Chapter 12: So no head ?

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


"What now AGAIN ? Aqua, we told you you could keep the entirety of the reward, so what is the cause of yet another tantrum this time ?"

Aqua: Didn't I tell you, the cage I borrowed from you wasn't damaged by me ! It was that Mitsurugi guy who bent the bars ! Why do I have to pay for it ?!

"Oh, so it's about that."

Kazuma: That guy did bend the bars in attempt to save Aqua without getting the fulls story.

Aqua: Uuuuuuuh... The bounty this time, after deducing the compensation for the broken cage, was only 100,000 Eris... the staff said that the cage was made from a special process and material, so it cost 200,000... Next time I see that man, I'll definitely give him a God Blow ! And get him to cough up the compensation for the cage !

"Sounds like fun to me. You do that, just try not to kill the guy."

Kazuma: I thought you'd be the first one to try and blast him away.

"Obliterating someone just because I don't like them, although quite appealing concerning that guy specifically, don't you think that'd put me on the same level as said aforementioned guy ?"

Kazuma: Yeah, maybe. Think we ever gonna meet the guy ?

"This is really easy to do, Kazuma. Remember ? Whenever one of us announced something out loud, it happened. That is called the second great law of jinxing. To put it simply, remarking out loud that a certain something is extremely unlikely to happen will make said thing happen immediately. Even more if it's negative."

Kazuma: I think I'm starting to get it...

"Want an example ? Hrm, 'Man, wouldn't it be weird if a piano suddenly fell on top of my head ? Luckily there's no way that'd happen here, right ?'."

Kazuma: I don't think that's how it work-

Mover: Are you okay ? I'm sorry, a customer requested that we put a piano in his room !

"I'm fine ! Got a concussion, but fine..."

Kazuma: That works really good...

"It does. But remember, if you want something good to happen, it's not nearly as effective. But who knows, with your out-of-chart luck, maybe you can pull that off."

Kazuma: So if we want that guy to show up, all we have to do is say out loud how unlikely that'd be ?

"Correct. Would be a serious odd occurrence, wouldn't you agree ?"

Kazuma: Yes, what would be the possibility of that actually happening ?

Kyouya: So that's where you are ! I had a hard time finding you, Satou Kazuma !

Kazuma: Dude, that second law is insane ! What's the first one about ?

"Remember when Megumin said how good it'd be if the lake quest ended peacefully, and we immediately got attacked by alligators ? That's the first law. Talk about how good something would be, the opposite will immediately occur. In our current situation, had you said you never wanted to meet that guy again, the result would've been the same, him showing up immediately."

Kazuma: So that's where the expression "Speak of the devil" come from... How the hell did he manage to learn my full name ?

Kyouya: Satou Kazuma ! I asked a female thief about you and she told me everything immediately. She said you like to strip woman of their panties ! Other than that, your interest is to cover girls in slime. Lot's of people are talking about you, devilish Kazuma !

Kazuma: Hold on, who's the one spreading this ?! Tell me properly ! I know who that thief is, but what about the other parts !

Aqua: Ah ! Kyouya !!

Kyouya: Lady Aqua. I swear to you, after I get my sword back from that man, I will defeat the Demon King. So please join me a form a party- PUAH !!

Aqua: Compensate for the cage you destroyed !! It's all your fault that I had to pay for that cage ! Because that cage was made through a special process and material, it cost me 300,000, okay ! 300,000 ! You hear me, pay up !!

Megumin: Didn't she said sooner it was 200,000 ?

"Of course she's scamming him. He can pay, and is dumb enough to believe anything she says, it'd be even dumber of her not to try and take advantage of that."

Kyouya: ... Even though I was defeated in that way, it was still my loss. Although it is shameless and selfish of me to say this after promising to do anything you wish... I beg of you ! May you return the sword to me ? That sword wouldn't be of much use to you, it's just sharper than normal swords if you wield it. That's the most you can get out of the word... How about this ? If you want a sword, I can buy the best one in any shop and give it to you... May you please return it to me ?

