, on your stomachs please," Logan said, "would you prefer vanilla or honey scented oils?" He asked.

"Honey please," Patton said as he moved to lay down on the right side of the bed, Roman laying down on the left, both of them taking their towels off before laying down on their stomachs with pillows under their heads.

"I'd like the honey a well, but I'm fine with vanilla if there isn't enough." Roman said.

"No there's plenty for both of you," Logan said, "are you both ready?" He asked.

"Yup," Patton said while Roman gave them a thumbs up.

Virgil got up onto the bed in between Roman and Patton, sitting on his knees facing roman, while Logan walked around the bed and moved to stand next to Patton.

"So, I'm not sure how exactly to do this without, um, straddling you -are you okay with that?" Virgil asked, his cheeks tinted red.

"Yeah that's fine with me," Roman said, his face a similar shade of pink.

Virgil nodded and carefully got on top of Roman, sitting on his upper thighs just below his bass with one knee on either side of his hips. "This okay? Not uncomfortable or anything?" He asked.

"No it's fine," Roman said, and Virgil nodded.

Logan, having already poured some of the honey scented oil into one of his hands, had put the bottle of oil next to Virgil's leg, which he quickly picked up and poured some out for himself.

"It might be a bit cool at first, especially after a hot bath, but it'll warm up quickly," he said before he began to gently spread the oil across Romans shoulders and down his back, making sure to spread an even amount across his skin. He felt a small shiver go down Romans spine from the cold, and began to rub the oil in -not massaging quite yet, just gentle rubbing.

He heard a hum from next to him and glanced over, seeing Logan already massaging his thumbs into the tense muscles of Patton's right shoulder.

He turned his attention back to Roman, and began his massage as well. He placed his hands on the right side of the base of Romans spine, and began to carefully push all the way up to his shoulder before pulling back and starting from the bottom again, gliding his hands up his back and leaning his body weight into the motion with a firm amount of pressure, the movement easy with his skin soft and smooth from the oil.

He could already feel Roman starting to relax, and smiled to himself as he continued to motion a couple more times before moving to the left side of his back and giving it the same treatment, starting at the base and firmly pushing his hands up all the way to his shoulder.

He then switched to using his knuckles on both sides of Romans lower back, his hands curling into fists as he continued the motion from before -except this time he didn't go any higher than his shoulder blades and did both sides at once, leaning his body weight into the movement as he focused on his boyfriends lower back, carefully digging his knuckles into his firm muscles, the action earning him a hum from his boyfriend.

He spent a few minutes switching between the two movements, gliding his hands up the entirety of his spine or focusing on his lower back, before shifting up a little so he could focus on his shoulders now. He began in a gentle kneading motion, focusing on his left shoulder to start. He applied more pressuring after a couple of seconds, and I felt noticed one of Romans hands curling into a fist on the bed next to them.

"Is this good? Or am I pressing too hard?" He asked as he slowed down a little, easing up on the pressure as well.

Roman hummed softly as he shook his head, "no, no it's good, you're doing a good job," he said, his voice sounding a little strained if not breathless, "it wasn't too hard." He added.

Virgil smiled, his cheeks flushed a darker shade of pink as he nodded, "alright, tell me if it's too much." He said, before going back to kneading at his shoulder, applying more pressure again.

He eventually switched to the other shoulder, giving it the same treatment with a small bit more pressure than the other one, seeing if it'd be too much for Roman. But his boyfriend didn't say a word, just hummed softly and seemed to relax even further actually.

He eventually pulled his hands away and carefully shifted himself back so that he was sitting farther down Romans thighs. "Is this still okay?" He asked, gently rubbing at the very base of Romans spine.

"Y-yeah, yeah it's good,"  Roman said, his voice soft and breathless.

Virgil nodded and began to massage at his lower back again, digging his thumbs into the muscles along either side of his spine and pushing up and down. He kept his hands spread so that his fingers didn't cramp, but it also gave him a firm hold on Romans back, allowing him to focus in on certain spots.

Roman moaned -no it wasn't a hum it was in fact a moan, Virgil noted- and a shiver went down his spine again.

"Was that a tender spot?" Virgil asked as he pressed his thumbs there again, earning another quiet moan from Roman, who quickly nodded.

Virgil smiled and focused on that area now, applying a bit more pressure and watching Roman as gasped softly and tightened his hold on the sheets again before turning to putty under Virgil's hands. The tips of his ears were bright red from what Virgil assumed was a blush, and he even wiggle his hips a little -but Virgil just tightened his hold to stop the movement.

He focused on that spot for a while, too long probably, until Roman was humming and moaning quietly with every movement Virgil made. He then carefully slid his hands down on to Romans ass, massaging at the plump muscles there, earning himself another moan as he applied more pressure.

Sexy time starts here~

"Y-you might want to go a bit easier there Virge..." he said, before moaning again as Virgil began to knead at the muscles with more pressure.

"Oh? Why is that Roman, I thought I was doing a good job?" Virgil teased, before pulling his hands away and moving them up to massage at his lower back again.

"N-no no, you're doing great, it's just-" he cut himself off with another moan as Virgil slid his hands down and squeezed his ass.

