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 " ": You talking

' ': you thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Okay... On the long list of things I would've expected to happen... This was definitely not on that list..."

Princess: terrible sign, I feel like vomiting yet I couldn't... Nor do I have the required internal organs to do so... Nonetheless, I'm feeling extremely sick...

"Is... is she drunk.. Did she get drunk off of the herbicide... ? Is weed killer just making weeds as drunk as possible in order to kill them ?! Questions for later."

Kazuma: Nevermind that, here our chance ! You girls, help us spray more herbicide ! ... Hey, d- don't look at me that way. I was right, see ? While she didn't lie, she didn't tell the truth either. Even I'm not low enough to be attracted by the bosom of a monster !


"... ... ... Kazuma, we weren't exactly doubting that fact, you know ? Remember Sylvia-"


"Right, ptsd..."

Princess: Ohohohoho... Watch, little adventurer, as you are called by the shameful title of "Monster-con" for life ! Spraying such disgusting stuff on me, you'll go to hell for that, petty virgin !

"Says the one getting drunk off weed killer. If hell is the destination, then by all mean, go wait for him down there, why don't you. I changed my mind, this time I'm uprooting you."
*... ... ... ...*

Aqua: ... Well, he means it...

Princess: Ah ?! Again, turning to physical assault when you know you're losing ! Can't you spell "Shame" ?! Did you finally erupt out of humiliation ?! A while ago, your friend even claimed to be a professional adventurer ! How embarrassing, a professional adventurer who's still a virgin ! Being a virgin despite having three females around you, are you sexually defective or what ? You even called them friends, well guess what, you might very well be the only one who thinks that way ! They probably are comfortable with you yet possibly too close to be "Just friends"... !

"Right, it was fun for a while, but I've grown tired of you berating around like that. This whole forest is going down with you."

Princess: So disgusting ! So... Disgusting... ! Damn this petty virgin ! My roots span across the entire forest ! Removing me entirely would take decades ! Do you hope to eliminate me in your lifetime , Fine ! Even though it'll be way more trouble than what the treasures are worth, you can go ahead and dig as you wish !

"Alright, bet."


Luna: Kazuma-san, you've worked hard. Thank you for subjugating the Tranquility Princess !

Kazuma: That really was deathly exhausting, took too much effort !

Aqua: The Tranquility Princess is so scary, I'm not going anywhere near her forest...

"To think she would cause so much collateral damage out of sheer spite... You alright ?"

Darkness: Say... Am I really that insignificant ? Do people really not care about me ? A lot of things make sense when she puts it that way... Aqua and Megumin both had their chances to shine yesterday, and today, you and Kazuma single-handedly defeated the Tranquility Princess. Is she really right about me being useless , According to her, I might as well be a "Snail made of adamantite", is that really true ?

"... You should definitely work on your defense against verbal attacks..."

Megumin: I am named Megumin, the number one genius of the Crimson Demon clan and the apex archwizard in all of Axel ! It's all fine, I'm unmatched, it's not like I'm bottom-rung in the clan... Words of a monster mean nothing to me, including the "You call yourself a resilient lone wolf when in fact you just can't make friends" part. It's all fine, I have friends here, I have my dear friends. it's all fine... All fine, all fine...

"No but seriously, do you lot all have so little mental fortitude that her words could hurt you so deeply , Even though she did manage to twist te knife where it really hurts, isn't that a bit too much..."

Luna: I knew you could do it for sure ! That was none other than the Tranquility princess ! The Tranquility Princess that many adventurers had given up subjugating ! Because a number of people had claimed that the Tranquility Princess was harmless, the bounty is very small... However, having a monster close to the city still had a large impact on the guild's image ! Furthermore, eve though the quest had only been reconnaissance, you still went ahead and subjugated it ! We're truly thankful for this !

"Just at the cost of our self-esteem... Whoever said that words can't hurt was a rightful moron. Speaking of, all we really defeated was her upper body, so please make sure all the roots under the forest are removed without a trace. And please stop putting these kind of quests onto us, anyone would have done that... Hold on, do you really see us as so heartless that we wouldn't be swayed or have mental issues at killing her ?!"

Luna: Well then, you've done well this time ! Goodbye Komekko ! Come play again tomorrow !

Kazuma: Hey, what was that I just heard ?! No, forget that, we won't be bringing Komekko again. In fact, starting tomorrow, we won't be coming either ! The toughest of the Durian quests has been finished, you guys can't complain anymore !

Luna: I'll be preparing a huge cake tomorrow !

Komekko: I'll come.

"... ... I have many lessons left to take in evil..."

Kazuma: Where are Aqua and Darkness ?

"In the yard... They're hoping playing with Emperor Zell would somewhat console them..."

Megumin: ... Come here for a second, Komekko. I have something to tell you.

Komekko: I'm not sure what went on, but Onee-chan looks angry, so I don't wanna.

Megumin: Komekko !! Listen closely. How many times did I tell you not to ask food from strangers ? Both today and the day before. How could you, a Crimson Demon, be so easily baited by food... ?

Komekko: Back in the village, Onee-chan told me to nag anyone I see for food.

