Chapter 125: Divine Retribution

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Chris: hey, Lowly assistant, is this really the castle of an evil aristocrat ? Between the door and the hallway, I can't help but feel like this place is more suitable for a general of the Demon King's army...

'if only you knew, Eris... if only you knew...'

Kazuma: Well, it's not really inaccurate to call him an evil aristocrat, but... In any case, if we don't retrieve a certain item that this lord has in his possession, the life of the girl will be at risk. That hasn't changed.

Darkness: It's just as Kazuma said, Chris. The goal of this mission is to bring back the ingredient we need to brew the antidote. Just focus on that, Chris... Really please don't lose your head here

Chris: Hey, what's wrong ? Why are you warning me so many times ? Just what's behind this door ?

"... He's probably waiting for us. So let's not wait any more time and charge in !"


Zereschrute: ... Welcome, mysterious intruders ! I'm sure tou are well aware of what this place is Fufu, you mysterious intruders who i'm meeting for the first time !

Kazuma: Dammit, he knows who we really are !

"What are the odds... But that just means we don't have to hide anything anymore."

Chris: ... Hey, lowly assistant, what do I do ? Is this what you were repeatedly warning me about , It's impossible ! There's no way I'd be able to attack something this cute ! Just no way !

"Don't tell me you're being swayed by the penguin costume ?!"

Kazuma: Hey, Chris, don't let your guard down ! It may look cute, but there's something truly horrific hiding inside ! Our goal is to get a fragment of his nail ! His nail is a vital ingredient in creating the antidote to Colorin disease !

Chris: ... Nails that are used in the creation of the antidote to the Colorin disease...

Darkness: Oh yeah, Chris, use bind to restrain Lord Zereschrute ! I'll block all his fierce attacks with my body !

Zereschrute: Ah ! As expected of the intruder who looks just like a certain Shield of this country ! Your resolve is admirable indeed ! But how long can a mere human withstand my true strength, I wonder... ?


Zereschrute: GYAAAAAAA ?! Wait, don't- !!

"What the hell, Chris ?! Don't jump him like that ! Use Bind, Bind !! We only need a piece of his nail, don't kill him !"

Chris: H- hey, second assistant, what are you doing ?!

"What am I doing ? What are you doing ?! That should be my line ! Did you forget what we came here for ?! We need his nail ! How do you expect to retrieve a nail if you kill him ?!"

Chris: Oh, right ! We need to remove one of his nails before killing him !

Zereschrute: W- What's with this berserk Little kid ?!

Chris: I'M A WOMAN !!

Zereschrute: Who cares if you are a guy or a girl ! Is that a magic dagger ? Or is it a cursed item ? I can feel an extremely strong bloodlust towards devils emanating from that dagger ! Just touching it causes me to go numb !

Chris: I would prefer to say that it has received a divine blessing ! This is a powerful dagger specifically enchanted to deal with devils like you !

Zereschrute: You crazy girl ! Why do you have such a strong hatred for devils ?!

"Ah, he's reaching for the zipper ! He's trying to reveal his true body ! Don't let him !!"

Kazuma: I'll restrain him with Bind ! Big Boss, can you cut off the tip of his flippers ?!

Darkness: Don't worry about me ! Restrain him along with me !

"... Kazuma, we're short on options. We have no choice there, it's go big or go home !"

Kazuma: Bind !!

Zereschrute: Gh ! Y- You little... !

Darkness: Ah ! ... Ah !

"... Why tentacles ?! What has all of this devolved into ?! Stop that ! You stop that right now !!"

Chris: lowly assistant, this devil is really disgusting !

"Then hope you don't see what's inside that suit, it's even more disgusting !! ... But that begs the question, where are his nails anyway..."

Chris: Darkness, please hang in there for just a while longer ! I'll get his nails !

Zereschrute: AAAAAAH !! Curse you !! Would you stop using this dagger ?! You little... !!

Darkness: H- hey, the only things tentacles are allowed to attack are crusaders ! This has been a rule since ancient times !!

"Stop making things worse, dammit !!"

Chris: ... darkness, we have it ! The nail of a devil ! Lowly assistant, how long do you think your bind will last ?

Kazuma: I- I put my all into that Bind, so it probably will last for quite some time...

Chris: Darkness ! I'll cut that wire with my dagger, so hang on !

"... I think that's the special Mythril alloy wire Kazuma commissioned..."

Chris: Aaaah, come on, why ?!

Darkness: Chris, I'll be fine ! More importantly, the three of you, take that nail and go ! Don't worry, the Count knows who I am. He might vent his frustration on me, but he won't kill me ! Forget about me, hurry up and go !

Chris: ... If I stab it with this dagger...