"Just what Roman?" Virgil asked as he began to knead there again, earning another moan from his boyfriend.

"You are such a freaking tease," Roman groaned, pushing his hips back slightly. "Worse than Pat..." he added with a soft mumble.

"Oh?" Virgil said, before his slid one of his hands down and pressed his thumb into the sensitive flesh of his inner thigh, earning him a gasp as he massaged there with more pleasure, "Roman, are you getting turned on by my massage?" He asked in fake surprise, holding back his laughter at the look Roman turned his head to give him.

"You've been teasing me and you know it." Roman said with a huff.

"Alright alright, I've been teasing you," Virgil said as he moved off of Romans thighs, and instead spread them apart so he was in between them, before moving his hands to hold Romans hips again, this time hoisting them up till his ass was in the air and his legs were spread with his knees planted on the mattress, Roman going along with the movement. "You've been so good about it though, do you want me to keep teasing, or do you want to me do more? Or I could do neither and get back to the massage..." he added sheepishly.

"Do more, please do more," Roman said with a hum as he wiggled his hips. "If you want to that is," he quickly added, cheeks flushing from embarrassment.

Virgil smiled, "yeah I want to love, is there anything you don't want? Or anything that you really want?" He asked as he trailed his hands up and down Romans thighs, feeling his boyfriend shiver as he touched the sensitive skin.

"N-nothing I can think of, but I'll let you know if I do." Roman said as he wrapped his arms around the pillow he'd been laying on.

Virgil nodded, "alright, do you want to know what I'm doing, or have it be a surprise?" He asked.

"Surprise," Roman said, and Virgil nodded.

"Okay, just tell me if you need me to stop or slow down -and don't forget our safe word." He added, before glancing over at Patton and Logan to see what the two were up to. "Is it, um, is it okay with you guys if we start this kind of stuff? You don't have to join in if you don't want to, and we can move to a different room if you don't want to watch." Virgil said.

Patton's face was pretty flushed, and he was watching Roman as Logan massaged at his lower back.

"No it's fine," Logan began, "at least I don't mind, do you Patton?" He asked as he glanced down at his boyfriend.

"No no, you guys don't need to stop or leave," Patton said, his blush growing darker.

"Would you like to have some fun too?" Logan asked as he dug his thumbs into what must have been good spot on Patton's back, if the soft moan patton made right after meant anything.

"Please," Patton said, "I'd love to if you want to as well." He added as he glanced back at Logan.

"I'd love to as well,"

"Stay like this," Virgil said as he gently patted one of Romans ass cheeks before he got up off the bed and quickly went to go grab the lube from Roman's pack, double checking the bottle before quickly going back to the bed and getting comfortable between Romans legs again.

"Do you want me to use my words? Or just my hands?" He asked as he opened the bottle of lube.

"What do you mean?" Roman asked, his voice a little breathless as he glanced back over his shoulder at Virgil.

"Well," Virgil began as he poured a generous amount of the lube onto his fingers, "I know you like it when we call you babe and baby," he began as he gently prodded at Romans entrance, ignoring the small moan he got in response, "and I know you like it when I call you a good boy and praise you," he continued as he carefully slid a finger inside of him, smiling as his boyfriend moaned a little louder than before, "would you be up for some of that? Or just my hands?"

"Fuck- please Virgil, words too," Roman moaned, and if Virgil had been able to see his face he'd see a very dark embarrassed yet aroused blush on his boyfriends cheeks.

"Alright babe," Virgil said with a smile, "will you be good and answer me when I ask you stuff?"

"Yeah, yeah I will." Roman said with a nod.

"Such a good boy for me," Virgil said, and he didn't miss the shiver that went down Romans spine. "Does this feel good?" He asked as he crooked his finger inside of him, searching for a specific spot.

Roman nodded again, "it does, and I think you can add a second finger now."

"Hmm, I don't think I will, not yet anyways," Virgil said, "and good boys are patient, so you'll just have to wait -you are a good boy aren't you?" Virgil might have been milking the 'good boy' thing a little too much, but roman didn't seem to mind.

"Y-yeah I'm a good boy," roman said, his voice quiet and embarrassed, "I can be patient."

"Can you say that first part again? A little louder," Virgil said as he moved the finger in and out at a steady pace.

It took a few moments of silence, and Virgil had opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut off before he could even begin. "I... I'm a good boy," Roman said, and Virgil could see the dark red embarrassed flush that tinted the tips of his boyfriends ears.

"That's right, you are a good boy, such a good listener," he said as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to one of his ass cheeks, before nipping playfully at the skin there, earning a soft gasp from Roman.

He leaned back and poured a little bit more lube onto his other fingers, before slowly pushing in a second finger, smiling as Roman moaned softly. He let them sit inside of him for a few moments before pressing in deeper and feeling around for that sensitive bundle of nerves while also slowly scissoring his fingers to keep stretching him out.

"Look at you, displaying yourself all pretty and eager like this," he said, "you look so cute and sweet -and I'm not the only one who thinks that, take a look to your right love." Virgil said with a teasing smirk.