Aqua: using me as a prize without my permission, and asking for your sword back by offering to buy a good one in exchange... There's no way this deal would work ! Or do you think my worth is equal to the most expensive sword in a shop ? Insolent fool ! I'm a goddess ! A goddess ! To use me as a betting chip, what the hell are you thinking ?! I don't want to ever see your face again. Shoo. Hurry up, scram !

Kyouya: P- Please ! Please wait, Lady Aqua ! I'm not looking down on your value... Huh ? What is it, little girl... ?

Megumin: Just a heads up, the sword is no longer with this man.

Kyouya: ... E- Eh ? S- Satou Kazuma... Where is the sword ? Where did you take my sword to ?

Kazuma: ... I sold it.


Kazuma: Y/n, I know you don't wanna just blow them out, but you must have at least something, right ?

"You know me so well. I've been wanting to know at what point my telekinesis has improved lately. Puppeteer style..."

Kyouya: M- My body ?!!

"Ah, so a single target is easy enough... Let's see with multiples ones..."

Thief: H- Heh ?!

Warrior: What's happening ?!

"Now to see the extent in which I can control these movements."

Kyouya: S- Stop that ! My body's moving on his own !!

Thief: Kyaaaaaaaaaaa !!!

Warrior: Stop it ! It's embarrassing !! You pervert !!

"Girls, if you have no problem walking around with so little clothes, I think the real pervert is the one over there with the impressive moves."

Kyouya: Make that stoooooooop !!!

Darkness: If... If you ever need someone to test anything, feel free to ask...

"I'd rather not think about what you could possibly be imagining again."

Darkness: Yes, keep speaking ill of me~... Speaking of, he had been addressing Aqua as a goddess all this while, what's up with that ?

Aqua: Hum. I've never told you this before, but very well... I'm Aqua, the patron goddess of the Axis cult, goddess of water... That's right, I'm that Goddess Aqua... !

Megumin/Darkness: ... So that's the backstory you're going by ?

Aqua: That's wrong ! And why did both of you say the same thing ?!

Speaker: Emergency broadcast ! Emergency broadcast ! Attention all adventurers, please prepare all your equipment and gather at the town's main gate ready for battle !!

"Again ? There really are a lot of these lately..."

Kazuma: I'm not going. After all that shit, I really don't feel like it...

"First law, Kazuma..."

Kazuma: Wha-

Speaker: Emergency broadcast ! Emergency broadcast ! Attention all adventurers, please prepare all your equipment and gather at the town's main gate ready for battle ! Especially Satou Kazuma and his companions, please head to the scene as soon as possible !

Kazuma: Huh... ? What did she just say... ?


"Oh hey Undyne...let me guess, it's him ?"

Undyne: I don't know what you did, but if we all die, I'll be blaming you all my short life !! Paps, get down the scene and stop dancing, we have higher priorities !

Papyrus: Papara~ Papara~... Coming !

"Well, better check things out..."

Kyouya: H- Hey, don't leave us like that !

"Just as expected, he really is back... And not alone at that..."

Kazuma: He brought an entire battalion with him this time ! Undead knights !

"Hey, Beldia ! Why'd you come back ? You remember Darkness curse's been lifted, right ?"


"... Huh ?"

Megumin: *Whistle*

Kazuma: Did you do this ?! We told you to not, but you still went ?!

Megumin: Ow ! Ow ! Ow ! It hurts ! Stop ! No, listen to me, Kazuma ! I was satisfied with casting Explosion on an empty plain not so long ago... But after I knew the charm of attacking a castle with magic, my body changed and I could only accept big and hard things... !

Kazuma: Don't fidget while saying that ! You traded all our lives for your personal pleasure !! Y/n, say something !!


Kazuma: Stop that !

"I'm more concerned about how did she manage to come back after actually casting the spell."

Kazuma: Wait... That's right... She can't move after using it, so that means someone had to help her ! But who in the world...

