Chapter 127: Serving the meat

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Merchant: Right, then please sign or stamp here. Thank you very much ! We'll be receiving many other high-quality ingredients in the future, so please visit us again. Thank you for your patronage !

Kazuma: Ah, thank you ! I'll hit you up again soon !

"... Okay, Kazuma, what did you waste your money on again this time ?"

Kazuma: This ? Hehe, listen and be amazed ! This is that famous Dragon meat !

Darkness: Dragon meat ?! You splurged again ?!

Kazuma: Shut up, you penniless noble ! You don't understand the economy at all !

"... How is that related ?"

Kazuma: Listen up. Someone who can easily earns big bucks like me needs to constantly spend that money instead of simply sitting on it. If too many rich people sit on their money, it'll cause the economy to stagnate. If anything, what I'm doing now is a praiseworthy act of charity.

"... All you did was giving your money to another rich person who'll probably sit on it anyway. Why don't you use it for actual acts of charity ? There are a bunch of schools and roads who'd need the money."

Darkness: I- is that so ? I was taught to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground, so I don't usually splurges on luxuries...

Kazuma: You really are foolish. There's a proper reason for nobles to throw extravagant parties, you know ? When rich nobles spend money, the money will end up in the hands of the commoners in the town. And when the commoners have money, that will naturally attract merchants seeking to make a profit off them. When a city has more merchants, life in the town will become more comfortable and bustling. Once rumors spread, new residents will be attracted to live in the town, and as the residents in the city increase, so would the tax revenue that the nobles collect.

Darkness: Wha... I- Is that how it works ?!

"No it doesn't... Kazuma, where did you read or see something like that ? What even is the goal of all of this ?"

Kazuma: Simple. I've heard that eating Dragon meat can raise your stats. My stats haven't been increasing much recently even after leveling up from eating high-quality ingredients. i'm just using my wealth to further raise my power in preparation for future battles with the Demon King's Generals.

Darkness: Ka- Kazuma... You even thought that far... In that case, I'll use my family's funds to buy dragon meat for you.

"Don't you dare. That ultra-gullible side of you is something we need to work on. But if it's Dragon Meat you want, Kazuma, you just have to ask. We could start a line of selling high-quality, stat-raising food."

Kazuma: W- Well, we shouldn't take it too far. And, you know, eating Dragon meat every day will get tiresome, so we don't have to buy it every day. I just heard it was a high-quality ingredient, so I bought it to sample...

"... Something tells me it's gonna get tiresome waaay before the 'every day' part, Kazuma. But, if you're set on eating that... Thing, I won't stop you."

Kazuma: Huh , What do you mean ? Is Dragon Meat really that bad ? It's a high-quality ingredient, so isn't it supposed to be delicious ?

"Kazuma, Kazuma, Kazuma... Dragons are the strongest of monsters, at the very top of the food chain. Why do you think I never once tried to buy dragon meat ? It's just tough and stinks of ammonium, like the flesh of other carnivores. It will increase your stats, yes, but I honestly don't think it's worth it. And I don't think any amount of spice and herbs could make it taste good either."

Kazuma: ... Say, Megumin, do you have any interest in high-quality-

Megumin: I have pride in my lineage as a Crimson Demon, so why would I have any interest in the power of Dragons ? You can have that draconic power all to yourself.

Kazuma: ... Aqua, you're a gourmet like me, so-

Aqua: I already have high stats, so there's no point in raising them any higher. I'll pass on dragon's meat. You can savor it all by yourself, weakling.

"... It's too bad Wol- Chomusuke became such a picky eater as of late. I wonder what would happen if the little guy ate that meat."

Megumin: What are you trying to feed my familiar ?!

"Hey, cats are carnivorous as well. They eat raw meat all the time. Well, that one requires it well-done now..."

Chomusuke: Miaaaw~.

"Yes, you are one picky eater..."

Kazuma: What are you saying ?! You're eating this too ! Maybe some dragon meat will finally raise that pitiful intelligence of yours !

Aqua: Whose intelligence is pitiful, you brute ?! The brilliant me has no need for that stuff. Look at this ! Would someone with pitiful intelligence be capable of making such a thing ? Clay figurine number 2, Explosion Maniac Megumin ! i'm quite proud of how this turned out. i'm sure it'll fetch a high price.

Megumin: Hold on, Aqua ! That's what you were making with all that clay ?! You didn't add any dangerous details under the dress, did you ?!

"... A 1/12 scale Megumin clay figure, colored and all... That's... Actually very impressive. You even made the clothes out of actual fabric..."

Aqua: I couldn't help it, I ran out of pocket money. That strange devil said that he'll buy anything of worth I wish to sell, so i've been making figurines of the adventurers in Axel and selling them to him.

"Well, guess I should cut off your allowance more often then, if you get some genius' strokes like that."

Megumin: Then you could've just made figurines of yourself ! Ah, hold on, it feels like the panties can be removed too ! You didn't... !

Kazuma: ... Say, can you sell that to me ?

Aqua: I'll give you a discount.

Megumin: I'll blow both of you up ! Give that to me, Aqua ! In the first place, didn't you already get an allowance ?! What do you keep spending it on ?!