He watched as Roman looked over to the side, and lock eyes with Patton -who had been watching but quickly looked away when Roman looked over, making both of their blushes even darker.

Virgil laughed softly at his two embarrassed boyfriends, "I think he likes watching you -and I can't blame him, I'd be watching you if I was in his position, though you also look really hot from this angle." He said with a smile as he moved his unoccupied hand to Romans cock, which had remained untouched between his thighs and had a bead of precum forming at the tip -not large enough to drip yet, but large enough to be noticed. He gave his cock a few strokes, and swiped his thumb over the bead of precum and the head of Romans cock, smiling as his boyfriend moaned and rolled his hips a little.

"Maybe next time you will be looking over at me from his position," Roman muttered softly as Virgil let go of his cock. "I'm sure Logan or Patton wouldn't mind putting you in that position," he teased.

"Oh I wouldn't be apposed to that," he said with a small laugh as he crooked his fingers in just the right way, making Romans thighs tremble for a second as he moaned, pressing his face into the pillow as he pushed his hips back into Virgil's hand, wanting more.

"Oh was that a good spot?" Virgil teased, watching as Roman immediately nodded, "should I touch there again? Or was once enough?" He asked, mostly to himself, thoughtfully. He ignored Roman as he shook his head, and instead turned to Logan, raking his eyes over him and Patton -he'd pulled Patton's hips up into a similar position to Romans, but instead of fingering him, he was stroking his cock at a steady pace that wasn't exactly slow or fast but had Patton noticeably squirming. "What do you think, Berry?" Virgil asked as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to his taller boyfriends shoulder. "Should I touch there more? Or was once just enough?" He asked.

"I think once might have been enough," Logan said as he slowed down his hand that was stroking Patton's cock, making Patton whine softly.

"Yeah? I think you might be right," Virgil said with a smile as he turned back to Roman.

"Hey that's not fair, of course berry is going to take your side," Roman protested with a pout as he turned his head to look up at them with a sour face.

"Oh? Do you not like that plan?" Virgil asked with a laugh, "what if I ask Pat, will that make it more 'fair'?" He asked, and Roman nodded, before turning to look over at Patton.

"Well Pat," Virgil began as he also looked over at his other boyfriend, "should I keep touching Roman here?" He asked as he pressed his fingers down on the spot, and watched as Romans eyes fluttered and he moaned while instinctively moving his hips -though he stopped when Virgil placed a gentle hand on his hip.

Patton watched Roman with loving eyes that were hazy from arousal, and he licked his lips when Romans eyes fluttered from the pleasure, drinking up the portrait his boyfriend made -and Virgil had the sudden thought to try painting his boyfriends, not necessarily in a sexy way, but just to paint them- and although Virgil couldn't tell if Patton had done that on purpose or not, it was actually kinda hot nonetheless.

"As much as I loved watching that, I think that that was enough for now," Patton said with a teasing smile, which only grew wider as Roman made a whine sound.

"All of you are against me," he said with a huff, "you're all awful."

"Aw, we'll I don't want to be too awful," Virgil said with a laugh as he smiled down at Roman, "maybe if you can ask me really nicely, I'll keep touching you there -but if you don't then I won't touch there at all, and I'll keep teasing you." He said as he sat back a little and raked his eyes over Roman, waiting for either his response or their safe word.

If Roman really didn't want to ask, or beg like Virgil was implying, but really wanted Virgil to keep going, than he would. He was mostly just teasing him and seeing what things he could get away with. He moved one of his hands down and gently squeezed Romans ankle reassuringly, and he watched as Roman relaxed a little.

"Please," Roman began, his voice soft as he lifted his face from the pillow he'd had it pressed into, "can you please keep going and touch there? I'll be a good, I promise," he said as he wiggled his hips a little.

Virgil hummed softly, not pushing him to beg any more -he should probably check in and see how into begging Roman was after they were done with this, if he liked it then he might push for more in the future, "I suppose I can, but in a little bit," he said before leaning over to Logan and whispering something in his ear, and a few more seconds passed by as Logan whispered back to him before the two pulled apart.

"I have a job for you," Virgil said as he carefully pulled Roman up so that he was sitting up with his back pressed to Virgil's chest, and he pressed a few quick kisses to Romans shoulder and neck before continuing. "Will you be a good boy for me and suck Patton's cock? Make him feel really good, but don't make him cum yet," he said, "I'll put a third finger in once you've got him in your mouth, and if you think he's going to cum or if he tells you he's close then you need to pull off okay?" Virgil said as he trailed his hands up and down Romans sides, making him shiver.

Roman quickly nodded, "I can do that," he said as he tilted his head back to press kisses against Virgil's jaw, sucking a light hickey at one spot.

Virgil glanced over at Logan and Patton, and saw the latter securely seated in the formers lap with his legs spread and held open. Patton's cheeks were flushed red, almost the same shade as his obviously hard and sensitive cock that occasionally twitched with need between his legs. Logan was rolling and pinching one of Patton's nipples between his fingers, drawing out moans and small gasps from him, with his other hand holding the base of Patton's cock so that it was angled properly so Roman could be comfortable while he gave him his blowjob.