Aqua: *Whistle*

"... It was you, wasn't it ?"

Aqua: ... N- No... ?

"Haa... You know the rules, And so do I... It's time to die."

Aqua: WAWAWAWAWA !! That Dullahan was the reason we can't get any good quests, so I wanted to vent some of my frustration ! I was lectured by the store owner every day because of him !

"You were lectured because you didn't take your work seriously, if you had time to go with Megumin like that ! Don't escape !!"

Beldia: Enough ! I'm already at my wits end ! I might be this way now, but before I was executed because of unjust reasons and morphed into a monster, I was an honorable knight ! You all... how dare you disrespect your companion's actions ?! Where I stand, that Crusader who was willing to get cursed with death if it meant protecting her companions was the perfect example of a model knight !

Darkness: M- Model knight... ?

"Hm ? Darkness ? Weren't you lagging behind because of your armor ?"

Beldia: I didn't wanted this to happen, but if you really have no intention of leaving me alone, then I'm left with no choice. I could kill every single person in this town ! Don't think I'll keep letting you off ! As an undead, I won't even tire ! You bunch of rookies won't be able to even scratch me !

Aqua: i'm the one who has no reason to let you off ! I won't let you escape this time ! How arrogant for a mere undead to act in this manner ! Disappear, Turn Undead !!

"No but seriously, what's that trend with everything causing massive light shows, even when it's supposed to be a stealthy skill ?"

Beldia: Ha ! You think a demon king's general wouldn't be prepared to fight priests ? Too bad. Including me, all the undead knights in this band have received the protection of the Demon King ! We have a very high resistance against holly spells- AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!

Aqua: Hey, hey, it's strange ! it's not working !

"From my point of view, it was rather effective. I mean, he went 'Ahhhh !!' and all."

Beldia: Haa... Haa... Hmph. Wait for me to finis ! I am Beldia, a demon king's general, Dullahan Beldia ! With this armor that was enchanted by the demon King and my own powers, Turn Undead from a normal priest won't work on me ! ... It shouldn't work at all...

Undyne: I can't tell which one is the most frightened one... You because your spell barely worked, or him because it somewhat worked.

Beldia: ... Never mind. Because our diviner was raging on about a strong light descending near this town, I came here to investigate... In the beginning, I thought it was too much of a hassle and considered destroying the entire town... But you're not worthy for me to do it in person... Go, my brothers ! Let them know what hell tastes like !

Papyrus: Umm... Is he scared because the spell was unexpectedly effective ? He's not planning on escaping now, is he ?

Beldia: T- That's not it ! This was my plan from the very beginning ! A Demon king's general is not a weakling who escapes on his own ! You wouldn't fight the boss at the very start. Of course, you would need to defeat the underlings first, that's the tradition since ancient times-

Aqua: Sacred Turn Undead !!


Aqua: W- What should we do ?! This is strange ! My spell isn't working at all !

Undyne: The "At all" is too much... He's just too powerful to be purified in one shot.

Beldia: Damn, damn you... Let someone who's talking finish ! Enough ! Hey, my brethren... ! All the people in this town... Kill them all !

"My experience with Undead monsters is sadly quite low. How bad is it looking ?"

Asgore: Undead knights, a monster one tier higher than zombies. And even though they're only wearing tattered armor, they can still pose a severe threat...

Adventurers: Wahh ! Priests ! Get the priests here !

Adventurers: Someone go to the Eris church for holy water, get all that you can !!

"Hey, Kazuma ?"

Kazuma: What now ?!

"... Kaboom ?"

Kazuma: Definitely, Y/n. Kaboom.


Beldia: Hmph, hahaha ! Come, let me hear your screams... Of... Despair... ?


Darkness: Ahhh ! How, how sly ! I'm the one who always do good deeds, so why are all the undead knights running over to Aqua ?!

"As always, I'm gonna ignore what you just said."

Beldia: You- What are you all doing ?! Don't just chase that priestess, cover this town with the blood of the residents... !


