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Help me guys ....Arya pleaded to both.

It's your problem sort it out you guys, come Sanyu let's go.....Randhir said holding Sanyu's hand.

I doubt now even if you guys are my friends....Arya spoke in fake sadness.

Speak and sort out ...Sanyu said.

I'll when she opens the door....Arya said banging the door.

Calm down she will open, come let's sit here....Sanyu said to Arya and they sat on the chairs kept nearby.

Can you listen now how and all ?....curious Randhir asked.

Okay, I and Ruhi had been School best buddies, we were in same college , then we both feel in love , we were madly in love with each other, then one day Mishti, who was my Good friend told Ruhi that I love Mishti, infact Mishti plotted all the things and separated us, Ruhi got hell pissed off with the things happening, all the things where going in wrong way, she made Ruhi understand that I don't love her and when I got to know about Mishti's already the disaster was created as I reached to Ruhi's house in US, her servants informed she left the place. When I returned back to India, I searched her but got sad news her father who was her only support too passed away. I didn't knew she was Randhir your family member till that day, I was more than happy when I saw her, I tried to talk to her but she turned more ignorant towards me, she was fighting me which gave a hope that I'll get her back so I used to fight with her. ......Arya completed and the room's door clicked open, there stood Ruhi with her face tear drained and eyes were red.

Ruhi......Arya called her out.

Instead, she ran and hugged him tight.  She had heard all his talks.

I love you idiot, and I miss you.....She said inbetween her talks.

I too loved you and will always love you......Arya spoke holding her tight.

Awww, they are soo cute Randhir....Sanyu said wiping her tears.

Yes, they are....He said taking her in side hug.

Ruhi walked towards Sanyu.

Thank you Sanyu, if today you won't have forced then this stupid had not spilled the truth out , thank you sooo much ......Ruhi spoke to Sanyu .

Instead, Sanyu hugged her. Trisha pulled Randhir too into the hug. Arya was all happy now.

In office,

Sanyu hand me to her ....Randhir said to Sanyu as they got down from the car.

Randhir you have interviews scheduled today for new posts, and I didn't have any work today I can handle with Trisha ......Sanyu said to him.

Okay, Princess trouble your momma a lot and if she scolds you call me okay ?......Randhir said to Trisha and kissed her cheeks.

Randhir took another lift and reached his office, while Sanyu with happy Trisha entered her cabin. Sanyu had just to sign some documents so she came to do that, Trisha was crying not wanting to leave her momma, Sanyu got her with them.

Sanyu placed Trisha on the sofa,placing a pillow beside her  and moved to just otherside when Trisha threw the pillow down with her tiny leg.

Randhir who had came to see his Princess as Aman was still arranging all.

Princess.....He shouted as he picked up Trisha who had fallen on other side of sofa and was going to loose her balance.
Hearing his loud voice, Sanyu rushed towards them in panic to see Randhir hugging Trisha right while Trisha clenched his shirt tightly in her hands due to fear.

Is she fine Randhir ?....asked a fear stick Sanyu. Listening to her Randhir's anger increased to another level.

What the freaking hell is wrong with you? What important work did you have that you left her and went? What if she had loose her balance and fell down? I didn't knew you can be careless to such an extent. I will only need to make something secure for my Princess in office......Randhir shouted at Sanyu and left from there.

It was neither Sanyu's mistake too as she was unaware that Trisha will move, till Sanyu returned Randhir entered and thought that Trisha will fell.

Sanyu was not at all fault neither was Randhir, out concern Randhir bursted on Sanyu due to heat of moment. Hearing him Sanyu was feeling guilty. She was blaming herself for been careless.

Randhir out into his cabin with Trisha. He made her sit on his lap and have her pen and other stuff to play. He took his phone and called Max.

Max, last time we had got toys for Trisha in office did you remember and then after we shifted them to home ?....Randhir asked him.

Yes Sir....came Max's reply.

Listen, I need this to be done in 2 hours quickly, we have one spare room in office , turn that into play room for Princess, keep its interior as Pink and rest design as we have designed her room in house with lots of toys, teddies and stuff toys.Take all the necessary precaution.....Randhir ordered in high tone.