"He's ready when you are," Logan said, and Virgil met his eyes for a second over Patton's shoulder, gaining a nod from Logan.

"If anything becomes too much or if either of you need to stop then don't hesitate to use the safe-word okay?" Virgil said as he nudged roman forward, prompting him to move in between Patton's legs.

Roman obeyed eagerly, positioning himself comfortably between Patton's thighs with an overstuffed pillow under his chest so he could be at a better angle and more comfortable. He kept his hips up as well, so that Virgil could have, ahem, easier access when he started using his fingers again -which roman was excited for, not that he'd admit it though.

He got himself comfortable, and pressed a few kisses to the sensitive spots of Patton's inner thighs before moving his mouth to the tip of his dick, pressing a kiss to the head that had Patton shivering, before he moved to lick it, slowly dragging his tongue against the sensitive tip. He heard Patton gasp softly, and then there was a hand in Romans hair, but he paid neither any attention, and instead focused on teasing Patton.

"R-Roman," Patton moaned with a squirm as he tried to push his hips forward for more stimulation, "please..."

"Don't worry, I'm getting there Pat," Roman said with a smile as he pressed a kiss to the tip again, before taking the head into his mouth. He had to hold back the prideful smile that tried to slip onto his face as Patton gasped softly and moaned.

He took his time though, because even though he wanted Virgil to start using his hands again, he also wanted to make Pat feel good, and since there wasn't any rush he decided to see what responses he could get from his shorter boyfriend.

He lavished the head with attention, sucking and using his tongue almost rhythmically as he did. In the process he drew out a string of soft moans and gasps from his boyfriend, and he even noticed his thighs trembling for a few seconds.

It was only when Patton moved his hips that Roman took him in deeper, giving the rest of his cock some attention as well, he made sure to keep his teeth away from the sensitive skin, but didn't hold back in any other regards, eagerly bobbing his head as he brought a hand up to hold one of Patton's thighs so he could steady both of them a little bit.

He could hear Patton's breathing now, having gotten heavier the longer Roman gave him attention. He was panting, though it was still soft, and Roman was admittedly more interested in the muffled moans slipping from between Patton's lips. A glance up told him that they were muffled because Logan had tilted his head back and pulled him into a kiss, his fingers still twisting and pinching Patton's most likely sore nipples.

Roman moved his attention back to his cock, and took him in the rest of the way with a slight hum, his mouth full with everything except for the very base that Logan was still holding.

He almost jumped when he felt Virgil's hands on him again, having been so focused and not really paying attention to him, and just nearly avoided chocking -thankfully. His surprise was quickly pushed aside by pleasure as Virgil began to stoke his cock again, his hands gentle and rhythmic in their movements, making him moan softly -which in turn had Patton moaning as well from the vibrations.

"You're being so good," Virgil said, "I can tell just by the look on his face that Pat really likes what you're doing," he said as he began to stroke Romans cock a little bit faster, the movement easy and smooth from the lube virgil had put onto his palm before he began.

"Do you want me to use my fingers again? You did what I asked and I bet you'd like some more stimulation of your own right now," he added as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Romans hip.

He smiled as Roman moaned in response, "I'll take that as a yes -do you want me to keep stroking while I go back to fingering, or just fingering?" He asked.

Roman pulled off of Patton's cock for a second, pressing a quick kiss to the tip that made Patton shiver slightly, "both, both would be amazing," he said as he let himself relax his jaw for a few seconds before taking patton back into his mouth again, taking him in all at once and making Patton squirm from how good it must have felt.

"Alright, I'll do both," Virgil said as he pulled his hands away to get more of the lube, not a whole lot though, "but tell me if it becomes too much," he added before beginning to stroke his cock again, while gently slipping his fingers inside of him, starting of with two but pushing them in slower than was probably necessary.

He loved the moan the movement drew out from Roman though, and how a shiver visibly went down his spine.

"Keep making Pat feel good and I won't stop, okay? Just remember to pull off before he cums." He said, smiling when Roman hummed in response -which only made patton moan again.

This went on for quite a bit, with Virgil teasing Roman to keep him from cumming but making sure he still felt good, and Roman pulling off of Patton's dick before he could cum.

Though after a several of minutes Patton was getting a bit overstimulated, and both Virgil and Logan could see it, so they mutually decided through a shared look that it was time to wrap things up for Pat.

"Can Patton cum in your mouth Roman?" Virgil asked as he reached forwards and gently pulled Romans head off of Patton's cock -trying to ignore Patton's whine even though he felt bad. His lips were red and shiny, just like Patton's cock, and he was panting.

"Yeah, yeah he can," Roman said with a nod as he rocked his hips back again the fingers Virgil still had inside of him , "not gunna swallow though." He added.

"Of course love, you don't need to swallow it," Virgil said with a nod before guiding Romans mouth back to Patton's cock. Obviously he didn't need to do that, but Roman let him.

He slipped a third finger inside of Roman, smiling when Roman moaned, and began searching around for that bundle of nerves again, while also moving his other hand back to his cock to keep stroking it.

He knew he'd found the spot again when Roman moaned louder than usual and arched his back a little bit before instinctively pressing his hips back for more, making Virgil laugh softly.