"I wonder... Maybe these mindless low-tier undead are seeking salvation, so they're chasing her by instinct..."

Kazuma: Put that notebook away, now's not the time ! We must take advantage of that situation !

"I suppose it can wait. Megumin, I hope you haven't used your Explosion yet today, have you ?"

Megumin: I haven't... But, this is inside the town and they're too dispersed, I might miss some of them... !

"If it's just that, then it's not a problem. I'll gather them all in one point, so get ready."

Kazuma: how do you...

"We already have a bait, right ?"

Aqua: Waaah !! Guys ! Guys !! Help me !!! They're weird ! I couldn't purify them with Turn Undead !

"Welp. Time to put my new tricks to good use, it would seem. I'll be right back."

Aqua: WAAAAAhhhhhhhh... Ah ? What just happened ? How... Why did you pick me up ?

"Quick advice, don't look down."


"We're approximately 15 meters up in the air, flying on a giant skull, above a sea of undead eager to pounce you for some reason. You really want me to put you down right now ?"

Aqua: ... Please don't let go !!

"I thought so. Now, you better hold tight."


"Nope. We gotta gather them all and lead them out of town."


Kazuma: I think he got them all... Megumin, do it now !!

"No, wait a second ! Megumin, aim at Beldia !!"

Beldia: Wait what... ? Wait, WHY ARE YOU COMING THAT WAY !! DON'T COME THAT WAY !!


Megumin: What a wonderful situation ! I'm so grateful ! I'm Megumin ! The elite mage of the Crimson Demons, wielder of Explosion magic ! Demon king's general, Beldia ! Behold my power ! EXPLOSION !!


Megumin: Hmm... Everyone's lost for words after witnessing the power of my Explosion... Fuahh... Feels so good...

Kazuma: Wants me to give you a piggyback ?

Megumin: Ah, thank you. I can't move because I'm too pleased with the spell. Can you help me put my eyepatch back ?

Undyne: ... There's nothing left of them, not even ashes... Their sacrifice wasn't in vain, they won't be forgotten...

"Who ?"

Aqua: Guarrrgbllllblblblglllbl...

Kazuma: Aqua... ?

"She's in shock. I think she really believed she was hit by that Explosion. Well, at least now she can understand what you went through.

Kazuma: Please don't remind me of that...

Undyne: ... I have several questions...

"I can teleport. Did I forgot to mention that ?"

Asgore: You did...

"Well, I call that a 'Shortcut'. I think Aqua also forgot about that bit."

Aqua: Awawawawawawa...

Adventurers: Woah ! That's awesome, girl with a screw loose ! The Crimson Demon girl with a screw loose took all of them out ! So aside from your weird name and loose screw, you're great when it's time to perform. I'm impressed !

Megumin: ... i'm sorry, Kazuma, but I want to cast an Explosion on those people. Please bring me over there.

Kazuma: You've used all your mana. You did great today, be confident and have a good rest.. thank you for your hard work.

"Hey, please tell me, you don't believe this is over already, do you ?"

Beldia: Exactly ! This is just the beginning ! But really... FUHAHAHAHAHA !! That's interesting ! To think my minions would be wiped out in a novice town like this ! All right, I'll keep my promise ! I'll personally handle you all !

Undyne: He's coming !!

"I think we noticed. Let's weight our options here... He took high-tier purification spells straight to the face, as well as an Explosion... There's no way he's unscathed, all General he might be. I highly suggest the 'Hit'n run' Strategy, in that situation."

Kazuma: Slowly wearing him down while evading his attacks... As long as nothing stupid is done... First law, isn't it ?

"First law..."

Adventurers: We've got you surrounded now ! No matter how strong he is, he doesn't have eyes on his back ! We need to attack him at once !

Beldia: ... Oh ? You're approaching me ? Instead of running away, you're coming right at me ? The targets I prioritize are the ones over there, but... Hmph, if you all somehow manage to defeat me, you will get a hefty bounty... Ohoh, then, come as close as you'd like, novice adventurers dreaming of getting rich instantly. Charge at me at once !