Work will be done in sometime boss...Max replied and hanged up the call.

Randhir was still in that daze, Aman walked into his cabin to inform that it's time for interviews.

Sir, its time for interviews ?....asked Aman as he entered. His eyes landed on angry Randhir and fearful Trisha.

Sanyu slowly gathered courage and decided to apologise to Randhir so she walked into his cabin to see Aman standing in front of father-daughter duo.

Aman wished Sanyu while Sanyu passed a nervous smile to him.

I won't be taking any interviews cancel them for today and ask Aman people to be careful and not careless......Randhir said to Aman but his last words hit directly Sanyu.

Sensing, angry Randhir Aman walked out and Sanyu too walked out.

Ma'am, if the interviews won't be conducted today then there are no people to work on new project, it's already delayed and if we won't start by tomorrow we can suffer huge loss, can you just ask Sir to come for few minutes.....Aman spoke to Sanyu.

He won't come Aman, I'll conduct the interviews you can guide me ......Sanyu said sensing that interviews were important, she made her mind to talk to Randhir afterwards as he was sulking still in anger.

As ordered by Randhir, the room was completely turned to a play room all pink in colour, with all the baby stuff needed there. Lots of stuff toys, teddies were placed. Even Max made it sure to get a small baby cot and cradle if needed. All the room was decorated with baby stuff.

Randhir walked inside along with Trisha who was still sticking to him. He too didn't bulge her more letting her stick to him. Getting the room, Trisha herself moved her head out due to bells hanged on door, she was observing everything with amusement. Her eyes were twinkling, she was more than happy. She started to make movements asking Randhir to let her go down .

Randhir placed her on soft mattress down and sat beside her, removing his loosening his tie. She started to play with her toys showing him the toys. He was completely forgotten that he had scolded Sanyu.

Sanyu selected 2 people for the post. 1 girl and another boy. 

So, you guys are selected you can join from tomorrow.......Sanyu said to them and congratulated them.

Thank you Mam......girl named Rhea said.

Thank you ma'am.....boy named Rahul said.

Sanyu passed them a smile and moved towards Randhir's cabin, Max informed her about Randhir been in playroom. It didn't take her time to get what all had happened. She had clear idea how possissve Randhir Shekhawat is when it comes to his daughter.
She was walking towards the playroom when Rahul came running towards Sanyu.

Ma'am....Rahul called her out.

Yes, Rahul .....asked Sanyu to him.

I just wanted to thank you that's it .......Rahul replied to her.

It's not needed moreover you deserve the job so I have choosen you  ......Sanyu said to him.

I'll try to reach upto your expectations.....Rahul said.

Sanyu excused herself and walked away.

Here, Rhea was having her coffee sitting in cafeteria sipping her coffee going through the history of company. Reading about Randhir her eyes sparkled seeing that Randhir was hot, handsome and achieved great success in very less time. She was eager now to join and work under him, but when her eyes fell on a news that about Sanyu been his wife and they both had a daughter, she was shocked and angry. Rhea crushed the cup and walked out in anger.

Sanyu reached playroom to find Aman and Max standing outside discussing about something.

Is Randhir  still angry ??.....asked Sanyu.

No....replied Aman.

Fine then.....saying Sanyu walked started to walk inside.  She halted as she remembered something.

Aman, sorry for yesterday's trouble. I really didn't mean to talk in that manner to you .....Sanyu spoke realising about the call she did in her drunk state.

Ma'am, I know you were not in your senses and it's okay I didn't fell hurt or bad at all, infact I won't ever fell hurt as you are like a sister to me.....Aman spoke with sincerity.

Sanyu was overwhelmed listening to him.

Thank you Aman and Max , you guys have done a lot of Me, Randhir and Trisha and are still doing.....Sanyu thanked both. They nodded their head with a smile.

Sanyu took a deep breathe and pushed the door. The scene as excepted was not different. Randhir's shoes was lying in one room, his coat was on floor and his tie next to it. His shirt's upper buttons were opened.  He was playing with her while Trisha was busy with her baby antics.

Randhir and Trisha were soo busy in too them , that they didn't knew Sanyu had entered the room.

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