"There it is," he said with a smile, "you've been such a good boy for me, so I'm going to make you feel super good now," he said as he continued to press and rub against that spot inside of him, while also beginning to stroke his cock faster and giving more attention to the head as he did.

Roman was practically squirming from the pleasure, moaning and panting through his nose. Patton was even farther gone though, his back arched as he moaned louder, his grip on Romans hair tightening.

Roman hummed and bobbed his head at a fast pace, not bothering to take him in all the way so that he could go faster without the risk of making himself gag by hitting the back of his throat suddenly. He focused his attention on what was in his mouth though, sucking and using his tongue as he bobbed while still keeping his teeth away.

It wasn't a surprise when Patton came a few seconds later, a cry leaving him as he trembled from his orgasm, his back arching as he pulled at Roman's hair.

Roman kept him in his mouth until his back had unmatched and he'd turned to jelly in Logan's lap. He carefully pulled off of him, giving him an apologetic smile when he whined from the touch on his still very sensitive cock.

He quickly grabbed one of the spare towels that was on the bed and spat out his cum, having momentarily forgotten about his own arousal until he felt hands on his hips.

"Lay down and I'll finish you off really quick," Virgil said from behind him, "I'll give you a hand job while I finger you -does that sound good?" He asked as he pressed a kiss to Romans shoulder.

"Fuck babe," Roman mumbled, "yeah, yeah that sounds amazing," he said as he moved over a little and flopped down onto his back, spreading his legs to make room for Virgil.

Virgil grabbed one of the pillows and moved between Romans legs, "up," he said as he tapped his thigh, and Roman quickly lifted his ass up and let Virgil's slide the pillow under him, putting himself at an easier angle.

Virgil put a little more lube on both of his hands, and shifted a little to get himself comfortable before gently slipping two of his fingers back inside of him, earning himself a low moan from his boyfriend.

"You did a good job with Pat, I think he really enjoyed it," he said as he wrapped his other hand around Romans cock and began to stroke it at a slow pace, smiling as roman covered his face with his arms as he moaned. He stroked his dick a bit faster, and rubbed his thumb over the head each time his hand was on the up stroke right before he went down again.

Roman squirmed a little, pressing his arms harder against his face as he moaned, before jolting and suddenly arching his back with a much louder moan as Virgil finally found the bundle of nerves again. He must be pretty close if he was this sensitive.

"Come on baby, I know you want to cum -the sooner you do the sooner we can all cuddle." He said as he pumped his cock faster and pushed another finger inside of him.

"Virgil! V-virge I'm gunna-!" Roman cut himself with a gasp as he trembled from the pleasure, moving one of his hands down to cover his mouth -embarrassed by the sounds he was making.

Before Virgil could say anything in return, his boyfriend was cumming, his back arching higher as he muffled his moans.

Virgil pulled his hands away a few moments later, and watched as his panting boyfriend turned to Kelly on the mattress, his skin flushed and sweaty.

End of sexy times~

"You did such a good job," Virgil said, his voice soft and gentle as he wiped his hands off on a towel, "although I would have loved to hear you clearly in the end, I can understand it was a little much for you though," he added as he pressed a kiss to Romans still bent knee, "let's get the two of you cleaned up now and go to bed," he said as he carefully moved Roman so that he was sitting up.

"Hmm?" Roman hummed, a small frown on his face, "but you didn't cum..." he muttered softly, looking at Virgil with hooded eyes.

"I think you're a bit too tired to get me off at the moment, so don't worry about it, I'm fine," he said as he pressed a kiss to Romans temple. "We're not gunna give you guys a full bath, but we'll clean you both up with some damp towels, alright?"

"Can't we sleep now? We can clean up in the morning," Roman whined as he pressed his face into the crook of Virgil's neck, yawning softly.

"You're all sticky though, so we should clean you up now instead of in the morning cause by then it'll be all dry and crusty and gross," Virgil said teasingly, laughing when Roman made a gross face, "now go cuddle with Pat while Logan and I go get the stuff to clean you guys off, okay?" He said as he gently nudged Roman towards the center of the bed, near where Logan was getting Patton comfortable.

Roman obediently rolled into place and wasted little time before wrapping his arms around Patton with a content hum as he pulled his boyfriend against his chest, earning another small laugh from Virgil.

He leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to both of their foreheads before climbing off the bed and stretching. Logan was already up from the bed, and the two of them soon made their way into the bathroom.

"I know I'm fine with not cumming tonight, but are you? I can give you a blowjob or something once we've got those two settled," Virgil offered as he grabbed a couple of hand towels from the bathroom cabinet, ignoring the blush that rose up on his cheeks -why was it still embarrassing to talk about that stuff? He'd literally just had sex but was still blushing at the mention of a blowjob.

"No I'm fine," Logan said, "I was about to as you about that though, if you were actually fine with not cumming." He said as he filled a small bucket that was kept under the sink with water.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine with it, my uh, my erection will have died down by the time we've gotten those two cleaned up and are ready for bed." Virgil said, trying to keep the awkwardness out of his voice -he wasn't sure if he was succeeding.