"The more you stab it, the more tentacles things he will be able to bring out ! Just listen to her and go bring the carriage over ! We'll deal with this."

Chris: Assistants ! Darkness ! Hang in there ! I'll be back very soon !

"... Kazuma, is time for that ?"

Kazuma: Yeah. Darkness, I don't care which one, just pull one of your hands out of his suit ! I'll take this chance to pour Aqua's juice down the hole !

"Why did you have to phrase it like that, seriously ?!"

Darkness: I- I got it. But you shouldn't force yourself to stay ! Hurry up and go ! Even I won't be able to hold out against such a strong opponent for long... !

Zereschrute: Wha- Stop ! What is this ?! It hurts ! My body is melting !!

"Do me a favor and just try to move ! I'll blast your bloody head clean off ! Darkness ! Show me your resolve ! Show me that your stamina will not lose to any devil !!

Darkness: leave it to me ! Now, Lord Zereschrute, we might have lost to you this afternoon, but allow me to show you my true power !

Zereschrute: Hey, why is this girl feeling elated ? Is she crazy ?! She's crazy ! She must be knocked in the head somewhere !

"You have no idea..."

Chris: Lowly assistant, Senpai's at the orphanage, right ? I have, you know... Something urgent to attend to...

Kazuma: Alright, we'll pass your regards to everyone. You really helped us out, Big Boss.

"Though, we probably could've done without you snapping halfway through..."

Chris: Hehe... yeah, I'll be going now... Make sure this girl doesn't push herself too hard. And... It'd be nice if I could tell her my true identity someday...

"You should be glad she fell unconscious before you came back as Eris and give Zereschrute such a divine whoop-ass. Like, even I thought you were going hard down on him. Who would've thought the kind and benevolent Eris-sama would be that scary when she's mad ?"

Chris: ... he may be a devil, but he didn't commit any evil deeds. So I spared him from being erased from this world.

Kazuma: After consuming through countless of his lives. How eager he was to get out of his suit, then crawled back in the moment he saw you...

Kazuma: Heeey, we brought back the ingredient we need ! Hey, Aqua, please see to Darkness' wounds ! Is Sylphina still...

Sylphina: Welcome home, mommy !!

"... Huh ? How is she so... Energetic... ?"

Darkness: Ah, aah, aaah !!

"Well, darkness seems to be pretty happy, so I guess it's a good thing, but... Kazuma, roll call for weird things here, please..."

Kazuma: Uhh... Aqua under a futon surrounding by offerings ?

Aqua: Oh, you're back ! Come and see how energetic these children are !

Kazuma: Vanir carrying a child on his back, Wiz slightly translucent and lying on the floor, Megumin collapsed lifelessly over one of the tables...

Megumin: You're back... Welcome home...

"We did manage to bring back the ingredients, but what happened here to make such a horrible scene ?

Megumin: well... This is the result after Aqua got serious and repeatedly cast her healing magic trying to save the children. They were given far more vitality than needed to beat the disease, and ended up far more energetic than anyone expected. As you can see, the results are...

"... Please don't tell me we went so far and did all that for nothing..."

Vanir: Fear not, dear associate, for your sacrifice to monsters of your past has not been in vain, now that all the ingredients have been assembled. If it weren't for this woman's efforts, most of the children in the orphanage would've been half-dead by now. That muscle lady's daughter might look healthy, but her body is still in a dreadful state, so it's best to start brewing immediately. If it weren't for this woman, you would've been cutting it close... hey, storekeeper, it's your turn to shine !

Megumin: Great work, all of you ! Leave the rest to the number one genius of the Crimson Demons. Don't worry, I spent many nights studying the recipe !

Megumin: That's wrong. You need to put this in first. I learned that in school, so there's no way I could be mistaken !

Vanir: Nonsense ! The knowledge of devils is the most accurate thing in this world ! You can't go wrong with following Moi's instructions... Hey, you trouble-making woman, what did you just put in ?!

Aqua: Don't get in my way, you strange devil; What I just added is the Axis cult's Aqua water. With that, the effectiveness of the antidote will be massively boosted.

Vanir: Why ? Why do you always do something unnecessary ?! Actually, what would you do if you accidentally touched the potion as it's about to be completed and turned it into water ?! Hurry up and get lost, you goddess of misfortune !

Wiz: everyone, as the owner of the magic shop, my recipe is obviously correct. Don't worry, there aren't any mistakes, so just follow my instructions !


Kazuma: I don't care what you guys do, just hurry it up !!

"... ... let me guess, they're all bickering in there ?"

Kazuma: And what are you doing yourself ?

"Oh, just preparing in case I need to go get another nail if the mess up..."

Kazuma: ... Yeah, we have two "Lords of Brutality" now...

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