"Why do I feel like that was supposed to be a reference ?"

Papyrus: Let's go at once ! They'll need our support-

Asgore: Don't. This is a Demon king's general we're talking about... If such a simplistic tactic could work, they wouldn't be so feared...

Adventurers: Just buy us more time ! After hearing the emergency broadcast, the ace of this town will rush over ! If that guy's here, the Demon King's General will be done for ! Brothers, let's go together ! Aim for his blind spot ! All at the same time !

"Ace of this town ? Was there really someone so famous here ?"

Kazuma: Charge at his blind spot... yeah, that'd work...

Undyne: IF he had one... A Dullahan has no dead angle, he literally have eyes on his back... Or rather...

"He has a more 'General' point of view..."

Kazuma: Pun intended ?


Adventurers: GUAAAARG !!

Beldia: That's it ? Hmph. So... Who's next ?

Kazuma: They're down... And done... And dead, too...

Adventurer: Trash, trash like you... ! Trash like you will be done in with just a slash from Mitsurugi !

"... Can someone tell me I misheard that... ? Please ?"

Adventurers: That's right, just hold on a bit longer ! When that magic sword guy comes, he'll definitely take on the Demon King General... You're Beldia, right ? Let me tell you, there's a powerful and high-level guy in this town !

Undyne: Kid ? You suddenly turned pale...


Kazuma: Yeah...

"We're all dead..."

Kazuma: I know...

Undyne: What ?

"Remember that guy who was dancing back at the tavern ?"

Undyne: ... You didn't...

"We screwed up."

Kazuma: Big time.

Undyne: ... As I said, I'll be hating you for the rest of my short life if we all die...

"Understandable... Kazuma, it may have been indirectly, but we caused this... So I guess it's up to us to clean up that mess."

Kazuma: Looks like someone else arrived at that conclusion.

Beldia: ... Oh ? So, you're my next opponent ?

Darkness: Don't worry. Everyone. In term of toughness, I won't lose to anyone. And I can use my skills on my weapon and armor too. Beldia's sword might be powerful, but do you really think it can cut through steel armor like paper ? From how the adventurers were killed, Beldia probably possesses powerful attack skills. I want to find out how my defense dos against them !

"You've seen how he dodged all the attacks, right ? You really think you'll be able to actually hit him ?"

Darkness: As a Crusader... As someone with the duty of a guardian, there is something that I will not back off from. Let me protect you all !

Beldia: Oh ! You're taking the initiative ? As a Dullahan, it's only expected that I should come to blows with a holy knight, a Crusader. All right, bring it on !

Beldia: ... Huh ?

"You've got to be shitting me... You can't even hit an immobile target, for fuck's sake ?!"

Beldia: Seems like I expected to much. Enough... Well then...


Beldia: ... Huh ?

Darkness: Ahhh ! I just got my armor from the shop !

Beldia: You, what is it with you... ? Why aren't you hurt after being hit by me... ? Is that armor made by a famous artisan ? No... It's not possible even with that... That Archpriest and that Archwizard that loves Explosions too, who the hell are you people... ?! All right, I'll attack seriously this time !!


Megumin: Ka- Kazuma ! Darkness, she's...

"Of course we noticed. Darkness ! You're hurt, fall back ! We need to attack him from a distance !!"

Darkness: Crusaders will never retreat when protecting someone ! I won't ever compromise on that ! Also !

"i don't like where this is going..."

Darkness: Also ! This Dullahan is very skilled ! He has been chipping my armor off slowly bit by bit... ! He didn't strip me naked directly, but left pieces of armor behind, making it more sexual than being naked. He wants to humiliate me in public... !

Beldia: ... H-

"Yes, 'Huh ?!' We understand ! Look at the time and place, you damn pervert !!"