"Alright," Logan said, moving to press a quick kiss to Virgil's cheek before heading out of the room with the small bucket of water, and Virgil quickly followed after him.

The two came back to the bedroom to find a barely awake Patton and Roman, both of them barely bothering to open their eyes even the slightest bit when Logan and Virgil sat them both up and managed to lean them against the headboard.

"You know you could at least try to make this easier -it's kinda difficult to shift around dead-weight," Virgil said as he finally got Roman propped up on the headboard.

"Too tired to use my muscles," Roman mumbled before tilting his head to look over at Virgil, "can we cuddle now?"

Virgil dipped one of the hand towels into the bucket of water, shaking his head, "I'm not cuddling you if you're sticky, so no," he said, ignoring Romans pout to instead start wiping him down with the towel, being careful near his crotch since he was probably still sensitive.

Roman hummed and seemed to relax even more under the gentle attention, "love you," he mumbled as he closed his eyes.

"I love you too," Virgil said with a fond smile, moving to press a kiss to his boyfriends cheek before continuing to clean him up.

"Virgil," Patton spoke up from next to Roman, turning his head and looking over at him sleepily.

"Yeah Pat?"

"Can we have a picnic on the beach tomorrow?" He asked.

"Well it depends on the weather, but I'd be open to one if we can." Virgil said, "we can make some sandwiches and maybe something sweet." He suggested.

"Yay," Patton said with a sleepy smile before he turned back to Logan, "I wanna hug you, and hold you, and give you kisses, and make you smile," he said as he moved one of his hands up to cup Logan's jaw, "I'm sorry I didn't make you cum, I don't want you to feel like I'm just using you to get off or something, I-" Logan quickly cut Patton off by pressing a finger to his lips.

"That's enough of that," he said as he gave Patton a fond smile, "it's fine that I didn't cum, you're tired and I'm not going to make you get me off -I'm not even that hard any more, you'd have to work me up again and then get my off, which is a lot more work then just letting it die down -if it really bothers you then next time you can top if that'll make you feel better." He said as he moved his hand away.

Patton's eyes practically lit up at the idea, and a grin overtook the frown that had been on his face, "Yes, I'll make you feel so good, I promise." He said as he moved the hand that was cupping Logan's jaw to the back of Logan's head before pulling him down into a kiss -which Logan quickly returned, his cheeks tinted red from Patton's words.

"I don't doubt it," he said softly as they pulled apart, "but for now let's get you cleaned up and go to bed, okay?"

"Kay," Patton said with a smile.

The two of them finished cleaning Roman and Patton up rather quickly, finishing up by slipping a pair of boxers onto each of them. After they'd returned the bucket to it's spot in the bathroom and put the towels in the laundry basket -the ones they'd used for cleaning up and the ones they'd laid out on the bed originally- the two of them joined the other two in bed, with Patton eagerly wrapping around Logan and pulling him against his chest, and with virgil settling down next to Roman, shifting so that he could wrap his arm around Romans waist from behind, since Roman was already draped halfway across Patton and, by association, Logan.

"I love you guys," Patton said, his voice soft and sleepy.

"Love you too," Virgil mumbled back while Roman hummed in agreement and Logan repeated the statement.



Virgil turned with a soft hum, only to have the sunlight from the barely opened curtains hit him directly in the face, which made him groan softly as he quickly turned onto his other side, pressing his face into the pillow.

"Good morning," Logan said next to him, not sounding tired at all, "did you sleep well?"

Virgil peeled his eyes open and looked up to see Logan already sitting up in bed, with a book in his lap, and he didn't even have bedhead so he must have been up for a while.

"Yeah I did," Virgil said with a yawn as he sat up and stretched, "what time is it?"

"I'd say around eight or nine in the morning, I'm not entirely certain," Logan said as he closed his book and set it on the bedside table.

Virgil hummed softly and shifted so that he was pressed against Logan's side, leaning his head against his boyfriends shoulder with a content smile, "where are Pat and Roman?" He asked as Logan wrapped an arm around him.

"They went down to get started on breakfast, around fifteen minutes ago I think," Logan said as he began to draw meaningless shapes on Virgil's shoulder with the tip of his finger. "Though they were awake for a bit before that too." He added.

"Why didn't you go down with them?" Virgil asked as he leaned heavier into Logan's side. Logan was warm -not as warm as Roman, who ran almost unnaturally warm compared to most people- but he was still comfortably warm, especially when Virgil was still sleepy.

"I didn't want you to wake up alone," Logan admitted, and Virgil could see him blushing out of the corner of his eye. "I know you like waking up with someone there, especially when you have nightmares," he said, "and...if I'm being honest, I wanted to see you wake up." He added softly.

"When you were poisoned, there was a time towards the end of that whole mess where we couldn't wake you up, it was terrifying for all of us, and... and sometimes I'll get worried when I see you asleep," he admitted, "I'll think 'what if he doesn't wake up like before?' Or something similar to that," he said, "I know that it's irrational; you're perfectly healthy and I don't have to worry about something like that because you're fine, but I can't help it..." he continued as he looked down at his lap, glancing over at Virgil for a second before continuing. "It... it makes me feel... stupid honestly, like I can't get my stupid brain to understand that you're fine," he said, before pausing, biting his lip. "Sorry, I'm rambling and that was a lot to dump on you right after you woke up," he apologized, a guilty look in his eyes.