"What was that ?"

Megumin: ... ... That is that and this is this. In a small community like that Crimson Demon village, the people we meet are most likely familiar. In cities like this, however, you should never naively accept meals from strangers. After all, we don't know what they might possibly demand in return.


Megumin: Komekko ! This is not something you can "Refuse", what would you do when everyone knows that you'd obey anyone who gives you free food , i'm only telling you this because I know you dumbly follow strangers.

Komekko: Of course I would dumbly follow strangers and let them feed me.


"It looks like most of the brain cells went to Megumin, and just that fact is deeply concerning..."

Megumin: Stop being stupid and listen carefully !

Komekko: Onee-chan is so irritable.

Megumin: Hold it Komekko, running is no use ! Watch as I teach you a grave lesson today !


"D- Did she just lock herself in the kitchen ?!"

Megumin: Komekko, get your butt out here at once or else there will be no dinner for you !

Komekko: I'll come out when there's no food left in here !

"Oh, so the brain cells did go to Komekko in the end. Good to know."

Megumin: Komekko, stop saying nonsense ! We'd have no dinner if you don't open the door ! We must start cooking, so open up... Komekko, what are you eating in there ?! Don't make rash moves and come out ! Or else, I'm tearing this door down !

Kazuma: No need to break the kitchen door for a mere sibling fight.

Megumin: Gh... However, if we don't teach her right now, we'd regret it sooner or later ! We can't afford to be too late !

"... Mighty rich coming from someone who was corrected too late... I clearly remember Cecily saying you'd submissively follow her to her church by just mentioning food..."

Megumin: If you want to fight, i'm all for it !

Komekko: Let's show 'em, Onii-san !

Megumin: Komekko ! Stirring up fights while hiding inside is too despicable ! Come on, get out of there !

Kazuma: ... Should this sibling relationship count as good or bad ?

"Well, I guess siblings with a healthy relationship would fight and bicker every once in a while..."

Komekko: I found a big chocolate in the cabinet !

Megumin: K- Komekko ?! That's not for eating, I prepared that specifically for... Komekko, I understand ! I won't be mad, so just come out ! Let's make up !

Komekko: i'll come out as soon as I finish this.

Megumin: KOMEKKO !!

"And suddenly i'm real glad Aqua keeps her booze in her bedroom instead of the kitchen..."

Megumin: Komekko ! Komekko, where are you ?!

Kazuma: What's going on at such an hour ? What are you screaming about ?

"See the good side of things. With Komekko so keen on "reporting" to her parents, you've finally started to get up at a reasonable time."

Kazuma: Why you... The Tranquility Princess was already enough, I don't need more foul-mouthing !

Megumin: Ah, good morning, you two. i'm looking for Komekko.

"I expected as much, with you running around screaming her name. No luck so far, I take it ?"

Megumin: get a load of this kid. She probably didn't even bother waiting for breakfast and took off after grabbing some food from the kitchen.

Kazuma: How should I put this ? You sister really is a wild one.

Megumin: I don't remember bringing up such a wild child either. Who is she trying to become ?!

"Who else besides you ?"

Kazuma: ... I guess having you around makes it easier to voice my concerns without getting in trouble... On the other hand, since she's never been outside the Crimson Demon Village, Axel must intrigue her. She should be back soon if she went to prance around the town.

Megumin: Makes sense... I myself had been overwhelmed by this city on day one, so I can relate...

"Don't worry too much. Axel is extremely safe. The worst that could happen is her tripping on a loose rock and scraping her knee."

Aqua: Huh ? Say, Megumin, where did Komekko go ? I lost to her last night, and I was just about to take revenge.

Kazuma: You lose to even little girls ? As an adult, don't you feel ashamed at all ?

"heh, they probably have about the same mental age, so it's not really a problem in the end."

Aqua: Don't be dumb-

"Yeah, that's your job."

Aqua: ... ... ... AS I was saying. Don't be dumb, Kazuma, haven't you heard of "Handicapping" ? Since she's a child, I thought I should be more merciful. Ultimately, my hubris was the end of me. I started the game one piece down. The weakest piece, adventurer.

Darkness: That's hardly a handicap.

"And that's Aqua, so what did you expect exactly ?"

Aqua: Could someone bring that dingalingy thing here, to make sure this one isn't actually a Tranquility Princess in disguise ! Spray weed killer on him !

"Sorry, it's only designed to keep out unwanted guests, so you'd best be careful handling it."

Darkness: ... ... Since Komekko hasn't been back for this long, could she be playing with other kids somewhere or begging for snacks at the guild again ?

Megumin: Possibly. Although, I don't thing she will get along very well with other kids of her age, so she's unlikely to be anywhere besides the guild. After all, didn't they say something about preparing a big cake for her ?

"... That girl's future is looking very bright..."

Darkness: Although it's all thank to Komekko's presence that the adventurers got the willpower to clear out all the Durian Quests. They have the right to invite her for snacks. It's only reasonable.

Megumin: Well then, let's also head for the guild after we eat.

"Don't be so restless. What's the worse that could happen to her there ?"

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