Chapter 126: Recovered

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thieving

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:



Sylphina: Wow...

Megumin: Kazuma, how many points is that ?

Kazuma: Hmm... I feel like the shockwave today is a little weaker. Can I assume that you reduced its power for Sylphina's sake, since she just recently recovered from her illness ?

Megumin: Precisely ! A true master of Explosion magic can obviously adjust its destructive power. It's only natural to keep the audience in mind of they are present.

Kazuma: ... With respect to your love for Explosion Magic, and taking into account the needs of your audience... I give today's Explosion a full Hundred points !

Megumin: Thank you, thank you, thank you !

Darkness: ... Say, Kazuma, were you guys always doing this kind of stupid things ?

"Every single day. Honestly, i'm glad this lake is the spot they choose instead of the hills... All these craters are a pain to clean up."

Kazuma: Darkness, how could call this stupid ? You're saying the same things as Aqua !

Megumin: Exactly! Even if it's you, I won't forgive you if you keep saying that.

Darkness: Very well, I'll accept that challenge, Megumin ! Now, bring it on whenever you want !

Megumin: Ah, wait, Darkness ! How could you take advantage of me when I can't move ?! Please stop ! Ah, no, they'll see my panties, stop pulling at my skirt ! I'll start calling you Lewdness like Kazuma does...

"... Don't look, Sylphina."

Megumin: Okay, I surrender ! I surrender, so please stop ! Kazuma, hurry up and replenish my mana with drain touch !

"... By the way, where did Aqua go ?"

Kazuma: It seems like she realized she could use the shockwave from Explosion for fishing. Lately she's always been rushing around to gather the fishes that float up after each Explosion.

"So we'll have to keep using that spot for a while..."

Aqua: Everyone, look ! It's a big haul today ! I might even consider bringing one back as a souvenir to that ill-mannered demonic black furball.

"You know, she's grown into quite the picky eater as of late. She won't eat raw fish or bland food anymore. And the other day when I got into the bathroom, I found her using Aqua's laundry as a scratching post, so... yeah, Chomusuke's growing up, I guess."

Aqua: Wait a second, what did she do with my laundry ? Why is that kid only hostile to me ?!

'... And you still can't see that it's just Wolbach in disguise... Seriously, phony Goddess...'

Aqua: ... hey, why are you looking at me with that look ? I feel like you're pitying me... Stop doing that ! And keep your hands off that fish, it's mine ! I personally gathered these fishes, so obviously the biggest one would go to me !

Megumin: Hold on, Aqua, while the one who gathered them might be you, but i'm the one who killed them. The biggest one should obviously go to the most capable in this party, me.

Sylphina: Umm, I'll give you half of my fish... I can't eat that much anyway...

Aqua: That won't do, Sylphina. Children need to eat more. Otherwise you'll end up with a nutrient-deficient body like Megumin.

Megumin: Oh, now you've said it ! Then let's use strength to decide who receives the biggest fish ! Bring it on ! Come at me whenever you want !

"... Once again, arguing and bickering like kids... Some things never change..."

Darkness: ... Thank you. After boldly proclaiming that I will protect you back then, I ended up getting saved by you again.

"... It wasn't the first time, and something tells me it won't be the last one either. Well, you did get your moment to shine this time, saved Sylphina, and even get to make Kazuma do something adventurer-like for once. So I think it's all good."

Darkness: is that so ? Then I guess i'll wait 'till you wish to tell me all these things. What kind of life you really led before you came here, where did you come from... And, while you're at it, what Chris' true identity is.

"... ... Were you awake at hat time ?"

Darkness: Of course. i'm the Crusader with the strongest defensive power and stamina in this city. How could I stay unconscious for that long ? I'm going to need to properly lecture Chris one of these days. And no whispering this time, I want to hear everything clearly.

"... You sneaky little... Looks like you do have some talent for being a thief after all..."

Darkness: Ah, it seems I like you more than I thought... I'm pretty sure i'm older than you, and a noble above that. I don't want anything to happen if it's bound to fail, but... You can forgive a little bit of teasing, can't you ?

"Well, aren't you taking the lead for once ? Not saying I don't appreciate it, however... You should watch the time and place. Look behind you."

Darkness: H- Huh ?

Sylphina: ... ... M... Mo- Mommy, sorry, I...

Darkness: W- Wait a minute, Sylphina, this is- !

Megumin: While it's fine to express your feelings... Pushing your child onto someone else to have a tryst, just how much of a pervert are you ?!

Darkness: Bu- But... That's...

Aqua: I need to let everyone know... Darkness tried to force herself on him, I need to let everyone know... !

Darkness: W- Wait, that's not it ! Well, it's not exactly untrue but... Ah, Aqua ! Get back here !