"Hey, don't you apologize for anything, you hear me?" Virgil said as he sat up straight and moved so that he was in front of Logan, "that was an awful experience for everyone, you guys weren't sure if I was going to make it, and I felt like I was practically dead already," he began, "that kind of stuff messes with your head, just like the kidnappings or like when Patton almost died -they're awful and stressful situations." He said, "they cause fears that linger; you know I still get nightmares about fa-deceit, and that was almost a year ago, so I'm not surprised that what happened a month and a half ago is still effecting you -it's still effecting me too," he continued as he reached forwards to cup Logan's cheeks in his hands.

"I get nightmares where you guys didn't show up in time and I died all alone, or if one of you had been poisoned and died as well or had gotten hurt while trying to help me, along with several other scenarios that didn't happen, but still scare me," Virgil said, "our minds are incredibly smart, too smart for our own good, smart enough to trick ourselves and make us fear things that aren't even real because of 'what if's' and 'could haves' that we've thought up-so you're not any more stupid than I am, okay?"

Virgil watched as Logan opened his mouth to say something, maybe even argue, before he paused, and then closed his mouth. He swallowed before looking back up at Virgil and somewhat reluctantly nodding, which earned him a smile.

"Good," Virgil said, before he learned forwards and pressed a kiss to Logan's cheek, "now do you think we have time for a bath before Pat and Roman are done? Or should we save it for after?" He asked.

"I think there's enough time to have a short bath, it depends on what they're making for breakfast -do you want a longer bath? Because I don't mind waiting if you want to bath together, or we could take separate baths." He added, and Virgil smiled as Logan's cheeks flushed a little.

He didn't say it enough, but he wholeheartedly thought that Logan was adorable when he got flustered, even if Logan thought differently. His eyes could never stop glancing around, his shoulders would curl up a little, he'd sometimes fidget with his hands or shift from foot to foot, and the tips of his ears and his cheeks would turn the prettiest shade of pink. Of course he thought that all of his boyfriends were cute when they were flustered, but Logan was secretly his favorite when it came to the matter.

"I'd prefer a longer bath, and I'd be happy if you joined me -though I understand if you want to bathe sooner rather than later." He said as he pulled his hands away from Logan's face and stretched.

"No I'm fine with taking a bath later," Logan said, "I'll happily wait so that I can join you," he added.

"Alright," Virgil said with a nod, "should we wait up here and cuddle, or should we head down there and see what those two are up to?"

"We could go cuddle on the couch, or on one of the armchairs and move it so that it's facing the kitchen," Logan suggested.

"That sounds nice," Virgil said as he moved to pull the blankets away from himself, shivering slightly from the cool morning air.

He slipped out of the bed and moved to his pack, since he hadn't moved his clothes to the wardrobe yet, and pulled out a pair of soft brown cotton pants and a loose fitting lavender tunic to change into.

Once they were both ready, he and Logan went down stairs, peaking into the kitchen to check on Roman and Patton.

The two of them were standing by the counter, Patton vigorously stirring a bowl while Roman cut up a mixture of fruits next to him -though he seemed to be keeping each fruit separated into their own piles, so it wasn't really a mixture.

"Whatcha making?" Virgil asked as he walked into the kitchen, Logan following close behind.

"Oh! Good morning!" Patton said as he turned around with a bright smile before quickly moving forward to press a kiss to Virgil and Logan's cheeks, "we were going to make waffles, but then I couldn't find a waffle iron, so we're making pancakes instead -and Romans is gonna make some whipped cream when he's done cutting the fruit!" He said as he went back to the bowl of batter he'd been stirring, picking up the spoon to start up again.

"Sounds tasty, do you guys want any hel-"

"Ah ah ah, nope," Roman interrupted Virgil as he spun around and pointed the knife he'd been holding to cut the fruit at the two of them -although there was a good four feet between the tip of the blade and Virgil, so he wasn't worried about getting hit. "The two of you aren't going to be helping with any of this, so go sit your butts down over there and look pretty." He said as he pointed towards the living room, Patton laughing softly from his spot next to him.

Virgil held his hands up in mock surrender, smiling, "alright alright," he said, "that just means that we'll do the dishes after we eat," he said as he and Logan made their way into the living room.

"We'll see about that," he heard Roman mutter, but he chose to ignore him in favor of getting comfortable.

He and Logan spun one of the armchairs around and dragged it closer to the kitchen so that they could sit and cuddle while still being able to see and talk to Patton and Roman without yelling back and forth. Logan took a seat first and gently pulled Virgil down after him to sit in his lap, making Virgil blush as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

Virgil curled up slightly in Logan's lap, pressing his feet against the arm of the chair so that his knees were bent up, and tucking his head under his boyfriends chin as he looked into the kitchen, moving one of his hands down to hold onto one of the ones logan had clasped in front of Virgil's stomach.

"Is this pretty enough for you?" Virgil asked teasingly as he looked over at Roman, a smirk on his face.