Darkness: ... Hey, Aqua... About what you said earlier.. You said it's clay figurine number 2, right ? Then, number one is...

Aqua: Clay figurine number one is scantily-clad noble, Lewdtina. It was really tough to recreate the lewd negligee you often wear as of late. Though, I got quite a good price for it-


Aqua: ... Well, I better get to work. That masked devil told me someone ordered an entire batch of these.

Kazuma: An entire batch of Darkness figures ? Who'd have enough time and money to...


Kazuma: ... Bro, you literally have the real deal at any time...

"I still can appreciate art, you know ? You may live next to the more wondrous of sights, but still admire representations of it."

Kazuma: ... And here I thought you were completely devoid of any lustful thoughts... You had me scared, you know ?

*Knock knock knock*

"... back already, are you ? So, did Vanir accept to... Yunyun ?"

Yunyun: Umm... Is Megumin here ?

Aqua: It's just low-grade tea, but please enjoy.

Yunyun: T- Thank you very much. Um, this is just a simple gift, but...

Megumin: Well, it's nice for you to bring gifts, but what did you come here for ?

Yunyun: ... This is a letter I got from the village...

Kazuma: Let's see... "My glorious comrades, the time has come. Now's the time to sharpen your axes and show off the fangs that you've so carefully honed. May all who have received this letter return to the Crimson Demon Village within the month-"

"Okay, could we please have a td,dr, without all the Chunni nonsense, please ?"

Yunyun: Th- The village is about to perform the ceremony to choose their next chef, and this letter is an invitation to anyone who wishes to toss their name into the hat.

"Wait, anyone ?"

Megumin: I see, so you acknowledge me as a potential chief of the Crimson Demons. Very well, let's make preparations for the journey, Yunyun ! Let me demonstrate that I am indeed the one most suitable to be declared the most exalted of the Crimson Demons !

Yunyun: Eeh ? You need to at least know advanced magic and Teleport to even undertake the trial, you know ? And we don't need to make any preparations, I can take us there in an instant with Teleport.

Megumin: ... Then why did you bring this letter to me ?

Yunyun: Knowing you, if I don't tell you in advance, i'm sure you'll come and make trouble for me; You're my rival... Ow ! C- Cut it out ! Don't vent your anger on me just because you don't have the qualifications to take the trial !

Megumin: Kazuma, seems like she's done with her business here, so shall we get to work on dinner ?

Kazuma: Yeah, we should. Hey, it's getting late, so why don't you join us for dinner, Yunyun ? You even brought us a gift, after all.

Yunyun: C- Can I ?! But having dinner together feels like a family affair, so I feel like I shouldn't be here, actually in the first place visiting this late is my fault, so, sorry, Kazuma-San, but showing up at a friend's house uninvited and joining them for dinner is, ah, no, it's not like I dislike it, actually I'm really happy that you invited me and-

Megumin: Oh shut up, it's just having dinner together ! You don't need to get that excited over it !

"Mmmmaybe we shouldn't have served the dragon meat to Yunyun... Between that and the warm water, she was almost crying as she left."

Kazuma: She'll have better chances for the contest. Wiz, Vanir, are you here ? We had some free time, so we came to visit...

Vanir: Why, why can't you just listen to what Moi says ? Moi is the devil that sees through all ! If you would just listen to me and follow my instructions, you wouldn't end up in the red ! Why must you attract garbage to you like a lamp attracts bugs in the summer ?!

Wiz: If I only listen to what Vanir-san says, then it might as well be your shop ! I want to make this shop prosper together with you, Vanir-san ! We are immortal, so we can both take our time ! And the items I brought in today aren't garbage !

"So, what did happen this time ? Did Wiz again rack in some weird item so early in the morning ?"

Vanir: Ah, dear associate and the newly-rich brat ! %oi has gotten some really good products today ! Hey, hurry up and get rid of that garbage !

"I'll pass. Did you see Darkness, by the way ? She said she was going to bring Sylphina here to thank you for all the help you've provided during that incident."

Vanir: The best form of thanks would be to buy those pieces of trash off my hands. Still, she really is an honest noble lady. She tearfully bought the scantily-clad noble figurine at double the price. Anyway, brat who's been proceeding well with your companion recently, Moi has a good deal for you today, so why not hear me out ?

Kazuma: I won't buy anything that seems suspicious... What's this ?

Vanir: It's a contraceptive. By the way, it goes for 10 thousand Eris

Kazuma: ... Right.

Vanir: Thank you for your patronage ! If a man takes a sip from it, it'll remain effective for a week. And, esteemed customer, there are some energizing potions and aromatics that will help put things in the mood here that will go well with that...

Kazuma: I'll buy them. I'll buy them all;

Vanir: Thank you very much !

Megumin: ... You look pretty pleased with yourself, just what did you buy ?

Kazuma: I bought some things to protect my companions. You're all my important companions, after all. It wouldn't do to start panicking if something does happen.

"... I know what he just bought, and yet I can't tell if this is right of wrong, and that's deeply concerning."


???: Vanir-sama, please help me !!

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