Darkness: Ugh... Y- You should be the one watching the time and place ! I'm at my limit as I'm being ravaged by the Dullahan in public, and you are humiliating me too... ! What are you trying to do to me, ganging up on me with the Dullahan like that ?!

Beldia: *Confused Dullahan noises*

'Trust me, I'd gladly kick you down with him, but you'd probably enjoy it...'

Kazuma: No one wants to do anything to you, pervert ! Create water !!

Beldia: Gah !

"... Hey, is it just me... Or did Beldia avoided that ?"

Darkness: ... To use this skill so suddenly... You... You're good, Kazuma. I don't really dislike this. Although I'm fine with it, you should watch the time and place...

"Hey Kazuma... Do it again, but this time... Aim for him."

Kazuma: You've got an idea ?

"Maybe. I think it's time for me to step up to the scene. Wait for my signal."

Beldia: Hm. So it's up to you now, it'd seem. If possible, I would've preferred not to go to this...

"You and me both. Darkness, fall back at once. You've accomplished plenty already. This now..."

"Is personal matter."

Beldia: I see, I see. I said I was gonna kill you last, and I intend on uphold that promise. However... I hope you understand, I cannot be held responsible, if your life were to end here and now, by my blade.

"I do. There is no friendship on a battlefield. Shall your heart waver because of the bonds you've forged, then your demise can only be blamed to you."

Beldia: i'm glad you understand. Then, let us begin, worthy opponent.

Kazuma: That's it ! He threw his head up in the air, so he can have a global view of the battlefield !

Undyne: Please tell me he's got at least something... Can he fight that thing ?

Beldia: Well, if you're not willing to attack, I will ! This is your-


Beldia: Huh ?

"Can you say anything else ? I was waiting for you to do that. You may have a global view of the battlefield, and cover your body's dead angles like that... But no matter what you do, you don't have eyes behind your head !

Beldia: You...

Kazuma: He used his Blaster to grab his head ! While it was up in the sky, it's completely defenseless !

"Alright, now time for my counterattack... WATEEEEEEER !! KAZUMA, NOW 'S THE TIME, BRING THE WATER !!

Beldia: WHAT ?!

Kazuma: No need to tell me twice ! Create Water !!

Beldia: Woah ! Hey, wait !

"What are you waiting for ?! All the mages, anyone who can do it, we need all the water you can give ! Can't you understand ?! Undead monsters are weak to flowing water ! With enough, we can weaken him !!"

Undyne: He's right... Alright !! Create water !!

Mages: Create water !!

Beldia: Gah ! Hey, you- Ah ! Fight with honor ! You- Woah, you wretch !

"Honor ? I ain't a knight, you know. Didn't I tell you ? This is a battlefield, and on a battlefield, anything's allowed when your life is at stakes. i'm just making sure the odds are in our favor before trying anything stupid."

Beldia: You coward !

"Yes. But let me tell you, if acting like a coward for a moment can save my life as well as everyone's in this town... Wouldn't that cowardice be worth some honor as well ?"

Kazuma: Hey, can't you make him stand still ?! We can't hit him, and at this rate, we'll get exhausted before we can wear him down !

Aqua: hey, why are you guys messing around ? Why are you playing with water with the Demon King's general ? i'm working seriously, so how can you start having fun ? Are you all idiots ?

"Do me a favor, somebody slap her for me !"

Kazuma: It's water, water ! This fellow's weakness is water ! And you're a goddess of water, right ? Or are you just a phony goddess ? Can't you even summon water ?

Aqua: What ?! Don't be rude, careful of my divine retribution ! What is all this stalk about being a phony ? I'm a true goddess ! Water ?! You want to talk about water with me ?! Your weak stream is nothing, I can even summon a flood ! Apologize ! For accusing me of being a phony goddess, apologize !

Kazuma: I'm fine with apologizing however much you want, just summon it if you can, you useless goddess !

Aqua: You dare say I'm a useless goddess ?! Watch this, I'll show you just how great I can be when I get serious !

