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It was Saturday today and Randhir had took a off , also Sanyu had a off.
Like daily Randhir had not woke up early instead he was sleeping peacefully and calmly , for once Mary Aunty checked upon Randhir and found him sleeping she decided not to wake him up as he was in deep sleep and she knew that after ages he was sleeping peacefully.

While, Sanyu's sleep had got broken up at 5 in the morning as Trisha's tiny feet had directly landed on her face , Sanyu woke up and saw the time it was five, she decided to wake up , but seeing the time feeling sleepy she drifted back to sleep , as once Trisha woke up she won't let Sanyu to sleep.
So , she too drifted back to sleep.

Sunrays were pepping through the window which disturbed Sanyu's beauty sleep.
If sunrays irritate Sanyu , she used to get up immediately and now too she woke up instantly.
She sat on the bed , and reality hit her that she was at another place today.
She saw the time and it was six in the morning. She saw Trisha was in deep slumber. She kissed Trisha's temple , adjusted the pillows around Trisha so that even if she moves she won't roll around.

Sanyu stretched herself , and walked towards the balcony. A cold breeze hit her body. She took a deep breathe, glanced around for sometime , as the mansion was huge , the frontside of her room had huge lawn , cars parked, swimming pool on the otherside. Standing there she would feel what the beauty of the nature is. Standing there for sometime, she walked back into her room closing the curtains properly.

She took her all the necessary stuff and dashed into washroom. After taking her good time , she was fully dressed up , for the last time she checked herself and was all ready. Today, she had taken extra effort to get ready , she too was unknown why?

Like today while choosing dress she choosed a pretty looking dress, then she did little makeup. Her smile was not leaving her face.
She glanced at herself in the mirror and her eyes fell on her neck.

I know this marriage is namesake, but if Randhir is working on it , I too will try to work on it ....saying she caressed her neck and decided something.
She need to buy Mangalsutra for herself.
No matter in what circumstances they were married but somewhere , she understands the meaning of marriage and what importance marriage holds in one life she was completely aware of it.

She moved back towards sleeping Trisha, and sat next to her holding her tiny hands in hers.


Randhir who was in deep slumber stirred in his sleep , he began to feel unusual, suddenly he sat with a thud on his bed all sweating badly.
It was a bad dream.

Sanyu , Trisha ....escaped His mouth.

He looked around and found that he was in his room . A sudden fear engulfed him.
Even without caring of his devastated state , he got up threw the blanket to one side, he started to walk towards Sanyu's room.

He for a moment thought that they must be sleeping peacefully , it won't be good to disturb them , but now what matters to him was to see them at least for once.
He hanged the room .

Sanyu who was inside wide awake , got alerted and she ran to open the door.
She opened the door to see Randhir standing in front of her in devastated state.

Before, she would say anything he hugged her.

You are fine and where is Trisha ?...saying His eyes were searching for his Princess.

Randhir , I'm fine and Trisha is sleeping. What happened? Why are you sweating soo badly ?......She asked him, before he would answer he was sitting next to Trisha just staring at her taking deep breathes.
Randhir was looking disturbed a bit.

Sanyu walked upto him , she put a hand on his shoulder slowly.
What happened Randhir ? Why are you ......Before she would complete he spoke up.

I saw a bad dream so I came up running....He said and digged his face into his palm.

Calm down ....saying Sanyu shifted next to Randhir holding his hand in hers she began to rub them slowly.

Randhir lay down for sometime you will feel better......Sanyu said to Randhir who was resting his back to bedpost closing his eyes.

Randhir laid on the bed, taking care that Trisha won't wake up who was sleeping aside him caged by wall of pillows.
Sanyu withdrew her hand from his when she saw that he had slept.

She got up ,took a quilt, covered him.

I need to talk to you Randhir..... She uttered looking at his sleeping figure.

Randhir pulled the quilt over his figure , snuggling into the quilt he slept.
Sanyu saw that he had slept. She decided to get Trisha's food ready before she wakes up.
Sanyu for last time saw at the sleeping duo and walked towards the kitchen were Mary Aunty was already working.

Good morning Aunty....saying Sanyu wished Aunty.

Good morning beta , hope you had sound sleep ? And where is chotu Trisha?.....asked Mary Aunty.

Aunty , I had my sound sleep whereas , Trisha is sleeping , she needs to eat her cereal after she wakes up so I came down to prepare before she wakes up ......Sanyu said.

From there , Pinky entered the kitchen.

Good morning Didi ....Pinky greeted Sanyu.

Good Morning .....Sanyu too replied back.

Didi, if you're here to prepare Trisha's cereal then don't worry I had already done it , I'll get it to your once she wakes up......Pinky replied with a smile.

I thought you must be sleeping so decided to prepare but how can I forget that you are more punctual when it comes to work, thank you for everything I couldn't have been able to handle Trisha alone .....Sanyu spoke thanking Pinky.

Didi , it's nothing in comparison for what you have done for it , infact I owe you a lot....Pinky said with a smile.

Enough of your senti-talks , whereas Sanyu tell me what you wish to have for breakfast...Aunty asked.

Anything you wish too !...replied Sanyu.

Fine, then I'm preparing paratha's.....Aunty replied.

Let me help you then .....Sanyu said and moved towards the stand to take down ingredients.