"... Real sorry about that. Not too butt-hurt about that ?"

Kazuma: Honestly ? Not really. If anything, your relationship might push Megumin to be more proactive.

Megumin: This man... !

Chomusuke: Miaaaaaw !

Aqua: Owowowowow... ! Hey, why do you only raise your claws against me ?! We've lived under the same roof for almost a year by now, isn't it about time we reached some sort of understanding ?

"Don't you know bothering a peacefully-napping cat is about as close as a death wish as you could get ? Though I'll admit, Chomusuke gained a lot of human traits recently... Asking for bath adamantly, and being so picky with food... Speaking of."

Aqua: Ah ! Stop right there ! How dare you touch my biscuits ! I hope you're prepared for the consequences of stealing a Goddess' offerings !

"It's about time you realize your nasty attitude is the reason she hates you so much. More often than not I wake up to her sleeping right next to my face. She even managed to snuggle up between me and Darkness some times, that was adorable."

Aqua: And why does that happen ? Is it because the two of you are evil spirits, so that's why you two get along so well ? Cats symbolize laziness, right ? Could it be attracted to the epitome of laziness ?

"... Hey kettle, pot called, wants to let you know you're black. Guess someone won't need their allowance anymore..."

Aqua: I- I'm sorry !

"All that Wolbach stuff didn't stick to you, didn't it ? You're way more fitting of the title Goddess of Sloth and Violence. In the end... hey, I know a goddess' powers are faith-based, but is it the same for when they get sealed ? What if you were to suddenly lose half of your abilities, can you get them back ?"

Aqua: isn't it obvious ? It's obviously still faith-based. The power of Goddesses comes from their beloved followers. By the way, even goddesses grow too, you know ? I've only stopped growing because my beauty and power are both maxed out.

"... Yeah, or rock-bottom... Oh goddess, hallowed be thy name..."

Aqua: Wait a minute, are you praying to this cat ?! If you wanna pray, do it to me !

Chomusuke: ... ... Nyaaaaa.

"Hey there. 'Guess even a fallen Goddess can enjoy being recognized... if I tell anyone about this, she'll get exorcised right away... I suppose i'll have to act as her lonesome follower for a while...'. Sorry, you were saying ?"

Aqua: Gh... How dare you act all dignified with that furball on your lap like that ?! And why does it seems so content ?!

Megumin: i'm back... Wuah, how could my familiar be sleeping in such a place without any consideration for its master who's busy outside ?! It's been getting way too picky about food recently too. A willful demon like that deserves punishment !

Chomusuke: Nyaaaaargh !!

"... ... Speaking of punishment, I don't remember seeing darkness or Sylphina recently... Where are they ?"

Megumin: Oh, I think she went to the guild. Something about a toast for Sylphina's recovery.

"Huh. Gonna check things out, since they are likely to get... Interesting."

Adventurer: Mommy !

Darkness: You think you can make fun of the nobility and they'll just take it lying down ?! Stay right there ! I'll kill all of you !

Adventurer: Mommy, why are you angry ? I'm hungry, mommy ! Give me boobie- Gaaaargh !!

"Ah, good to see I was once more perfectly right. Darkness, please watch you vein right here, you might get an aneurysm too."

Darkness: Stop poking my temple and help me strangle them to death !!

Aqua: Come on, darkness, acting so violently during a party is against etiquette, you know ? Look at everyone having fun. Is it really so hard to read the mood ?

Darkness: ... A- Aqua is telling me to read the mood...

Adventurer: Heh. Mommy ! I need your help collecting ingredients for my cure, so boobie- ah, wait, ow ow ow ow !!

Darkness: If you want boobs so much, why don't you use your own ?! Here, I'll squeeze them for you !!

Adventurer: Stop ! Lalatina-chan, stop ! You're tearing them off !!

Aqua: There's a child here, so stop screaming about boobs this and boobies that ! Megumin's mood is getting worse, so let's put a stop to all this boob talk right here !

Megumin: You're the one who said it the most, aqua ! And i'm not in a bad mood, don't make it sound like I have a complex about my breasts !

Sylphina: Th- Thank you very much, everyone. i've recovered thanks to you...

Aqua: Right, it's Darkness' treat, so let's drink 'till we drop ! i'm in a good mood today, so let me show you my special party trick !

"... ... Just pass the bill to me once they're done..."

Darkness: Uuu, I feel like I always end up getting teased whenever I visit the adventurer's guild recently... Just why did it end up like this... ?

Drunkards: Boobies ! Boobies ! Boobies !

Kazuma: Alright, cut it out !!

"Kazuma ? Didn't expect you to stand up for tha-"

Kazuma: Her boobs belong to only him !

"... I'm holding him still."

Darkness: Die !!

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