Beldia: You small fries, your water is ineffective against... ?

Aqua: All my followers in this world... The goddess of water, Aqua, commands you...

Beldia: Uh-oh... This doesn't feel good... M- My body ?!

"You're not trying to run away, are you ? Not after all that talk about honor."




"That's what you get, for underestimating us hum- GLUBLURG ?!"

Kazuma: Hey... Hey... ! What were you thinking... Are you an idiot ?! You must be a moron... !

"Guh... I've seen enough water for the rest of my life... *Cough* *Cough*"

Beldia: I... I think I can see it now... That cowardice for the others... It is indeed something I lost after becoming an Undead... "Empathy"... It wasn't your individual strength that brought victory to your side... Please, deal the finishing blow now. If my demise is now, then I want to go by your hands...

"Very well..."

"Beldia... When I eventually come to the other side... I'll be looking forward to meeting you there. Farew-"

Aqua: Sacred turn undead !!


"AQUA !!"

Aqua: What ? He was weakened by my stellar performance ! That was our chance to defeat him !

"I know that ! But I was having an emotional moment right there ! Can't you read the damn mood, you bitch ! You ruined everything !"

Beldia: Are all the people in this town such barbaric fellows ?

"No, that's just... Her... ?"

Beldia: It was a good thing you still had my head in your grasp, don't you think ?

"Oh. Well, that still kinda ruined the whole setup... Mood killer."

Aqua: Wait, what are you waiting for ?! Kill him now !

"Why would I ? he lost his body already, he isn't a treat anymore. All we had to do was 'Defeat' the Demon King's general, it was never mentioned anything about 'Killing' him."

Kazuma: But-

"I said no, and that's final. And Kazuma, after all that happened with Wiz, you don't have any right to criticize my decision."

Kazuma: ... Smartass.

"Darkness, what are you doing ?"

Darkness: I'm praying. Not only for the ones who fell today, but for the Dullahan as well. He was a knight who was executed unjustly, and turned into a monster because of his grudge.

"I see... Say, did you faint because of the flood ?"

Darkness: I... I think I did, why ?

"Nothing. 'better stay quiet about this for now...'."

Darkness: Cedre's arm strength was weaker than mine, so he spread an idiotic rumor that my body was full of muscle.. Heinz once said to me "Hey, it's hot today, fan me with that large sword of yours, all right ? It's fine if you hit me, that is if you can !" As he laughed like a moron while teasing me... And Garilhe, I joined his party once and made him yell, asking why I kept charging into the middle of the monster hoard... They were all killed by that Dullahan. Thinking back, they might not have been great guys, but I didn't really dislike them...

Megumin: Um... I see. I'll listen to the rest later, let's go back to the guild for now.

Darkness: if I could meet them again... Just once is enough, I would want to have a drink with them...

???: O- Okay...

Garilhe: How should I put this... It's my bad. I didn't know you thought of us that way...

Cedre: That's... That's right, I'm sorry for spreading that weird rumor because I lost to you in arm wrestling... I- I'll treat you to a meal next time...

Heinz: Actually... Were you really conscious about not being able to hit your enemy ? I- I'm sorry about that...

Darkness: ... Eh ?

Aqua: Darkness, leave such things to me ! At my level, fresh corpses that haven't passed on too long ago can be resurrected by me easily ! This is wonderful, now all of you can drink together again !

Darkness: ... I want to die...

"First time ?"

Kazuma: Don't you prefer when others humiliate you with words ? Don't hold back, I'll keep bringing this up for the next three days.

Darkness: This... This is not the kind of humiliation I want... !

Kazuma: What do you think we should do now... I mean, I know taking down the Demon King is supposed to be our duty, but it also means taking on strong opponents like Beldia in the future...

"I think I can see your dilemma right here... Finish the quest and defeat the Demon King, or give up and find a place to live peacefully in this world..."

Kazuma: I have already decided on my answer. I have the weakest class, so I wouldn't be so lucky as to be able to win all the battles I would face. Unlike you. I'm pretty sure you could do it.