Beta , we both can manage infact , you go and check upon Trisha she must have woke up...Aunty replied.

But ...Sanyu was going to deny.

Go .....saying Aunty made her go and check upon Trisha.

Here ,
After Sanyu left the room , Randhir opened his eyes and found himself in another room , he thought for a while how he landed here, it hit him that it was due to that dream he had landed here.
He moved the quilt from his frame , he found a force on his body and something soft pluffy on his chest.

Trisha's one feet was on his chest , while her tiny hands were caged around his body.

Princess ....he mumbled and decided not to move or else she would wake up.

Randhir slowly moved his hands with care and caged her in his arms protectively.
She moved her feet down and feeling the warmth moved closed towards Randhir resting her head on his chest.
He caged her , and began to pat her so she won't wake up.

His face was bleaming with happiness.

I wish I could woke up like this daily , this is the happiest day Princess.....saying he began to pat her slowly.

Patting her he too don't know when he too drifted to sleep again.

Sanyu walked into the room to see the duo peacefully.

Seeing the duo ,

They are soo adorable ....She uttered standing at the edge of the bed.

Sanyu began to stare at the duo , while.l suddenly Trisha began to cry letting Sanyu know that "I'm wake up , momma ".

Next moment , Trisha opened her eyes and seeing Randhir next to her , she smiled to her fullest.

Hay, hayy.....saying in her baby tone Trisha began to pat on Randhir's cheeks as he was slient. Trisha patted his cheeks softly while Randhir was sleeping peacefully.

Before, Sanyu would reach near them and pick up Trisha, she was patting Randhir now with both her tiny hands asking him to wake up and pay attention to her.

No baby Randhir is sleeping , let him sleep....saying Sanyu began to pick her up , but Trisha gave into Randhir's arm and patted Randhir again and Randhir woke up.

Trisha flashed her toothy grin to Randhir as soon as Randhir opened his eyes.Hayy

Ha, Ha, haaaayy.....She was blabbering something in her baby tone.

Good morning baby.....saying Randhir sat straight on bed , and picked up Trisha.

While , Trisha still little sleepy , sticked to him while Randhir was patting her.
Sanyu was observing the duo.

Good morning Sanyu....Randhir wished her.

Good morning Randhir.....Sanyu replied to him.

She sat next to them and caressed Trisha's face.

Good morning naughty baby...She said to Trisha. While Trisha flashed her toothy grin to Sanyu.

Awwww , soo cute baby ....Randhir said and kissed her cheek.

No Randhir , no kisses to her without brushing your teeth....Sanyu said before Randhir would kiss her on another cheek.

Such an hilter you are......Randhir said.

Whatever ....Sanyu replied .

HILTER.....he said again.

Babies are sensitive ....She said to which he nodded his head in agreement , agreeing to her.

I guess she slept .....Randhir spoke finding that there was no sound from Trisha.

She is little sleepy , she does this for 10 minutes and then she is wide awake ....asking Sanyu began to pat her slowly.

Ohhhhh, how cute.....he said and followed her actions.

Suddenly , Trisha stirred in his arms, Randhir withdrew his hands, she was smiling and looking fresh.

Did you have good sleep Princess?...asked Randhir.

Yes , she had soo she is smiling see.....Sanyu replied to him.

Seeing Sanyu Trisha waved at Sanyu asking Sanyu to take her.

Trisha jumped in Sanyu's arms , she hugged Sanyu tightly and started to play with her hairs.

Randhir was observing all her cute yet adorable antics.

Randhir , why were you afraid and you suddenly ran here.....asked Sanyu after a silence .

Its nothing......Randhir replied after few seconds taking his time.

You can share with me , you will feel light....Sanyu said to him.

It's nothing ....he replied.

Fine then , go and freshen up , I'll too make Trisha bath and join you for breakfast , Will it be okay ?.....asked Sanyu.

Yeahh, I'll....saying he got up and ruffled Trisha's hairs before moving to his room.

He dashed into his room and took a hot shower, while Sanyu too made Trisha bath in her baby tub , while naughty Trisha was not ready to move out of her tub as she wanted to play with water , but Sanyu distracted her by stuff boy , and instantly Trisha wanted to come out.

Sanyu dried Trisha and made her wear loose clothes and were all set to go for breakfast.

Sanyu walked with Trisha in her arms , she moved towards the living room , suddenly a newspaper caught her eyes.
She made Trisha sit on the sofa, she took the newspaper and her eyes widen in shock reading the news.

Randhir walked behind them. He saw that Sanyu was staring at something with shocked expression , seeing newspaper he knew what she must have seen by now.

He walked next to her fastly.

Sanyu, it's not what you are seeing....he spoke.

She was angry by now.

I don't want to listen to you anything, just tell me did you do this Randhir.....She asked.

He didn't answer he only starred at floor.

Answer me Randhir Shekhawat ....She shouted loudly.

Yes , it's true but I can explain .....he replied.

You're a monster Randhir, you're animal ....saying she planted a tight slap on his face.

A loud sound echoed in the hall. Listening to the voice Mary Aunty, Pinky came out while Max , Aman who were working in next outdoor too rushed inside, Trisha began to cry.

Randhir was standing still on his position while Sanyu crying broken down in front of him , while Randhir wanted to kill himself for making her cry.


What must have happened? Guess karo?


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