Roman looked over at the two of them, a thoughtful expression on his face before he put the knife down, "one second," he said, before quickly walking out of the kitchen and out the back door, leaving the three of them rather confused.

After about a minute he came back, three large daisies in hand. He made his way over to Virgil and Logan and smiled at the two of them as he plucked one of the flowers from his fist.

"While you two are always pretty, I think a flower or two would be adorable -so I had to go get some," he said as he tucked one of the flowers behind Virgil's ear, and then tucked a second one behind Logan's ear -effectively managing to make both of them blush. "And I can't forget about my adorable Patty-cake," he added as he turned back to the kitchen and walked around the counter to Patton, who had paused in his mixing to watch, "I had to get you a flower too, so that all three of my beautiful boyfriends can match." He said as he tucked the last flower behind Patton's ear before pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Then he went back to the cutting board to continue cutting fruit, as if nothing had just happened. As if he hadn't just turned three people into a flustered mess each, in less than a minute.

"Nope," Virgil said as he rolled out of Logan's lap, stumbling slightly, before quickly running over to the back door, "you wait right fucking there," he added as he pointed at Roman before going outside.

He looked around, trying to find some daisies like the giant ones Roman had found, and eventually spotted some across the road near the staircase down to the beach -there must have only been three near the house.

Roman was horrible. Absolutely awful. In all his romantics, and sweet words, he'd forgotten that they were a set of four -so all four of them needed daisies, not just three of them. Idiot.

He quickly made his way down the path and over to them, finding the nicest looking one before carefully plucking it, and rushing back into the house.

Roman had finished cutting his berries at that point, so when Virgil opened the back door he was met with Roman leaning against the counter and staring at him with a cocked eyebrow. Logan and Patton watching curiously from where they'd remained in the chair and kitchen respectively.

"You," Virgil began as he stepped up in front of Roman, absentmindedly kicking the door closed behind him, "are unfairly romantic, being all sweet and-and charming," he continued as he grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down, Roman moving with him so that there was little effort in the action, "with your stupid, pretty face," he continued as he tucked the flower behind Romans ear, "we're not matching if we all don't have a flower, dummy." He said, "this is a group of four, not three." He added before giving him a quick kiss. He then let go of his collar and marched back on over to Logan, sitting in his lap and curling up just like before, only looking back at the kitchen when he'd gotten comfortable.

"I swear, all of you are so cute I might just burst from watching one of these days." Patton said with a fond smile.

Virgil watched as Roman opened his mouth, but paused before speaking, and then instead closed his mouth. "I was going to make a joke there, but you wouldn't have liked it so I won't say it." He said as he walked across the kitchen and began to dig around in a cupboard.

"I kinda wanna know now," Virgil said with a smile while tucking his head under Logan's chin.

"Nope, we don't need any dirty jokes being made while we're making breakfast," Patton said as he placed a pan on the stove top to start cooking the pancakes.

"Hmm, I suppose not," Virgil said, before tilting his head slightly and pressing a kiss against the soft skin of Logan's neck, right next to his throat.

Roman and Patton finished making breakfast rather quickly after that, laying out the spread on the dining room table. There was a hefty stack of pancakes on one plate, a pitcher of lemonade, a bowl of whipped cream, a bowl of cut fruit, and a plate of scrambled eggs, along with their own individual plates, cups, and cutlery.

By the time they were done the morning fog had cleared entirely and had left them with bright blue skies that shined natural light in through the large windows around the house, lighting up the space nicely.

Virgil and Logan did the dishes, Virgil threatening to tie Roman to one of the chairs if he tried to help -Patton was smart and begrudgingly went along without protest, though Virgil could see that he was itching to help out just as much as Roman was.

They got everything cleaned and put away in under half an hour, and told Roman and Patton they were going to go take a bath upstairs, and Roman and Patton said they were probably going to head down to the beach soon and that they could meet them there if they wanted, or meet back at the house for lunch later.

After splitting their separate ways, Virgil and Logan wasted little time preparing for their bath, just grabbing soap and fresh towels to use before making their way to the bathroom.

They drew a hot bath and added soap to the water so that there were some bubbles before happily slipping in, content to soak in the water.

They stayed in the water until it turned cold, and quickly dried off and got re-dressed before making their way down to the living room. They decided to stay inside for now, content to cuddle on the couch and read while Roman and Patton were out on the beach -though they did join them for a picnic lunch out on the sand behind some rocks to stay out of the wind.

It was a wonderful week overall. They check-in on Wednesday went well, and they were left practically undisturbed for the most part of their stay -though a seagull stealing part of Romans sandwich did disrupt them at one point, but it was funny to see the look of shock on their boyfriends face as he looked at his now empty hand that once had the last bite of his sandwich.

They were a bit sad to leave in the end, having enjoyed the relaxing and privacy -though they were also eager to get back to the castle as well.

It was a unanimous decision Thats they'd have to go back to the beach house again at some point, next year if not later this summer.

It's finally done!!!!
Holy shit!!!
I hope yalls like it!
I've already started on the next chapter and it's going much faster than this one!!!
Sorry it took so long ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

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