"So what are you gonna do from now on ?"

Kazuma: I'm planning on living my life leisurely and avoid dangerous matters. I'm gonna use my knowledge of Japan to start a business.

"hey, you were told to choose to work as a merchant at the beginning, right ?"

Aqua: Ah ! You guys are late ! Everyone's starting to get smashed !

"By the looks of it, you're far from 'Starting' already..."

Aqua: Well, hurry and collect the bounty ! Almost all the adventurers have claimed their rewards for defeating the Demon King's general ! I did too ! But as you can see, I drank a lot of it away !

Kazuma: ... Yep... She definitely is drunk. What is the drinking age in this world ?

Darkness: You're here, you two. Quick, collect your reward.

Megumin: I waited really long for you. Listen to me, Darkness is really petty, saying it is too early for me to drink...

Darkness: Wait, it has nothing with being petty. That's not what I meant... !

"Hey... I thought Beldia would be here too, isn't he ?"

Darkness: He's... Over there. I think he's getting along...

Undyne: Come on, chug that down !! I want that bottle to be empty, ya hear me ?!

Asgore: How can a body-less head drink is beyond me...

Papyrus: This is fun !

"Well, let's collect that reward, shall we ?"

Luna: Ah, yes... Y/n L/n, correct ? We have been expecting you ? Well... First will be the reward for these two ladies and Satou Kazuma.

Kazuma: Heh ? That's it ?

Luna: Actually... It's like this. The guild has decided to present a special reward for your party.

"Just us ?"

Adventurer: Hey, MVP ! If not for you guys, there's no way we could have beaten that Dullahan !

Beldia: Hmph. I was merely being careless. Have I decided to give it my all, you'd all be-GLURG !!

Undyne: If you've got breath to waste babbling, then drink more !!!

Luna: Ahem. To honor Satou Kazuma and his party's victory over the Demon King's general, Beldia... The guild award them 300 Million Eris (2,8 Million Dollars)

"T- Three..."

Adventurers: Hey, 300 Million, it's your treat then, right ?! Treat us, treat us !

Kazuma: Hey, Darkness, Megumin ! I have something to tell both of you ! I plan to cut down on adventuring in the future. With such a large amount of money, we could live a peaceful life of luxury !

Darkness: Hey, wait a minute ! It's troubling if I can't fight strong enemies ! And what about defeating the Demon King ?!

Megumin: This is a problem for me too ! I want to defeat the Demon King with you and gain the title of the strongest mage !

"Well, it looks like your life plan aren't too popular here."

Kazuma: I expected that. So, here it is. Y/n, from now on, I entrust you with the position of party leader. You're powerful, you can lead them to defeat the Demon king.

Luna: Um... excuse me, but...

Kazuma: Ah, is that our check ?

Luna: Well, you see... Things are, because of your party... Which is to say, Aqua's flood, the buildings around the town were washed away and damaged like a catastrophic disaster... But taking into consideration the merit of defeating a Demon King's general, the town won't ask for full compensation, just a part of it... That's how it is...

Megumin: Oh, um, I just remembered... I have something to do... Very far away from here, so... I'll be going now.

Aqua: W- What a coincidence, so do I...

"You two aren't going anywhere."

Darkness: Reward is 300 Million... The compensation is 340 Million... Let's take on quests with strong enemies to earn lots of money starting tomorrow.

"Way ahead of ya, I've been already selecting a few ones. Hey, am I still the party leader now, Kazuma ?"


I'ght Imma stop it here for now. I did say it'd end soon, after all.

Well, this is not "The end" exactly, but still, gotta take quite the break from that one. It's not a problem of not knowing what happens next, but rather, continuing the story would induce massive spoilers for the One Piece Book, so I'll be back once this one progress enough.

And yes, i did say it'd only end at the end of the season 1, but hey, this is end of volume 1 of the LN, and I'm basing myself off the LN, so good enough for me.

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